rms vs peak on bass (DUB)

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by 30hz, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Hi everybody !!!
    I would like to know what the ideal ratio (Db) between rms and peak in the bass sound
    (I usually deal specially with sub bass) ,i can get good levels of rms(about -18\-12DbFS) but very little peak, resulting such a short dynamic range, i've tried everything comps,limiters , maximizers, expanders but nothing, then I was wondering if in the bass sound there must be a good dynamic range between rms and peak or not , if yes how much should be the ideal range ??, and how can I get it?
    I hope I explained clearly
    i produce mostly Dub\reggae tracks
    bye and thanks to all
  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    How's your room treatment? Do you use 5", 8", or a subwoofer?

    Maybe you push the bass too hard because you can't hear it because of the monitoring?

    What is the source of your bass?
  4. CherryBlossom

    CherryBlossom Member

    Mar 16, 2016
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    That is 100% personal preference. Whatever the song calls for, whatever feels right to you.

    To increase dynamic range of a sound within itself you wouldnt want to use compressors, limiters or maximizers. They do the opposite. If its a synth sound play with the ADSR envelope; high attack and lower sustain levels would yield a high dynamic range. If the sound is already recorded then use a transient shaper tool to push down the sustain level to create more dynamics. You could even add a tuned kick that hits every time the bass hits, heh...

    Again personal preference but I never find my self trying to increase the dynamic level of bass in general. I want my bass as locked in, steady, loud, proud and growling as possible. Meaning if its an acoustic bass instrument (not synth) you can bet that I'm saturating, limiting, compressing almost to infinity and beyond! The question is how do YOU want it to sound?
  5. CherryBlossom

    CherryBlossom Member

    Mar 16, 2016
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    You could also add (layer) different bass sounds with different characteristics to create the illusion of greater dynamic range. Moog type bass synth sound usually have that cheesy sounding attack that could be helpful to stick out for example.
  6. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    my room is'nt acoustically treated and actually I do not have sub
    so it's possible that I do not hear particular frequencies

    I was actually thinking seems to be a good solution thx bro !!!
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