UVI Offers Digital Synsations For Free (through March 13th)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Gnib, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    Good catch.. weird how they would suggest a 'downloader' that you purchase a 'pro' version of to download something for free from them..
  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    will pass, i hate to use that iLok manager.
  3. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Nope, it looks like you the even more ignorant one. The big brother "silliness" as you label it, has nothing to do with cracked software or AudioTopia releases.

    Think wider, much wider than you are used to thinking in your non-hobbyist "pro" mind. It has to do with other things. Come on!

    Ask before you assume. And learn something in the process, everyone would be better off.
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Lmfao quoted for prosperity. That's the corniest shit anyone's ever tried to come at me with. What are you, fifteen?

    Did you put a monacle in before you wrote your reply to me?

    Do you argue on message boards while wearing a super villan cape and a little black mask that just covers the skin around your eyes?

    Are you perhaps this guy?

    This one?

    I know, you see the world from a broader view than everyone else, and that's why other people don't "get" you. It's their fault for being so myopic.

    In reality, people just hate a blowhard with an inflated sense of self-importance. We were talking about iLok manager and you evoked the image of Big Brother. Spouting a bunch of bombastic horseshit doesn't get you off the hook. I tried to be nice about it.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ahhh love is everywhere... except.. my underground lair..

    . muwahaha.png
  6. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    What kind of childish reply and person are you?

    Grow up and leave behind "super-villains", Austain powers and what ever other kind of immaturity you are holding onto. Quicksmart, you ain't impressing anyone friend.

    Your jaded cynical approach to life is only a reflection of who've you've become, and that reflection is nicely on display for all to see, in your post. If you are so mature, apparently more than me, your reply would have been different. But instead it is not. You seem to have instead done the reverse psychological thing I often see people dong, projecting onto others what they themselves are, in order to hide their own inadequacies. Or whatever other things they have not going for them.

    If you want to know my age, ask for it. That's how people learn about it each other.
    You do not walk up to someone and say to them, "What are you 15" and then show them a picture of a fictional character, as if that in any way describes the real person standing before you.


    You tried, but didn't really mean it. You were just covering up what you really were thinking.
    And who says I was only talking about iLok, in the first place! My sentence went from that, onto other things. That's the point you missed!

    That's what I meant by "assume". Learn to listen/read and if still you do not understand refer to my previous message: Humble your ego and ask the other person what the hell do they mean.

    Gooday good sir!
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    what are you 15? you never heard of using a metaphor to describe someone?
    ( who , in this case, is not standing before anyone )

    before you go off on people here.. check your own rationality first...! how's that old timer ??

    p.s. raccoons are not nasty, they often wash stuff before they eat it !
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2016
  8. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Got it last time, never actually used it :p just installed, tried once and forgot about it, lol. Nothing special.
  9. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Day 2. 70% OMFG i will never buy anything from them.
  10. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Haven't proceeded yet... I'll do it as a test to see what happens if you already have it. It says nothing about additional licenses and shit, so I assume it will show up as a new serial with 3 additional activations. Weird...


    Did it. Went through normally... (Extra serial with 3 more activations.... I'm not registering it. It will become confusing. I wouldn't use more than one currently, anyway...)

    They should do it like a contest thingie...

    "Collect 30 licenses for DS to get another product for free" :rofl:
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Tealla so basically, a longwinded version of I'm rubber you're glue with your trademark melodrama :rofl:

    The way you're talking is literally bringing back memories of arguments I had in the fourth grade with kids whose brains were not yet fully developed. I'm not saying that to be a dick; that's actually happening inside my head. I could keep slapping you around for all the faulty thinking in your ridiculous attempts at being condescending, but to engage you point for point at your own level would be to journey down a huge rabbit hold of "socially retarded" that some people don't recover from.

    but thank you for explaining to me what you meant by "assume". That was an important point.

    I'm done now. Sorry for derailing the thread, fellas. I'm sure the silent majority here can see why it would inspire a reaction of such contempt.
  12. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    I say no
  13. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Why are you getting involved?

    No manners at all. Calling me names and pretending to teach me about metaphors.

    You are someone who in the presence of the person would not utter a word, but you feel powerful behind your internet avatar.


    1) He is the one who started throwing mud at me, and you support that? What if next time someone is needlessly throwing mud at you and others just standby and watch you getting whacked, and they join in? Would you like that?

    2) I am not going of at people, you and your friend are. And you joining in proves it. You need your ego stroked.

    3) Old timer? Well, how about I call you fatso, or weeny, or good for nothing pos? Where does that really get me, how does that really help me or anyone else? It doesn't. Learn to control yourself. You assume just like your friend, because you need to feel right.

    4) Learn respect and then maybe you won't feel the need to find your self worth in bashing others when someone is already doing it. Maybe you'll learn to step in and call a time out on the one attacking, not on the one defending.
  14. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Well in your point of view I am being condescending. That's exactly your problem, see. It is you who are being all kinds of nasty, only you are blinded by the sound of how awesome you think you are. Just look at the rubbish you write and pretend it is A-OK: "brains were not yet fully developed", "I could keep slapping you around", "but to engage you point for point at your own level would be to journey down a huge rabbit hold of "socially retarded" that some people don't recover from."

    Better luck next time at holding the moral high ground. ;)

    I could keep slapping you aroun
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    are you kidding me? I stroke my own ego , and I do it often thank you very much. You should try it instead of coming in here
    trying to be an interwebs bad ass and tangling with our esteemed members ( and old timers)..

    I see you do have a good command of English, but the way you protest and whine about pretty trivial things.. makes me think
    you have the emotional IQ of.. umm.. a 4th grader ?? sorry for ( jokingly ) referring to you as an old timer ..
    since you are really acting like a n00b !!!

    let's get to brass tacks... you kicked this off.. by referring to people as "ignorant"
    when all they were doing is expressing a well informed opinion and response,
    how about you brush up on your manners here...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2016
  16. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Omg i did it. Well M1 piano and organ bass are awesome.
  17. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Cheers for the info dl,ed it.. Myself and and ilok arent exactly friends know what im sayin...How do i go about activating it without impacting any other release...Apologies for a noobesque question!!
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @DanielFaraday congrats man.. enjoy... how long for your 9 gigs.. ?? :bleh:

    @jynx not really a n00besque one... I recently installed a totally unrelated program
    and afterwards it pulled up a korg auth challenge screen... so many glitches
    we just try to work around.. ..try it and see what happens...

    I have had elicenser hose a lot of legit installations for one cracked plug....feels bad man
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2016
  19. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Thanks! 49 hrs.
  20. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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