What's the best analogue to digital software out there?

Discussion in 'DJ' started by Trevor Gordon, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Ok, so I want to get back into djing, but I don't want to use those industry standard pioneer digital disk things, I want to keep it old school and use vinyl. I'd like to play digital format from my computer on the turntables. The last I remember there was Final Scratch, but I assume there is something much better than that now to take it's place. Anyone have recommondations? Do I need a special mixer to do this or can i just get two tech 1200s and mixer and connect a unit to play digital?
  3. Aytac

    Aytac Noisemaker

    Nov 20, 2015
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    I was in the same situation as you some time ago. I djed for about 10 years using only vinyl (not even cdjs). Than quit the game because of professional life business marriage etc. Than like three years ago i decided to get back into the scene and searched a lot.
    If you want to dj the traditional way, best option is to use Native Instruments Traktor Scratch in my opinion. You gotta have two 1200s or 1210s, a mixer of your choice, a sound card (for example native instruments a4dj), and you are good to go... You dont need anything more believe me.
    But if you want to dive into the digital side more, you can forget about the 1200s and get a controller instead (native instruments kontrol x1 mk2. with this you can easily control two decks like vinyl and also you can travel anywhere with a 15'' laptop bag) and ofcourse a laptop.
    If you are into producing your own tunes and mixing them etc and dive into digital world even more, i advise you to consider learning ableton.It is very intuitive and you will have unlimited options for making music. It really is worth it.
  4. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    There are several options out there.
    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinyl_emulation_software
    I have tested m-audio torq, which worked pretty well and offered vst-support but is no longer available. Currently, I use traktor audio scratch which is the industry standard for electronic music. Traktor is rock solid and so well groomed, it will never fail. It lacks vst support, though, so I route traktor through ableton live. There is also serato scratch which is the industry standard in the us - ergo the hip-hop scene.
  5. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Correct me if I am wrong...

    My understanding is that TRAKTOR (with a little HEX editing) can be made to work with encoded vinyl through standard sound cards. IF that is possible then you would just need to get the encoded vinyl and of course some decks.
  6. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Ableton Live and Pinky (Max4Live)
  7. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    So if I wanted to, could I have Traktor work with two turntables and a mixer? Or do I have to buy specific hardware for Traktor to work? I really want the feel of analogue turntables so I can scratch again. That will be the main purpose of my purchase. I just want to scratch again and incorporate that in my productions.

    I use Ableton for all my productions and I have done a few DJ mixes with it. I'm not really into mixing anymore so I probably wouldn't be doing that much on the decks.

    Here's a couple of my mixes done on Ableton if you care to listen:
    [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

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  8. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    "I'm not really into mixing anymore so I probably wouldn't be doing that much on the decks.

    Mind you, I still want the option to play whatever mp3 I want from my computer on my analogue decks........If Tracktor can do such things I will go for that. I love Native Instruments products....they've been going for a long time...I remember them way back in the late 90's
  9. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I have the Audio 8 and it does a good job since I prefer mixing with 3/4 decks and since they are the last generation of DJ sound cards they are much cheaper. I think it limits turntable connections to 2 though. Are you interested in just a basic 2 channel soundcard?

    If not, NI's S4 and S8 you can run 2 turntables through it's line in.

    If I had lots and lots of money though, Denon released a new controller that has screens and Serato built in, doesn't require a computer and also has the ability to connect two more decks to it.
  10. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Well a few weeks ago I set out to see if I could exactly what you are suggesting. That's why I looked at the encoded vinyl. From research I thought that it was possible (as I said above) to do what I wanted. My dream was basically to control the audio from some decks (which I don't even own!).

    Anyway I thought, before I went ahead with my plan, that I would install TRAKTOR and check it out. I used it years back and was pretty good then. So grabbed a load of 4x4 floor style MP3's and scanned plenty in for a session. TRAKTOR analyses all of your files and makes them pretty easy to work with.

    So what I was originally going to do was have all my controllers rigged up to control TRAKTOR (of course all of this is possible). I was messing around and getting used to the controls and what she can do. All with the mouse. Then I thought to myself, I want to take this round my mates house and rock the place! So what I needed to do is find out the shortcuts for the keyboard. Somewhere on the computer is a list of the keyboard shortcuts in a PDF file (it comes installed with TRAKTOR). I'm still learning.

    The beatmatching on TRAKTOR is so easy that I thought you don't really need any clever controller devices at all. Seriously! It makes it TOO easy. With just a few minutes I was able to easily mix all the tunes into one another. TOO EASY!

    So basically I would suggest installing it and importing/analysing your library, then have a session with it and then reassess the situation. In my case I found that I just didn't need all of the add-ons. Just a laptop loaded with some tunes and you could gig anywhere!!!

    Just try it. You know you want to! he he!:wink::rofl:
  11. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    been dj'ing professionally for the last 5-10 now and in my experience traktor + NI audio 10 (or 6 or 2) do a perfect job, though i dont use the vinyl timecode records i've seen people use these to control traktor and it does a solid job. it has never let me down, the only ting that ever let me down was a soundcard that kept crapping out, replaced it with a NI one and havent any problem since
  12. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I really miss the days when my old party buddies would have those after hours house parties and we would all bring our bag of records and take turns spinning. Now what happens? Do people just bring USB sticks to parties and gigs? or do they bring their entire laptop full of tunes? God, I'm getting old...I"m so behind the times here! LOL.....I haven't played a gig since 2004. I quit after that because the party life was just not healthy!
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  13. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    the usb stick thing actually does happen but it's with the newer pioneers (MK3), they have a usb port just for usb sticks with mp3's. but most laptop dj's (i just realized it doesnt sound as bad as it did a few years ago) will bring their own laptop and controller. hell i'm even bringing my own mixer along, gonna be dj'ing at a party next weekend where the crew even waits with setting up the dj-set in the hall i'm dj'ing in untill i'm there caus they wanna know if they need to set up a dj-set or that i'm gonna be there with my own stuff
  14. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Ok, well after looking at all the options I really like Traktor Scratch pro. It's exactly what I was thinking of. Now, as for the price of everything! Holy shit...I'll probably be spending at least $1200 on everything. $300 for Traktor, $400 mixer and at least $600 for a turntable. Is it worth getting though? I don't know......I have some scratch records collecting dust in my storage which I could use instead of spending $300 on Traktor to play a digital sample. I have one record that has just about ever sample scratch sound I would ever need, so considering that...I might just stick it old school and get one mixer and one turntable and leave it at that. The mixing will get so dull and boring again, i just know it.....and where is the challenge if it's got all the auto sinc stuff? I already found it unchallenging! I don't need it to be more!

    So I think I will stick with Ableton for my mixing....I actually find it much more creative since I can cut up certain parts of a track or fine tune things with effects....it's just more creative for me all together.

    Well thanks for the input guys. That Traktor scratch pro is really amazing. I think things have really gone a long way since I started out djing way back in 98'
  15. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    This whole set up thing really bothers me, because before you could just play your set and the next Dj would mix his record into yours and the tunes would continue. SO are you telling me when a DJ is finished his set, the next DJ might have to cut the tunes and set up for his mix? AHH! That would drive me bonkers!
  16. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Another note. When I used to DJ, I felt so fucking bad ass with my 60lb bag of records! I would tote that thing around like it was a trophy! Now I assume you wouldn't even be able to recognize a DJ when he steps in. He would just be another Joe with his USB stick!
  17. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    no ofcourse not, most mixers have 4 channels (havent seen a 2 channel mixer in ages) and dj's will just plug into the unused inputs and mix in, some mix internally (with a controller and 2 channel soundcard) and they will only use 1 channel, it's pretty easy actually. stopping the music is still a big nono unless some live act is playing during the evening
  18. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    most of the time i recognize the dj as the guy behind the decks who's bouncing up and down, the mp3 stick guys are not very common, a lot still carry records or cd's and the digital guys will be carrying a laptop and controller or as in my case will a whole suitcase with gear
  19. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Jesus, Satik. I never thought of that! That makes it so damn easy! I used to have a Pioneer DJM600 with those 4 channels. Man did I love that mixer.....Pioneer seems to be the biggest and baddest, last I heard Tech 1200's aren't even being manufactured anymore! Is this true? had Pioneer taken over? I remember the two best companies was Tech and Vestax. Now it seems to be Pioneer for everything! I could see it coming with their amazing mixers.
  20. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    yeah think they had to pass the scepter to pioneer, you see them everywhere. i know of a few dj's that wont even dj if there is no pioneer mixer, there is another manufacturer that's being used quite often but i cant remember their name atm, a lot of hardcore/gabber parties use them. the sl1200's arent being made anymore no, can only find them 2nd hand and i think their price is rising
  21. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I don't miss schlepping tons of vinyl around, at all. I miss djing with vinyl, though. It was so much fun. But I think it made a really artificial point about something the audience usualy doesn't care about: beatmatching. I always prided myself in my abilty to sync records so neatly I could keep them running parallel for minutes without touching them. But you see, it's pointless. Joe the average club dancer simply doesn't care if you beatmatch manually or press sync. Or at least not anymore.
    So I love todays means to go out and play. I can take whatever music I like with me, long lost records, self-made dubplates, the newest shit, whatever, and concentrate on what djing - to me - is all about: entertain and educate people with my music.
    And there is so much you can do these days that's beyond just mixing.

    I found these videos to be a great source of inspiration:

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