Working on a music video

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by incognito, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. incognito

    incognito Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2011
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  3. annabolika

    annabolika Newbie

    Mar 4, 2012
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    first of all: a very good job! i especially like the animation in the chorus.

    regarding the video it is not very clear why the dj is standing alone on the street.
    i would somehow manage that the singer and her friends meet him in...

    musically i would prefer a bigger chorus. cou could add a 2nd voice, some adlibs or dry out the parts before.

    good luck
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I think perhaps her in couple of different outfits might mix it up a bit.. and I agree with the previous poster, not sure how the DJ (I assume that's you) ties in? :dunno:

    lastly.. some studio shots\clips would def. be a big help and.. I think, the dark roots showing thru, isn't a good thing.. Shes a pretty girl, She should look.. prettier? Especially in a potential break out vid.

    The animations are spot on, dont change at all.. imo...also.. I miss the giggle at the end.

    Don't leave anything unfixed...or have any regrets.

    Not bad tho, overall... Congrats on one of the best projects I've see in a while..and best of luck mate! :thumbsup:

    PS. what camera did you shoot it with?
  5. dway

    dway Newbie

    Dec 19, 2011
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    She looks boring as hell, she's walking like she couldn't care less about the beat or moving to it, all that body and looks and stiff as I don't know what :rofl:
  6. psyfactor

    psyfactor Newbie

    Oct 13, 2011
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    looks really professional

    personally i would not use money shots of the gear brand, you could probably scrub to black the numark logos etc in post.
    she dances in the last 5 seconds after the music has stopped, needs to dance more during the song!
    i would drop the train graphic, but keep the others.
    get rid of the record covers , just have the lp already out of the cover while handling it, maybe flip it or flourish it onto the record player, it just looks a bit stiff.
    if you aint gunna move more to the beat while on the decks, take off the headphones and use one pinned between head and shoulder!
    could have used a shallower depth of field on the shots with boring backgrounds.

    just an opinion of course, take from it what you will
  7. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Agreed with what's been said above...would add that the light is too hard for night scenes and yeah the girl is kinda boring in her way of walking.
    Show here the video of Jordin Sparks "One Step At A Time"

    Also the animated typography is really cool.

    You should think of a way to tighten it with real life footages...

    - Maybe remove the color background behind them,
    - Add depth of field to make them realistic (as said above on main characters but especially on animations)
    - Apply tracking with the girl and other street elements
    - Play with the frame rate to add some fancy
    just suggestions tho cuz it's already better than the average music video on youtube
  8. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I agree with a few things above. I guess you also do so I won't repeat them.

    But... I thought it was frickin awesome and would just finish it and be happy.

    There will ALWAYS be something you want/wish to do, so just put the thing to bed and let people enjoy the tune/video.
    Unless you are going for "video of the year" award :)

    I love the candid shots where she is just having fun with the people.
    Love the animation at 2:52 (corner flip)and all the other animations.
    Like the footage of the dude at 3:02
    And the dj, seems a bit random, but I like random and weird.
    And the main focal point, the singer. She looks amazing, looks natural on camera (very hard for lots of pro singers) and kept my interest during the video.

    9/10 buddy. Get the damn thing finished and get those Youtube hits pumping!!!
  9. incognito

    incognito Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Hey Guys!
    Thank you sooo much for all the suggestions and kind words. I am taking into consideration EVERYTHING you said. I will re-post the video once it's done!
    One Reason, the giggle will be back! :) We've used Canon 5D.

    Thanks a million everyone!!!
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    The more I watch this, the more it seems.. to me.. that the young lady isn't too comfortable.. lets say.. moving?... to me, she seems unnatural

    I think for maximum impact on the release of this.. some dance should be introduced..even if its just a few seconds of choreographed moved that play to the beat and melody of the song.

    Could be as simple as paying a local dance teacher or choreographer to drill some moves into her head.. Even the walking could be done more, lets say.. naturally, sexy.

    She seems a bit awkward... and I think its the main thing that stands out negatively to me.. the only unpolished main item

    Anyway, just some further observations from me, You know I love the song... and I think with some improvement you could have success in your hands. :thumbsup: :mates:
  11. incognito

    incognito Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Thanks One Reason!
    I guess I'll have to go through the footage and see if I can find anything better. Thank you for the time you took to write these comments.
    I know you mean well, buddy! You've been a great supporter from day one! :) I really appreciate all your help!
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