
Discussion in 'Live' started by insaner, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Live 10 better be something.
    Live 9 still lacks so much functionality, regarding editing tasks etc etc.
    For me, regarding that functionality, Live for years and years has showed me nothing new : badddd.
    The quantity of new things in Live that appeared is nothing compared to the developments of (for example) Cubase and Reaper.
    For years now i am telling myself that Live is a pretty dead DAW.
    Only very positive thing is Max4live functionality in Live , it's device arsenal keeps growing and gets better and better.
    Simpler upgraded ?! Now with warp possibility ? so what ?!

    Just my 2 cents.
  2. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Yes, I revert to 9.5 version and it opens for 5 seconds for me too :) But with 9.6 that is not a case. I said that before.
  3. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I bet, next version of Live will include this line:

    BUG FIX: project loading, clip glitches, and overall cpu management improved


    But I love Live a lot.
  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Exactly my thoughts. I think the OP may not have fully delved into Ableton?!

    Automation curves are existent both in arrangement window lanes or in the clip editor pane. Advanced editing exist, just not on a MIDI note by note basis, which doesn't exist in most DAWs. Live 9.5 brought GUI changes like waveforms, coloured tracks etc. 9.6 brought a possibly revolutionary feature in Link that users of other DAWs are already asking to be implemented. This is in addition to other unique features it already has like slicing audio to MIDI and user friendly warping.

    And Live 9 brought Push integration with the release of Push, which was huge. That was as well as tons of other stuff, including 'smaller' things like Cytomic's glue compressor built in.

    And Live 10 will not be "a completely new DAW" as some have suggested. It will be an incremental update but with more features added than a simple .x step update, as is done with all good software. It doesn't need a revolutionary overhaul. The fundamentals or Live are top notch. Only minor elements need to be improved, things like better mixer, GUI improvement like being able to pop out and detach panes useful for multi monitor setups etc.
  5. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    What you say is correct and I am aware of that.

    But it doesn't really fully support multi-MIDI channels properly.

    I have learnt a reasonable amount of stuff in Max For Live. Max For Live has support for multiple MIDI channels and what I wanted to do is create a multi MIDI channel arpeggiator.

    The principle is quite simple really. As each step in an arpeggiator happens, the MIDI channel also steps. So you get an arpeggiator that distributes the notes across multiple instruments as it arpeggiates.

    That was my idea and I created it. As I said, Max for Live supports multiple MIDI outputs (also the ability to select and change them). The only thing is, Ableton Live does NOT allow this and will only work with one MIDI channel at a time. I have made the instrument and have managed to get it working by making the instrument an executable standalone app. I can then send MIDI back and forth using the IAC bus (OSX). If I do it that way it can work and has worked. The only thing is that there is a ridiculous latency and that renders the whole exercise pointless, as timing is pretty critical!

    As I said originally, MIDI channel implementation is my only real criticism of Ableton Live.:suicide:
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  6. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    .... NOT TRUE ... i totally disagree ...
    1-Not True
    2-Not True - Caveat : you can't freeze sidechained tracks WORKAROUND : PUT THE TRACKS INSIDE A GROUP. FREEZE THE TRACKS AND SIDECHAIN THE GROUPS.
    3-Not True : In Preference/ Look-Feel / adjust the Zoom Display, then you might need to adjust Brightness, Intensity & Hue. If that doent work, test another monitor.
    :excl:GOOGLE + YOUTUBE :excl: and read music magasine - they often offers an Ableton edition ...
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  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Funny, 9.6 is loading just fine. It needed reindexing at the first start, so maybe that's what's not working out properly at your end.
    Nice attitude btw.
  8. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    2- It's true that a few plugin developers don't support sidechaining in Live like the Waves and Antares plugs insaner has been complaining about. Maaany other plugin developers like Fabfilter, U-he, Sugarbytes etc. etc. make fully functional plugins with sidechain support in Live. So this issue is on the plugin developers end not Ableton's.
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  9. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    very funny post

    The guy shoul have said that he likes StudioOne Pro or Logic or Pro fucken retarded Tools . reaper & all the other daw then Abelton

    But only Ableton can LINK without wires

    So...yes 10 will be for the ones that really want to make the future sounds of MUSIC

    BitWig is really a stolen moment and it's wave will just fade...while surfing with Live 10 will get you where the groovyness is and perhaps... make Jimi Hendrix's Lyric (in 3rd stone from the sun) «You'll never hear SurfMusic Again !!!» a false claim

    I wish and I'm ready...

    To bad you haven't seen that

    -Automation Curves exists
    -SideChain exists
    -rezizing and waveform detailling when zooming in have never been so good (you must have a bad videocard or perhaps some new pair of glasses)
    -Filters have new algorythms that no other daws have (excpet Harrison MixBus and the new feature in StudioOne Pro)
    -warp mode included in simpler...(maybe you don't know what power this mean...and perhaps you should read a book about sampling or listen to J Dilla's music in order to upgrade your perception of music done with sampling techniques)
    -the new LINK feature is really awsomeness you can now jam with other computer live without wires
    -the new PUSH2 is a killer machine if you really want to learn it...

    I doubt you can find anything of the Sort if your goal is to redefine the music of the FUTURE ABLETON is the DAW that really does it...
    (in other daws to obtain same results you will need external devices or 3rd parthy plug in or work in some kind of standalone app before like MAX/MSP or CECILIA or C-SOUND)

    basically if you don't understand ABleton just use some other DAW

    You post is weird and I had diffuclty with it's aim and true meaning... I was lost reading u

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  10. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    ableton always points toward 'the next version' but we are always left short on sound quality with ableton . unless you've used logic or cubase etc you may not notice it. ableton aside from drag and drop looping in real time makes programming completely complicated and max 4 live to me just a bunch of bullshit. nothing is more confusing to deal with than a large ableton session and because of the threading it's not a steady competitor to logic at all. look at logic pro x what you get for 200 bucks that if you bought it in 2013 when it was released you'd of gotten now 4 MAJOR unpaid updates not to mention alchemy alone. i like ableton but I don't see them going in a different direction just reinventing a new way to charge you for an update while they try to catch up to the rest of the world sound quality wise. does anyone really give a shit about link? how is that even practical ? You can use a mobile iOS device that also sounds like shit in sync with your track .. ground breaking ... take the same session you have in live and load it up in ANY other daw and compare sound quality . you're paying a price to make 2 loops from 120 to 126 when in reality that price isn't worth the sound quality you lose. furthermore, i haven't seen push2 until a week or so ago in a store, is it really that different than push 1 ? I say no , just brighter and better built. Maybe the way it should of been to begin with ? Push 1 and 2 don't do shit in arrange mode only clip mode workflow wise which to me is just stupid for 800 bucks. ableton has a purpose but it's not as a daw it's as a side piece to your main daw, i've said this for years. sorry for the diatribe guys but i have to weigh in sometimes, i'm not pitching you to go out and buy logic that does fuck all for PC users. Use what you like but if you're looking across the board these companies and their minuscule bullshit updates are leading you like sheep to pay and pay and then it's the NEXT version that will change your life .. I can say looking back at logic pro x 200 bucks flat and I still can't believe how much i get for that. Cubase updates yearly which is because they need the money . Their DAW sounds great but the 'new features' are things that logic and others have had for several versions now. The best thing that could happen to live is for Apl to buy it and combine with Logic ! That would be something worth being excited about .
  11. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Or LEARN ... ! (and i agree with muse2love)
    theres a DAW for everyone ...
    depends on how and what you record/play :
    (Plain guitar+vocal)(synth+controllers)(mastering)(D.J.)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  12. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Yeah you have automation curves, if you notice my 2nd post you did see that i mentioned waveforms en advanced editing of the automation like S1.

    And about the zoom part, of course... i spoke about it again in my 2nd post. People only seems to read the first post.
    Did you have tried to put zoom display on 80% good luck with a normal monitor (Samsung Syncmaster 2343), because the black letters/numbers are blurry. Like i said it could be some types of panels, but my imac has this also. So.....

    Lol Sidechain exist? No it is not, Flooned thanks for your comment but i mentioned before that it could be not ableton's fault.
    But then again why does it work on Cubase, Logic, S1.... but not on Ableton.
    Still i am curious if the Waves C6 sidechain does work on Ableton (Windows)
    So that's why i guess it could be a Ableton ''issue''.

    Like someone said before, wow new filters that is what a DAW is about.... (for me not)
    And about Push2 i do not now what y'all produce but why i need Push2? do not get that.
    I am no loop/house/deep producer.... or is it for something else?

    And for the record i am one of the few that produce with Ableton, majority of the professionals here in Holland are using Cubase, Logic and FL Studio and they are travelling over the world. So no fooling around talking BS.

    No sorry needed :) my english sucks, and i am a bit weird. :)
    Have a nice day all.

    F%^$ ableton. :P (joke)
  13. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I'm using Live from version 6, so I know enough about it, but thanks anyway :)
  14. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Can't agree, because I can make next song for Adele in Live. :)
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  15. Crater

    Crater Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2014
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    About automation you already got a huge list of answers.
    You can sidechain like a lord, with more that one of the native effects, or even with volume...

    - Live performance (Ableton designed Live to be a software tool for live performance, and those traits are always useful)
    - Even without any editor, audio manipulation is really great (muse2love said it all);
    - Drum rack and simpler are huge (just like DanielFaraday said)
    - Session View (It's unique, even with others trying the same...)
    - Fast navigation and elegant layout (Unlike Logic)
    - Powerful automation (You don't need premade curves at all, in live you can do anything)

    - Half of native effects and instruments suck, are useless (compared with some other DAW);
    - View flexibility (Even the new bitwig has the ability to view the clip launcher, arrangement window and mixer all in one window);
    - Pianoroll worse than FL (as alboz said), FL pianoroll's Alt+RightClick feature, and easy of use is unbeatable;
    - A "little " heavy (as rick barratt and nikon said)
    - Bouncing (lack of options)
    - No VST3 (like Ankit said);
    - Price

    - Max 4 life (still don't know if that's a "great" or a curse. Anyways, when Bitwig's "Integrated modular system" comes out, gonna turn Max4Live into dust;
    - Everything is loops (That's something that depends on your workflow)
    - MIDI channel routing it's a bit mess, but insanely flexible...
  16. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    SideChaining is possible in ableton learn it

    It is very diffrent approach then having to create busses and append them in the plug

    and also...any sc avaible from any plug you can do it using and circling the right freq adress of the sound you want to sidechain

    That is universal language in sound engineering

    Learn your stuff

    There plenty of good books
    that will teach you for real unlike tutorials on the web
  17. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    In addition, you can easily just create audio tracks, route the audio from several MIDI/audio tracks into that and put thesidechain on ther 'grouped' track. That is in effect what happens with other DAWs and thei bus channels. No different in Ableton if you're that way includes. It's what I do. I have various audio tracks set up as bus groups and plenty of sidechaining options with native or third party plugins.
  18. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    You can do music with any DAW if you are knowledge about what is music, sound, and soundengineering...

    The Zen Art of Mixing by Mixer a MUST READ BOOK for everyone

    the DAW is not the MAGICIAN it is just the Witch Pot and nothing else...

    The real magic is in the SOUL Guys

    so your DAW has nothing to do with your frustrations

    Music should be in peril because of your frustrations...learn to be Free and make the best MUSIC possible

    all tools are there...choose the ones that talk to you

    PeaceR and Make THe Magick of MUSIC FOR ALL
  19. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    In Ableton

    takes are clips....use the session view to do your compings in recording session

    there is enough support for video...just make sure if you are on PC to use MatroskaSplitter

    and dude

    with the new simpler not only can you nudge samples but even you can nudge the Transient Markers

    " )

    So if you still want to nudge a clip on session view try this : you can a possible work around is to use slice to midi to convert the sample(s) to midi notes, which can then be nudged. I do this for drums and it works great
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  20. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    If you are comparing S1 and its newest release to Ableton and w
    Please show me the feature list of ANY other DAW that have EVERYTHING? As soon as the developer add one set of features, we want another set. So the answer for the DAW which have everything will never be found!
    As DAW users, we are forever in need of this new feature and fatter, bassier, convolutier next thing - whatever that maybe. And truthfully, just as you (and a few others) are bashing Ableton Live for its cons in this thread, every other user of their respective main DAW are doing the exact same. Each DAW forums are lit up with requests, disappointment, hopes and demands. Yet, each of these DAWs will have their die-hard faithful too. Yes, the ones who find ways to create with the DAW as-is and don't have much need for what is missing.

    Ableton developers maybe stubborn a little, that I'd agree with anybody. However, to say that they haven't done anything "in all those years" is a long stretch man. The cons you've mentioned are not even true cons as other comments already state the fact that those cons exist, can be achieved and/or work fine in Live; Maybe not to the extent that you'd like, right? but they exist. I, for one, never encounter any "blurry" situation in Live, NEVER!

    It's funny that you bring Presonus S1 in the picture as the DAW that Ableton should follow lead to or try to match. But right after Presonus introduced 3.2 which contains some great features IMO, there were threads opened here on AS (and other forums) to mainly bash Presonus for not including more. As some have stated, in their opinion, no bars were raised. So, no DAW is perfect, no matter how hard the developers try to bring features to the table.

    I'll agree on one thing in your comment... Ableton developers could push the evolution of the software faster. However, that's just an opinion and it is not that Live can't do a hell lot already (Dozens upon of dozens of hits already produced with Live prove that it can!). It's also worth mentioning that every single DAW developers are being bashed and being asked to add a gazillion of features, Ableton is far from being the worst for not implementing them in fairly decent time or at all.

    I'll leave with this: If what you want to do, compose, write and mix can't be truly be accomplished in Live in your opinion (which is understandable) and you've noticed your shortcomings with Live for a while then you may want to look into S1 or other DAWs on the market where you'll feel more at home. However, let's not rush to diminish the value of Ableton Live as a whole because its competitors just introduced a few features not found in it. And more importantly, features that we can live without. Well, at least I can!

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