APPLE: Message to Our Customers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by davea, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I think you were about to break out singing "don't bogart that joint, my friend...pass it over to me" :mates:
  2. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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  3. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    mere distractions ....... mere distractions ....... nothing to see here ........
  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    and even if they comply ! that still doesn't guarantee what the government is looking for BS Apple has more money then the Government lol Fight Them
  5. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    PR stunt. Get all the customers thinking they are legit about security and privacy, then when the deadline comes they will claim they were given no option and had to provide it. So Goverment still wins, apple seems they did the right thing (though they planned to help all along), and we all still lose privacy we hardly had to begin with.

    Support the information security specialists that are here to help us from these kinds of maneuvers.
  6. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    This letter is BS. There is no anonymity in the cyber and electronic transfer world. The patriot act and NDAA has made sure that our 4th amendment rights are rendered moot. This is a feel good story, because legally Apple has no choice but to comply with our fascist government.Liberals preach social and civil justice, Conservatives preach small government. Yet ironically, the law makers on both sides are in cahoots when it comes to allowing big brother to trample on our rights.
  7. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    wow some knowledgeable folks on here. I thought the letter was legit and apple was concerned :rofl:
  8. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    As politely as I can put it, don't give me all this bullshit about America just bombing the fuck out of everyone for their oil and profit mongering. When did we ever seize the oil fields of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, or Korea. I'm not saying that our government has done everything right throughout the century, but it seems some of you need to read your history. If it wasn't for the United States of America most of you in the European Nations today would be under Russian, German or Japanese control. So on behalf of the over 1.4 million Americans who came to Europe in WWl & WWll to help liberate you and sacrificed their are welcome!

    Now, on to ISIS. To any others that have actually read the Quran, if you think terrorism is only because America shit in their Cheerios try again. I read and hear how Islam is such a peaceful religion, but according to the Quran and Prophet Mohammad, their primary goal & salvation is to wipe out or convert all other religions and take over the world. Don't believe a little homework! Don't believe it, look at the spread of Muslims into the liberal dumbass European nations who has blindly opened up their countries to migrations of millions of Muslims into their societies, only to have major populations of non-assimilation and institution of Sharia Law which is the basic Islamic legal system derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith. Some of you have entire portions of major cities where law enforcement are afraid to go in to, and they pretty much do as they please. Your governments and societies are in trouble now because they see what a mistake was made but they don't know how to turn back the clock.

    So, if you think this whole terror thing is just a bi-product of American intervention and has nothing to do with you, or they don't want to kill you cause you're Infidels for not being Muslim, well, keep burying your head in the sand and blaming America. But at least be smart, carry a .45 locked & cocked like I do, not out of paranoia, but I damned well guarantee you, in the most free country in the world with a Constitution that guarantees a persons right to self defense, if they happen to come to a place where I'm at, the odds are going to be in my favor that IF I don't walk out of the theater, school, mall or where ever they decide to hit, they won't either because here in America....we fight back!

    Concerning Apple, I think they are opportunistic assholes that are using this to boost company image in search of maximizing profits. It's hard for me to believe that they already don't have a backdoor into their products. Tim Cook's a propaganda spreading prick who has already created a firestorm hype when it wasn't necessary. All the FBI wants is for Apple to retrieve the data FOR THEM, they are not asking for a key to steal millions of peoples data. Why can't Apple just get into the one phone in their lab under their control, get the data, then destroy the modified code. Unless they're worried more about leaks coming from their own company, their own employees. I wouldn't give the key to the Feds either, but that's not what's being asked of them. It's bullshit!!

    As was pointed out previously, this is a music site and probably not the proper place to talk politics, but things were said that just pissed me off. So, to anyone I've offended, that is not my intention. As a proud Vietnam Veteran who served my country with honor many years ago, I just get a little tired of some people who disrespect the land of the free after we have sacrificed so much blood, guts, and death for so many in the fight against tyranny around the world!

  9. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    This is about "appearances," not about capabilities. When Apple wins this legal case, every criminal on the planet will be using iPhone, which NSA (and FBI) can hack without any help.

    The lawsuit is a smokescreen. The Spooks would like for us to think that we have human rights (which, of course, we don't). They want to have the terrorists regain their trust in iPhone.

    Or do you maybe really think the greatest minds on planet Earth, the geniuses at NSA, cannot hack an iPhone? Do you think an iLok can't be hacked?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @Slider The "bullshiter" heheh, politely suggests you expand your knowledge by reading some other history other than your propaganda writers.
    Isn't it a fact that Hitler was funded by USA banks among others as well ? Do you know what was your government's position on the war that was already raging in Europe before Pearl Harbor happened ? Your allegations are hilarious. Your "most free country in the world" keeps the minorities enclosed in "concentration camps" called ghettos. The same "free" country has laws that reflect the middle ages like bearing arms. The right to self defense ? Self defense from who man ? The imaginary enemy ? Do you know what democracy is ? Obviously you don't. I am a baptized Christian and strongly believe in Jesus but the Quran as every other holy book is very close to the Bible in that the deeper meanings can be explained in many ways. If you had read either you 'd know, your opinion is biased and concerns an edited passage of Quran which also the fanatic ISIS use AND MISINTERPRET the same way for their own propaganda. So partly, you are as biased as they are. Oh btw what is it exactly that your government was doing is Vietnam ? Saving the indigenous population from the Soviets ? You gotta be joking ... Fight against tyranny ? Saddam Husein was sanctioned by your government for years , and he was their fav "pet" dictator when he fought against Iran. Suddenly after all those years they found out he mistreated people. Oh really ? And he had weapons of mass destruction ? Even your own have admitted that it was a blatant lie.
    Spare us the crap about freedom. The only "freedom" your governments know is the one that they oppose for their own benefit. The whole world knows what's cooking. Russian or German or Japanese control ? So USA control is better ? , isn't this what you 're trying to say ?
    Having said these, i wish you and all like you, see the light someday soon before the terrorists do their worse, God forbid. I wish you the best really. My debate is political, historical and if you like, philosophical. I DO NOT NEED TO BEAR ARMS. " The tongue may have no bones but it certainly can crush some "

    EDIT: I love everything good about America. The strong culture, the good hard working people, the innovating minds and so many other beautiful examples your country has to offer the world. If you only cherished peace instead of forcing your "vision" of it, this would be a better world imho.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
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  11. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    ISIS and other Islamic terrorsit extremist groups are a direct result of western (specifically American) imperialism. You start building military infrastructures and enacting western values and forms of governance and economics around the globe using force. Don't be surprised when people start getting pissed and react like zealots.
  12. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    @Slider you are the typical republican. Only one Constitutional right matters. The Second Amendment. While all other forms of freedom are being taken away by the government. The right wing is anti-American but too stupid to realize it. Pure fascism is the tone of the era in America. People voted in Stalin and Communism. People voted in Hitler and his anti-Semitic "Socialist" party ( with intimidation tactics in strong use like killing opponents). And now the Republican spewing all their hate rhetoric are taking over in the US. They say government should be small and not spend much money so taxes will be lower, but they created the biggest most costly department in history with the Homeland Security Dept.. They want government to stay out of people lives but are clearly getting involved in individual cases like forcing unwed mothers to publish in the newspaper their entire sex lives (Jeb Bush actually did this), or denying health care to women who need it. the US healthcare system is built for keeping people on expensive drugs rather than curing the disease or giving dignity to the suffering ( Oxy anyone?) They are also taking the playbook of the KGB when it comes to spying on Americans, as the KGB did with the citizens of the USSR. You don't even know what Sharia Law is if you think any European country has implemented it. It is all a byproduct or a means to an end for profit or power grab. I don't see how "taking the country back" is any different of a mentality than what ISIL wants to do really. Just different methods used.


    I bet you also watch Fox News , the right wing propaganda machine, and fly a "Don't tread on me" flag on your pick up or house.
    So many weak minds is an easy way to get support for the terror supporting right wing. They are the ones telling us what we should fear.
    Democrats really aren't much better though. They just seem to go along the same rails to ruin.
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  13. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    @Infidel Bet you're a Liberal aren't ya! Don't presume you know me, what my political affiliations are, what I believe about the Constitution or Bill of Rights, what I watch, drive or support. No need for personal attacks man, you're posts tells me everything I need to know about you.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  14. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I've never seen any evidence that the U.S. government funded the Nazi regime, but I do know there were a number of corporations (some large) & at least one bank that did business with Germany in the years leading up to WWII.

    Before Pearl Harbor, the official U.S. position on the war was to remain neutral due to political promises Roosevelt had made during re-election. No love lost between the two, Hitler hated him for his verbal attacks on Nazi ideology. But for several years before Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt and Churchill had been conspiring on a way Roosevelt could justify the U.S.entering the war and politically save face. In fact, during those years the U.S. Navy was secretly running convoys of military supplies across the Atlantic to Great Britain, sinking every U-boat they could find.

    Keeping minorities in ghetto concentration camps is a pretty ignorant statement, not sure where that even came from.

    If you think it's barbaric to have self defense capabilities, obviously we come from different places and live in different realities. But good for you, and works for me, at least I have that freedom to choose. There is no imaginary enemy, there is no enemy at all, until someone wants to take my life or those who I love like my wife, children or grand children. I make no apologies for that. Oh, and by the way, I also am a baptized Christian.

    Concerning ISIS, I think the point of what I tried to say got lost in not phrasing it correctly. My point was that this is not just an American problem. They are in at least 12 countries now and expanding. After what has happened around the world lately, nobody is immune from this caliphate they've declared on the world. And the goal is to wipe out the infidels which they define as any non Muslim. My apologies to everyone if I sounded like I believe all Muslims are terrorists or all prescribe to this perversion of what the Quran teaches, that's truly not what I think or feel.

    And to be clear, I never said that any European country has implemented Sharia Law. What I did say was "look at the spread of Muslims into the liberal dumbass European nations who has blindly opened up their countries to migrations of millions of Muslims into their societies, only to have major populations of non-assimilation and institution of Sharia Law". In the context in which I wrote it, seems clear I was talking about those communities of non-assimilating people, not the host countries government.

    As far as Hussein goes, it might surprise you to know I think that was a big mistake. Whether it was bad WMD intel as reported, or an outright lie, the only one's who yell LIE the loudest are the ones with the least amount of actual knowledge about the truth. I don't know the truth! But I think getting rid of him certainly left the door wide open for the instability that followed...can't defend that one, especially with Obama's follow up!

    Anyway, like I said previously, this is a music site not a political site and I broke my own rules talking about such. That's what happens sometimes when ya come home from the bar a bit lit. We actually do agree on some things, and the others we'll just agree to disagree. Wish ya well.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  15. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    boy, am I glad I avoided this minefield already on page 2 ... lol
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @Slider The whole "keeping minorities in concentration camps called ghettos" is of course a euphemism or irony if you like, towards the very fact itself. I thought you would understand, but np. The core political system "forces" the born poor citizens out of its well constructed mechanism. I stayed in Brooklyn and Queens up and down Jamaica Avenue for 3 years and have been all around NY, traveled etc. Your .45 will not do much when everybody in some areas is packing serious heat and they come in numbers you cannot handle, unless of course you have a tank lol. Even the cops know the virtual boundaries and steer away. At 2016 this is common knowledge for the whole planet. The only thing to help you survive those areas, if anything will, is wits my friend.
    So, let's just agree to disagree, as it is a matter of perspective as to what a "ghetto" stands for and how it is created and most importantly who is RESPONSIBLE for the shameless deterioration of the humans unlucky enough to be born there. Those people live beside you, yet half the US peeps act like they are not there. And this is where your true ignorant "ostrich" like citizens, hide their heads in the "sand" and go about their lives without caring not one bit. Not me. You can call it whatever you like, still the ghetto is the USA equivalent of the Brazilian favela in oh so many ways.
    Thanks for listening
    Cheers and peace

    I know you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but here's some interesting read to broaden your perspective:

    EDIT: If you want more links to how USA (or better a wealthy part of it) funded Hitler's campaign i will gladly provide
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  17. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    This is only a marketing strategy. If you use the brain properly, you should know by now that ALL the companies work with the NSA, FBI, CIA, MI6, SY, MOSSAD, etc,etc.... Is everyone forgetting that ALL your data is completely scanned by authorities?
    Also, this is just a way to give idiots, the false hope of "privacy".
    It's not that FBI will not crack the iPhone (If already didn't), but I think that here the CEO from Apple is telling everyone that it's better like this, because all terrorist can buy Apple products (Remember I told you that was a marketing strategy?), as this way they are "protected".
  18. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Here were the smart one!! :rofl:
  19. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Infidel hit the nail right on the head.
  20. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    If you scream small government, yet support homeland security, a bloated department of defense, the NDAA and patriot act, American Imperialism, and war. You're a hypocrite of epic proportions, and have been indoctrinated thoroughly by the people you elect to represent you.