Copying IR from Comercial CD's

Discussion in 'PC' started by danfuerth, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Alright here is what I wanted

    Find a way to grab a sample from a band's comercial cd and use that sample as an IR into Reaverb then find
    a way to get it deconvolved with a sinewave sample

    Here are the steps

    1. extract the track into Reaper . Look at the begining and see if it has 1-2 seconds of pretrack roll NOT PREGRAP silence.
    You will need at least minimum 1 second of a sample prior to music starting.

    2.Crank up the volume and make sure you use headphones then slow down the music track and listen to the low hiss sound, if there is no hiss you are out of luck as they added silence USE AN 80'S Music CD!!!.

    3. once you have the section ready trim and then copy and paste at least 2 seconds , make sure you crossfade properly, listen to it at high volume!!!!. render that track as 1.wav

    4.bring that track 1.wav back in. on a second track grab the sinewave sample there are many try some of them
    Adjust the volume and make sure that the sinewave is not killing the hiss sound, but make sure you just
    dont hear the hiss sound , I had where I could hear loud the sinewave but if i focused i could slightly hear the low hiss and oscilating sound. If you could get it like that you are set

    1.wav and the sine wav will be played into a 3rd track that will be recording in stereo the output.

    Record the playback

    Now save that recording as a wave file. sample final.wav

    Now load Reaverb in "Impulse Generation " click add then click cancel!!! now
    last steps are

    Click on deconvolve and locate the record mix of both the sample and sinewave
    then locate the original sinewave file then it will ask you to save a file name it cool.wav or whatever you wish

    Now load that new IR file into reaverb "add file" and pay attention to the sample screen in reaverb. If you
    get a flat line then you did no add enough volume for the sample on the recorded mix.. try adding more

    Done this works 100% added it to vocals and was blown away.

    I will tell you the tracks I used so you dont think I am a jackass.

    Foreigner - I want to know what love is - 1.2 second pre-roll of the mix before music starts
    Cindy Lauper - Time after time - 1.5 seconds pre-roll( havent done an IR yet of this one)

    Thats it, like I said watch out for the flat line in Reaverb, means try it again you will end up with a small like sample screen of little bumps

  3. Antilles

    Antilles Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    when I use the Space Designer of Logic, i can simply drag and drop the noise sample right? I wont need the sine step.

    Man this is a great idea. I did pink noise with great success but this is much more cool ;)
  4. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I dont quite understand what you are trying to achieve here. Unless you're trying to make an IR of tape hiss, what the heck are you trying to achieve? Honestly, explain....
  5. psyfactor

    psyfactor Newbie

    Oct 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    yeh... i lol'd
  6. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    It is not the entire mix LOL maybe you misunderstood, it is only the first 1.5 second of the noise space for the track. In the 80's it was popular to run the track mix and fade in the music, but in theory this would allow you to sample the space that the song was mixed in and it does work I tried it and the main problem is getting songs with preroll mix, as today the preroll is just silence. Hope you understand as this is what Waves is doing with Waves 9 mind you. sampling audio through mixers.( the simplest term I guess). I am basically copying the mix space compression, reverb all in one shot hope you get it now.
  7. tramoliter

    tramoliter Newbie

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Hey Dan. any chance on posting one or two of these Irs. Ive read your instructions but I havent got a clue on how to do it still. The only way Ive ever sampled spaces is to send a spike into a reverb unit or a baloon pop into a real space. Thanks
  8. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Alright i uploaded the 4 kb file to a free host.


    you know what to do to the begining of the adress

    Just scroll down and click the download button where it looks like a media player. ya I hate these free hosts but what can yo do lol

    A side effect of the IR is also kills some hiss on your tracks so a bonus. I am using this now for all my tracks

  9. tramoliter

    tramoliter Newbie

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Dan, thankyou so much ill give it a shot and let ya know how it works for me. Cheers, have a good day.
  10. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    wow no offence mate but what a waste of time...

    ive always been curious as to why people spend so much time basically doing everything in the studio except make music...

    Why spend time doing all these IR's? just use the same settings/software/hardware etc as the original artists if your that hell bent on copying someone else's sound...

    too many bloody scientists in the studios nowadays and not enough musicians...
  11. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    LOL well you are quite right on the scientist in the studio, but do remember I dont have a million dollar studio, if you have a spare million I would appreciate it heheheheh

    This is just a simple way to get close to environment mix used. No way it can ever be original but think it this way when waves 9 with LNS comes out will you download it or use it that is the question.

    All I am doing is what audio techs and musicians do at Waves.
    Think about it do you think Waves is going to open up Mike Hedges console with a screwdriver?
    Hell no they will sample IR's to it, and other sophisticated sampling equipment as that's all they can do basically.

    I am a guitar musician so thats why I doodle with these ideas LOL
    When Waves LNS comes out will test it against my IR's that I am doing in order to see if really thats all they did, IR samples going through the Consoles they are trying to emulate

    The IR I posted also kills hiss on your tracks try it , say it sucks or good then delete lol

    :wink: thanks for all the posts!!
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