Is there any controller to write Midi in FL Step Sequencer?

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by hbss, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Hello fellas!! What's good?

    It's been a few weeks i've been looking for something quite simple but also hard to find. I would like to buy a controller that allows me to write midi in the FL step sequencer in order to use it as a groove machine.
    Just to clarify, would like to be able to write notes here, meanwhile the loop is playing:

    I've seen that Push (1 and 2) do this exact funcion with Ableton but don't want to move to Ableton since I don't really like it.
    Novation Launchkey seems to have good Fl studio integration but is more for launching clips other than writing midi, right?
    A good controller would make my workflow waay better.
    Thanks for your help and time.
  2. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I guess you mean Launchpad, right?
    If all you want is place notes in a sequence (i.e. toggling sequencer note positions on or off), then Launchpad could do the job.
    The 64 buttons would just be enough to control 4 instruments with 16 steps each, like your screenshot shows.
    Make sure FL Studio sends USB-MIDI feedback to illuminate the LEDs at the active step positions.
    Like here: FLS Launchpad Step Sequencer
  3. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Hi there, thanks for your quick answer. Seems interesting, but as i figured before is "performance oriented", in the video you posted, fl studio is in "performance mode" and couldn't find any way to map the launchpad to the normal step sequencer.
    The main idea is not using it for lives, but using it as a Push in Ableton, to forget about the computer screen and focus on the music. It might seem wierd but the daw distracts me sometimes and makes me forget good ideas haha.

    Thanks a lot for yor time.
  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I've been thru the midi data from fl studio, and the step sequencer has no on/off message interpreter.

    I have a akai mpc by accident and settled with this
  5. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    This may sound strange, but have you thought about the electrbe 2. You can use it as a midi controller. Here's a link to a reddit post

    It has it's own synth engine, so you don't even need to turn the computer on. Once you get to know it a bit, it's really quick to get ideas down, and you can make full tracks with it. It's limited to 4 bars though which is a bit of pain if you want to put in long progressions. If you have too many poly instruments playing at the the same time, or you go heavy on the fx you will get some voice stealing, although you do get some happy accidents with that sometimes. It has key and chord function for the pads. One cool thing you can do is record a pad through the 4 bars then go to the sequencer and mute steps for some interesting custom gate effects.

    Now the limitations like the 4 bars has meant a lot of people have bought them are disappointed about this limit and the fact there's no song mode ( there is a live event record though) and are selling them, so there are loads of hardly used ones on the market.
  6. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Well thnx everyone for the help, seems that by now i'm staying with my mouse click click.

    Good night
  7. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Yep, there are workarounds for this type of thing. But they depend on the mapping capabilities of the daw and hardware in question. There isn't a super simple answer to this one. A lot of maybe's and a couple of yes's. But mostly it's compromises.
  8. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    AFAIK the FL step sequencer is not allowing any midi imput by now. Yes maybe there are workarrounds but my main interest is making music not writing xml files and fixing crashes. I'm on the 11 th version and runs like a charm. I feel the need for something more organic, less screen focused...
    Tomorrow a close friend will let me try this push 1 + ableton. I'm afraid of liking it too much.
    I'll keep you informed anyway.
  9. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Your best bet would be a MIDI step sequencer plugin! Makes you more independent from FLS functionality.
    Like B-Step for example. You can use it both standalone or as a MIDI plugin in FLS, remote-control it with your launchpad and control much more than just on/off step switches. :wink:
  10. Gwai-Lo

    Gwai-Lo Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Have you checked out Arturia made "Sparkle" Controller including the "Spark 2" software? You are able to sequence Patterns (4 banks of 16) that have up to 64 steps for each of the 16 pads.

    Your workflow options do include your requested looping technique with No need to look at a monitor. You are also capable to send midi and/or audio to FL directly from the sequencer and/or pads. Meaning you are capable of building loops inside the vst and/or FL (as long as FL can arm a midi clip to record like say Ableton can.) Regardless in VST Sequencer function the same way your trying to make FL do anyways.

    You can also just as easily drag and drop each pattern from vst into FL as midi and/or Audio =). Arturia also just launched the iSpark for iPad.(cheap way to get a feel for the software and hardware if you're serious about purchasing the real thing). It is almost identical to what you'd be working with. Either way, hope this helps. Good Luck.

    PS. with the "Tune" key option selected for a desired pad, the 16 step keys function as pitched up or down from center so you can rock your samples/synth too.. The automations can also be recorded to the midi etc etc etc. sparkle-image.png
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  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I agree this is an even better option because you can do most sequencing on the controller, and it works well and it's fun.
    I have used it myself.
    But it's not FL Studio, and Spark is really quite different. :dunno:
  12. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Wow, thank you so much guys.
    All the gear you mentioned made me rethink a bit my workfklow possibilities.
    By now im gathering info, watching tutorials and so on.
    My experience with push 2 has been awesome too. It's incredible what that small piece of hardware can do, by now the best experience testing gear for live purposes. But again, I would rather to keep in Fl. Too used to the integrated plugs.

    Have you ever switched to Ableton? The change would be worth it?

  13. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    As someone who has owned a SparkLE from the beginning, I can safely say: don't listen to this advice. The software is buggy as all get out and can be quite limiting. Not really what you are looking to do.
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  14. Gwai-Lo

    Gwai-Lo Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Army of Ninjas, I truly know where your coming from and I wont deny your claims. I have been so close to tossing that thing out the window many times. I often witnessed to further my disappointment, the rather non existent customer service Arturia has. However through hours of lost production time, I have resolved how to avoid or prevent many of the major hair pulling bugs Spark2 users experience. Only in that way I feel no guilt suggesting to OP to take look into it.
  15. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Well, that's about how I was using it: Use it for what it is. Like I said, there's no comparison to FL Studio and today, I don't look back, although the included instruments, the modular synth and the SparkLE controller are fun indeed.

    For me: Yes, definitely!
    If you like pattern-based composition, imho it's the best you can get, because you can use it in so many different ways and controller support is great.
  16. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Hey, thanks for all your gear suggestions.
    I appreciate, but by now my time making music is so tight that starting over with a full hardware solution would slow me down, probably. So after checking out that Arturia monster... Doesen't seem what i was looking for.

    Thanks a lot anyway
  17. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    i know that apc40 (original) is supported by FL midi send. but however... I bought apc40 mkII and it does not receive midi send :suicide: unsupported. so, definitely check FL hardware list for the Specific model of hardware first

    btw, I switched because of that oversight. they blamed Akai, for not having sent them a mkII
  18. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i know this is over year old but have you tried IL remote for ipad/iphone/android phone or tablet, it could be just what you're looking for
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