Cubase Pro 8 on a 4k screen.

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Von_Steyr, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Anyone using it like this guy in the video,it opens up the view for faster work,though im not so sure about the text,might be too small.
  3. luki3

    luki3 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I would like more for the sound then the gfx. This tells me the audio software has peaked. all the engineers tell you to use your ears not your eyes. next it will be 8k 16K 32K. they should put more into the sample rates so you can write @ 1920000 with ease.
  4. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i use a 4 K Philips 40" Monitor with CUBASE 8.5 pro, its def too small, even on 40". totally impossible to use with 24"-27" and 4 k in my opinion.
    We need any window or plugin scalable in Cubase. I have ROLAND System 1 with plugin which has a 200% screen, which is very good.
    Omnisphere 2 is too small. Omnisphere should have a 200% option, too .
    The Cubase mixer is great on my screen i can have the double width size than any 1920pix
    HD monitor (=3840 pix) and full height 1080 pix. Same for the Track area....
    here a screenshot (click on + symbol to have full resolution)
    the Roland SYTEM1 plugin is at 200%, Retrologue has no zoom or scaleability..

    I hope this helps to have a first impression, again, the Screensize is 40" (abt 4x 24" monitors) and its not expensive i paid abt 650 Euros. Here a German Test
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I can say it is totally useless, with the current versions we have. The original Cubase UI, even at standard resolutions, already have ultra tiny elements.
    For example, I would like to talk to the sadistic pervert masochist steinberg employee WHO HAS CHOSEN AND HAS DECIDED the size of the previous /next preset buttons, and would like to ask him WHY he hates the human race so much, to the point of IMPOSING those microscopic previous/next buttons/arrows, that must be like 3 pixels big. Specially when there are lots of free space on that window, enough to have great nice BIG ICONS, that we use/click thousands of times in just a few hours.

    How can the dozens employees, developers, testers, QA, support, etc, ACCEPT TO WORK with such microscopic elements? DO the guys at steinjerg use the same version as their customers? I don't think so.

    Now, at 1440p, those icons already require patience, precision, and 20 years of fps gaming and experience, to be able to aim, and CLICK them.
    At 4k, there is only one solution to the problem : buying another daw, like studio one pro 3, uninstall cubase, and live a happy life.

    In one year or 2, when all the major daws will already have a scalable vector-based interface, like FL studio 12, and users will be all happy, using their favorite audio app with the user interface they love and dream of, with everything resizable, from text, buttons, windows, etc, for the best COMFORT as possible, to reduce the eye fatigue, etc etc, while using that fantastic 4K monitor, or even 5k (apple), or probably, even higher, like the future 8k apple monitors..

    during that time..

    we, cubase users,

    WILL BE crying, begging on our knees, ready to sell our liver, lung or testicles, (left testicle= 1 free e-licenser dongle, right testicle = free padshop pro update, both testicles = 1 Not-for-resale Wavelab Elements V17 Upd) , even accepting to beta-test some special next-gen fire coats inside some giant bosch/siemens 4K ovens (99% yield, capable of reaching 4'000 degrees in 4 seconds),
    ..users will have posted a total of 200'000 comments,
    .. 1999 users had to start using goggles,
    .. 150 users will have committed suicide, after an overdose of Xanax and temesta, that were taken to calm down the frustration and anxiety generated any time they had to load the next preset and click on those 3-pixels-long icon,

    and after those millions requests to SIMPLY AND JUST give us bigger preset icons, feature that users would be OK to pay 100 euros for,

    by 2018,

    when cubase users finally hope their requests will have been heard and analyzed (like the Audio-Bounce feature that got implemented in just a few weeks after the first requests), and hope to see those fantastic shiny new next/previous preset buttons ON THE NEW *Cubase Pro XL v16 ' +1M cds sold Top Edm Producer' Version*

    Actually, nothing will have change. Because

    - steinberg is german, and refuse to implement a feature just because a bunch of guys want/need it. If it's NOT THEIR own idea, then, the idea is rotten and useless, and they will never implement it, never. Why would they 'listen' to people, obey and implement whatever feature they want? Steinberg doesn't need customers. It's the customers who do need steinberg . Therefore, users should remain silent, and accept whatever features they may decide to implement or not. And thank the Lord for each new update.
    Because, hey, tone3 doesn't obey their users. Neither do dou-she. Or synapse. Or adolf. So why would steinberg have to listen to customers, those spoiled little crybabies that always want this and that stupid feature?

    About the 4k interface, scalable UI, etc, for sure, steinberg have conducted an internal survey. And after 20 brainstorming meetings, after discussing 150 hours with all the developers, after asking the interface team, after asking the QA guys, after several beta versions, after multiple tests and benchmarks with the competition products, and after being told by the senior devs that it could easily be done, and after having the 'go' from the investors,
    steinberg finally decided to follow the advices from the electrician, the WC cleaner AND the kebab delivery guy, WHO SAID having a scalable and resizable interface for the 4k displays WASN'T important at all.
    And SO the scalable UI project was definitely abandoned.

    there you have. Now, you know how your user feedback is so important and can totally shape an user interface, at steinberg.
    And you know how decisions are made, and how important a kebab can be.

    don't forget you can even request help, by using the vst connect App, to send 4-seconds video to the support guys. Of course, you need to have the 'Pro' update .

    *pro tip* you can record your request, and time-stretch it 15 times faster. They will then slow it down 15 times, and you will have said 15 times more words.
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  6. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i bet if the professionals see my 40" monitor with scaleable windows ala FL12 they will all go for it.
    No one uses shitty Laptop resolutions anymore like 1280 or 1366. it seems that the cubase design was made for 1280, max 1366. Even 1920 is a bit small, if you see retrologue in my screenshot vs the possibility of Roland plugin at 100%, 150% or, what i showed to demonstrate in the screenshot 200%. Its a MUST feature for all plugin windows. Native Instuments the same problem...

    I agree to woualas sarcastic agruments. I use Steinberg since Atari. They are a very ignorant company to the real needs of users... Instead of developing the real advantage they come with some fancy shit no one really uses or needs, because 3rd party companies do a better job.
    I compare them to Microsoft and the useless Internet explorer, Mediaplayer etc.. its a marketing idea, no serious approach.
    We buy Cubase as DAW. Not as replacement for synths or samplers or gazillion efx plugins.
    Steinberg has to implement scaleable windows and a better windowmanagement asap.

    Its a bad joke when pluginwindows disappear, when u click somewhere on the screen, Greg Ondo from Club Cubase showed it in the last session, he completely lost focus on what window is active . I alwas feel sorry for him watching his attempts to show us new Cubase features and he gets lost in the menus...and this guy is the official USA Steinberg representative.
  7. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    yea, I agree with everything's deffinitly too small on 4k
    (I am using it with 27" 1440p and it's ok, would say it's a super ratio... though on a verge to be too small. )

    ...and yea, cubase development is a joke, I bet steinberg team is laughing at us every single day...
  8. thickchez

    thickchez Kapellmeister

    May 13, 2015
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    You can see a lot more, because it's a bigger screen
  9. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    When 4K becomes industry standard (currently it's not, technical minded people will know why) we will see more and more developers make use of it but ... you maybe waiting a while.
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  10. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Lol at that retrologue window at 4k :)

    As a +15 y Cubase user,
    What really pisses me off the Most,
    Is the fact that steinberg were the ones who invented asio, vst, and many other technologies.
    By 2016, they should be the 'avant-garde ' of the industry, and should be coming up with fresh new ideas ALL the time.
    But instead of leading, they are followers. Poor proud followers. Their fuking German pride dictates all their development process, to the point that THEY PREFER not having an ultra important feature all the other daws have, AT ALL, for the sake of NOT COPYING IT, I stead of doing like all the other companies, that pick the best features from here or there.

    Is it a surprise that 90% of the tutorials, YouTube videos, or courses, from groove3, adsr, etc, instructors ARE USING Logic, Studio One3, ableton Live, or even FL STUDIO?

    YEAH, no one gives a crap about steinberg. Of course, eddie tonneick, Hans Zimmer, and 95% of other german guys LOVE and WORSHIP steinberg.

    Many bad decisions in the past forced them to go with Yamaha. And today, they keep making the same errors. An example :
    - should we sell those cmc controllers that cost us less than 20 euros, at 50-70 euros max, or should we sell each unit at 150 euros?
    Sure, let's go for the 150 euros. People love our company, and will buy 3 packs of 6, 1 for the neighbour, one for the dog, one for us.
    Result: what could have been a tremendous success (I personally would have bought 5 cmc units, if they were cheaper), became a true joke and the materialization of the word 'greed'

    Also, in a world with 20 or 30 different daws and audio editors, with hundreds of different USB controllers, more than ever it is important to reach as much people as possible. Of course, they tried to mimic the all-proprietary avid stuff...and made the cmc cubase-nuendo compatible exclusively . Only steinberg aren't exactly Avid, cash wise.

    2 errors, among others, that killed a fantastic idea and product.

    So yeah, instead of being the leaders, they miserably follow.
    Apple slowly impose their laws. At 170 euros, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for a Mac user, to not buy Logic pro X. Impossible.
    As a cubase user, or even if I had studio one pro, bigwig or whatever daw, if I had a mac, I would still purchase logic X. Obvious, right?

    Native instruments Stems are the best HUGE thing. Once that feature takes off, live mixing will forever change.

    In German, Audiounits means 'fuck you steinberg and your vst format you can stick deep inside'
    If apple wants, they only need to offer a few millions to the major daw companies, and those will only focus on AudioUnits, and will slowly abandon the vst format.

    It's time for a vst 4.0 standard, with great innovative features, standard techniques everybody should use, vector-based gui's mandatory for all vst plug-ins, dialog between multiple instances, precise cpu display PER core/thread/handle, so users can see how much cpu this or that plug-in is using... among many other features. But instead, right now, steinberg have other concerns, and must be thinking and analysing IF THEY SHOULD INCLUDE the new wavelab 9 plug-ins management window IN CUBASE 12, OR CUBASE 14, BY 2021.

    I give it 2 years for the vst standard to stop existing, and be replaced by a new standard. A standard that will live in 2016-2020, and will adapt and support tomorrow's tools.

    because if the industry must count on steinberg to have new features and standards, and support all the next things... they are screwed !
    because now, steinberg only do things they can directly benefit from, things that suit them and their software.

    Once leaders. Today, followers.
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  11. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    I disagree. We are talking about professionals who use software like Cubase, not everyday joe. Professionals tend to be ahead of the curve and adopt things before they become "industry standard".

    For what Cubase costs, there is no excuse not to have a proper scalable GUI these days.
  12. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    It's really advantage for available workplace, but is bad for eyes. So now choose, what is more important or less demanding for your health.
  13. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    wouala its not abt them being German, i know what i talk abt, i am a businessman and sales person too, for 35 years, its abt wrong management decisions. Its more like the "steve jobs vs wozniak" effect. Some stupid marketing assholes rule over real musicians in the companies.
    Same happens in Natine Instruments and Ableton.
    I would say Germany has the best Music software companies in the world, you should know this. What i dont understand, why they dont unite more.
    If i was Steinberg i would have bought or united with Meldodyne at least 5 Years ago or so when YAMAHA took over Steinberg.
    Also i would have tried to get smaller companies like Sugarbyte and U-HE + Klanghelm to work in a close alliance with them.
    DONT take over the companies, but support them with money and worldwide marketing. Just listen to the Forums and Customers...and get rid of the "Steve Jobs person" in Steinberg/YAMAHA ...
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  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i use 1366 and its enough for the music genre i do, for example i hate all these oversized plugins like roland, they are useless on my display.
    i agree its a must have feature for plugins, when its standard.
    the roland skin looks kind of pixelated in scaled form.
  15. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i showed the Roland Plugin at 200% (several different zoom modes in options) , at least its a solution to read easily cuz i watch in abt 60 cm Distance, the Retrologue has absolutely no zoom, its 1:1 and u can see its nearly impossible to read in 4 k.

    I did this screenshot on purpose to just show the difference and hlp the people understanding the problem in case they decide for a 4 K monitor. At least use a larger screen then, like the one i have at 40".

    There are lots of 27"or 28" with 4 K resolution which with my experience using 4 k for abt 1 year now, is no good solution.
    Better buy 2 or 3 27" HD 1920x1080 then , BUT u need space to use em.

    My Philps monitor runs on 60Hz! Very IMPORTANT! In 4k via Display port ( you need a graphiccard to support it) and has IP panel

    here u get an impression abt the size, the idea is using 1 large Monitor instead of 2 or 3 smaller ones.

    And once u have seen it in front of you, you would understand my decision. Paired with scaleable windows its a bargain.
    But actually with Cubase 8.5 pro i am a bit compromising, I wished they had some workaround in 8.5.
  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thank you guys for chiming in and sharing your valuable information.
    As we find out its not the 4K but the software that is a bit behind,but i think we will slowly get there.
    Until then Full HD is just fine.
  17. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    You should see what Magix Engine 2 Interface for all Best Service Synths and romplers like TITAN 2 use... At 1080p it's already unusable.
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    that engine itelf is buggy as hell and the gui is terrible too, ive stopped using because of that and they never learned about DFD for the sample stuff. the Libraries they have like Gui Zheng are good, but impossible to use that way.
  19. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah, Germany must have at least 40-50% of the world daw/plugins/vsti developers.

    You are right. I think absolutely the same. Just like did with voxengo curve, they should have bought other companies, even small ones, but with a lot of potential.
    For example, the 35$ Cream from Kirnu Arpeggiator, could have been a great addition to Cubase. I am sure, the small company would easily accept a deal like 5 euros for each Cubase license sold. Steinberg wouldn't become more poor, without those 5e, but Cubase would have gained a fantastic Arpeggiator, that would be updated to fit Cubase colors, ui, work flow, etc.

    Like the propellerheads ceo said 'we know how to code plugins.but we've noticed there are a bunch of talented guys, who can code plugins as well '. And there we have, the rack extensions.

    Maybe something went bad with voxengo, and they stopped their deal. Maybe steingerb wanted to implement a few other voxengo plugins, but they didn't agree with voxengo keeping their colorful user interface. .. ?

    Steinberg stock plugins and instruments look so cheap, compared to all the other companies. When I look at logic stock plugins, they smell like quality. The equalizer alone, is as good as 100 or 200 euro eq's. Chorder, Arpeggiator, everything looks amazing, and begs to be used.

    Steinberg isn't even capable of adding a new fresh UI, to those old plugins.if we take the compressor plug-in, at 1440p or above, it is as small as 2 20cts euro coins put side by side.
    I love cubase, but start hating steinberg more and more, each day. Hell, a junior designer could easily create 4 or 5 plug-in interfaces for cubase stock plugins, in just 2 days. 100-150 euros, is what it would cost steinberg, to have someone create 4-5 different skins/interfaces, for all the stock plugs. 1 0 0 fucking euros. But no.we must survive with those tiny windows, interfaces, and microscopic preset buttons.

    While talking about presets,

    Why the hell, when we want to load a preset, we have to have that SLOOOOOW preset window, that always takes 2-4 seconds to open, even with a ssd, ultra fast cup and tons of memory.?
    Steinberg, is it so complicated, to give users a standard pop-up menu, with the 10 or 20 recent entries, 'save', 'load', 'open preset browser'.? This feature should have been implemented already on cubase sx 1.let alone 8 or 8.5!
    Again, they created a poll, and voted to keep the big preset browser.

    And while the other companies team up with some big guys, like melodyne integration , additive keys, camel audio alchemy, cytonic, maxdsp, alicia's keys, and many many others,

    Steinberg is there, hiding behind their fking elicenser dildo, no new app purchases, no evolution, no great updates, no innovative features, no new standards, nothing. They only rely on their 'pro' updates for padshop, halion, vst connect, locked behind a greedy paywall, and despite the huge fantastic competition and their products, the guys at steinberg must look into a mirror, every day, and say 'oh, we're the best, the most beautiful, the greatest, everybody is jealous and want to be like us'.

    I wonder if steinberg are aware there are at least 10 new amazing daws IN THE MARKET !

    While the other companies do their best to innovate and add all the needed features and users requests, steingerg dares updating a vsti nobody uses, change the colors here and there, add a function to duplicate an event or object. ..a few other simplistic things. ... AND THEY CALL IT A x.5 update. Those things they call a .5 version at 50 or 100 euros, other companies add even more stuff... as a x.001 simple update.

    All this because steinberg think 'oh, our users love and need us, and will worship us no matter what we do.also, we don't need any more new customers: we're already enough'.
    Meanwhile, hundreds and thousands guys are moving from Cubase tò other daws. .. we wonder why...
  20. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    I have seen many pros that work with the trusty old stuff and do not buy every new shit that is out there, because it could be the next big thing. Especially when it comes to not so necessary hardware like monitors.
  21. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    It's exactly what often happens to PC gamers: they will invest 2000 bucks on that super graphic card, new cpu, lots of ram, ssd drive...and at the end, he's only have 200 bucks left.. and he needs to buy a monitor. And so he picks a crappy monitor, often from a strange brand, with few connections, tons of lag, low contrast, high pitch, etc etc.

    Since the beginning, I was told, and I respected it, that a good quality monitor is ESSENTIAL, and should never be neglected , specially when we're going to spend a big chunk of the day in front of it.i remember saving during a few months, back in 91-94, just to be able to buy a big 21" crt monitor. What a difference, 90 or 120Hz, vs much lower refresh rates.

    I am sure many many people had to start wearing glasses, after so many hours in front of those killer monitors: back in the days, most monitors were 60Hz and lower. A 1280*1024 resolution would often mean decreasing the refresh rate, and destroy the eyes. Just to gain those 20% extra real monitor space.

    We can find lots of tutorials, guides, etc, for those who want to start making music on the box. I think it's sad, seeing those guys publishing articles where the audio interface, cpu and ram come in the first place, and reading they totally ommit the importance of having a great comfy monitor.

    That's why I will look like a psychopathic idiot asshole, with my huge posts, where I bash steinberg for ignoring such important feature.

    they could at least come here or to their forum and say something like *OK guys, we know resolution , real screen space, interfaces, and visual comfort are important for you, we can only say we're taking it seriously, and won't .et you down*

    but no. They don't give a fuk about it. Worse, on windows, anytime we change the zoom factor, for the windows interface, like 110%, 130%... Cubase interface starts glitching like crazy. No patch has corrected the issues.

    again, they don't care about their customers, and only follow their deadlines and whatever fits their business plan. I'm so sick of that behavior! So sick.

    I would like steinberg to tell me, with all the available elements, the dockable rack, font and elements/icons size, etc etc, what resolution should we been using, in order to benefit from the reworked work flow ?1080p ? 1900x1440? 2560x1440?

    monitors are ultra IMPORTANT !
    WITH big monitors come higher resolutions support. Higher resolutions mean more stuff on the screen. By the end of 2016, 27" will be the standard, as 24" cost more to build, and are sold at ridiculous low prices.
    manufacturers evolved, adapted, and give us bigger monitors. WE BUY big monitors. it's up to the developers, to build interfaces that can adapt to those sizes and resolutions. STEINBERG AREN'T doing their job, by not giving us a scalable interface. Damn, Cubase and nuendo cost 600 and 2000 euros. Buyers shouldn't have to wait for a scalable interface until 2040 !
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