Stealing isn't stealing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tulamide, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I recently noticed that there are quite some posts about warez. The main thought about it seems to be, that it's ok to use them.

    I also noticed posts about stolen works. People that made tracks, which others than hijacked. The main thought about it seems to be that it's not ok to steal the tracks.

    This somehow doesn't fit. I wonder how many warez were used to create the tracks that were stolen. Is it even stealing then?

    So, let's have this scenario: You wrote an awesome song. You made it with a DAW that you never bought and VST instruments you never officially licenced, etc. Now there's this other guy who fooled you to give him the track. Instead of working with you, he releases the song under his own name. Thoughts?
  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    useless goddamn topic, even tho he is using a non authentic vsts and daws, he did put his energy and mind into it, trying to perfect his job, it wasn't easy 1, 2 if he makes a good song using warez stuff, and from that he makes some money, then he can buy his stuff, not everybody had the chance to buy stuff, myself included, i'm trying to make some money off my work, to pay few of the stuff i use...

    not sure where you wanna go with this...
  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    well yeah if that is the case here,
    karma will find a way:chilling:
  5. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    How can one disagree to a fictional scenario? I just ask for your thoughts!
  6. l0liv3r

    l0liv3r Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    You seem to have a complete distorted view on things if I get your question right. Lets say the beetles go and buy instrumental gear, they trash evertything they have and buy completely new gear for their next album. They make an entire album and they say we did the entire album, you would agree wouldnt you? Now lets say they instead STEAL the entire set of instruments and make the very same album. THEY STILL MADE THE ALBUM.

    Me Personally I dont steal what I can afford. I cant afford ableton live and serum, at all. Im poor as fuck and addicted to opiates that I carefully use every day to keep my own depression out and motivation in. I can barely afford food. I worked hard to reach such a point where I can make music without the need to use any samples at all. I cant sing or play any instrument and I havent been educated in any musical way. I do everything by ear and feeling and alot of practice on stuff I didnt pay for. Do you say that I dont have the right to be angry if someone stole a track of mine? Stealing something that you would never pay for anyway and that can be cloned without any limits doesnt hurt anyone, ontop of that I do give alot of credits to the software I use, they are amazing and I recomend anyone using them to pay for them IF they can afford it
    but just because I use software that I didnt pay for doesnt mean my productions are less worthy.

    I do not download ableton live and say I created the entire software, I do not buy a BMW and say I built it, I do not steal a BWM and then say I built it. I tell the truth, I use cracked softwares to create MY music the way I want to.

    Stealing someones else work and taking ALL the credit for it is among the lowest thing you can do, not only do you spit in the face of the creator of the work, you spit on your own intelligence, admiting to both yourself and others that you do not love what you do, infact you hate it so much that you rather steal something from someone else and call it your own so you can skip working for what you belive in. Its probably one of the most insulting things you can do against yourself and whats even more sad is that people who do things like this are to stupid to actually understand that they spit themselves in the face, they are to stupid to understand that they are stupid.
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  7. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    when some group release warez version of software they do not remove the company or product name and make up new name.

    there is no lie about what the product is and who create it.
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  8. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    you said it, thank you!
  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I wouldn't release anything without rerecording it on real instruments.
  10. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    It sounds like you have issues within yourself. Are you trying to determine your own morality?
    You are what you are and only you have the ability to change that. On top of that... you have to live with YOURSELF. You are your best friend and worst enemy... people need to deal with THAT and quit blaming others.
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    One question: Did you find this forum through a link on the Audioz website?
  12. l0liv3r

    l0liv3r Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    This is the feeling I also get from the OP, Like hes trying to justify something hes done.
  13. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Let's not fool ourselves..

    Stealing is stealing, be it a song, a DAW, a plugin, a car, a watch, money.. it's all theft.
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  14. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    do you really think that many artists and producers outhere that are now in the top 50 made it without ever using warez??? ...i dont ! sure that all been used something at some point, even to demo a product at it full potential, warez its not a desease that should be avoided, it can help you grow, like the flu, your body ggot stronger if you had it often in childhood, you need it.
  15. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Wow, that was revealing! Although I made a neutral post, naming two facts and asking for thoughts about how they work together, the majority of posts were arrogant, aggressively and personally attacking. Why is it so hard for people to discuss about it without thinking they'd need to defend themselves? And why do people allege I'd be anti-warez? I didn't say anything pro or anti. The small-minded even disagree to something that isn't an opinion. "Let's assume this car is blue." "I disagree." hu?

    No, why are you asking? Is it a requirement? Or do you want to say, that this isn't a musician forum, but a warez forum? Whatever you want to point out, it doesn't matter for the question I asked. Since pretty much all of you didn't understand, I will try to make it clearer:

    1) When using warez, you use a copy of the original software, without paying for the use of it.
    2) When using another one's song, you use a copy of the original song, without paying for the use of it.

    I just wondered, why (1) is considered morally right, and (2) morally wrong?

    One argument was, you would steal a BMW, but wouldn't claim you built it. But neither does one that publishes another one's song under his own name. The songs that Rihanna publishes under her name were not created by her. The only difference is, that she paid the originator of the song. And the originator paid for the software used to create the song.

    To give up my neutrality: I've used quite a lot of warez over the years to make music. In return, I always offered my music for free. That shows I don't feel well using them, but at the same time am not strong enough to relinquish making music, just because I can't afford the tool. I refuse to accept that I am the only one having moral issues, while using warez. And the answers so far confirm it.
  16. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    stealing is stealing, and plagiarism is plagiarism

    2 different word for 2 different thing
  17. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    i stole 2 dollar from my mothers purse when i was a kid... ever since then I knew I was a doomed stealer of all the things : ' (
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  18. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    When I was a kid I stole a $100 bill from my dad's wallet and left it on the floor and the cat urinated on it. I then realized I made my dad buy my cat a $100 pee-pee pad. I got my ass kicked later that night when my dad found out what I'd done.
  19. jiemayn

    jiemayn Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2013
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    OK, so I personally think that using software that is not bought is horrible and immoral. I use Audioz yea for testing without limitations of demos. If I like it I buy it, and that goes with samples too. I also hear that people have been saying that they would never pay for music and it should be free as it is an expression. Even some new rapper (A$AP?) had his mom skip buying the album and downloaded it from a torrent. HIS OWN MOM WOULD NOT PAY FOR THE ALBUM.

    How are people so broke? Save 1$ IN a jar each day, and before a year is up you can buy serum. Instead people go out to eat, people drink beer, people pay more for cellphone data usage etc.. but say they can't "afford" software. If I had $1,000,000 I could spend it on a nice piano, a good room and good monitors and a good desk. Then I would be out of $1,000,000... and could also say "I can't afford serum/spire/dune/sylenth1/Nexus/Omnisphere/Kontakt etc
  20. Denial is a convenient and efficient way to enable one to feel righteous about things negative about oneself. Rationalizing one's reason for any kind of negative behavior is also specifically an act of denial. Until there is no such a concept as personal property it follows suit that using anything that someone is selling, not paying for it or using it without their permission is stealing. It is a hard fact. Being in denial is not healthy for body, mind or spirit. I am not the moral high ground but I can read the definition of a word. I am not saying not to use cracked software but I am saying however, that if we use it we are stealing, no two ways about it.
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  21. Well, @line.input ... what about my statement do you disagree?
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