that's some great and meaty stuff there. makes me wanna start into the day with Pantera ... only thing I noticed was with the low end of the drums. kick seems to vanish (<= exaggerated) and reappear here and there. but listening to your track, I'd like to throw in a question: How do you peeps "place" drums ... as in "like you're looking AT" or "looking FROM" the drums (as in this track). What are your preferences?
Thanks for the feedbacks! I'm happy that you enjoy . Yeah, the drums maybe are not the best. The original kick was too boomy, that why I changed it (maybe too much haha), maybe it should be louder a bit aslo, and the velocity range is too much I think...the kick is really sensitive for the velocity change, I think too much, but on the other hand, it will be robotic if I set eveything on the same velocity range.... @BBSiteUser I'm trying to understand your question, can you be more specific? My english isn't the best.
One of my all time favourite bands, I look forwards to checking it out. Nice one and all the best from a metal lifer Dean
Lol i started to sing in that part of song aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ''I'm a misanthropical breed - I am insatiable in my need to feed'' lol
To me it was good even before... IMO, better spend some time on playing and comping, than tuning a snare or a kick a few db up or down.
Well, here is the last version, for me definiatly the best . The previous kick was muddy when I listen it I had make space in frequency range for kickdrum. The vocal will be added soon Thanks for the feedbacks guys!
Nice cover, guitars and bass are powerful. The only thing a don't like is the snare sound, too much "Tooh" instead of "Tah", I don't know if you see what I mean. I've just compared it with the original. Anyway well done!
Ash took the words out of my mouth. more "Tah" on that snare mate! Otherwise I really like it. What instruments/effects did you use? Responding to BBSIteUser, I prefer the drums being layed "looking from" the kit. But hey, if your drummer is a lefty you just turned it around again :p
I'll will work on that snare ;) and some little changes I'll make, when I add vocal... Instruments: Guitar: LTD EC1000 Bass guitar: Ibanez SR505 through Scarlett 2i4 Amp, cabinet: 6505, mesa 2x12 + SM57 through Scarlett 2i4 Drums: EZDrummer-made of metal and metal machine expansions Effects: For guitar tracks I didn't use anything, no post EQ, no copmression, but in final mix I'll defianiatly use a HP and LP filter. Bass guitar, I follow this tutorial Drums, I just change everything a bit, put some EQ's, waves CLA drums. Master track, waves SSL compressor, waves puigtec and a L1 limiter.