anyone help me with audio levels for production

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by mikiroberta, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. mikiroberta

    mikiroberta Newbie

    Sep 16, 2011
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    hi sorry my bad english , i'm here to get same tips how:
    because when i start same track i need to know how much audio level i need to have in master chanel to send to master

    and how much audio level i need to have to produce and mixing ....
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  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Simple answer: as much as possible without clipping.
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  4. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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  5. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Around -12dBFS at -20dB RMS
    with peaks at -6dBFS
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
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  6. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    This isn't going to answer your question with one concrete answer, but here's something to think about:

    16-bit audio (how we've traditionally delivered consumer audio for the past 30+ years) has 96dB of dynamic range. 24-bit (how most are recording/working these days) has 144dB of dynamic range.

    This isn't the analog days of crushing meters, and it's not the 16-bit days of trying to get hot as possible without clipping. With 24-bit, you've got a huge amount of extra space to work with. I see lots of people crushing their audio to death at every stage only to stick a limiter on and crush it more. Not necessary. Trying to attain a commercial CD level of loudness while working on a new track is not a good workflow.

    In other words, you can work more "quietly" than you probably think. Turn your monitors/speakers up while working on a song. When the song is finished, turn them back down and put on a reference CD at a suitable listening level. Now start working on your project again (without readjusting the volume level on your monitors!) while you try to bring your song up to an adequate level through limiting, etc.

    If you really want to get into it, look into K-Metering. No more fooling your ears with random shifts in volume. What you hear is what you get.
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  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
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  8. mikiroberta

    mikiroberta Newbie

    Sep 16, 2011
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    thanks .......
  9. Crazydrumer

    Crazydrumer Newbie

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Hello ! Here are some infos I can share.

    Audio level depends on what media you're producing for :
    - Cinema --> really strict audio calibration for mixing, then the mixer is free to do what he want.
    - Television and broadcast --> Loudness measurment and reglemantation here :
    - Radio --> everything is passed in a huge compressor ...
    - Video games --> seems that there's no laws, so it can be a sort of a loudness war.
    - Music --> No law, so Loudness War, it's sad, but we can notice that dynamic is a creative part of the music and it's a bit sad not to profit of this. ( for example if you see an orchestra and they play all the music FORTE, something looks wrong)
    - Live --> In france for example, there're rules on max momentary and long term sound pressure level. (115 dB momentary, 105 dB long term)

    It can also depends on what you're doing :
    - recording a digital audio signal at about -18dB is recommended by manufacturers in general.
    - Mixing at -18dB let you a good margin if you want to put something up or down in your mix (DAWs like reaper have a 64 bit floating point depth for computing audio so you can work in very low digital levels without problems) And if you send a mix with a 24 bit depth, at -18dB to a professionnal studio, they certainly find this pretty cool that you're respecting the dynamic.

    - Mastering in music is a different approach, your aim is not to get the highest perceived level, it would destroy your mix work. But in real life it's what's happening... So you choose your side : be a sheep and overcompress your signal, or be a wisdom sound producer and get your best sounding possible track (without regarding your out level)

    Sorry for bad english, I'm french :)

    Soundly yours !
  10. alboz

    alboz Ultrasonic

    Aug 26, 2014
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    When you start mixing,u shold not go over -6 db. ..u start with kick..kick is the dominant in a let say u put a eq and compressor on kick til u Get the sound u like..when u like what u get..set the lever of that kick to -6 db.
    Everything Else must be around that kick...when u mix everything like u like and sound good to you..

    U Gonna SEE the master channel...if u do like im saying to you...u will Get a lever around -6 db im master channel.

    So u have 6 db headroom..for mastering..u can master selv ,or u can send to a mastering studio,or i can master that for

    But remember if u savne in 32 bit.u dont Even need to CARE about levels..

    So 24 bit is standard...thats why i told u -6 db....startingpoint.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
  11. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    as loud as humanely or rather unhumanely possible, i.e. Limitless, you gotta make your listeners feel the hurt!
  12. mikiroberta

    mikiroberta Newbie

    Sep 16, 2011
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    thanks a lot :like::like::like::like::like::like::like:
  13. mejob

    mejob Newbie

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Depends if you are going to a "mastering" stage post your mix - it aint tape lol, you do not need to bash it to it's limits - also many DAW's exhibit varying "relief" to dense levels - Logic for example (for me) is shockingly constricting - but that's my opinion - others vary depending on if you adhere to gain structure.
    IS distortion you will introduce at near 0dBFS at source (without the proper precaution) will be shockingly obvious at the pointy end of the stick in the mastering room. Saying that, had several hits recorded with vocals under a duvet, dog barking in the background - on paper, a terrible system but people liked the music - if it sounds OK - trust your ears it is.

    I'm an engineer - can't master for shit - sat in Abbey Road and been blown away what their skill brings - they can't record either so don't feel bad lol, Mastering is a very specific job, and mostly undoing the over cranked 0dB stuff given to them. In my experience anyhoo, and the beardy mastering guru moaning in the pub after lol.

    Essentially (in basic form) - best practice is internally mixing in a DAW i(depending which one!) s to drop everything to -10 as your start point - don't overload internally (yes 32 bit float is great but pop a plugin in the chain that isn't and there's your restrictive point)

    In the end just listen to stuff and A/B with comparable (well mastered) material if your room isn't out of the equation. Trust the danglies on your head - they and you are right.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
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