Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. GokhanH33

    GokhanH33 Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Lol. Lots of fixes. Improving the software with the users. :rofl:
  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.16rc3 - March 2 2016
    # MIDI overdub: improve length/loop of auto-added loop item recordings

    v5.16rc2 - March 1 2016
    + Glue: obey recording preference for maximum file size [t=173567]
    + Insert time in project: better handle envelope points at insertion point
    + LAME: allow configuration of quality/speed settings, more sensible default setting
    + Recording: prevent MIDI overdub recording from extending past playback loop [t=167323]
    + Region copy: better envelope edge point handling [t=173600]
    # Mixer: improve drag and drop move cursor
    # TrackFX_Show() fix support for various actions on monitoring/recfx chain
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I will not post 5.16rc4, so get the full final version:

    v5.16 - March 3 2016
    + API: add Envelope_FormatValue, TakeFX_GetEnvelope, TakeFX_* which mirror TrackFX
    + API: add TrackFX_AddByName, deprecating TrackFX_GetByName
    + API: add TrackFX_GetIOSize, TrackFX_GetPinMappings, TrackFX_SetPinMappings
    + API: extend TrackFX_* to allow access to Record Input FX and Monitoring FX
    + API: fix CreateTrackSend for hardware outputs, improve validation/return value [t=173455]
    + Action list: improve auto-wide layout
    + Action list: prevent scroll of action list after action assign/delete
    + Arrange: improve vertical scroll behavior when resizing arrange [t=172819]
    + Docks: improve docked FX chain behavior when switching project tabs
    + Docks: improve docked MIDI editor behavior when switching project tabs
    + Envelopes: better handle edge points when copying regions, moving time in project [t=173600]
    + FX: include selected JSFX in the browser Cockos view
    + FX: improve floating FX windows focus behavior when restoring from project/screenset
    + Freeze: fix stability issues when performing complex freeze operations [t=172637]
    + Glue: avoid generating filenames from take names that are too long for filesystem
    + Glue: obey recording preference for maximum file size [t=173567]
    + ID3v2 reading: fix possible crash reading long UTF-16 strings
    + JSFX: improve screen layout for graphical scripts, add support for disabling metering, options:no_meter
    + JSFX: add General Dynamics gate/compressor/expander
    + JSFX: add Spectral Hold
    + JSFX: improve Graphics Analyzer and Oscilloscope plug-ins (thanks Tale)
    + JSFX: improve envelope step sizes for enum parameters with extended ranges
    + JSFX: fix PDC glitches on playback start/latency changes/wet-dry change
    + JSFX: fix potential deadlock when opening pin mapper
    + LAME: allow configuration of quality/speed settings, more sensible default setting
    + MIDI: fix bugs when humanize used from the list editor, better support for humanizing multiple contexts
    + MIDI: added option to always prompt when importing MIDI with simple tempo information
    + Marker/region manager: do not seek on sort by column [t=173282]
    + Media explorer: do not prompt for tempo map import of MIDI items when using tempo matching
    + Mixer: improve mouse cursor feedback when alt+drag used to move FX/sends [t=173098]
    + OSX: fix mouse issues after certain popup menus (such as docker menu)
    + Panning: optimize pan law calculation, improve rounding
    + Project: prevent writing user-entered newlines into project files
    + ReaPlugs: improve gain display of ReaEQ/ReaXcomp spectrum analyzer
    + ReaScript: increase image/font handle count limit for gfx_* in Lua to match that of EEL
    + ReaTune: remember the exact key set by user, rather than just the valid notes
    + Recording: fix automatic import of recorded .mid files (issue since 5.11) [t=173491]
    + Recording: option to use alternate keyboard section also affects MIDI, OSC devices [t=121935]
    + Recording: improve position/length of looped MIDI overdub recording [t=167323]
    + Render: improve handling of non-latin characters when inserting wildcards [t=173064]
    + Render: always skip process of muted tracks when rendering and using full-speed render [t=56169]
    + Sends: fix tiny glitch at playback start when using newer pan modes and a non-0dB pan law [p=1645671]
    + Undo: improve added undo point on project undo history load [t=173486]
    + Undo: fix undo point addition when moving FX via mixer [t=173271]
    + Windows: properly display F13-F24 in actions list [t=173394]
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    5.20 is still in progress. Some changes from all 5.16-5.20 pre betas have been released in 5.16 final version.

    v5.20pre15 - March 5 2016
    + Pan: support -6.02dB pan law [t=165955]
    + Project bay: detect junctions/symlinks/identical files when copying to project path
    + RF64: fixed slow parsing of large files
    + RF64: improve cue/region read/write
    + Sends/hardware outputs: fix non-boost pan laws for newer pan modes [p=1645781]
    + Wave64: cue read/write support
    + Wave: fix cue timing issues above 2 billion samples
    # MIDI editor: deprecated storing different note names for separate MIDI channels on the same track
    # Notation: add support for trill and mordent ornaments
    # Notation: allow notes shorter than the display quantization setting
    # Notation: change storage format (previously saved notation will not be displayed)
    # Notation: display notation text events in list view for information purposes
    # Notation: fix option to not display notes that are far off the staff when grand staff is used
    # Notation: improve beam/flag drawing for 1/32 and shorter notes
    # Notation: improved beaming with respect to meter
    # Notation: sensible default grouping for various time signatures
    # Notation: support editing phrases as a unit by clicking/dragging the phrase mark
    # Notation: support starting new beam on any note
    # Notation: support stretching crescendo/diminuendo marks
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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre16 - March 7 2016
    + Item colors: fix cross-platform color issues [t=173794]
    + JSFX: improve support for swapped mouse buttons
    + Project bay: auto-rename files to avoid collisions when copying to media path
    + ReaEQ: improve appearance of gain labels in graph
    + ReaScript: extend gfx.init/gfx.dock to support save/restore undocked window position
    + ReaScript: gfx.dock() returns last docked state when docked windows are closed by user
    + ReaScript: improve support for swapped mouse buttons in gfx
    + Video: add FFMPEG 3.0 support, remove support for FFMPEG 1.x
    # MIDI editor: restore loading note names by channel, governed by the option "note name actions apply to the active channel only"
    # MIDI: support import/export of key signature events
    # Notation: fixed inserting text notation
    # Notation: note transposition and displayed note head can be customized via note map dialog
    # pan law: fixed display of track 6.02 panlaw
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  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre17 - March 9 2016
    + MIDI: fix split notes action on looped items [t=173907]
    + Routing matrix: show F in parent send for items that are children of folder
    + Routing matrix: show parent track destination in tooltips [t=173678]
    + Routing: show parent track destinations in track I/O panel [t=173678]
    + Video: update disk bandwidth stats when using ffmpeg/vlc/lcf/gif
    # Notation: removed note mapping dialog, will be reintroduced after 5.20
    # Notation: add context menu actions for customizing note head per pitch
    # Notation: apply key signature edit to the correct track
    # Notation: minimum display quantization note length can be set separately from overall display quantization
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  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre18 - March 10 2016
    + Project tabs: fix display issue when toggling always show project tabs [t=174019]
    + Project tabs: switch samplerate when switching tabs if run background projects is not set [t=169915]
    + Ripple editing: fix insert time/region copy issues [t=173460]
    + Ripple editing: improve behavior when adding media via drag and drop or insert file
    + Tempo map: fix errors introduced to tempo map when editing certain tempo markers (behavior changed in 5.16)
    # Notation: add view options to main MIDI editor menu
    # Notation: optional relative (musical) note spacing

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  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre19 - March 11 2016
    + JSFX: midisend_buf/str will not wrap meta-events (beginning with FF) in SysEx
    + Lock: marker/region lock obeyed during ripple edit all/insert time/delete time [p=1650970]
    + MIDI editor: add mouse modifier for select all later notes of same pitch
    + MIDI: fix potential deadlock when overdub recording [p=1651334]
    + MIDI: improve time selection autopunch in overdub/replace modes
    + MIDI: prevent input quantizing past loop end/punch region
    + Navigator: use item/take colors if configured to do so in arrange
    + OSX: never unload bridged VST bundles
    # MIDI editor: enable dual selected note edge editing in piano roll
    # Notation: fixed chasing key signature when media items starts prior to the editor view
    # Notation: performance improvements
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
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  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Twenty Pre Twenty for the Fifth One

    v5.20pre20 - March 11 2016
    + AU: improve graphical issues with certain Apple AUs [t=174068]
    # JSFX: make midisend_str behave like midisend_buf re: sysex/meta events
    # Notation: fixed display with certain combinations of display quantization and minimum note length
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  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre21 - March 14 2016
    + Accessibility: improve project tabs/docker tabs/various other tabs with VoiceOver
    + MIDI: do not preview note edits while recording [t=174161]
    + ReWire: add extra step to initialization process to make Waves Tune not warn of error
    # Notation: add context menu actions to set key signature for all tracks
    # Notation: automatically switch to page view (multiple rows for one track) when zooming in to less than one measure
    # Notation: better chasing of key signatures
    # Notation: change dynamics storage format, previously saved dynamics will not load
    # Notation: change tuplet storage format, previously saved user-created tuplets will not load
    # Notation: control+click track title to close that track, alt+click to close all other tracks
    # Notation: support arbitrary tuplet counts
    # Notation: tuplets can be linked to specific channels
  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre22 - March 15 2016
    + JSFX: allow pin connection edits via IO button context menu
    + Themes: improve mixer display of tracks in folders with some themes [t=172972]
    + Video: improve end of stream in AVFoundation video writing
    # Accessibility: MSAA default action support
    # Accessibility: MSAA tab control improvements
    # Accessibility: MSAA value-changed notification improvements
    # Accessibility: improve tab control behavior on VoiceOver
    # Notation: change to dynamic and text notation storage format, previously saved notation will not load
    # Notation: custom note head glyphs are per-note rather than per-pitch
    # Notation: horizontal zoom improvements
    # Notation: improvements to key signature editing
    # Notation: support per-track display transpose up to 4 octaves
  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre23 - March 16 2016
    + Video: extensions to allow VST plug-ins access to video
    # Accessibility: improve dock MSAA notifications
    # Accessibility: improved MSAA notifications
    # Notation: add context menu actions to hide specific pitches
    # Notation: better handling of key signature changes in media items with start offsets
    # Notation: context menu action to identify and notate basic chords
    # Notation: fix cut/copy/paste of phrases
    # Notation: fix inserting time signature changes immediately after another time signature change
    # Notation: support copy/cut/paste
  13. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre24 - March 17 2016
    # Notation: always tie overlapping notes, as long as the overlap amount is greater than the display quantization
    # Notation: fix horizontal zoom in time signatures other than x/4
    # Notation: fixed notating key signatures with 6 or more sharps or flats
    # Notation: support changing clef at any measure
    # Notation: support for entering sequential lyrics
    # Video: AVFoundation end of encoding stream hang fix
  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre25 - March 18 2016
    + Actions: more accurate naming of various nudge dialog actions [t=174350]
    + Recording: discard incomplete takes option uses 50% threshold rather than 90%
    + Recording: show MIDI peaks when using replace mode and item autopunch [t=174360]
    + Video: per-video-source option to force low-resolution peaks [t=172693]
    # Notation: add option to disable transposing display
    # Notation: add option to transpose key signatures when transposing track display
    # Notation: fix default length handling for crescendo [p=1655031]
    # Notation: improved forward/back behavior of lyric dialog
    # Notation: set key signature for all tracks affects only tracks that are visible and editable in the editor
  15. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre26 - March 19 2016
    + Media item properties: add undo point when renaming source media
    + Project bay: improve handling of folders when full source media path changes
    + Project bay: source media folders survive media being removed and re-added to project
    + Project bay: update source media folders when renaming via media item properties
    + ReaScript: fix Python reentrancy issue [t=174447]
    + Recording: improve behavior with loop recording and selected-item autopunch
    + Recording: option for incomplete take threshold
    + Recording: selected-item autopunch respects discard partial take option
    + Subprojects: improved plug-in compatibility with auto-render on OSX [t=174156]
    + Subprojects: option to leave auto-opened projects open in tab after render [t=174156]
    + Video: global option for disabling hi-res peaks, individual instances can override
    + Video: use relative filenames in projects like other sources
    # MIDI editor: commit dual edge edit when finished [p=1655827]
    # Notation: experimenting with simplifying beaming logic for compound meters
    # Notation: hover pitch displays notes in key
    # Notation: nicer brace drawing
    # Notation: restore option for continuous view regardless of zoom level
    # Video: button in video properties to copy audio settings to all video items in project
  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Notable things in 5.20x that are not/will not be in 5.17 (these are still cooking, as is often said):

    -- notation/score editor
    -- project bay folder/scanning updates
    -- accessibility improvements
    -- video API
    -- EEL/JSFX optimizations
    -- looped resampled item fixes t=70178 etc
    -- optimized handling of very long looping midi items
    -- fx state memory use optimizations

    For the 5.17pre cycle please limit feedback to that of regressions from 5.16. Thank you.

    v5.17pre1 - March 20 2016
    + AU: improve graphical issues with certain Apple AUs [t=174068]
    + Actions: more accurate naming of various nudge dialog actions [t=174350]
    + Item colors: fix cross-platform color issues [t=173794]
    + JSFX: allow pin connection edits via IO button context menu
    + JSFX: improve support for swapped mouse buttons
    + Lock: marker/region lock obeyed during ripple edit all/insert time/delete time [p=1650970]
    + MIDI: fix potential deadlock when overdub recording [p=1651334]
    + MIDI: fix split notes action on looped items [t=173907]
    + MIDI: improve time selection autopunch in overdub/replace modes
    + MIDI: prevent input quantizing past loop end/punch region
    + Media import: detect and use identical files in project path
    + Media import: detect junctions/symlinks when determining when to copy files
    + Navigator: use item/take colors if configured to do so in arrange
    + OSX: never unload bridged VST bundles
    + Pan: support -6.02dB pan law [t=165955]
    + Project bay: auto-rename files to avoid collisions when copying to media path
    + Project bay: detect junctions/symlinks/identical files when copying to project path
    + Project save: detect and use identical files when using save-as with media copy
    + Project save: detect junctions/symlinks when determining which files to copy to project path [t=173508]
    + Project tabs: fix display issue when toggling always show project tabs [t=174019]
    + Project tabs: switch samplerate when switching tabs if run background projects is not set [t=169915]
    + RF64: fixed slow parsing of large files
    + RF64: improve cue/region read/write
    + ReWire: add extra step to initialization process to make Waves Tune not warn of error
    + ReaEQ: improve appearance of gain labels in graph
    + ReaScript: extend gfx.init/gfx.dock to support save/restore undocked window position
    + ReaScript: fix Python reentrancy issue [t=174447]
    + ReaScript: gfx.dock() returns last docked state when docked windows are closed by user
    + ReaScript: improve support for swapped mouse buttons in gfx
    + Recording: discard incomplete takes option uses 50% threshold rather than 90%
    + Recording: improve behavior with loop recording and selected-item autopunch
    + Recording: item autopunch falls back to normal recording per-track when recording does not intersect seletced item
    + Recording: option for incomplete take threshold
    + Recording: selected-item autopunch respects discard partial take option
    + Recording: show MIDI peaks when using replace mode and item autopunch [t=174360]
    + Ripple editing: fix insert time/region copy issues [t=173460]
    + Ripple editing: improve behavior when adding media via drag and drop or insert file
    + Routing matrix: show F in parent send for items that are children of folder
    + Routing matrix: show parent track destination in tooltips [t=173678]
    + Routing: show parent track destinations in track I/O panel [t=173678]
    + Sends/hardware outputs: fix non-boost pan laws for newer pan modes [p=1645781]
    + Subprojects: avoid rerendered deferred-render subprojects when activating app
    + Subprojects: improved plug-in compatibility with auto-render on OSX [t=174156]
    + Subprojects: option to leave auto-opened projects open in tab after render [t=174156]
    + Super8: add click output
    + Take FX: fix possibly incorrect samplerate used for automation purposes when rendering
    + Take FX: improve synchronization of automation with delay compensated plug-ins, use old synchronization when loading existing take FX chains
    + Tempo map: fix errors introduced to tempo map when editing certain tempo markers (behavior changed in 5.16)
    + Themes: improve mixer display of tracks in folders with some themes [t=172972]
    + Video: add FFMPEG 3.0 support, remove support for FFMPEG 1.x
    + Video: global option for disabling hi-res peaks, individual instances can override
    + Video: improve end of stream in AVFoundation video writing
    + Video: per-video-source option to force low-resolution peaks [t=172693]
    + Video: update disk bandwidth stats when using ffmpeg/vlc/lcf/gif
    + Video: use relative filenames in projects like other sources
    + Wave64: cue read/write support
    + Wave: fix cue timing issues above 2 billion samples
    # Video: AVFoundation end of encoding stream hang fix
    # Video: button in video properties to copy audio settings to all video items in project
    # pan law: fixed display of track 6.02 panlaw
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  17. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thanks, man.
  18. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    5.17 rc1 is out

    v5.17rc1 - March 21 2016
    + MIDI: fix file-based MIDI editor undo descriptions
    + MIDI: improve tick position display rounding [t=174416]
    + MIDI: optimized file-based undo/redo system
    + ReaTune: default to Elastique3 for new instances
    + Routing matrix: correct tooltip for hardware outputs [t=174519]
    + Routing matrix: improve tooltip for stereo/multichannel hardware outputs
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  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.17rc3 - March 23 2016
    # Actions: rename new write latched envelopes action more consistently
    # Automation: actions for writing latched envelopes also works in touch/write modes, accordingly
    # Automation: added write latched from edit/play cursor to first touch position
    # Automation: write latched envelope actions use automation return time to transition
    # Samplerate conversion: use render setting on glue/apply FX/render take [t=167489] (round two)

    v5.17rc2 - March 22 2016
    + Automation: added actions for writing latched envelopes to time selection/start of project/end of project
    + Automation: avoid creating duplicate automation return envelope points
    + ReaTune: fix excessive noteoff sending [t=168490]
    + Samplerate conversion: use render setting on glue/apply FX/render take [t=167489]
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.17 - March 24 2016
    + AU: improve graphical issues with certain Apple AUs [t=174068]
    + Actions: more accurate naming of various nudge dialog actions [t=174350]
    + Automation: added actions for writing latched envelopes to time selection/start of project/end of project
    + Automation: avoid creating duplicate automation return envelope points
    + Item colors: fix cross-platform color issues [t=173794]
    + JSFX: allow pin connection edits via IO button context menu
    + JSFX: improve support for swapped mouse buttons
    + Lock: marker/region lock obeyed during ripple edit all/insert time/delete time [p=1650970]
    + MIDI: fix explode item channels (via action and/or import) with tempo maps
    + MIDI: fix potential deadlock when overdub recording [p=1651334]
    + MIDI: fix split notes action on looped items [t=173907]
    + MIDI: improve tick position display rounding [t=174416]
    + MIDI: improve file-based MIDI editor undo
    + MIDI: improve time selection autopunch in overdub/replace modes
    + MIDI: prevent input quantizing past loop end/punch region
    + Media import: detect and use identical files in project path
    + Media import: detect junctions when determining when to copy files
    + Navigator: fix play cursor update on OS X 10.11
    + Navigator: use item/take colors if configured to do so in arrange
    + Pan: support -6.02dB pan law [t=165955]
    + Preferences: fix search highlight on OS X 10.11
    + Project bay: auto-rename files to avoid collisions when copying to media path
    + Project bay: detect junctions/identical files when copying to project path
    + Project save: detect and use identical files when using save-as with media copy
    + Project save: detect junctions when determining which files to copy to project path [t=173508]
    + Project tabs: fix display issue when toggling always show project tabs [t=174019]
    + Project tabs: switch samplerate when switching tabs if run background projects is not set [t=169915]
    + ReWire: add extra step to initialization process to make Waves Tune not warn of error
    + ReaEQ: improve appearance of gain labels in graph
    + ReaScript: extend gfx.init/gfx.dock to support save/restore undocked window position
    + ReaScript: fix Python reentrancy issue [t=174447]
    + ReaScript: gfx.dock() returns last docked state when docked windows are closed by user
    + ReaScript: improve support for swapped mouse buttons in gfx
    + ReaTune: default to Elastique3 Soloist for new instances
    + ReaTune: fix excessive noteoff sending [t=168490]
    + Recording: add option for discard incomplete take threshold
    + Recording: improve behavior with loop recording and item autopunch
    + Recording: item autopunch falls back to normal recording per-track when recording does not intersect item
    + Recording: item autopunch respects discard partial take option
    + Recording: show MIDI peaks when using replace mode and item autopunch [t=174360]
    + Ripple editing: fix insert time/region copy issues [t=173460]
    + Ripple editing: improve behavior when adding media via drag and drop or insert file
    + Routing matrix: correct and improve tooltip for hardware outputs [t=174519]
    + Routing matrix: show F in parent send for items that are children of folder
    + Routing matrix: show parent track destination in tooltips [t=173678]
    + Routing: show parent track destinations in track I/O panel [t=173678]
    + Samplerate conversion: use render setting on glue/apply FX/render take [t=167489]
    + Sends/hardware outputs: fix non-boost pan laws for newer pan modes [p=1645781]
    + Subprojects: avoid rerendered deferred-render subprojects when activating application
    + Subprojects: improved plug-in compatibility with auto-render on OSX [t=174156]
    + Subprojects: option to leave auto-opened projects open in tab after render [t=174156]
    + Super8: add click output
    + Take FX: fix possibly incorrect samplerate used for automation purposes when rendering
    + Take FX: improve synchronization of automation with delay compensated plug-ins, use old synchronization when loading existing take FX chains
    + Tempo map: fix errors introduced to tempo map when editing certain tempo markers (behavior changed in 5.16)
    + Themes: improve mixer display of tracks in folders with some themes [t=172972]
    + Video: add FFMPEG 3.0 support, remove support for FFMPEG 1.x
    + Video: global option for disabling hi-res peaks, individual instances can override [t=172693]
    + Video: improve end of stream in AVFoundation video writing
    + Video: update disk bandwidth stats when using ffmpeg/vlc/lcf/gif
    + Video: improve project-relative filename support
    + VST: never unload bridged VST plug-ins
    + Wave: fix cue timing issues above 2 billion samples
    + Wave: fixed slow parsing of large RF64 files
    + Wave: improve RF64 cue/region read/write
    + Wave: support Wave64 cue/region read/write
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