UltimatePluginManager presents: Ultimate DAW Plugin Manager (UDPM)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Damn, I accidentally deleted all the info! I'll try to get it restored ASAP.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
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  3. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Looks handy! Thanks for the share the dingus mate!
  4. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    :break: congrats on the 500 likes! :dj:
  5. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    It's clearly the kind of tool who make the life easier.
    Thanks for the discovery.:bow:
  6. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    looks interesting
  7. miaik

    miaik Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Seems like a really useful tool, but their website is down for few days now :dunno:
  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Sounds promising. I betcha Logic users are going to be very pleased, as LPX's plugin management isn't the best around. Downloading for a test run now. I just wonder how much it is going to cost as no price is announced. I hope I don't get hooked just to find out it costs an arm and a leg.
  9. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Logic users have been using AUManager to do this for AU plugins for years now, alongside Logic's own plugin manager.
  10. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    AUManager is ok, but Logic's own plugin mamager does not let you see how to visualize or arrange plugins when you see them in the load menu. The fact that you can't arrange third-party plugins by catergory and only third-party plugins can be grouped by manufacturer is a boner killer for me.
  11. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Eh? In LPX you can organise plugins as you like, including third-party, Logic's own, and place them in the top level menu or in whatever subfolder configuration you want, including having plugins appear in multiple locations.

    If you are using an old version of Logic which doesn't have the new organisation capability, then upgrade, it's well worth it.
  12. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Damn. Happened again! I'm a real fumble fingers today. Must be too much coffee.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  13. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Yeah, his marketing messaging is... well, weird and confusing.
    I mean, why have a Purchase button if it's not available to purchase? Things like that just piss people off (once they can understand what exactly the plugin claims to do).
  14. pcosxuser64

    pcosxuser64 Newbie

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Hello Audiosex Pro,

    My name is Don Crockett I developed the Ultimate DAW Plugin Manager.
    I'm an absentee Audiosex Pro member / lurker but someone sent me this link. so I wanted to drop by.

    @theDingus who shared the initial, limited, & rushed release of the demonstration version of UDPM.
    I got mixed fellings for ya dude.
    I had over 30 thousand downloads in the first couple months of its release.
    Got I lot of critiques about the design of the website (fixed now) which also kept crashing adn trowing 403 errors til I got the balancing right(also fixed)
    kinda love / hate ya for that.

    Got lots of good and bad feedback on app..
    love ya for that.

    So Thanks Dude!

    A bit about me, I'm musician / producer / record engineer, who works mostly as a software and website developer these days.
    and who also lurkes here<g>.

    I wrote the app because I was tried of scrolling thru pages and pages of plugins when I just needed 4 or 5 for the process a hand.
    and waiting half hour for my daw to index 400 plugins with clients waiting..
    and the BiG one... having my NLE choke and crash trying to load audio plugins that I did not need.

    I'm forced to admit as others have observed here, the marketing message is a bit confusing.
    Hard to know what to do.. People were confusing my product with someone elses.
    Thinking UDPM allows you to create specifications and labels that show up in your DAW or NLE software.
    That's not what the app does.

    The software is basically a plugin switcher, UDPM works outside & independent DAW & NLE software.
    Yes UDPM will work in any DAW or NLE environment that supports the 3rd party plugin(s) listed on the website.
    But UDPM is a companion piece, it allows you to switch plugin(s) "on", or "off" outside DAW and NLE software.

    Basically UDPM controls what the DAW, or NLE sees by switching plugins "off" or "on" before you launch your DAW..
    You can have a 1000 plugin(s) installed, run UDPM now the DAW sees only the plugin you switched "on"; 10 plugin(s), or no plugin(s).

    You ca also create presets to store and load your selections. there is a relational database so UDPM catalogs and indexes very fast.
    When the main panel starts, UDPM catalogs and indexes once, and then detects changes (added or removed plugins) on-demand via and update button.
    Ok thats the basics..

    I'm currently trying to finish what I am told is a much needed Quick Start Guide.
    So I have made no formal announcement, but both the Windows and OSX versions of the software are available to purchase.
    and at the same price stated here, but subject to change with out notice..

    Please download and run the required demo version, the more advanced among you will have no problem figuring out the interface.
    and if allowed, I will post a formal press release as soon as the Quick Start Guide is complete.

    I may not get time to respond here, but if you have any questions pls email me [email protected]

    Bye now

    pls excuse any typos
  15. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    It would appear that you made out quite well by my highly detailed post (with screenshots, etc). It would also appear that the constructive criticism :bleh: concerning your difficult to follow website (received not just here, and not just by me) gave you a little push to clean it up.

    Did I really need to sift through the mess and showcase your product in this forum? Uh, no. It took more than a few minutes to put together.

    I have cleaned up the original post for you! Peace, friend! :like:
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  16. Hades

    Hades Kapellmeister

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Whats the difference between Demo and full version ß
  17. pcosxuser64

    pcosxuser64 Newbie

    Apr 25, 2012
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    @theDingus Your the main reason I'm here again.
    I saw the work you put in..
    and maybe this wasn't clear in my op, so let let me state it again.
    Thanx for sifting through the website in the way that you did and posting it here.
    The website still needs a lot of work before the formal release, but I broke to comment here.
    and express my Gratitude!!

    And your right, the comments did push me to change my time table for converting what was a showplace design to a retail design.
    Expectations were higher than I anticipated and its seems no one wanted a showplace.

    But looking back, not sure if I would have done things differently.
    I agree, the site was difficult to navigate and provided too much info.
    That whole bit about relational databases and what's a plugin was aimed at the uninformed.
    The professionals found it to be condescending and tedious.

    But a strange and unexpected thing happened, That web design took on a life of its own, drove the conversation (you should visit the SOS forum lot of constructive criticism there) a conversation that really helped me focus my message for the retail design.

    See I just wanted critiques on the app so I could sure the app up before releasing it.
    the web design for me, was secondary and not the focus.
    But I learned I don't get to decide what the focus will be.

    I also learned, the creative user just wants to know 3 things; what is it, what does it do, and how can it help my workflow.
    The background stuff will be added back but not on the front page.
    And the app also got a lot of attention, downloads, and suggestions for improvement which was my aim.

    Truth is, I learned more from the negatives than the positives.

    Pls try the new version of the app functions much like the old just changed some internals,
    But I would still be very interested in any comments or observations you may have.
    and pls critique the website again as well, its a constant work in progress now as well as the app.
    Quick Start Guide is coming..
    Formal Release is coming


    The main difference between the demo and full version is the full version is unlocked.
    and pls note: currently and subject change,
    installing and running the demo version is the only way to get your systems unique ID.
    which is required to purchase the app.

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
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