Pro Tools AudioUTOPIA first time users

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by Rhodes, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. miaik

    miaik Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Here are my first impressions after few days of using Pro Tools, gonna update this when i use it more. So, first my issues with it:
    • slow start, not that bad, but considering its empty, its slow, now am making a template and it just have 5 channels, and opening that session is kinda slowish too, dunno, gonna see whats the speed on opening 50 channels, if its the same, then its ok then i guess
    • loop playback, i was looking at that floating transport and looking at it and kept looking at it wondering how do you enable loop playback, well you don't, you need to go to Options->Loop Playback, then enable it there, then learn Ctrl+Shit+L shortcut to be able to turn it on/off again in the future. Why there is no button for that in transport window is beyond me.
    • mix/edit view, again, why isn't there a button in transport for that i just don't understand. Again i need to go through menu to find it first, then learn a shortcut, and omg Ctrl+=, wouldn't Ctrl+Tab key be more intuitive? But no, i need 2 hands for a simple view change. Yes am lazy :bleh: Seriously, when you record yourself, having a simple button on transport for that is big help as is button for loop playback, just imagine the pain that you can only record if you press Ctrl+Alt+NumLock+R and there is no button for that in transport
    • mix view, why oh why isnt that floating window too? Cool i can move transport to my other monitor, but not mixer? Seriously?
    • shortcuts, so i don't like Ctrl+= for view change, i hate it really, and i cant change it??? Wtf? At least i didnt find a way to change it inside Pro Tools, maybe there is a way through system files, but c'mon, with all that stuff you can tweak in preferences, i think Keyboard shortcuts tab is a must these days.
    • routing, i wouldn't agree its intuitive, it is flexible yes, lots of posibilities, but its not intuitive, you can easily get lost in all those Bus renames, setting 7 FX buses, and 10 group buses took me some time, its bit of a pain at first, but its very flexible, i guess changing anything later that is already set is gonna be little head pain again
    • master channel, am not so sure about this one, but i guess everyone is adding one in their Pro Tools sessions, so why don't have it in there already as a default, or at least have the option in Preferences for that to enable or disable, like how you can pick default EQ to load or Compressor, something like, enable auto create master channel in new session
    • adding tracks, shortcuts again, Ctrl+Shift+N, clicking right click in edit view on an empty track slot would be nice to have a popup menu with option to create tracks, like there is a popup on right click on track lane with Tools, Insert, Cut, Copy etc. options. Double click, right or left mouse button though, creates Aux. I couldnt find where i could change this behaviour so its a mono track instead of aux
    Ok, that wasnt so bad for first impression :winker: now what i liked:
    • AAX, at first, before i tried Pro Tools, i was like, whaaa no VST? gtfo. but now, i think its a good thing. Installing AAX is straightforward and painless, cpu hit is very low. Cant wait for a day when VST is like this, having vst2 vst3 is a pain now, jumping from default vst folder to vst3 folder under common files then to program files just to find damn manual or to do a backup of it is annoying
    • stock plugins, really really nice, i liked them alot, you are covered 99%, you can do almost everything with them, and they sound nice
    • GUI, nice and clean, easy on the eyes, even tho it looks kinda old and retro :bleh: i like it
    • Tracks, Groups, Clips, really nice feature once you have 60+ tracks and zilion clips :rofl:
    • tab to transients, this one i really liked, speeds up your editing tasks
    • 5 zoom memory buttons, nice feature but havent find yet where i can customize them buttons arrr
    • smart tool, i think other daws should implement something like this, the way tools change depending where you hover your mouse, from trim tool to selector tool to grabber tool, awesome
  2. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    2. right click on the play button
    3. ctrl + swithes between views
    7. You can make Your own complete channel presets, with plugins included (google for pro tools hack)
    8. double click on empty area to create additional tracks (last track will be created)

    anyway, these are more or less the same "issues" I had when first time trying PT
    A usability expert would be very welcome in the AVID Team
  3. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    What about the Sound Quality.
    And pls. dont say, every DAW sounds the same.
    I came from FL to Cubase. Both sounds very flat.
    Tried Studio one, its ok, similar like logic
    i have Logic too, where i thought, the sound is really good.

    But then i opened Nexus and Kontakt with one EQ and one Reverb in ProTools and BOOOOM.
    The sound is awesome.
    So much space and room for mixing. I need less plugins then in Cubase to get my sounds right.
    With PatchWork i can load every VST.

    My first bounced Tracks are really loud and clean.

    Now i try to learn PT. Its really nice.
    And if you have some Brainworx stuff on the master, you can get very good results.
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  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    then, start to learn first about the metering options and compare it to other daws you own :mates:
  5. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    its not the loudness.
    Its how the instrument is positioned in the room.
    Maybe i tell it wrong.
    With space i mean, a kind of 3D , more space, the sound is not like a wall in my face, not flat
    It is in the room. I dont need stereo tools.
    I created a kontakt patch with 3 staccato patches, and there is so much room, and distance, and you hear the instruments flying around, every detail.
    I couldn´t archive this in cubase, logic, fl or StudioOne in days.
    in ProTools i needed 2 hours, and i´m completly flashed, when i´m playing.
    Maybe i can make a short demo, with the same midi.
    but no null test or something :D

    Just want to say, that i´m very happy with PT, and i´m glad to use it
    good night :)


    I´m working on my first real project now.
    Working with PT is ugly as hell :D
    No editable shortcuts, zooming, cutting, very ugly.
    But the result from the sound is awesome.
    i didn´t achieve such a good sound in years.
    Bass and kick become a unit without sidechain, or complex routing.
    Every instrument is hearable.
    Exotic Kontakt librarys, like duduks or bowed instruments from Ethno World dont hurt my ears anymore. Its magic, really

    Tried several daws in the last weeks.
    At last i will try ableton.

    But PT is awesome
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
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  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I my latest discovery with Pro Tools I have learned that you need Quicltime installed to import
    MP3 files. What a drag. You have to add another layer of uneeded software and possible
    resource robbing. Would think that Avid would have it's own MP# encode/decode system
    or at least use an open source option such as Lame.

    I did discover that Reaper and Pro Tools are neutral when it comes to importing audio tracks
    a from a CD. Was able to load both versions and null easily by reversing the phase of one

    Identical audio recorded or rendered however could not be nulled. Could not align tracks
  7. c-techdx

    c-techdx Newbie

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Hello my friends! Hope someone can help me. I´m trying to install the Pro.Tools.HD.v12.3.1.88512.AudioUTOPiA in my windows 8.1 x64. The instalation is running well. When I open the PT12 it loads all the components (no problem) and then when I reach the gray screen to open or create a new project the DAW freezes, windows says it´s not responding anymore, and I have to force it to shutdown. I don´t even have a chance to open or create a project, it freezes right away!

    Please, anyone could help me with this?? I really would like to try this DAW, it´s an awesome release for sure!
