Studio One vs Cubase

Discussion in 'DAW' started by xXDayDreamerXx, Mar 20, 2016.


Which is better?

  1. Cubase

  2. Studio One

  1. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    Hey there! So for my birthday my parents agreed to get me either Cubase or Studio One Pro legally. (thank god because finding cracks for those two are near-impossible... T_T) And I'm having a rough time deciding which one I want to go with ultimately. I have legal copies of both, Cubase AI and Studio One Artist and I enjoy using both equally... So yeah, if I could get some Pro's and Con's of both and advice that'd be great! :3
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  3. VinylScra

    VinylScra Member

    Feb 13, 2016
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    i worked with both of them for many years.

    cubase pros: many sounds/instruments included like bells/strings/drums n stuff. chord assistant (which is useful if you don't know much music theory). it's recording features are much better and it can do much more stuff altogether. cons: using it feels like using windows 95. its stability feels like the stability of windows 95. and i had license problems with it (some instruments not loading and stuff) - even everything is correctly and fully activated on the dongle. recently i had the chance to decide which daw i want to use for work, and i decided to go away from cubase.

    studio one: i liked it very much because its stability and user friendly approach - but i cant say much to v3 as i only used the v2. i liked how quickly the workflow is and everything fits into one window - (i don't like the many simultaneous overlapping windows in cubase like mixer, video, vst, arranger etc.). but studio one (v2) lacked in instruments and sounds. if you don't want to get additional instrument libraries then the included sounds may be not enough.

    for me deciding between cubase and studio one would be a really tough choice: if i'd want to work with recordings, audio files, 5.1 audio, and many instruments with diffrent timbres - i'd go for cubase. if i'd rather work with vst/midi, stereo, buying additional instruments and want a stable daw (no crashes/no licensing problems/no windows 95 look&feel), i'd go for studio one.
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  4. coolissimo

    coolissimo Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    What do you mean ? crack for studio one pro V3 exists and is working well..

    Im using cubase pro 8 and SO3 and i must say i prefer SO3 cause of it's amazing workflow. It's so fun to work with SO (and having fun is the most important thing when you are making music..)
  5. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    What was the Cubase version you used? The last Win 95 feel was imo in Version 5 or 6.5. I don't have much stability issues in Cubase 8.5 or license problems I had all of this like 2 or 3 versions ago. Those problems are long gone or maybe I'm lucky.

    Studio one is good and personally I think it really doesn't matter which one you will choose. I prefer Cubase because of it's Midi capabilities and I like the mixing workflow. Any other DAW I used was missing something there.

    But it's the classic which DAW is better question. Everyone will tell you the one they use is the best. Just use the one that feels better to you and even if it's a very small difference. You are the only person that knows your workflow and what you need.
  6. charliekerper

    charliekerper Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Hollywood, CA
    I actually use Nuendo...which is Cubase in disguise.
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  7. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If you'll work with videos and surround audios, cubase is that you need. Otherwise it's about personal taste of color imho.
  8. VinylScra

    VinylScra Member

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I used (and use) the current nuendo 7 (all updated) with nek. had licensing problems a few weeks ago and have crashes every one or two weeks. before nuendo 7 i used ableton, studo one and before that cubase 5. i don't feel very updated when working with current nuendo comparing it to cubase 5 :D (but thats just my feel, im sure they improved some stuff - i just don't feel/see it.
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im on cubase 8.5 pro.
    I tested S1 severely.
    If you are new to producing,S1 may be more appealing in the beginning,it is a little bit easier to use,not much though and has a little faster workflow.
    But this is pretty much all its advantages.
    Midi tools and editing,Cubase is years ahead.
    Audio tools and editing,the same.
    S1 loads a lot less VST instruments and plugins,itsa little cpu hog.
    Mixer is small and integrated in S1.
    Mixer in Cubase is probably the fastest and smartest to work with.
    Cubase has the Control Room.
    You can get pro results with either if you know what you are doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2016
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  10. djdarkness

    djdarkness Kapellmeister

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I know this doesn’t answer your question xXDayDreamerXx but here’s a thought. I think the X VS X debates are getting slightly redundant. These days DAWS are at such a level that the only preference of choice should be workflow and convenience. Audio engines are identical, the standards have been fine-tuned, now it’s up to us to decide what we prefer. Unfortunately I’m limited as I have to script for everything I use, but still. Things have become pretty even at least when it comes to the core features of daws. Looking at the origins of a DAW might also be able to help you decide. Was it first a midi workstation or primarily audio? Etc. etc.
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  11. homer_simpson

    homer_simpson Platinum Record

    Jan 21, 2014
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    well... i'm working on cubase 8.5 pro - mostly videos (scores/trailers etc). I was tested S1v3 and its rlly good too..... but Cuby have a gr8 option called "enable/disable track which allow you to build awesome templates... my current orchestral template have ~1200 tracks and i have got only 32GB ram lol.... Also i'm working on cubase since SX3 version so.... If only S1 had that enable/disable tracks option tht would be a rlly hard choice for me...
  12. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    "But this is pretty much all its advantages".

    I do not think you tested the latest studio one (v3.1) severely.

    Audio editing tools are already on par with Cubase.
    Studio Ones Mixer is completely customizable and resizable.
    "Extended FX chains" in Studio One is extreme powerfull. Cubase programmers: Pay attention!
    Latest Melodyne 4 integration in Studio One is more powerful than Cubase Variaudio.
    Loading lot's of VST's depends on the power of your computer: If you have a hexacore or greater you will not easily hit
    a ceiling.
    Studio One GUI is color customizible and is really a matter of taste as you will find in lot's of audio forums.
    There are a lot pro users that prefer Studio One GUI over Cubase GUI.
    Faster workflow and drag and drop power for almost every midi, audio and VST components.
    Cubase uses a Dongle. And you will hate Dongles! :snuffy:
    Steinberg Customers support: very bad.

    Studio One is a very powerful DAW already and will get better and better. And it's only at version 3. Imagine when it hits
    version 8.5! :woot:

    So "But this is pretty much all its advantages" does not really justify the powerful new functions in the latest Studio One v3.

    My advice:
    Think twice before choosing a DAW because once you gonna dig into one the chances that you will switch to another DAW are slim.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
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  13. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    not the same, chord based workflow is unique in Cubase

    Cubase supports Nora best ;) so if your music is chord/melody drives then Cubase can be better, IMO Cubase needs the full Groove Agent(with pattern supports) too, it has quite good integration really like it
  14. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I have a bad news for you :}

    In the mixer of S1, there's a little button on the left below "Instr." When you click on it, you'll show the instruments list. Use the on/off button to make them loaded or unloaded. There's the same with tracks but you can just hide the tracks, not unload them.
  15. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    depends how much your wanting to use midi, if it's important then cubase the only answer as yet out of those 2
    best decide what it is your really want to do with your projects and ask more detailed questions to what each can do though, you'll not make right decision based on the answers to your current question, hold off buying and try both on trial is best advice so you can try before you buy
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle

    He didn't mention these pluses of S1, so it's clearly his regular bashing attempts of S1 on a daily basis. I must admit i checked this topic especially to see if he will drop in his regular shallow "magic" line. :bleh:
    Hi @Von_Steyr :mates:
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  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I suggest you go and research its specifications on their home pages,check out their manuals,check out pro magazine reviews and buyers reviews.
    Check out their forums,check out several videos of both on YT,their workflow,what it offers etc.
    You should decide it based on what you prefer as anyone will of course probably favour its own DAW,i am no exception.
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  18. homer_simpson

    homer_simpson Platinum Record

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Interesting.... have to check it ;)
  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You know,im really a fun guy :chilling:
  20. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Now you're talking! :mates:
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Hell yeah :guitarhero::hifive:
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