How can i make money with that?

Discussion in 'Job Listings: Finding, Hiring.' started by oa., Mar 4, 2016.

  1. oa.

    oa. Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Heyyo. I know it's kinda absurd. But I don't have any directive about this topic.

    I'm studing audio engineering in Sae Institute and doing some electronic music production. Not an ameteur, not a prof.

    I need money with my music, mixing and stuff like that.

    Sorry about my bad grammer. Thank you for all your advices.
  2. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    all I can say man, is that its not the greatest industry to make money right now. And if you do find a way to make great money with it, which is possible but super fkn difficult, then it's not the most entertaining...

    especially if you're into elecronic music, it's pretty much the worst direction to take...

    if ur into rock bands, rap artists and such, there is a good market, but not a great income... until u find that group that u can take the journey to success with...

    I discovered @Cav Emp through here, and I'm helping him out with some stuff, so that's always fun, but I don't expect to earn from it at all, just do it to help out...
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  3. oa.

    oa. Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2016
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    I dont't know man. Maybe I can make some rap beats for money. But is it a good market for money? Because rappers are poor in my country ^^

    I thinking about EP for itunes and spotify but I'm not sure about making money with that.
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    It takes brass balls to produce/mix music.
    Dont rely on your school only,it can be a trap.
    Its always about time,focus and the yearning for knowledge.
    Doesnt matter if its a shool or a bedroom environment,dont rely on your diploma,its about commitment
    and how far you are willing to go,to break yourself and reinvent yourself.
    Man has to suffer,fall down,crawl to then rise again,stand up,break the old shell
    and grow into something bigger,more experienced,humble yet confident in his doings.
    Good luck,believe in yourself,you can do it.
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  5. tafelrunde

    tafelrunde Member

    Mar 26, 2013
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    if you love it you love it, if you are good you are good - then I dont see any problem to make money out of it someday.
    the possibilities are huge these times. quality in heart and sound will push through. that includes to stay true to yourself and always find your way back on your personal route of success. cause trust me, this industry can be a bitch. but as i said: if you re good and never get off the track (or turn back to it asap) u will have much fun.
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  6. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    this is right, you really gtta love it...
  7. oa.

    oa. Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2016
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    I love it guys. Really really much. I dedicated my life and my heart for it.

    I can't imagine I working in an office until the end of my life. That's pain for me.

    I never think about money but I need studio monitors and stuff like that. So I need the way. And audio is the my way.
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  8. stevejobs.haha

    stevejobs.haha Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Take a loan from people you know, I did the same ! When i earned some money, I paid the loan amount asap. But take money from people whom you know & who trust you and your talent.
  9. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    just go find yourself a job keep the money then open some business , then you will make a music without even care about what will be tomorrow .
    first go build your Future , then you can Return to music and make music without even care about if you make money or no

    but still if you like to make money here one good way
    1. open Youtube and google adsense
    2. upload video and earn money from ads

    every 1,000,000 views you get around 5,000$-8,000$

    you can even open 2 channels one Channel for music , the other channels for random bullshit such "10 stronger dogs" .....etc which get ton of views
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  10. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    exactly what I wanted to answer, I always did hip-hop and dance hall type stuff but never really earned anything except on some finished track basis in the early days. just enough for me to by some weed:rofl:

    Singer-songwriters are currently a thing here, preferably minors with dad managers who have big wallets
  11. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    A long time ago, after I had just paid the five other people in my band (in an even six-way split) after a show at a club in NYC, the chick in the band, younger but the only one of us with a degree in music, looked at her fistful of dollars and pouted, "I wanna know when you're supposed to start making money at this." I wanted to say, "I just gave you taxi fare home – use it now." That was in the pre-digital days, during which I'd earned no more than $1,000 for my musical activity, $700 of which had been for a song's appearing on a high-profile but underground compilation album on a major label's "indie" subsidiary. Music eventually drove my life into the ground, due to how much gear and other things cost, and how little clubs paid-out to performers, and every other thing particular to a musician's life (except for drugs).

    Post-digital, after a long time of making no music at all, I discovered the DAW and all its wonders. Since I now owned the means of production and had a means of distribution under my own control, the only impediments to pursuing my passion was the work I did for a living and my own stamina. I became rather prolific at this, and marveled at the sounds and songs which I could not have imagined nor realized in the pre-digital days.

    One day, I played some of my new music for a neighbor, and he said, "This stuff is great. Now you have to find a way to make money from it." Right then, I felt as though he had accursed me. Since that moment, I have walked a fine line between pursuing my lifelong passion in a way and by means which I'd not imagined and struggling with debilitating frustration and discouragement in trying to find some way to gain revenue from my musical activities. I ended up telling my music, "BItch! Go out an' git me some money!" but as long as I treat my beautiful wife like a five-dollar crack whore, she'll either become one or leave my pimp ass. That's a metaphor for not turning one's muse into a prostitute. One's relationship with one's muse is delicate, contingent upon respect for it. At the same time, one needs "that" microphone, and better monitors, and always more RAM – and to pay expenses of everyday life.

    The solution to this crisis came when I decided that I'd continue as I might, since the "place" where my music comes from has no rapport with "what sells" or "what people like" (either of which is usually kinda lame, no?). Someone "advised" me that if I want to score films, I'm "going to have to do everything differently." Well, then, let me go crawl back into the womb and come out as a different person. In the past few years, I've been to seminars, been engaged with a licensing agency, found myself dismayed with online culture in regard to music, and quit this or that social-media platform because I'd gotten sick of being spam-followed and spam-P.M.'d by "artists" and "producers" who don't bother to feign giving one reciprocal shit about what I do.

    So, no, I still can't tell anyone when they're supposed to start making money with music, nor myself how to find a way to do so. That's a heavy weight to put on something one loves and which sustains one's spirit. I'd love to do music or production for some real money, but I'm incapable of delivering "what they want." I'm just looking for people who like what it is that I do – who, in a sense, want me. Anyone who's capable of doing "what sells" should go for it; some people fit right in the comemrcial groove and know how to stroke it. Anyone who's burying themselves in a mountain of expenses to equip themselves for pro-level engagement before they've reached that level should fully bear in mind that they're courting disappointment. If one falls on one's ass after a long climb without having reached the summit, one should keep one's passion intact so that one can fall back on it.
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  12. Desantïs

    Desantïs Banned

    Jan 17, 2016
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    If my calculations are correct there are only 20-30 producers that produce all the music we listen to.. These songs are sold to male model DJs and Producers such as Diplo. Skrillex, W&W, Hardwell etc. None of these guys make any songs at all.. It is all fabricated and lies that are fed to the masses. Your chances are better hitting the lottery for a million dollars. If you are a model you have a better chance of making money off music then an actual musician.. Sorry but its true.

    My Advice is to make music because it makes you happy and find another career to make your ends meet. And stay away from women they'll ruin you.
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  13. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    see I can't stay away from women... i wanna be ruined. kink.

    well, at least the woman I like. FUCK I need to go to the bakery and make my move soon and hope to the lord she's there same time I am...
  14. oa.

    oa. Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2016
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    i love my women because her supports me in this chaos and poverty ^^

    And no, I can't live like slave in professional career. I working for now for my school installment since 1 year. It's pain man, pain.
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  15. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    it depends on the music, if you do some hard shit you can push druqz in da club, money sure!
  16. Desantïs

    Desantïs Banned

    Jan 17, 2016
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    You can start your own small business & make your own hours.. There's lots of flexible jobs you just gotta look for them. But a typical corporate job I agree will ruin your life lol
  17. Desantïs

    Desantïs Banned

    Jan 17, 2016
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    Is that why all the DJs suck near me? They just pedal drugs and press play all night? It makes sense that a bunch of brainless zombies would be ok with hearing awful noises.
  18. yasarzu

    yasarzu Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    I finished Audio Engineering SAE, but i can say it was crap the school. it wont be the place to learn stuff for getting money with it. instead of giving money to sae, i would recommend you to buy more musical stuff (hardware or software). open Youtube channel and put some stuff there and open your own serious web-site and link youtube to your website, the rest of the money is good for investing for advertise to your sites.
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  19. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I don't produce music for a living but I've been fortunate enough to mix audio for TV and radio mostly recording commercial stuff :banned:

    I once worked with a very seasoned engineer on Strictly Come Dancing, who gave me some great advice, he said " If you have a great attitude you can be a great engineer ". What he means is, sound engineering does not just involve mixing sound, it requires, problem solving, keeping a cool head, treating clients and associates with respect, meeting deadlines, just like in any other job, this will make it 90% easier.

    I'm personally not a fan of studying sound in college (my country only has 1 or 2 decent places which teach Pro Tools, which is a great DAW to earn money off), the college I went to taught Logic (nothing wrong with Logic, just not my cup of tea) and did not have much resource to really open my eyes to what sound was (teachers were not motivated and would just read out an outdated book :excl:). Now if the institution had the right facilities, It would be another story.

    EDIT: Also watch who you spend your time with at these places, you can learn a lot from the nerds..

    I eventually left and joined a recording studio as an intern. THIS IS WHERE I LEARNED EVERYTHING. If you're serious about engineering, don't be scared to sweep the floors or get coffee just to be around the big boys of the industry, it always pays off later.

    I learned to mic drums, pack away equipment (yes the way you pack and unpack can really show what type of engineer you are), see how studios do business in the REAL WORLD and most importantly keep calm under pressure. They also had an SSL, which I learned is not cheap to keep on the whole month:disco:

    Unfortunately with less money being spent on music production (everyone has a laptop studio now :yes:), you must find a niche and further develop your skills there eg: finding soundcloud artists and offering them mixing for good prices. I was lucky enough to stumble across a studio with commercial clients, that's where the decent(steady) money is at, the job was not very creative, but it taught me how to handle people from different industries, like people from advertising firms :deep_facepalm: and how to get those beefy sounding radio ad's everyone hates lol.

    Having a degree in today's age means less than what it used too (Unless you study something not many people are doing) , you can get a degree, but being trustworthy and productive is what studios need from employees.

    Don't be the person with little to no real world experience but demands a high wage, everything is earned and people aren't scared to pay more once they trust you.

    Just a rant about the industry, but ey maybe you can take something from it.

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  20. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    First you need a business plan, and then you need to be professional. The music business likes people who can interface in a professional manner (it's a business). I know 3 unconnected people who right now are smashing it without too much effort. The one thing they each have in common is that they are all unremarkable, ordinary everyday people. But they all had a game plan on how to reach the right ears.

    If you are a songwriter find a publisher and write songs. If you are a musician play gigs and enter contests searching for new talent. If you are a producer/engineer find the best up and coming talent in your area, and offer your services for free.

    Music is like cooking, everybody can do it nowadays. You have to work out how you can be a great chef working in a great restaurant, where people want to pay good money to visit. So basically you have to answer the who, what, where, when, why & how questions.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016