Intel I7-4790k

Discussion in 'PC' started by Riansky, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Hello guys!

    I'm planing on upgrading my pc a bit as is starting to max out with my productions lately so I'm in an urge for a new CPU. I have to mention I'm by no means an expert with processors so yeah. I was wondering if its the Intel I7-4790k still worht buying considering its now 2years old CPU? Or should I maybe go with something more recent, like skylake technology?

    Thanks for your input!
  3. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes the newer chips are a little better but have a lower clock speed. If you want more get the 6 or 8 core.
    I have not regretted buying my 4960k. I have it water cooled and have not over clocked it yet.
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  4. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    It depends...Are you building from scratch? If so, I'd go with with the i7 6700. I would only go with the i7 6700k if I was planning on overclocking. If you're not going to overclock, the i7 6700 should be sufficient. DDR4 ram is only a couple buck more than DDR3 so you should be good.

    If you are only going to upgrade an existing motherboard that is compatible with the i7 4790k, than I would get that. Again, only get the i7 4790k if you are planning on overclocking, otherwise the i7 4790 should be sufficient.

    You may even look into the i5 CPUs. They are basically just i7s without hyperthreading. The i7s also have a slightly higher clock speed.

    Whats the specs on your current rig?
  5. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    I was doing an upgrade recently, and was weighting all the solutions. The plan was to buy a new master, and use my old machine (i7 2600k 32gb) as a slave (I use big templates for orchestral scores). Was deciding between 4790k, 6700k, or 5820k. The price difference were negligible for me so I went with the 5820k as it has more cores and it supposedly can drive more plugins. I am happy with the purchase, rock solid, although I didn't notice any performance boost from my old machine...that being said, I haven't done ANY testing between the two, and my old one is OCed to 4.2, and the new one is still on stock speeds... I should do the OC soon, and then do some tests...just to find some spare time.

    There are a lot of talk about CPU differences in terms of the core counts and the real world benefit to us musicians. If you are doing work with large sample libraries then you should watch this:

    If not, and if you use a lot of plugins, then it's possible that a few more cores can benefit you:

    All that being said... either way, a quad-core i7 CPUs are beasts, my 2600k was enough for me for 4-5years.

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  6. sham69

    sham69 Ultrasonic

    Nov 29, 2012
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    It would be usefull to know the PC specs you plan to upgrade

    You can consider I7 4790k even if you are not overclocking because it's 4 Ghz vs 3,6 Ghz for the non K version,

    the price's difference is not that big IMO, but it's up to you.

    IMO (again), the only good thing about the Skylake is the ability to handle 64 Go of RAM vs 32 GO for the older CPU like the 4790k
  7. alboz

    alboz Ultrasonic

    Aug 26, 2014
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  8. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Currently I have a crap AMD a10 6790k + 8gb of ram. So I would need to get a new motherboard as well. The budget for the CPU is around 350-400€. Might even consider getting the
    5820k mentioned above. I'm using alot of plugins like synths as its pretty much all midi driven, not much audio at all, only some samples. Other stuff comes from plugins. And using Serum and Spire already drives my cpu to the max. Looking at the specs 5820k migth be a bit better than 4790k but I know 4790k is recommended by most people really. Also I'm not getting a non k versions, I won't be overclocking but K versions are most of the time better then non k with a not big price difference.
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  9. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    If you are planning to spend 350/400 euros for the CPU only then you might want to consider Intel's latest (i7 Skylake 6700T or 6700K).

    The 6700T's advantage is that it only takes 35 Watt whereas the 6700K is a little bit faster. Your call.

  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the video it was good.
  11. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    If that is the only advantage I might consider getting 4790k for almost the same price. As I said I'm not a professional on CPU's but 4790k has better single thread rating and average cpu mark then 6700k. Even better is 5820k.
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hi. No need at 2016 for 4790k unless its dead cheap. I saw some giveaways on Black Friday @200 dlrs. At this price it is great as it is a good overclocker, better than the 6700k. At normal price and talking about 4 core chips, the Skylake 6700k though is a better deal because it's a DDR4 platform and mobos can handle up to 64gb of ram as well. There are some crazy DDR4 chips out there reaching 4000mghz.
    BUT, if this meant to be an audio pc, the best deal is the 6 core 5820k as you have guessed. The 2011-3 socket supports DDR4 and the main chipset supports more hard disks than Skylake as well, not to mention the advantage of the 6 core. Considering future upgrades, there is an upcoming 10 core extreme edition that will run on the same socket, and it makes the (old) socket 2011-3 feel more future proof as nothing else Intel has produced in many years. Good 2011-3 mobos support NVMe and have dual m2 slots as well which also makes it a more feature rich bargain as well. And don't be fooled by the single thread benchmarks etc, the 6 core (as mentioned) can run more plugs than the 4790k/6700k even at stock speeds. And you can always overclock it easily. Cheers
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  13. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Based on passmark (single core) i7 4790K has better single core performance than 6700k, and honestly building a pc with more than 32 gigs of ram imho is kind of overkill. It's your pick anyway, the performance difference is BARELY noticeable and most of all quite insignificant. If you believe you'll need more than 32 gigs of ram you might want to pick the latest architecture and buy the mobo accordingly.
    Anyway few tiny fractions of seconds of delay when loading a library is not going to make your products sound better, while a significantly better cpu can definitely help your workflow (and that's the case since you are upgrading from your old cpu). But then again, between these 2 (4790K and 6700k) the difference is insignificant and most times any hardcore comparisons would bring to people circlejerking over a cpu architecture. If you want a solid cpu that can get its work done you're safe to go with the 4790K, which still is a beast of cpu even after 2 years. (and it will be also easier to find good deals)
  14. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    I suggest you wait 1-2 more months for newer Intel CPU's. This Skylake 6700 is the same performance as 4790k, but mobo's and memory is more money. If you need to upgrade now, 4790k all the way. Those cheap ass bastards didn't even included a cooler with the Skylakes. Also 6700k sometimes crush on heavy work, they said they fixed but all they did was to block overclocking for those chips.
  15. Nitrophos

    Nitrophos Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I7 4790 runs 3.6 in idle, 4 Ghz at load
  16. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Glad to be helpful... it's indeed a nice video, Richard is a great guy.
  17. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i'm with my 4790k, bought it 4-5 months ago. Money well spended, why i didn't bought it earlier?

    Other CPUs mentioned have motherboards wich cost more than this one.

    all 3 CPUs are good.
  18. Czarred

    Czarred Newbie

    Mar 24, 2016
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  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @tapekiller My friend, each to their own needs. It is obvious if you are looking to work with "heavy" orchestral libraries to produce large musical pieces meant to emulate a real symphonic orchestra, 32gb will not cut it. It is questionable even if 64gb will be adequate. It certainly won't if you need to run 100 discrete high quality solo instrument channels. In the VSL forum people run small server pcs with 128,192, or even 256gb ram. Nowadays 16gb is the absolute minimum if you want your ssd to perform its best. So perhaps 32gb is more than enough for you, but everyone's needs are different :) . Thank you and cheers
  20. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    i have this cpu

    first of all, its the fastest i ever had. Everything it does fast

    but there is one big problem i have with it

    in Windows 7 64, i have a audible tone in my xamaha monitors when the power options are at their high performance setting

    so, to remove the tone i have to lower the power consumption to power saving mode

    in this mode the cpu is not so fast anymore... in ableton with diva i have very high cpu consumption and cannot even use half the presets with diva because i need to keep my monitors silent

    its a shit cpu, i would not buy it again, unless there is a solution to the problem it causes with audio hardware which is not even usb powered but has its own power supply
  21. groove

    groove Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2012
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    i have this cpu and no problem of tone or what else perhaps bad composant of your motherboard...... This cpu is incredible Work with mackintosh very fast specially for nebula plugin the difference with other cpu is big .... This cpu and Uad card and you have a beast :)