Anti-piracy - Your Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    When sorting my bookmarks the other day, i found many places that i got Pirated music, ebooks and software from have been shut down. I beginning to question if these anti piracy companys will succeed in the years to come. What do yous think?

    Some stuff added below related to the subject.

    No More Pirated Games in Two Years, Cracking Group Warns - Torrent Freak

    DVDFab Says No Crack For Next-Gen Blu-ray Discs - Torrent Freak

    Popular Blu-Ray Ripping Software Shuts Down Following Legal Pressure - Torrent Freak

    RIAA Wins $22 Million Piracy Lawsuit Against MP3Skull - Torrent Freak

    The Walking Dead "Disappears" From Torrent Sites - Torrent Freak

    Netflix Announces Crackdown on VPN and Proxy Pirates - Torrent Freak
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  3. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I seriously hope not. Especially for the sake of all those who are not very well off (myself included)
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  4. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I remember when I downloaded zipped "warez" onto a few 1.44mb floppy disks (and at first I didn't know what the word warez meant). With a sloooow modem it took ages, but I was a pretty happy kid.

    Only a few things have changed since then.
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  5. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    I think it's cute to see them trying, but nah, never gonna happen.
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  6. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yeah those where the days..
    I remember when i finally could afford a 56k modem i was so lucky and bragged about it to all that still have 33,6 modems i remember how fast it was compared to the 33,6
    Then somebody show me the new Adsl technology and luckily i got that about a year or two after i got that 56k modem..
    Then i moved and got 100 mb lan which i still have
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  7. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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  8. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Never gonna happen unless they shot done internet but still my bet is people find a solution to get pirat copys anyway..

    The same debate from the industry happened when cassette players first came and also when video machines came

    And when computer took over it was first only serial then dongle and we all knows what happen to those efforts :)
    I dont know anything about games but i´ve noticed that some games is not released anymore for computers
    only Xbox and PS is getting updates wonder if those games is cracked?
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  9. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Torrents actually existed before the internet. One guy shared with his friends who in turn shared with their own etc... In a few generations thousands of people, then millions. In the end everyone had access to everything.:guru:
    The only difference is that you actually had to knwo someone physically and enjoyed some beers with him while the copy was done...
    Good times too... :yes:
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  10. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    In my opinion, the web is fast becoming centralized due to the way we find and discover things now (Google, Social Media). It is this common thread that has caused the downfall of piracy. I also think the golden days of content discovery is finally reaching its end (started by Napster). With music piracy, this is already noticeable; just a couple of years ago, any album I could imagine could have been downloaded just by googling and finding the right blog, that is not the case anymore. With music blogs and forums now gone, my music discovery is limited to places like Youtube which can pull the plug on the illegal content any time it wants. Don't know about games, but movies and TV media is still widely available. My assessment is, slowly they are going to stop this also. Piracy in all its form won't disappear but it is going to be very dry and very difficult in the future, especially for media content like films, tv and music.
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    I'm sorry but I really can't identify myself within your point. Now, I don't know what kind of music you usually listen and are looking to download. But I usually can find whatever tune I want online one way or another. I do admit that sometimes it takes more than 2 minutes of searching but in the end almost anything is still out there for download. And I'm not talking about shitty 192 kbps YouTube rips either. I don't even listen to music if it's not 320 kbps or higher quality. And I always check for possible transcodes by looking at the spectrum representation with Spek as well.

    I hope I'm not offending anyone here since I could seem like a very picky and demanding pirate when talking about the music I download like this. Some people may not agree with me but I'm not a hypocrite so that's at least something. Sure, I'd like to sell some of my music on Beatport and similar sites some day. But I wouldn't even be mad if I would find out that my music was being pirated by people. Obviously everyone would heavily prefer making money off the sales from their music but I can only acknowledge that the World and different environments are changing and the music industry is one of them. The only one that seems to try and deny that aren't even most of the artists but all the big record labels out there seeing their ridiculous cash cows evaporate.

    The way I see it, certain doors close overtime and others will open for it. It´s really hard to make money from your music sales alone nowadays so it´s an economically smart decision for a musician to put less effort into it than before. Music nowadays is mostly just a marketing tool to make sure you can find other avenues to make your living. But at the same time a lot of people don´t recognize that other possibilities have opened up due to the technology we have nowadays. Back in the day you could teach people your craft on a 1-to-1 basis but nowadays you can reach thousands or even millions of people through the internet. You could make video courses or stream yourself/lessons on how you execute your music making craft. Sure, people will come with the arguments that such things as well can get pirated but I've seen quite a few people making solid money by doing just that. Certainly quite a bit more than you can reasonable make from selling your music nowadays. Other options could be seminars and other speeches/lectures on big conventions all around the World. You could that back in the '80s but cheaper flight transportation has made that all the more viable.

    If the public doesn't agree and like the musicians putting less time and effort into their music because it doesn't make them the same amount of money, it's on them to make their voice known and possibly vote with their wallets whenever they get the chance. Until that happens it's on the musician to either accept that he can't make a living through his or her music sales alone, or adapt like any other living creature has to adapt to its environments all the time. Sorry for this rant and going somewhat off-topic in the second part of my comment, but I thought this would be somewhat relevant since we're still all first and foremost musicians over here.
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  12. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    We could always go back to 300 baud modems & BBS's....nobody would think to look for us there! :)
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  13. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    luckyly the best protected content is the least needed :mates:dont need hollywood nor pop music, they should encode their signals so i wont get bothered in the public with their crap
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  14. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Some sites close down, and others open. One method is gone, and and I'm sure right now something is cooking behind the curtains that we know nothing about. Then again, when the topic hits the open forums, it's too late. Secrecy and discretion have always been the only ways to grease the wheels of piracy.

    As for music piracy, at least where I come from, a CD or EP (with a video clip) is a fancy-looking business card to get decent gigs and other money-making opportunities. If my music gets pirated, it means a boost in popularity that I, indeed, would be thankful for.
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  15. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Fo example Kanye West -The Life Of Pablo. 500000+ downloads :rofl:
  16. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I don't know about this piracy war lol but they are idiots because of one thing! and that thing is , back 15-16 years ago internet was slow or nobody has it yet but piracy florished hand to hand disk trade and piracy was more than today, i remember with friends we had a lot of games burned on cd's but go to shop buy one game share it with friends someone other buys it share it piracy can't be stop!at least that is my opinion:disco::dunno:
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  17. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Anti-piracy - Your Thoughts?
    Mines: Looking @ it from a sharp angle Piracy has been created by the developers, the industry.
    In other words they're fighting against something they created themselves!
    Everywhere where big money is involved you'll see the criminals around, wanting parts of the
    big cake, wanting control of cash flows and more. It's a kind of vampirism, like ticks they
    nourish themselves from the blood of others. So Piracy is a real paradox.
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  18. HalleBnLilSis

    HalleBnLilSis Member

    Dec 5, 2013
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    Good Subject 4 Discussion 4 Sure. We Would Like 2 Bring the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Treaty 2 EveryOne's Attention. It's HUGE In Content & It Does Address This Issue In A VERY DANGEROUS Way. Anti-Piracy Is A BIG CORPORATION Creation. So IF The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Treaty Is Fully Ratified, U Will Definately See Things Get Worse In This Area 4 EveryOne.

    :yes: :bow:
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  19. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    My thoughts. Hmmmm. I remember when Microsoft brought out their shiny new Windows 7 Ultimate Package, and said this 'new protection' couldn't be circumnavigated. It was cracked from a guy in India within 24 hours.

    Need I say more?
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thanks to "piracy" i was able to find content on internet that is not even possible to buy ANY WHERE even if id like to.
    Movies,books and certain music albums exist only on certain "pirate sites" a true library for forgotten art.
    And that is a very positive thing.
    Also,many warez users if and when they make it in the industry go legit,others use it merely for hobby and i dont think that is a problem as most of them wouldnt even buy the software in the beginning due to several reasons,primarily because of money issues.
    Also,people who are creative,making music,producing are contibutors to the society and they certainly arent making problems.
    Isnt it a good thing when people use their energy to create good things?
    Thats the kind of world we need.
  21. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    No offense taken, its just my reading, not irrefutable facts. The kind of music I listen to usually has no space on a place like Beatport. Obscure or mainstream Rock/Alt/Metal/Pop/Blues/Jazz etc from 60s onwards.