Trying To Quit Smoking Or Move To E-Cigarettes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I quit smoking 10 days ago, went from 35-40 a day to zero with the aid of self-hypnosis. "Paul Mckenna - Quit Smoking" and 500µg LSD. I'm not sure the latter was necessary but I figured it couldn't hurt either lol. My initial plan was to try to visualize all the ugly sides of smoking and sort of scare myself straight, but the self-hypnosis cd includes a few visualization exercises that did the job well. Even if you are skeptical about hypnosis, like I was, it's 90 minutes of your life and with a quick googling it's available for free. So worth a try if you want to quit smoking IMO.
  2. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    got an e-ciggi a few days ago and now smoke 24/7 mit 18mg nik, not what i had planned :woot:
  3. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    A little update on this : LSD is not a necessity at all lol (may take a few additional sessions though). I quit again 3 months ago using the same self-hypnosis session but this time utilizing brain wave entrainment software to put myself in a suggestive state suited for hypnosis (theta waves). Works like a charm. No cravings, no suffering or any of the horrors I've read about in this and that other thread. Give it a chance folks, it feels like cheating but the end result is what matters no?

    Lay down in a quiet room with eyes closed and play one of these once or twice daily (preferably with headphones on) :
    Mckenna suggests to use it 21 days straight, I've never felt the need for that many. I'd say about a week. Or until you no longer crave cigs + 3-4 days just to be on the safe side.
    (For the first 6 min. there is no talk, this is intentional because it takes a while for the isochronic tones to take you from your normal level of awareness down to a more relaxed state. Don't skip ahead, just focus on your breathing and relaaaaax)
    If you dose off during the session, it's all good it works anyways. There's a ramp up towards the end which should wake you up when the session is done.

    [I should mention that I made these for personal use. I have no rights to the background sounds, I can't recall where I borrowed them from though. But hope the owner is ok with non-commercial use of them, otherwise let me know and I'll remove them ASAP]
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
  4. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    which site/program?
  5. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Asking me?
    I use Neuro-Programmer3
  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    try allen carr s method,the book or even better the video, u can find it online
    , i used to smoke two packets a day and i considered myself a drok because i arrived at 7.30 pm with 13 cigs in the packet and i would run to the tobacconist to by another one because i feard they wouldnt have lasted till the day after,with this video after an hour i was free and ive been a non smoker for almost two years without suffering
  7. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    anyone ever seen a torrent for version 3 of this program?
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Best advice I've read on here! Sadly, I do both (smoking and SMOKING).

    I've tried to switch over to e-cigarettes and couldn't get into it. Considering that tar is probable the only thing holding my lungs together at this point, I haven't (so far) gotten anything out of e-cigarettes -- I might as well be trying to inhale steam from a pot of boiling water. I'll probably give it another shot, though: I think you either need to go cold turkey, or, as I'm planning on doing, imposing a self-exile where I only smoke outside (smoking really does mess up your house and especially your gear), then supplementing that with e-cigarettes if I insist on staying indoors. I figure that eliminating the convenience factor is a huge part of it; if you have to go outside (and especially in bad weather) just to smoke, you'd probably be more likely to either give it up or at least switch over to something a lot less harmful.
  9. zer0biwan

    zer0biwan Newbie

    Oct 28, 2015
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    I smoked heavily (30 cigs/day) for the past 35 years. I haven't had a cigarette since last Wed and currently I have a craving that is controllable. Before I stopped, I researched "Vaping" for a while and have found a product that suited my situation. I'm never going back. The shear amount of choice and options available to me now is astounding. Only wish I'd done it sooner. You can do it. But if you need help, it's out there.
  10. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    2-3 packs of reds a day... Cold turkey. Took me 8 years and 3 try's.
  11. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    quitting cold turkey is really the only effective way in my opinion. i was up to almost two packs a day when i met my wife. she told me "i can't kiss a man who smokes". i took the pack out of my pocket. crushed it, and threw it in the nearest garbage can. that was 20 years ago.
  12. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    E-cigs are crap.

    People who want to get into vaping should avoid them.
  13. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I couldn't find one so ended up buying it. I think there's a v2 floating around though.
  14. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    i dont want to fill my lungs with smoke, i'd rather fill them with water...
  15. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    The reason why I've had to reset my quit date since last time this topic was active is because I love the occasional spliff / tobacco & hashish joint. A few weeks of daily toking leads me back towards nicotine dependence though :/ It's a gateway drug fo sure lol
  16. tafelrunde

    tafelrunde Member

    Mar 26, 2013
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    hi my friend,

    If you really want to quit smoking you need to quit your old life. if you really were in to smoking you just cant go on and say "everything as it was, but no more smoking." because smoking is an indicator for your lifestyle and the way you treat your body.

    I smoked a lot for a long time.

    I just stopped a few months ago. And when I see cigarettes now it makes me sick, really. so what do I mean by changing your life? just start a healthy nutrition and you will not have the need to stun yourself, your body with drugs. the only reason why you have the urge to smoke a cigarette again, even if you want to quit, is that your body and mind are missing something. you need the cigarette to "feel cool" "feel good" or to "calm down." that is all a big fat lie. the industry loves it, that you are hoodwinked by that. there is a simple, favorable solution, that will make you feel awesome ALL the time. full of energy. powerful. creative. strong. healthy. awake. start a good diet and after 3-4 weeks (thats the time your body need to make that switch) you will feel great for the rest of your life. I assume your nutrition was shitty to this day when you are a smoker. so the impact will be very strong. so it is a big big theme. I'll just give you some movies and some cues. you have to do the research for yourself, no one can do that for you. because if you dont understand the whole thing you wont do it. at this point this may seem to you exaggerated. but trust me. as I said I smoked since my youth and tried to quit several times. i absolutely know what I am talking about.

    Superfoods <<< !!!
    fled seed coat powder

    Forks over Knifes

    important youtube channel for understanding and education:

    this channel really has it all. just start to watch it. and give yourself time. you wont regret. I promise.
  17. I quit about 5, coming on 6 years ago, and because of that haven't shared a spliff with anybody in all that time because you crazy Europeans ruin a perfectly good joint by mixing it with some shit poisonous and evil tobacco. I never understood that. Smoke hash with a chillum or a pipe and your weed rolled in paper or smoke it with a pipe too, just don't mix it...yuck...or, I bought myself a little vaporizer machine from a company called Puffco which won the best contraption from High Times in 2014. I absolutely love it.

    @floond...I must have listened to more 150 hours of Terrence McKenna talks as well know.........yea.
  18. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Lol, I think it had to do with hashish being much more common than herb. It's slowly changing, but still any small village has at least a cpl hash dealers but only the larger cities have weed dealers (not counting homegrowers) because hash was/is easier to import i guess. I prefer the taste of a joint with tobacco rather than pure herb tbh but gonna switch to oil / dabbing at some point. No dispensaries in sight out here though :/

    I've enjoyed countless hours of good 'ol Terrence talks as well as uhm yea.. mate :) (Actually met his brother Dennis at a psychedelics conference in Basel once). in this case i meant Paul Mckenna the hypnotist though, no relation hehe
  19. odelay

    odelay Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2013
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    I'm about to turn 48 and had been a heavy smoker since my late teens. I had my first smoke every day right after waking up, and I smoked the last cigarette of the day before going to bed.
    But I stopped smoking three months ago. I knew I had to quit because though I didn't suffer from heavy coughs or anything, I had been diagnosed with diabetes and smoking would make it even worse.

    My advice? Get professional help. I went to my local health care center and signed up for a quitting programme. Here's the way they helped me.
    1) For starters, they told me I should start by reducing the amount of nicotine intake little by little. They told me to switch to a brand with very low nicotine level and to try not to smoke the last third of the cigarette or so, because nicotine tends to accumulate there. This process should take 2 or 3 weeks or so.

    2) I also needed medication. They used a drug called "bupropion" (I'm Spanish, so I hope the English name is similar). This drug had been created as an anti-depressant, but it was later found out that it was more helpful to treat addictions. The drug prevents your brain cells to make some "connections" related to addictions and the pleasure you get from the drug intake. I had to take one daily pill for a week during my last week as a smoker.

    3) I was advised to set a date to quit smoking and actually DO IT on that date. Get rid of ALL of your cigarettes, lighters, ash-trays, etc that very same day, as a ceremony. That day I also doubled my dose of "bupropion". - The first couple of days or so I was advise to keep my hands busy with some activity. It's really crucial. Smoking is not only an addiction - It is a HABIT, and you have to break the habit. Somebody else has mentioned here that you have to stop doing everything you associate with smoking. Especially, drinking coffee, going out, drinking alcohol... It's also important. You'll be able to do it again when the habit is broken.

    4) During the first days, of course, I felt the need for a cigarette now and then. But I was prepared. They told me to do the following: When you feel the need to smoke, just WAIT. Not too long. Wait for about 3-5 minutes (even check it by looking at your watch, if you like) and then... you'll notice that the urge to smoke has almost VANISHED. IT IS TRUE. If you can hold for five minutes, you've made it. The need is not there anymore. At least, not that strong. And gradually, it becomes less and less frequent. On the third day, I was really surprised at the fact that it had not been as hard as I thought it would be.

    5) My doctor told me that during those first days of habit-breaking I could also take some nicotine chewing-gum or tablets. You know. When you smoke a cigarette, nicotine goes right to your lungs. There is where your blood takes oxygen AND the nicotine. And the nicotine rushes to your brain, giving you immediate satisfaction. When you use nicotine chewing-gum or tablets, you have to digest it little by little and then it goes into your blood gradually. Since the satisfaction is not immediate, you won't get hooked on that way of intake. I just used 5 tablets a day for about a week, and then I knew I could stop. I didn't really need them. Honestly, just one week after I had given it up, I couldn't believe that I barely felt the need for a cigarette. Only about once or twice a day. - And it became less, and less frequent.

    6) You should keep taking your bupropion for about 2 months and then you can give it up. As I said at first, I haven't smoked a cigarette for 3 months now. And I've been in social situations with people smoking right by my side, and although I felt the need... I was able to fight it. It wasn't THAT hard. It just passes by QUICKLY.

    But you have to remember this:

    You are a nicotine junkie. You are, and you will be all your life. - Just like if you are an alcoholic and give up drinking, you cannot go and say "oh, well. One beer won't do me no harm". The moment you take another cigarette, you will be hooked again. And you'll have to get through the process again. I'm telling you. Nicotine addiction lasts for only a few days. Three to five at most. From that moment on, it's all in your mind. You do not physically need nicotine anymore. It's the habit. Once you have broken it, you just need to make sure that you do not get hooked on it again. I've made up my mind not to do it. And I do not feel anxious about it. At all. AT ALL. Do not ever think "Oh, I'll never be able to smoke again. I won't be able to resist. I'll feel the need." - Well. You will, of course. And you may even (I do) have nightmares where you're smoking, you feel the pleasure and you feel guilty about it. But it's just a nightmare. You'll wake up in the morning and you won't even feel the need. The urge to smoke will come once in a blue moon. But if you just wait for a couple of minutes, it will have disappeared COMPLETELY. But if you give in and have a smoke... then it will all have been a waste of time.

    It's possible. It's not that hard. You can do it if you really want to. Once you've made it, you won't believe it yourself. But you have to stay alert. You are an addict and you will be all of your life. But it's not a problem. You just have to remember not to do it again. Not once. Not ever. Just think that the urge will pass. Because IT DOES. It goes away. A couple of minutes later you won't even remember the need.

    Go ahead and do it. Just do it. You won't regret it.

    Hope my advice will help.

    Just one more thing for you to consider (I've left it for the end because after reviewing the text, I noticed I had left this out and I didn't know where to place it):
    - Cigarettes DO NOT help you calm you when you're stressed, anxious or nervous. When you smoke you're only satisfying your addiction and that's why you think you're calmer. Nicotine is a stimulant, just like caffeine is. So it does not help feel you calm.
  20. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    best advise for you
    1. when you want to smoke go run or do some sport
    2. say yourself i will not smoke 1 hour, then say it again i will not smoke one hour, and gain and again, till the day is over .
    3. if it will not help you , take 5 sig and smoke them 1 week then every 3 weeks drop one sig till will left one per week . then it will be easy .