Studio One vs Cubase

Discussion in 'DAW' started by xXDayDreamerXx, Mar 20, 2016.


Which is better?

  1. Cubase

  2. Studio One

  1. faunus

    faunus Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Steinberg is Axis , Presonus is Allies....
    choose your side :D
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  2. homer_simpson

    homer_simpson Platinum Record

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Well a little test it and i think that is not a same (maybe i'm wrong).

    Cos this little button is "Activate" so should be fine but its just turn off a Kontakt, loaded patch is still loaded on ram... i can also hide track on work window but the preset will be still loaded to ram (tested on kontakt) - as i said.... maybe i did sth wrong and maybe i'm mistake but... its not a same like Cubase have, becosue In cubase enable/disable track allows you turn off/on track and unload preset from ram but track still is visible.... this way u can made cool huge template even with 8GB ram and just click enable to load a patch and test it..... and if u need other sound just click disable and preset is unload from ram but is still visible.... and so on....
  3. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Since I left Cubase for S1 back in early 2012 in just 4 years my productivity surpassed previous 2 decades of the work done with Cubase and PT. S1 invites me to focus on music, Cubase kept demanding attention all the time like a problem child. S1 isn't ideal and I miss some Bitwig features such as polytouch support, clips, microcontrol. Not happy with the colors and contrast either in S1v3. I could criticize it for hours but S1 achieved something just a few programs did in my life - the moment I find a time to make some music and think of powering up S1 I am already happy. Overall for me S1 is an amazing piece of software.
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  4. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    If you are okay with piracy; buy Cubase (as it is the one it's not cracked yet) and download SOv3... If you are not, I don't have a convenient advice since I haven't use Cubase since version 5 so I don't know what they are up to...
  5. Vagalume

    Vagalume Newbie

    Mar 11, 2016
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    If you are so interested in: video, better midi capabilities, tons of features, additional libraries, huge productions, bad support and possible license problems + crashes -> Cubase.
    If you are so interested in: workflow, your first DAW, intuitive and friendly, small productions, audio, unsolved bugs and pathetic cpu performance -> Studio one.

    Some "naughty people" would say that CUBASE is the past and that S1 might be the future ... anyway both do the work and are a great piece of software. But at the end of the day the most important thing is knowing your priorities … only u have got the answer.
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  6. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    With VST's it does unload from RAM. Now when it comes to Kontakt, you are 100% right, Kontakt does the RAM management of the libraries so it doesn't unload. Whit my orchestral templates I have them unloaded from RAM directly in kontakt and then load them on demand. I'm on a 8GB RAM pc, and my template is around 130 instruments inside of various instances of kontakt
  7. Euphonic

    Euphonic Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    After using Cubase up to version 6.5 I made the switch to Studio One. I am currently at version 3.2. In this business it's not about all the bells and whistles. It's about workflow. Drag and drop. If you are about workflow S1 3.2 is for you. If you are about trying to tinker with every single thing then Cubase is for you.
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  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You know,even if i would always choose Cubase in reality that doesnt really mean much.
    You can do so much with just essential tools.
    Trust me,if you have the eye of the tiger,if you want to be good at what you do you will do it no matter what kind ob obstacles you are facing.
    Producing,writing music,mixing is one of the few things left in this world where a poor man has huge chances to make it.
    Forget about glitz,forget about expensive equipment,you can write pro material in a small room on an average computer with an average sound card.
    Its really not that much about the DAW itself,its about the time your spend,every minute counts.
    Learn,write,produce and don`t give up,forget the DAW,its about the spirit.
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  9. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    I probably can't add to all that's been stated, but I'll say just this. One requires an Ilok dongle and the other doesn't. Up to you if you want to go down that route. But for me, dongles are a no go. Cubase is fantastic software, but PITA. Also, not to encourage you to use warez, but to address your statement, there is a working version of S3 cracked easily attainable. Just PM anyone here (me included if you choose to do so) for info. I plan on purchasing it very soon as presonus deserves it. Since you're not the one one even paying for it, I'd say just purchase it legit, IF that's the software of choice you choose. Have fun with either one!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  10. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Odd vote really! Especially when you think that the team around Studio One are the folks who did Steinberg Nuendo wich is the "big brother" to Cubase! So basic thinking/development behind Studio One is nearly the same as with Cubase - actually very simular in many ways if you ask me.

    I´m having them both and they (like many other sequensers) do the job well!
    My problem is that I´ve worked with Cubase since it was called VST5 and Im used to the interface and that gives a hell of a workflow, so I have voted for Cubase - not because its better than Studio One, but because Im too lazy dealing with a another sequenser - thats it!

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  11. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Great job everyone, :like::like::bow::mates:

    Studio one has my attention most of the time but FL Studio piano roll is great for my drum sequence's but slowly pushing away because as I learn more about studio one gems it buts a smile on my face. Coming from pro tools 9 never looked back.

  12. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    GA working the same pattern based as FL Studio, u can even reroute any pads to some VST, using only a router track with a custom drum map (which overwrite the original track routing with a note based one)

    nice and fast, can't see where Cubase 8.5 is PITA maybe the older versions but this current is a lovely one
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
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  13. Juvera

    Juvera Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2013
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    I've tried both since 5 years old or maybe more. I switched from Cubase 5 to Studio One 2.5 and I was so happy with the change. But now, with the S1 v3 I'm not that happy because of bugs and it lacks some MIDI features I missed from Cubase. So, I end up buying Cubase 8.5 and now I never look back; so many powerful MIDI workflow.
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  14. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Just switched from Cubase 8 to S1 V3
    This is a dream.
    The workflow is awesome. I never was so fast in the workflow.
    Samples and loops are previewed in the right speed and loop,
    Midi editing is a dream. like in FL Studio. Huge bars.
    And i can simulate midi functions like CC64 (Sustain Pedal) for LASS

    The sound is like Logic X. Everything sounds nice, warm and clean.
    I´m so happy :)
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  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    what? so 32bit floating and real DSP code does sound more warm? huh?
    they all have the same basic audio engine, unless they add some vintage emulated features to it, otherwise it sounds the same.

    if nothing else exists i would go for Studio One.
  16. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    yeah yeah.... we had this 1000 times.
    I !!! hear differences between daws. not loudness. Its about space/room and warmth.
    And when S1 has a magic EQ in the background. fine
    i like it :)

    btw. the tempo track is awesome
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Its cool if you like it better,im glad it makes you happy.
    Though you coming from cubase 8 and stating;
    "Midi editing is a dream. like in FL Studio"

    I wonder what cubase you were using AI?
    Becuase this is where Cubase is the champion without a doubt.
  18. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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  19. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Cubase or Studio One?

    Let me think.... meh... I'd take REAPER if I were you :thumbsup::mates::yes:
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  20. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    Dang! This thread really exploded, lol. It's been fun to read all of the responses. For some reason when I tried to get a trial of Cubase Pro 8 something went wrong with licensing the trial, ugh. Probably my own stupidness. I'll probably try again today.... Anyways, while I set up the trials I shall talk about what I've found with the less advanced versions thus far, and what some of the responses have ultimately lead me to believe:
    Studio One:
    Pro's:Overall very beautiful-looking interface. I love how it's easy to preview loops before actually putting them into your track, plus it comes with so many. The mixer is also very nice and easy to get the hang of.
    Con's: Not being able to use outside VST's in more basic versions definitely urks me. It felt intimidating to me at first as well since it was the first DAW I used after FL Studio.
    Pro's: HALion sonic is really great, and it has so much to offer if I had more physical gear. I wasn't aware of the chord features, and now I'm very eager to learn more about those and try 'em! It also has a great VST for the virtual singers I use, VOCALOID. (My avatar is my favorite vocaloid, Maika...) I tend to be the type to give up easy, but the longest thing I've ever made without trashing was in cubase. Cubase was love at first sight unlike Studio One.
    Con's: It doesn't like my Akai midi keyboard that much... :T It was really hard to set up Midi input from it too, strangely. Also, I have a strong hate of the USB elicenser, it's caused many problems.. Probably because I haven't gotten a version with an actual USB yet, lol. It also likes to Jack up my audio drivers outside of it. >:/ It doesn't like to let me go back to hearing sound in other programs.

    What reading this thread and my own experience/what friends have to say about them have lead me to believe about both:
    Cubase- Has a lot of good default sounds and presets within the VST's that come with it. Is absolutely great for recording setups and physical gear overall. There's also great chord resources that I was unaware of. Plus, I was tempted to try Nuendo but now I definitely must.
    Studio One- A lot more popular it appears, no activation problems really and might run more smoothly. Has an excellent mixer,effects, and EQing. Is absolutely born to be used with 3rd party VST's and things like Kontakt and Massive as well, despite not allowing you to use any in Artist or Prime..

    After all of this, I have been leaning slightly more towards Cubase, since it seems to offer more on it's own than Studio One. But, I do need to experiment with both trials more and I feel like Studio One could easily pull me in anytime. But, activation problems with Cubase remain a slight concern. I find a lot of people tend to lean towards Studio One though overall. These are definitely not my final thoughts at all and hopefully this will alleviate any fears I have with both and learn just a tad more. (since I hope people will reply to this lol)
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