Trying To Quit Smoking Or Move To E-Cigarettes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I agree with the idea that e-cigs are crap if you're getting into vaping. Get a nice mod and nice tank if you're going to invest in it at all. The pen style ecigs are a hassle and expenses build up as parts crap out. Get a Target 2, a sigelli (sp?) or a kanger.

    Also stick to the 3mg and 6mg range. Anything above that is too much nicotine at once, even for heavy smokers just getting into it.

    Likewise, if you're trying to ditch nicotine completely, ask your doctor about chantix. If you take the medicine as prescribed, and stick to it - it does indeed work. I was on it last year and was done for a good three months. I started back again because at the time I was at AIT and there was literally nothing to do all day but smoke. I'm a happy vaper now, but chantix works for what it's worth. Gives you some awesome dreams as well. I kept a box just for the dreams myself.

    Some people report getting extremely angry on it, but in my experience with it that was more the actual withdrawal process more than anything directly associated with the medication. It's worth a shot if you are committed to quitting. Some people have all these horror stories when they were on it, but after taking it myself for two months, I felt like that was people trying to distance themselves from the medication as a justification for starting smoking again.
  2. VIVIsect

    VIVIsect Ultrasonic

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I smoked for many years and tried everything to stop. The only thing that eventually worked was that I slowly cut back over the course of a year. From a pack a day to half a pack. Then 5 a day to 3 a day. Then skip a day... then skip two... Then one day I ran out of smokes and just didn't feel like going to the store to buy anymore. That was six years ago and I haven't touched a cigarette since!
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Too true, which is why I invariably end up doing both. Even worse, I've mixed the two. However, since you can also vape weed, it might be easier to switch to e-everything.
  4. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I started smoking at 14 and continued until I was 28 which was 5 years ago, probably in the region of 40 a day [difficult to tell as I smoked roll-ups]. I then purchased a fairly crappy e-cig, then bought a better one, then got really in depth with investigating the best performing vaping equipment as it was actually stopping me from smoking completely. This was at a time when vaping wasn't as 'trendy' as it's since become and finding information and devices was far more difficult.

    I tried everything available to stop smoking before switching to vaping, from sheer will power alone to self help books, nicotine gum/patches and smoking cessation clinics via my Dr, the longest I lasted without a cigarette was about a week. Vaping has been the only thing that's kept me from smoking for this length of time and that's why I'm such a fervent advocate of it. Basically, it's stopped me from killing myself through smoking, because that's where I was headed before I switched.
  5. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    e-cigs are great, my lungs feel much better, coughing is also much better
    BUT i now smoke all day, so will become an even worse nicotine addict...
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i would quit, because ecig, still put some chemical stuff in your lung, where we dont have any long time studies right now, plus i dont see a point why i should invest money into some smoke.

    never smoked before, but i really know its hard to get off it.
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yeah, it's pretty damn hard Artic!! The mayo clinic just released a report saying that they "approved" of vaping....(with the caveats that I also employ: DON'T use CHINESE liquids etc that might contain cat bones for all we know, get FDA spectrometer readings on what you do, and be smart about, and NOT to suggest a NON smoker to start vaping, ....)... But I have found it to be the single most successful cessation method. I took Chantix, it literally made me insane... and my girlfriend who WANTED me to quit, BEGGED me to start smoking again because it really really messed with me...

    I personally use a Vaporshark DNA200, which is like "Diva" vs an old arturia plugin from 2004..... It is amazing....200 watts of power ( i use it at around 60watts, but it is WAY WAY better then the older crappy "ecigs" etc...) And I use really low nicotine (3mg), and plan on phasing that out altogether.... at first cranky because I was probably addicted to the other 2000 chemicals in "analogs" (real) cigerattes, ... I just don't want to smoke those anymore... Of course I love them, but I also know better. So anything that acts as a bridge to getting off, all fine for me... but I absolutely agree with Articstorm in that there certainly are NO LONG TERM studies available...and so one should be careful,...