Steinberg 50% off updates

Discussion in 'Software' started by KingRoy, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes I know Yamaha bought Steinberg. Gibson bought Cakewalk also. Still there development to me seems lacking. I have seen a above average CPU usage on my computer with current version. I have a 4790 k and 32 gigs of ram way more than enough for audio.

    To me they are more into GUI graphics for the making Music and not in Audio performance.

    Von_Steyr if you think you like a Dongle explain why. You know you might not see a performance issue but the contact chatter back and forth between your DAW and the dongle is taking up CPU cycles. For what?

    If software was great and reasonable I grantee you most people would buy it. Me included. I bought Cubase 7 and upgraded to 8 so far.
    Since 5.5 the System requirements has gone way up. I like Cubase but they really need to start rethinking on there computer system requirements. People just can keep upgrading there PC to make Music with every new version just to have better graphics.
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  2. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I'd rather have for 100% off.... If you know why I mean.
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  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Your arguments dont hold much water.Studio one for example doesnt have any dongles yet S1 takes 20-30% more resources than Cubase.
    System requirements.....well its hard to support windows 98 in 2016,but then again its easier to drive C8 PRO with a weak cpu like dual core than it was driving Cubase 5.
    Japanese people are technically the most advanced nation and in Japan Cubase is Nr.1 DAW,that is a fact.
    If Cubase was really a fuck up of a daw that wouldnt be the case would it?
    Facts not fairy tales for children is what counts in this world.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2016
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  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    But this should be absolutely discouraged and condemned. I always give this example: how would you feel if every software you use used a dongle? You would have to use 10 USB hubs to accommodate all of them. Your PC would look like a X-mas tree. :rofl: So, no, dongles are a terrible idea. Absolutely terrible. :sad:
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You guys worry too much about that dongle.When it put it in i know my money is safe and i can chill like a pimp.
  6. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Your augments don't hold mush water either. This is like saying OSX and Linux are worse operating systems versus Windows, Since Windows is forced down everyone throat. When all real IT guys know Windows is a real piece of crap.

    I hear that Studio one is really a beast also on CPU utilization. I really do not know if Cubase is Number 1 anymore. I know it used to be.
    I know a lot of real Cubase users are really frustrated with the new Cubase and bugs that never get fixed and and more CPU hungry applications.
    Yet new version come out every 6 months with a $ 50.00 upgrade.

    I am not saying Cubase is F' ed up it's is just not what is really should be in a day when moderen programs should be more CPU friendly.

    How do I know this, I can give you one good example. When the intel pentium CPU came out coders were really sloppy and since the cpu had cycles to spare they all felt that they could waste them them you had your pc running worse that your old X386. So you think what every you want to cause the CPU and software people will love the way you look at things. Since they are all waiting on your cash.
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Al Jourgensen would say [from "Jesus Built My Hotrod"]:

    ...So there was only one thing that I could do
    Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long

    Ding dang a dong bong bing bong
    Ticky ticky thought of a gun
    Every time I try to do it all now baby
    Am I on the run

    Why why why why why baby
    If it's so evil then?
    Give me my time, with all my power
    Give it to me all again (wow)

    Ding a ding a dang a dong dong ding dong
    Every where I go!

    In my dang a ding a ding a ding dong
    A sticky sticky son of a gun
    Ding a danga danga dong dong ding dong
    Why why never know

    Why why wack a dong a dang ding dong
    Then you take it on the bill
    Ding dang dong don't dong

    I want to love ya!

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Man idk which cubase you have been using,yes it has some bugs,but its running smoothly for me with 8.5.15.
    S1 is a beast on cpu?S1 is the worst on cpu from all daws and i didnt hear that i tested it.
    I said cubase is nr. in Japan,idk about the rest of the world and i dont really care how much any daw sells,it was just a contra argument to you who has issues with it.
    You should let that negative energy go man,its not worth it,you should dance it off.
  9. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Personally, I dislike dongles ideologically. The only benefit is not having to activate stuff after a format. But that only saves like 2 seconds lol. That said: I have a copy of Cubase Pro 8 and I couldn't be happier with it. For me, Cubase fits like a glove. It is easily my preferred DAW. It's worth the handoff imho. Of course, others will have their own opinion--and that's fine. But for me, the dongle is of little consequence when compared to the workflow I like best. Plus I scored an educational copy for beneath the cost of the distributor. No complaints here. :)
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Exactly my friend,i totally agree,couldnt have said it better.
  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Maybe you guys should also protest about usb keys,that we have to use plastic devices to transfer data,when we could do it wireless or via bluetooth,how dare they?No one will force me to use usb ports,na na,over my dead body.
    They dont force you to use it,so yea if you dont like it,dont use it,but dont trash it because its a tiny price to pay for using excellent software.
  12. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Be ready to regret your purchase !

    also, you will be asking yourself 50 times 'why, steinberg, why, can't Cubase be as modular as halion 5, with all the elements hideable, dockable, moveable, resizable, etc"...
    also, be ready to be disappointed by most sounds... they remind the first 2000 workstations , and their rather poor sound quality due to so many sacrifices while sampling files (even a modest 200 hundred sounds .library will be bigger than the +2000 halion 5 sounds ..). Halion 5 is a dead sampling toolbox, where not a single serious company will be making at least 10 new sounds for it.

    I would sell my halion 5 for a little 50 euros. It isn't worth more than that, honestly. It's halion sonic with edit mode.

    Where is the Cubase pro discount?
    Where is the wavelab discount ?

    365 days per year, not a single 1 euros off, on Cubase or wavelab.
    Curious. That reminds me a famous german developer, who wouldn't make a 1-euro discount, even if he was forced to do it to save a wife or daughter from being sent to syria.

    Oh man, if one day the elicenser is defeated, I'm gonna laugh.. but I mean really laugh. ..
    unfortunately, all the dongle solutions can't be cracked. Otherwise, a bunch of people would be using some flux or sound toys plug-ins.
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I totally agree with the sound sets,they are indeed a few years behind.They need to hire people who know their craft,although Groove Agent 4 is their best stuff although they just dont know how to approach real drum sets,its a pain to use their drum sets also Padshop Pro and Hallion could do a lot better,seems like they dont have the right people with ears in their company.
    Yep,also agree with discounts,they need to lighten up and start doing business like companies in 2016 do,discounts a few times per year.
  14. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I might feel better if mine cost as little as yours.
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  15. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Yeah definitely go for the edu version. Saves some dough. :)
  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    how do you know Cubase is #1 in Japan? or is this just guessing or an unbacked up argument?

    it sounds like you both fight with fairy tales arguments too me.

    Cubase has a few good concepts, but their are canceled out by the fact i have to use a dongle, like i already explain is just pure shit, when you are traveling and dont use it to much in the studio. And to be honest AI doesnt have to much features, because sometimes you can really go crazy with channels and land in the limitations.
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  17. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Well, dongles have, as all things do for that matter, advantages and drawbacks.

    of course, a dongle can be lost, stolen, broken or simply forgotten when on the move. and there is always this "i don't need a cop fucking my usb port on a permanent basis" :dont:

    BUT, online auth systems depend on the server availability AND very existence. If the company shuts down, you are so fuck.d up...

    At least, with a dongle you can still use the product for at least the dongle's life expectancy.

    i make video for a living and had bought a dongled software in 1984 who lasted 10 years unti i got it replaced with Cosa After Effects 1.0 (before Adobe bought it) while the company was dead long before that. What would i have done with an online authorization system? :dunno:

    >And that dongle was so big it actually could be used as a dildo...
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