Push 2 knocking out my USB M-Audio keyboard.....

Discussion in 'Live' started by Deejay_Hazy, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Deejay_Hazy

    Deejay_Hazy Newbie

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    So I am really hoping somebody here might be able to help me. Ive recently upgraded to Push 2 from Push, and whilst the old one worked with my midi keyboard no problem, this one seems to knock it out as soon as it comes online. I am running a late 2012 Model iMac, 27", 16 gig ram, fusion drive, osx 10.9.5

    For example, without Push turned on, I can turn on Ableton and play away on my M-Audio Keystation 49 no problem. As soon as I turn Push on you can play the keyboard right up until the splash screen goes and then all the midi information from the Keyboard stops. Turning the keyboard off and on does nothing. Turning Push off, and THEN turning the keyboard off and on brings it back.

    For what its worth, this is what the midi configuration screen looks like in Ableton with Push on and the keyboard not working:


    Things I have tried: Running both directly into the USB ports of the Mac, running one into the back, and into a powered USB hub (and the other way around), running them BOTH into the USB hub. All to no avail.

    I have messed around with the AMS setup, and tried loading new configurations and what not. Within AMS the items both appear no problem (they are not greyed out). Also, when I run Midi Monitor it shows signals coming from both the keyboard and Push without problem. Yet as soon as Ableton starts, thats when Push knocks out the keyboard, and Midi Monitor shows no further midi information coming from the keyboard.

    One thing I did notice is that just before the Push properly booted and stopped the keyboard it would send this message in Midi Monitor:

    "Source: From Live Port / Message: SysEx / Ch: 1 / Data Universal Non-Real Time 23 bytes."

    I have some sort of feeling that both devices are sending information on Midi channel 1 and somehow Push takes over that and knocks out the keyboard. I have googled and looked at AMS and can't seem to see a way of assigning specific midi channels to either the keyboard or to Push.

    Does ANYONE have any idea of a solution? I was so excited to get cracking into my new push/keyboard setup but right now it is just one or the other! :snuffy:
  3. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    You forget to ! PUSH the buttons? :woot: But wait a minute Say what?
  4. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
  5. Deejay_Hazy

    Deejay_Hazy Newbie

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Hi Nycdl, yeah I had heard this from some other people I had asked. Thing is, my usb keyboard is BASIC (the M-audio Keystation 49es - about as bare bones as a keyboard can be). I just recently bought a pretty fancy 4-usb 3.0 Hub for $60 that comes with a big powerpack to maybe solve this. My keyboard is _so_ basic it doesnt even have the option to BE powered! Like I said, I've tried it with Push directly into the back of the Mac (Which seems to make the most sense) and the keyboard into the powered hub, but no joy. So if it is a power issue, then I really don't know what more I can do......
  6. frabo

    frabo Newbie

    May 2, 2017
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    Hey Deejay_Hazy,
    did you ever solved this problem?
    It is a pity, that you don't look or post on ableton forum. (https://forum.ableton.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=218589)
    I have a same problem, but with a mother controller, but push2 is killing it. And I was, and still on, looking for user with this kind of trouble to "push" Ableton to solve that problem.

    If you ever get this post, and have still that problem, please post on ableton forum, or give me a feedback, if, and how you managed this.
  7. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    Maybe it needs seperate usb .
    i have old midi keyboard that i need to plug it o specific usb if not it will not work. i believe u try it , to change between usb.
    u can try Elektron OverHub i thought to buy it because i had sync prob with virus ti . access virus said that the virus need seperate usb.
    but after i saw in access forum that i can use mini host modular for the sync prob , i put the electron hub aside.
  8. frabo

    frabo Newbie

    May 2, 2017
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    I tested everything !
    The 360 problem solved by the latest driver for OS X!
    one year ago, I was in Berlin and had a date with Ableton and my Alphatrack. They found out, that definitely when live starts the Push2 scrip, it throw out other usb devices, like my Alphatrack.

    But, it is just a small group of users, maybe just me. And they decide to not have the focus on this.... :-(

    That's. why I'm so interested in other user experiences.
  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Have you contacted Ableton support about this? Admittedly I think some their support staff are not terrific, but if the first guy can't solve it they'll pass it on to "level 2 support" who are far better.

    Even if you're running a cracked Live, you should have a Live Intro license from the purchase of Push, so you can send them status reports and whatnot as long as you install intro alongside (And not over) your current install.
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