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Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Torture, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Hey everyone,

    Just finished this one and wanted to share it with you guys right away. Well "finished" isn't probably the right word, cause Im still working on it...but I will take a break on this one right now to get a little distance.
    So, I thought this would be the perfect time to get some other opinions and advice from you guys.

    This is actually the style of music I usually prefer to make. I think I did a decent job to create the feel I had mind while starting this project. But thats for you to decide ;)

    Here it is...Enjoy!

    UPDATE: Hey guys, I made a new post with the updated version of the song. Please have a listen and comment on the other post. Thanks.

    Here`s the link: For me to Remember - Update
  3. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Your track was bad for my ears.
  4. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Germany thats a shame, but could you be a little more specific?
    Do you just don't like it at all? The style, the sounds, the mix? Everything?

    Little more detailed and constructive feedback would be nice...

    But thanks for listening anyways. Always wanna hear opinions, good or bad...just more details! ;)
  5. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    too many phasing around and same colored instruments used .. flangy effects ruining the mixing

    anyway you should consider the instruments selection
  6. bigdssf

    bigdssf Newbie

    Nov 19, 2011
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    hurts your ears? do you listen to the radio? thats what hurts my ears.. anyway, this isn't my style of music but i think you did a great job. drums are the only thing i wasn't feeling to much.. i like bassy kicks! and maybe that high high pitched sound towards the end, but everything else was pretty f'n dope
  7. mikepick

    mikepick Newbie

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Ixonia, Wisconsin
    A creative and varied track. I listened to the whole 7 minutes which is more than I can say for some of the things posted here. Not my style either but I liked it. The mix could use some tweaking; somewhat muddy but I wouldn't say the "flangy effects" ruined it.
  8. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Overall is good and promising. It just needs a few cuts and addons!

    To begin with, I will cut the first two sections out (too abstract for the rest of the melody).

    Start from the piano intro - the third section of the piece (fade in - borrow a few seconds from the previous section). Then on the next section, I would use fast drums (with sudden intro) going all the way up to the end in order to build momentum. By the way, I hear some kind of rhythm behind, but it's too weak and you can barely hear (Use Waves Ultramaximizer to bring the drums up). In addition, you may want to insert some vocals to spice it up, so it doesn't become monotonous and repetitious to the ear. And yes, keep the flanger down, too much will degrade and distort the music on the track. You have plenty of material here in AudioZ to create a winner out of this song!

    Towa2, thanks for sharing, keep working at it. Something good will come out of this thing! Cheers :wink:
  9. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    Ok, Just for you, because the first time I heard It, you lost me at the macabe' beginning. Here's my opinion... Was your aim to do a modern alfred hitchcock score? If it was, then you nailed it! Technically, it was to monotonus, synth sounds way to dark, no life other than when the drums come in. Overkill on the Arps etc, etc... Most importantly not commercial material. (but maybe you meant it that way) But I give you an E for effort.

    Now I can't, and won't even begin to fathom what the other folks here even minutely liked about that piece,but maybe they live in a coffin.

    Lastly I don't know what the other's here do for a living but last time I checked (and that usually never happens) I am a multi-platinum record producer. So what would I know?!
  10. maedaluse

    maedaluse Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Wow blaqmatic, could you be even more of a dick??? Where do you live? Have you heard anything from Europe, like Sweden, or anywhere around there? This style is huge there. And it's really not that (too... with 2 o's)dark. However I do agree that some sort of beat should drop earlier in the piece. Now I can't, and won't even begin to fathom why you need to be such an ass to this guy, but for someone willing to go out and try to get honest opinions from complete strangers I already give him a ton of credit. So blaqmatic... you can take that "E" and that multi-platinum (supposedly...) record producer bullshit, and shove them right back up your ass.

    Towa22: I really like the piano work. Maybe a little more subtlety on the fx (or some kind of a high eq drop on the flange, not much). Now, I'm not a multi-platinum record producer... ... ...but I do think it's a good idea to have some sort of a groove/beat earlier in a song than the 2 minute mark, unless it's extremely interesting, or another instrument is creating the groove (other than piano, I've found). Even though I have a degree in music performance, though it was for classical and jazz music, don't listen to what anyone else says. Take the good, the bad, and when the end of the day comes if you are happy with your song, and then the next day you wake up and am still happy with it, then it's finished. Good work!
  11. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Wow thats some response. Thank you all very much! Means a lot to me you took the time to listen and comment.
    First of all i have to say that this is not a finished mix! The sounds need tweaking and I haven't done a complete mixdown from scratch. Basically mixed it while producing and I´m aware that the extreme effected sounds need some more precise mixing.
    But no harm done there...I think I´ll take a day this weekend or so to pull all the levels down and do a mixdown from scratch. (Not a guarantee that it will sound better afterwards though ...;P)

    You´re right about the phasing/flanger effect, its a little strong, but I don't think it ruins the whole mix. I will try to make it fit better, but the weird feeling that it gives to the sound is actually something I was going for.
    Should be a lot better after a proper mix down!
    I have to think about adding some instruments or give them a little different color though... not sure if this is will ruin the feel I want to express, but I´ll give it a try.

    Thanks mate. Appreciate the kind words. Drums will get better with the new mix, but still maybe not big enough for your taste ;) I want to keep them a little more subtile in this one...but thats probably just me.

    Cool you liked it and listened to the whole thing. I´m actually aware that this is more than I can ask for with a 7 minute track nowadays... Absolutely right about the mix. I will tackle that as soon as possible. I don't have a good monitoring system right now, but I think I should be able to minimize some of the bigger flaws.

    Thanks for the arrangement and production tips! Always good to get some ideas to try out. I will definitely change the intro and put down some of the flanger. I won't do a total change to the arrangement though, cause I kinda like the slow building part and the later hitting drums. Maybe I will build up some groove with the bass before the drums come in.
    The drums should also come out more after the new mix is done. You`re right...there is a groove behind all this but its almost not audible...definitely something I should change :D
    Vocals haven't been an option for me so far, cause I made this out of a special occasion and for me personally the vocals would have to be very special and personal and I don't see how I would manage to get that.
    I´ll try to make this a least for me...

    So...because its you I will also respond to your comment...
    Wasn't my goal to do a modern Alfred Hitchcock score, but its cool I´ve nailed it! Actually I don't aim at something special when making a`s not like I want to sound like someone or want to make a tune for some specific genre or whatever. The process is usually a 100% for me, which a hobby should be I think. If someone else likes it and I´m able to share any kind of feeling through it, its just a bonus! So much about my personal view on the process...
    I don't think we have to talk about commercial material from the first second of this song. I think its very obvious that it´s not and it was never meant to be... Though I want to transport a feeling, (which shouldn`t btw. be a nice feeling the whole time in this song) so the technical advice is interesting for me. "Monotonus" and "no life" is something I will consider while rearranging it the next time, though I think it will still remain monotone for your ears. Also interesting for me you mentioned an "overkill on the arps", but I actually don't think Im going to change that....maybe just some variation!

    So... I totally get that you don't like it and its very fine with it, but I don't even remotely care what the people, who are listening to my stuff, do for a living! When Im doing commercial work...sure, I want producers and labels to like it and recognize it. But not for songs like this, which are really more for myself than anything else. I actually think that I would be moved more by a nice feedback from someone with a hard life (who probably even relates) than any opinion from some big shot producer!

    Thanks mate I really appreciate it. No need for hating in this thread. Everyone can have their opinion and everyone has a different way to express it... sadly not always the best way chosen, but no harm there!
    I wrote that a few times now, but yes I will mix it again and I hope some of the EQ problems will disappear afterwards.
    Good idea on the groove...I don't really want to let the drums hit in too early, but a little groove with some other instruments could be nice. I will experiment a little bit with the bass, or just some string/slap noise, maybe some clean or fuzzy guitar sounds... we`ll see.
    You´re last sentence says exactly what I think about it! When I´m happy in the end I won't change a single thing.
    Haven't reached that point though...otherwise I probably wouldn`t ask for advice to get some other ideas.
  12. piggod

    piggod Newbie

    Feb 28, 2012
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    nice one
  13. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Thanks, glad to hear!
  14. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    @ maedaluse: lets start with you...I realize you only respect the opinion of yourself but the nasty cuss words only shows your ignorance. Nothing more need to be said about you, your not worth my time. I'm sorry that my success offends you...Not!

    @Towa: You asked for opinions from everyone. I gave you mine. Didn't have to, but I did. Even came back to answer your question and be more definitive. Most people here are not on my level. But I'm not sweating that. Thats why I put that I know nothing, knowing that (first your gonna get the "Haters" to rear their ugly face,lol) and that most wouldn't understand that if you ask for an opinion Brace yourself. I have listened and do understand european music. I didn't like what you did. Asking for an opinion without explaining more than listen to my music and tell me what you think leaves the door open for anything. Perhaps You should have explained more and asked for a definitive kind of critique. I tire of the rants and raves by most foolish people here so I refuse to respond any further on the ignorant statements. Not that I haven't made some here myself, but some learn and move on. Truth be told ya can't please everybody. I look over all the things that your critics here didn't like and wanted you to change as well as my critique and that was a pretty long list. But still some "liked it"? I'm not gonna tell you something was good when I see all the flaws. You didn't say it wasn't for mass consumption so I based my opinion as I always do when I sit before record exec's and they go over my track, any tracks with a fine tooth comb. I truly believe most would have did exactly as I did the first time and shut it off after listening to a few secs of your beginning. Lastly, you state that the track was just for your amusement after you got my opinion, meaning what? That I should have assumed that?! That being said I encourage you to continue to write and produce your songs until you reach whatever outcome it is that you wish. Take care.

    P.S. next time you ask for an Opinion from everyone make sure to exclude us "Big Shot" Producers. Like you said why would you want our advice. You'd rather have some one with a "hard life" that hasn't had any success or even knows what a well produced track sounds like. Let alone the Mix and Mastering process. Lol.
  15. maedaluse

    maedaluse Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    blaqmatic: Actually, I respect all opinions, and even included one of yours in my reply. But apparently YOU are the one who only cares about his own opinions. I'm sure you ain't no big shot, as if you were you would have a better attitude toward someone that only asked for some constructive criticism. But even if you are good at what you do, that doesn't mean that you get to be such am ass. Entertaining the idea of your supposed greatness, just remember when you used to be in his shoes. Have fun being a knob.
  16. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    Ok first of all there are different levels of skill here we need to learn from each other instead of bash because the novice musician could be the one to explode successfully. I do a lot of hip hop production and a lot of people here dont like hip hop and dont care how good the song is mixed or what have you. Some people are loop based producers. I play and design my own shit. and most people who are terribly negative in this forum have no music posted. I had 55 year old me talk bad about one of my tracks but he cant fuck with me on production period. Towa look keep doing your thang if thats how you felt when you made it then thats your thang. I guarantee you if you sent me that track that you just made that everyone is so stank about i promise you i can make another song out of your shit and whoop these muthafucas asses with it. Keep doin your thang towa. Oh yea beef up the drum bring down some of the ambient sounds put some more transitons and a serious breakdown and your good. Hoodhendrix has spoken!!!!!!!!! :snuffy:
  17. maedaluse

    maedaluse Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Haha, nice!
  18. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Alright, fair enough. I should be more specific in my question towards feedback and I will respect your opinion no matter what. Which I did actually...
    And I will explain more about my songs upfront. The problem is you often don't get all the opinions (especially the bad ones) when you explain your intentions upfront or even find excuses for some flaws upfront. And I don't mind you stating my flaws, or finding my music shitty.
    I also said that I´m very thankful for your precious time you invested in listening and writing a comment, although I think a comment like your very first one doesn't belong in a forum for discussion, but in an executives office as you said yourself!
    Especially going through tracks with a fine tooth comb means giving some more precise feedback in my opinion...
    You shouldn't assume anything of my tracks and you can shut em off after listening for one second, but why bother writing a comment than that doesn't even gives me a chance to improve myself? I mean I don't know you, so I have no idea what you really think, or what your opinion is worth.
    I just asked for some explanation and you gave it to me in your second post at least a little more clearly. Which is totally fine.
    Even If I said upfront that this song is for me and not for commercial use I would have wanted you to tell me that you think it sucks. But I love to hear some reasons behind it! Not to find excuses for myself, but to learn from it and improve. If you are a successful producer, what better opportunity could there be for me to learn?! But it should be alright for me to ask for more specific feedback after your first statement then!

    Sorry, but your P.S. is stupid and misses my point completely. Maybe I haven't made myself clear enough...could be a language issue. I WANT your opinion and especially your advice on from everybody else. I only said that the personal evaluation of the song, if someone likes it or not and relates or not, has more worth to me from actual listeners than big producers or labels! In this we definitely have a very different view on music Im sure, but this is good and should stay this way.
    Now, how should I`ve known from your first post that you have any idea of what a well produced track sounds like? And how should I ever know how to make my mix and master good, if you never give me any tips to improve? You don't have to share any of you secrets, but just more specific feedback helps to get a lot of improvement.

    After all, you don't have to do all of this. You can just tell me that my music sucks and that I should rethink everything I´m doing or say nothing at all. But if your comment shouldn't just state your opinion with absolutely no use for me, make an effort and write what you don't like right from the start. If you give some good points and some constructive criticism it would be great and helpful, no matter if you are a successful producer or not!
  19. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Thanks for the support. I will definitely continue doing my stuff. But you gotta love those discussions about music...nowhere more to gain for the productions than through those feedbacks.
    Good to get some advice. Will do a complete overhaul mix wise next week or so. I think what I felt is inside it, now I have to try to improve it technically and arrangement wise!
  20. shbamac

    shbamac Newbie

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Enjoyed it.
  21. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    What Hood said and also yes, too much arping, gets monotonous.. real quick. :wink: