Atonal music is all in A minor

Discussion in 'Education' started by kouros, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Yes, that is correct. Those are "literally" text book definitions but they have no bearing on 12 tone row music. He didn't use a row of 12 tones, hence it's not 12 tone row music. He did use rows of 4 leading to the implied harmony. It's implied because he doesn't hang on a key center long enough to resolve. It's modal harmony because GMaj7#5 is coming from minor modes. It's what it sounds like.

    The original article was very funny.12 tone row is really just a math exercise. Nothing more. While we are at it, can we get rid of the German Augmented 6th chord. Never liked it.
  2. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    foster911, I would have to agree with this statement. It also applies to tonal music. When you are transcribing a piece of music that has a few chords not in the home key, a real quick modulation that doesn't really set up a new key center, they can be "heard" as being in several different keys and it would still be correct.

    Am actually very happy to see people still critically thinking about music. I know I learn something new every day.

    If you haven't yet, please listen to John Coltrane - A Love Supreme. It might be right up your alley. He is thinking in "sheets of notes".
  3. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Everyone posting in response to this is offering a wealth of information, which I am copy/pasting for further study.

    The human mind is not naturally "tonal" or "modal." Such constructs are culturally-ingrained. Whatever one grows up hearing or playing is what will sound most "normal" to one.

    No matter how much music theory I studied, nor how many different genres of music in which I'd immerse myself, there is a music in my mind which defies vertical or linear structuring, but which occurrs, or exists unto itself, as it might of its own accord or in spite of humanly-imposed order. Gyorgy Ligeti's "cloud music" (micropolyphony) approximates this, but what I'm sensing is "pre-musical" impulses and associations in the mind, much like "preconscious" ideation, just outside the door from where such things get put into order to be reduced into more commonly-comprehensible communication. I say "reduced" as in how much of a memory or experience is lost or excluded by necessity when putting it into words to be communicated to another person.
  4. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Put down the bong. You've had enough. There is no such thing as culturally ingrained constructs.
  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I know what kouros is thinking about this to me. Foster does not know the meaning of tonic yet and ... . I am a questioning guy. Logical or illogical.

    But please some more questions:
    (Please answer them considering the pitch)

    1- Have all of the canons and rules of the music been discovered till now? I mean, could we hear a music in the future that we can not analyze it by the known systems that we have had up to this point?

    2- Are there any rule in the music that you can not stand it or you do not like it at all? And what's your reasoning?

    3- Do we have any right not to like any rule in the music?

    4- What is your dominant justification of loving a music and not liking another one? Is it sensorial?

    Thanks so much!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2016
  6. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Very good questions my friend!!!

    1- Have all of the canons and rules of the music been discovered till now? I mean, could we hear a music in the future that we can not analyze it by the known systems that we have had up to this point?

    When I am discussing music, it is almost always coming from the common practice period thinking. This still applies well to popular music which I see as modern day folk music in the historical sense, not the Peter, Paul and Mary sense.

    2- Are there any rule in the music that you can not stand it or you do not like it at all? And what's your reasoning?

    The music always came first. People later decided to analyze music to figure out what made one piece of music good and another not as good. Some early theorist would be Rameau and JJ Fux. They all discovered a consistent pattern in what was considered great compositions. This became the "Rules of Music". If you followed theses rules, it still might not be a great composition, but it would be at least good. There really are only about 10 rules. That's it.

    If you analyze Bach's 371 Harmonized Chorales, you will discovery almost every rule broken at least once. The music comes first. If it sounds right, it is right. He knew the rules but broke them because that is what the music required. The Rules of Music are not written on a stone tablet but you break them at your own peril.

    I am not a big fan of no parallel fifths since I am a guitar player haha. Break it all the time.

    3- Do we have any right not to like any rule in the music?

    You are talking about 21st Century music. You can do what ever you like. There are no rules. Much of it is a cacophony of noise and doesn't fit into the category of music.

    4- What is your dominant justification of loving a music and not liking another one? Is it sensorial?

    Of course. I could care less what somebody did or didn't do. If it sounds right, it is right. The music always comes first.
  7. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    what is a a-minor, I've seen that preset in auto-tune...:rofl::hahaha:
  8. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    ...and what is that graph of the blues without a sixth ??? ...ask BB King! :)
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