How to create an akai CD-rom ?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by g777g, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I have read a lot of subjet for find a solution to create my own akai cd-rom and burn for play with my sampler.

    but I dont find the tricks for do it, someone know how to do that ?

  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I doubt that there is any solution to create an CD which has the Akai File System format.
    It is not even mountable by windows (Its confirmed to be mountable with daemontools tho) or os x.
  4. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Chickensys is the only software-based solution that worked for me well enough in the past (I've used it to prepare CDs for import in E-MU and Roland samplers).
    Sometimes you have to use an intermediate format like Sound Font.
    SF2 to AKAI works well in CST.

    Also note that most converters can only read Kontakt banks written by Kontakt version below v4.2.0.
  6. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    first, thanks for your answer guys.

    huschiwuschi I know that, and I can make an CD with the akai format problem's but I can't drag and drops wav samples or akai converted sampled into it.

    hi mageye, no I never hear of Awave Studio. Can we create our own CD with it?

    I have find an old version of chicken translator ( 2.9 ), with this version I can create virtual akai .iso but I can't see the virtual drive and mount my the image I just create.

    Maybe it's come from the version 2.9 originally create for windows NT/98/XP, I thought that there might be incompatibilities ( I'm on win 7 ).

    I have also many other small program like : akaidisk, extreme sample converter 3, cdxtrack ... and all I can do with theses is to build programs or convert sample to akai format, yes fiction from what I have read only chicken can help to create original CD with the akai format.

    thanks for advice fiction : "Sometimes you have to use an intermediate format like Sound Font.
    SF2 to AKAI works well in CST."

    I will try to make sample converted to soundfont format ( but how to put on akai virtual cd after ? )

    The problem's I dont have the money for buy the last complete version 6, so I was trying to find a free version but I feel like there's no solution instead of buying the full version or the special akai version from chicken ( it's 80$ for the small akai special edition to the full 150$ ),
    all these things look really difficult for burn an simple akai CD-rom ... !
  7. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    oh and I don't want to buy an full version of chicken also because it's equal to the price of HxC modification SD floppy disk emulator
  8. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    The difference between chicken sys 2.9 and the latest 6.1 is massive. Its a much better program now and will definitely do the job. I admit the conversions can be a bit hit or miss sometimes but that's the way it goes im afraid.

    The full version of translator covers everything but You can also purchase a cut down version of translator that will just do akai and its half the price :) link below

    here is a link to the other special editions
  9. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    there's no alternative to do it free?
  10. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Depends upon a lot of things.

    1.) Your sampler ie. Kontakt reads AKAI native so don't need disc etc just iso & mount
    2.) Why create an AKAI CD unless you are using that format as part of hardware etc i.e AKAI hardware
    3.) What sampler u using?
    4.) Encryted formats etc ie chicken sys great but not always necessary as many samplers will read native.
    5) AKAI was great & there some real cool iso's/CD's coded floating but is dead to a certain extent.
    Again sort of suggest u have hardware that produces AKAI format????
    Much I don't really understand about exactly what you trying to do but many ways & possibly read this completely wrong but there most probably a workaround but wont be 100%
  11. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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  12. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Certainly not.
    Extranslator is a great util but it can only write the newer-style MPC and S5k type programs.
    To create Akai ISO images readable by all kinds of old-school samplers with Akai import capability, you will need Chickensys. Version 2 is good enough for the purpose.

    Btw, another option is Propellerheads ReCycle version 2.0 with sampler support. (only the old version works!!)
    You can slice samples and transfer multiple hits to your hardware sampler over Midi or SCSI sample dump.
    Last time I have used an adaptec 1460 PCMCIA SCSI adaptor in my laptop to transfer drum samples to my ESI-2000 over scsi. Easy and fast.
  13. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9

    You need to have a SCSI CD Writer to attach to your S1000 or higher and it will write out your partitions to it and you will then have an original AKAI CD, i know this cause many years ago i made about 30 of them.

    you may find old SCSI CD Writers on ebay for about $10.00 make sure you use 650MB Blank CD's as overburn (700MB) is not supported by AKAI.

  14. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    thanks for reply,

    ok so I got an akai s2800 with a scsi CD-rom ( with caddies disk ) linked to the card of the sampler, I have burn some .iso of akai CD i have found on the web and it's work perfectly.

    I got also an old cracked version of chicken 2 but when I create an virtual disk it dosent appears on the left side, so I believe it's from the old version ( program for NT/98/XP ) and I'm on win 7. I will try to install it on virtual box with xp maybe it's will work this way...

    I have also an cracked version of extreme translator, and I can create akai s series .iso file with it and it's look ok ( with the partition a, b, c, d, etc... ) but the problem's is when I try to copy files on the akai .iso files.

    All i want to do is to create an akai with my own samples, for get the dynamic and the filter of the sampler.

    so, if i understand in all theses programs : chicken translator, extreme sample converter, cdxtrack, awave studio. the only one who can burn mounted virtual akai .iso ( from the s series ) is chicken translator ?

    also I have try midi dump with the elektron c6 program but it dosent work ( i connected midi in/out and go to menu midi and receive on the hardware sampler ).

    and i have also some floppies but i can't burn anymore cause i don't have an old pc with xp and floppy disk.

    that look hard to create an akai CD in 2016 !
  15. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    g777g, the thing with sample dump over midi or scsi is that on your S2800, you need to prepare a program in order to receive samples. It's a tedious procedure, not only for the speed, but also for the inherent limitations of the sample dump standard SDS itself.
    You're much better off building an AKAI ISO image with CST, burning the ISO with any CD writer (no matter if scsi or IDE/ATA) and drop it in the AKAI CD drive.
    I had good success building my programs with a pre-v4 Kontakt version, converting the .nki to sound font and importing it in CST, then build the AKAI ISO.
    You really need some patience, building an AKAI image is not trivial in CST, but you'll eventually find out :)
    Good luck! The S2800 sounds great, especially for percussive stuff.
  16. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9

    I gave you exact answer on how to do it and you went on about converting etc etc etc.

    "You need to have a SCSI CD Writer to attach to your S1000 or higher and it will write out your partitions to it and you will then have an original AKAI CD"

    Try reading my answer and stick with the simple 5min procedure.

    Also there is this AKAI site
    with mixed information that uses other various methods that people have found useful, i've never tried their way so i can't pass any comments.

    If for some reason you have problems finding a old SCSI CD Writer then an alternative storage method would be to stick to a SCSI HD they read faster and you can back them up.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
  17. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    fiction :

    "You're much better off building an AKAI ISO image with CST, burning the ISO with any CD writer (no matter if scsi or IDE/ATA) and drop it in the AKAI CD drive."

    The problem's I can build an akai .iso on CST but I can't open the .iso I just create for drag and drop the files i want to put on it before burn on CD.

    For burn as I've already said, i got no problem's. I have burn maybe 10 CD from some old compilation I found the web, and they work good.

    What version of chicken you use, and what's software on your computer ( windows 7, mac ) ?

    and yes I have some drums machine ( sp1200, linndrums, 707, 808, 909 etc ... ) floppy and CD for the akai s2800 and that turn the machine into a powerfull rhythm box, I like also the waveforms from sequencial circuit pro one, oberheim ob-12, minimoog, sh-101, juno-106.

    for realistics instruments i prefer use kontakt, and even if now theses akai ampler look old I find very creative to use and very different from the modern samplers

    robot :

    "I gave you exact answer on how to do it and you went on about converting etc etc etc.

    "You need to have a SCSI CD Writer to attach to your S1000 or higher and it will write out your partitions to it and you will then have an original AKAI CD"

    Try reading my answer and stick with the simple 5min procedure."

    you say I need a scsi CD writer for have an akai original, but as I said before I can create an akai .iso without problem's ( virtual ) prepared to be mount for burn on CD. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but if you say I can only format CD with a scsi hardware CD writer I'm not sure of that cause I have see a lot of people who said they make akai CD-rom with chicken and burn it on a cd with a classic cd reader/burner ( IDE/ATA ), and even I can do it how you place the files into the akai formated CD ?

    ( you just can't open an akai CD just with windows and make drag and drops, you need to respect the encoding of the file type from the old akai s series ).

    so for import sample from my computer for put it on the akai .iso I encounter some difficulties even if I take chicken ( version 2.9 ).
  18. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    when u say SCSI CD writer it's virtual or hardware? ( I have see that I think in some menu of the chicken soft )

    oh and thanks for link robot, unfortunaly there's a lot of dead link's but there's lot of goods stuff too .
  19. g777g

    g777g Newbie

    Sep 1, 2013
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    chicken 2.9 dont work on win7 so I have find an old XP system computer and it's works now! thanks 4 help