Studio One 3.2 Release Notes & Activation

Discussion in 'Software' started by quadcore64, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    First off. The old 3.1 solution still works for 3.2 . It is easy to create an account and
    get the S1 3.2 installer, basic content & PDF manual.

    PreSonus Studio One 3 Release Notes

    This document lists all Studio One 3 maintenance updates and their included fixes and

    Version 3.2 Release Notes (February 25, 2016):

    New features and improvements:

    •Mix Engine FX
    - New plug-in API and interface for Mix Engine FX (Mix FX)

    •New FX Plug-in Console Shaper (Mix Engine FX)

    •VCA Faders
    - quickly create VCA for selected channels
    - unlimited nesting / overlapping
    - VCA / folder linkage
    - Merge option for VCA fader automation

    •Arrow Tool enhancements
    - Option to auto-select Range Tool in upper event area

    •Range Tool improvements
    - single click sets the cursor
    - in stop mode, locate happens immediately (play cursor)
    - in Play mode, it sets the edit cursor; the locate is deferred until transport stops
    - double click on event splits the event
    - double click on a range selection splits range
    - more Arrow Tool improvements: event size handles (left / right edges) are now easier
    to access with the mouse (fade handles interfere less)

    •Crossfade editing improvements
    - in a crossfade, both sides can be sized easier
    - moving a crossfade (X cursor) is easier now when zoomed out

    •Extended layer/take editing (comping)
    - navigation keys (when a layer is selected):
    - Arrow up/down: navigate between layers (selects previous/next layer)
    - Arrow left/right: moves a range selection on a layer to the previous/next area,
    determined by the event ranges on the main track.
    - Shift+Arrow left/right: extend a range selection
    - when another layer of a track is selected (Arrow up/down or click on layer track
    controls), an existing range selection is moved to the previous/next layer.
    - Layer Solo:
    - when a layer is selected, the Solo command ("S") now solos the layer (not the track).
    - the existing option "Solo follows Selection" now also applies when selecting another layer.
    - Layer Colors:
    - Layers can now have (optional) colors, that can be chosen in the layer track controls
    - auto coloring also applies to new layers ("Add/Duplicate Layer")
    - similar to event colors, the layer color can be undefined. The color of an event on a layer
    is determined in this order:
    - 1. Event color (as before)
    - 2. Layer color
    - 3. Track color (as before)
    - Range Tool:
    - previously, the "Quick Swipe" comping function was always used on layers, regardless
    of the selected tool (except the listen tool)
    - now the Range tool can be used to select ranges on layers
    - a range can also be selected with a single click on a layer (selects the event range
    from the main track). This also works with the Arrow tool.
    - switching content on the main track:
    - when an event on the track contains material copied from a layer, the context menu of
    that event will have a sub menu "Select Layer Content", listing all layers that also
    contain material in the event range.
    - selecting a layer from the menu replaces the event on the track
    - switching can also be done quickly with Alt+Mousewheel (next/previous layer)

    •Layer/Event naming:
    - in the track controls of a layer, the track name is shown below the layer
    - the generic default layer names ("Layer 1", etc.) are now assigned permanently, so they
    don't change anymore when reordering layers (which caused a lot of confusion)
    - when promoting layer material to the track, events now get the layer name; if the layer
    has no real name, the event name is "trackName layerNumber"
    - when recording, the name of the active layer is used in the event name: "trackName
    layerName" or "trackName layerNumber" plus a running index

    - new "Expand Layers" button on track controls (shown when track has more than 1 layer)
    - when a range is selected on a layer, a button for the "Copy Ranges to Track" Command"
    appears on the layer's track controls
    - duplicating a layer now expands the track to show the new layer

    •Extended tab-to-transient
    - Tab: move cursor to next transient (as before; discards existing range selection).
    - Shift+Tab: create / enlarge a range selection from cursor to next transient
    - Cmd+BackSpace: move cursor to previous transient
    - Shift+Cmd+BackSpace: shorten range selection (end) to previous transient
    - all these commands search for transients on the selected track(s).
    - when used during playback, a separate "edit cursor" allows navigating through transients,
    independently of the play cursor position.

    •New transport options
    - context menu on transport buttons
    - consolidated "Options" in "Transport" menu

    •New Play Start Marker
    - decouples playback position from edit selection (called "Dynamic Transport Mode" in ProTools)
    - can be enabled/disabled via key command, context menu in the time ruler

    •New "Loops follows selection" option

    •New Quick Zoom options
    - Select range with mouse +Alt key zooms range; single Alt+clickto return to previous view
    - with the Arrow Tool selected:
    - alt+click an event to select it AND zoom selection
    - alt+click again anywhere to zoom back to previous view
    - with the Range Tool selected:
    - alt+drag to select range AND zoom selection
    - alt+click again anywhere to zoom back to previous view

    •New mixer options
    - VCA channel placement and routing display
    - preserve order of channels with folder track

    •Automation improvements
    - quick range editing (automatic "bracket" tool)
    - automation curve can now be "trimmed" via the upper 1/4 area of a selected range (|--|
    Cursor appears)
    - new command "Automation" - "Transform Range" (default key: Alt+T) creates a transform
    selection from the selected range
    - range selection creates Transform edit selection for automation (incl. simple up/down
    dragging PLUS all other Transform options)
    - matches track/channel default colors; selection follows; default names are in sync

    •Various workflow improvements
    - improved "select to end / select from start" shortcut (track focus)
    - drag instrument part to audio track renders audio and creates event
    - double-click output meter in transport bar opens Main channel inserts window (Channel Editor)
    - move Insert FX (alt+drag) between channels (drag without modifiers still creates copies)
    - "Split" command (alt+X) now works for split range AND split at cursor

    •Improved appearance controls and view/visibility
    - main contrast slider is changing the text intensity (mainly),
    - Arrangement contrast is changing the grid intensity now.
    - Luminance and saturation are still the same, but change some colors in a non-linear way now.
    (i.e. toolbar color saturation)
    - track numbers added to Inspector Header

    •Various Multitouch Improvements
    - improved vertical zooming
    - long tap to select is now shorter (had too much lag)
    - smoother scrolling of arrangement and mixer
    - OSX: mouse events are now sent properly to system
    - control Console height and Browser width with touch
    - touch support for color picker added

    •Updated ProTools keyboardmapping scheme

    •DSP Fat Channel + PreAmp Control for PreSonus RM and AI mixers

    •Melodyne 4 support
    - Melodyne 4 Essential inclusion (contains new “Universal” algorithm for high-quality time-stretching
    and pitch-shifting of polyphonic audio material)
    - improved tempo map extraction

    •The following issues have been fixed:
    - [OSX] Presence XT has long loading times
    - [OSX] Crash when removing MIDI device while MIDI port selector is open
    - Cue send lock is not always working
    - Playback issue with enabled audio cache
    - Delete key not working in channel editor
    - Delay compensation not working on output channels
    - User login not working when password includes a mutated vowel
    - Studio One is unresponsive when Input Filter plugin is used
    - Sustain pedal automation could be ignored when rendering audio
    - [OSX] Can not change Studio 192 sample rate when IO format changes
    (may still occur with 10.8.5)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  3. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    thanks for posting the changelog

    i really dont understand what is that new 'marquee' tool for? i have been living well without it since S1 v2.5 and i really don't see how it can improve my life. and thanks goodness it is still possible to disable it and have the regular arrow cursor back! I think the introduction of that new marquee tool is more of a commercial gesture to magnet and accommodate (ex-)PT users.

    that new VCA feature, well... ok why not, but i was doing just fine with CTRL+ click-select multiple audio or instrument tracks and then just move the faders as one to adjust levels simultaneously of several selected tracks in the mixer...

    i was hoping to see the MIDI EVENT LIST like in logic/cubase; will that feature ever gonna see the day in S1???
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
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  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Pro Tools was mentioned quite a bit during the webcast and, by Studio One Experts on youtube.

    You can do things the way you are accustomed to or, use the new features. They can also be controlled
    by key commands that are already setup or, customized ones you assign.

    MIDI has always been the least improved feature in S1 and, I also wish they would add and improve MIDI

    The audio engine seems to be the main focus which is much improved. Especially headroom.
    I think this came about because of the new 'Console' Shaper MixFX. Needed headroom to allow this
    to work properly. Liking it so far. Will know for sure once I create a project and start mixing.
  5. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Unsure if they changed the development focus but back in version 2 docs it said:

    'The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) specification was created in 1983. While it has served musicians well for more than 25 years, it has limitations. Ironically, while the MIDIdevice integration in Studio One provides revolutionary flexibility and ease of use, much of this functionality is made possible by not using MIDI internally. As an example, nearly jump free parameter automation is provided within virtual instrument parts, rather than much lower-resolution (128 steps) MIDI control-data automation. The Control Link system is also made possible by abstracting MIDI from our internal processes. As MIDI evolves, and new potential standards are developed, Studio One remains prepared for the innovations of the future.'

    So unsure if you could even have a MIDI Event list at all.
  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The wanted features for MIDI are for better workflow inside S1 creating and editing MIDI objects/items.
    Most modern DAWs don't follow a strict MIDI protocol anymore. Just a so called compatible mode of
    operation for working with external MIDI gear from what I understand.

    It is just one more area of improvement that would make most people consider S1 as an alternative.
  7. GokhanH33

    GokhanH33 Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Just downloaded. This little red fader looks nice.:wink:[​IMG]
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  8. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Happy tracking!
  9. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    There is a way of manually installing the internal Help pack:
    1. Open the help pack (.install) inside an archive program (7z; WinRAR...)
    2. Make a new folder inside C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 3\Extensions\ named StudioOneReferenceManual and copy in it the content of the pack (except signature.xml - you dont want this file).
    3. Restart S1
    4. Enjoy! :)
  10. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    New Audio Editing Features In Studio One 3.2

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  11. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Studio One 3.2: General Workflow Enhancements

  12. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Studio One 3.2: VCA Basics

  13. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Studio One 3.2: Editing Automation

  14. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Studio One 3.2: New Comping Options

  15. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    we did 3 songs with friends tonight, i engaged the new console mix fx straight from the beginning of each song. it just sounds amazing, when turned off, the whole song just collapses. amazing stuff there, especially the crosstalk. awesome update imho.
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  16. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Wow this looks really good.
  17. beadiebeads

    beadiebeads Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Studio One is a pc version of Logic Pro X.. and a waste of time if you own a mac..
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  18. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Not so. Many Pro Tools, Cubase, and Logic users are using and some switching to S1.

    If you have never used Logic, S1 is a new experience. They do not hide the fact that they are
    adding the best features of the top DAWs and are also creating or enhancing unique features
    to S1.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  19. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I have to say one thing. It is very good indeed to see a company live up to the hype created around a product.

    Congrats Presonus. Now an alternate DAW in my creative line-up.
  20. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Reaper has had VCA groups for a while now and they actually work better than even Protools VCA's
    In terms of stability and using your daw to whatever the hell you want ( ex running 2 instances and midi and audio send back and forth LOL using multicast IP ) Nothing can or will ever top Reaper Audio.

    How the hell are you going to run 3 machines with 3 of the same Daws sending data back and forth and all work flawlessly?
    Only Reaper can do setups like this with nothing needed no extra hardware just a small switch and 3 ethernet cables LOL.

    Right now I have a Reaper box ( beefed up I7) as an FX server to offload some pressure off the main reaper daw PC that I use for all my live Guitar stuff.

    I pushed and screamed for VCA groups in Reaper because now I can control 20+ tracks using only a small 10 fader interface.
    VCA groups allows you to use less expensive hardware period end of story.

    For live usage there is ZERO nothing like Reaper. I am doing things with Reaper ( with all built in tools and plugins) that you would need a least $1000 of hardware with Studio One, Cubase or even Protools.

    Can Studio One send to another Studio one running for FX offload with full network support? NO it's useless for me in live situations.

    Reaper has full Network between each Reaper so that you can send a track from within the Reaper mixer fx window add a reastream fx and now your track will be processed on the other Reaper daw then sent back and with full PDC.

    I have never seen a Daw like Reaper and if the other daw's developers would get off their ass and code their daw's like Reaper there would be a lot less money needed to make music!!!

    all in 10 megs !!!!!!!
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  21. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Reaper is my main DAW believe it or not...

    I have been trying to use S1 since version 2 and always ended up uninstalling until now. So, when I personally
    give recognition to what Presonus is doing, I mean it. Not to tear down or claim that it is the one and only
    or superior DAW. Just that it is finally what I consider to be a very good DAW.

    The audio quality is now in the big leagues along with features and fuction. Looking forward to further
    improvements in the next major upgrade.

    S1 for me could potentially replace Samplitude as an alternate. With further
    improvements I could see ditching Pro Tools as well.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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