APPLE: Message to Our Customers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by davea, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    You and nobody else will ever be safe because some agency's spying on ppl. But I totally concurr with you: that's an audio forum and not the place for political agitation. I can live perfectly well with your opinion, even if it's one that I actively fight on this side of the briny. Peace, man! :)
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  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    It is good to see that the Steve Jobs' spirit and attitude is still carried over despite his absence. My sympathy to the Apple exec's and engineers/employees who have to go through this ordeal. Raising their voices and claiming their constitutional rights for them and their customers is only fair.
    @midi-man This debate will go on for centuries lol, but really, you want to be safe, but at the same time send your troops bombarding everybody your government has issues with ? What kind of logic is this ? What did you expect when for decades you go playing it the "hand of God" all over the globe ? That the wars over the oil and other resources your governments have started or implicated would never reach your country ? But how can you be so naive ? I DO NOT support or feel any kind of compassion for terrorists. But i do understand their angle, they will fight you with every means possible at their disposal. The all so American "Mind your business" is what your "main guys" never followed and not without your blessings because all of you citizens one way or the other have reaped the seeds of those wars. Korea,Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan whatever. You do the math and tell me i am wrong and why, thank you
    PS: I also had a lot of friends in Paris the day those monsters killed all those peeps. A very good friend was so shocked he didn't come out of his apartment for one month ! I agree on catching the bastards and every other terrorist but at the same time i want equality and freedom for the whole planet. Thank you very much
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  3. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I think they can just patch that phone to unlock it and not give away and secrets. I did not see the judge ask for all IPhone's nor for them to tell how they unlocked it. The order was to unlock that single phone, So they can find the other people involved.
  4. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    nah i do it out of pure narcissism and for touching myself while looking at my self. Damn im sexy...
  5. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    FBI have been hacked so many times. and theyre all stupid and leave personal data wherever they please.
  6. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Well a bright new day has dawned. If a law enforcement department asks you to do something you don't want to do you can just go online and tell the world, and the law enforcement department just goes away. Communications with law enforcement departments are not actually carried out in the strictest of confidence and nothing happens to you in law if you divulge the details of these private conversations. Don't make me laugh :bleh:. It's ALL a ruse. Apple have either already done it, or they are both preparing us for yet more intrusion into our lives , and one day in the not-too-distant-future, like two years time Apple will anounce - through some well-resepected hackers who they have in their back pocket of course - that the next iPhone has this serious "security hole". In reality these and other holes have been there since the launch of iPhone. The story os total bullshit, don't believe a word of it.
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  7. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    there's this place called Sillicon Valley where many developers are doing very innovative work and amongst those companies are Apple, Facebook and Google. One of the things they came up with and found application for is algorhythms. For instance, Facebook is able to predict months before you actually do so, you are going to break up your relationship. Your behavior online is monitored and the data is translated into useful knowledge to these companies. Big data, datamining and datawarehousing are very populair words these days. The music industry actually makes a constant use of this new science and is thereby able to predict whether or not a song can become a hit. ( and ( Spotify, Deezer, Rdio, Pandora....users generate their data by making use of their application and there are many companies these days that know exactly how to work with a the generated content (Oracle, Apache Spark)
    Ok, so what's my point with all this information? It seems to me that an organization like the FBI or Homeland Security or CIA know how to get to Sillicon Valley and ask any of these companies specialized in rendering Big Data into useful information to build them an application or a program with which they can hunt for any behavior shown on the net that would seem alarming to them. If it's publicly accessible info that is shared with the rest of the world they don't need access to any encrypted info from the website or application owners.
  8. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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  9. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I agree we always shoot our selves in the foot when we remove ppl. Bush was totally wrong and I do not agree with his actions at all. It has created a mess and we always do when we try and inter fear. We need to learn that we are not God and that is other ppl country and so be it.
  10. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Apple talking about privacy makes me laugh
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  11. curtified

    curtified Rock Star

    Feb 3, 2015
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    The letter is just a smoke screen.. something else is going on..
  12. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    So, it's no longer enough, , having access to the ENTIRE life of 1 billion people, what they do, eat, shit, talk, buy, go, fuck, see, sleep, say, have, watch, dress , hope, fear, love, own, hate, hide, family, friends, pets, salary, employer, holidays, pains, injuries, drive, dream, etc etc,


    Now, they also want to know people's bank accounts, bills, contacts list, messages, private photos (the very few not yet published on Facebook or other social media), videos, messages, emails, blood pressure, pregnancy status, semen quality, or one of the 10'000 things people will save on their iPhone.

    Living in a cave , for so many years, without an apple device, without Facebook or any other social craap, but today, even more proud of it.

    PS. The moment you guys have received that memo from apple, with all the bla bla bla god save the queen/ god save america, the new firmware and operating system for the fbi is almost finished.

    If the phone used by the terrorists/killers was some cheap monochrome brand only a few people used, the FBI would never do such request: anything less than 1 million users isn't interesting.

    An American brand used by most Americans, that Americans blindly worship, buy and trust,
    Is interesting.

    Sorry, apple users,
    But looks like the fbi is ready to go and do anything possible and impossible, to get their custom OS.

    And because apple don't want to be the next Nero -> that could change a man's faith - *he lives / he dies* ,

    they will let Obama make the right choice.

    will Obama become the new hero, who protected all the American citizens, by asking the fbi to stop their request,
    or will Obama stand next the fbi, and claim 'if apple doesn't help us, then, they're with the terrorists, instead of being with those who want to stop the killers.

    where can I order some doritos, mountain dew and donuts (donoughts??) , for that special flavor and feeling...?
  13. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Good Sir, way too scarcely I hear such words stateside and honestly: I do respect you for that! As I identify your avatar as Brooklyn Bridge, let me tell you: I was living in Astoria and working in Manhattan and I was there .... on THAT day ... and I cried. I have not lost anybody from my personal environment on THAT day but that did not matter - everybody in NYC was part of ONE whole.

    Let me continue with bridges, if you please ...

    2 years ago I was walking across Queensborough bridge and spotted a door on one of the pylons ... just mid air ... leading nowhere. If you'd step outta this door, you'd just plummet down on Roosevelt island. I thought this was funny and wanted to take a snapshot. Workers on the bridge called the cops and they took my iPhone ... gave it back to me after 5 minutes, no harm done.

    NOW ... this "anti-terror measure" is spreading like a plague and ppl from media and journalists are being harassed for taking pictures from certain events/locations, something that I cannot subscribe to. The states, to me, that was always the country of the Stevie Ray Vaughans, the Charlie Parkers, the Frank Zappas ... but it was also the country of the Ginsbergs, Bernsteins and Woodwards, and now Sanders'. Those and many more being the epitome of freedom in every political, social, or musical way. Now, I see your and my country in the tight grip of Dwight D. Eisenhower's dark foreboding: a complex taking over the whole show ... not for the sake and benefit of a society but merely for petty reasons of omnipresent control of individuals.

    I didn't take it personally when you called me a supporter of terrorists. I - to a wee extent - like to comfort myself with the assumption that I understand Americans as I love the ppl there and the country - always have since I read my first Keruac and after having spent many a years there.

    Now, look at me ... rambling on and getting verbose when all I wanted was to express: I salute you! For what you wrote above (and also for being able to express it much shorter than I could :)
  14. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Ohhh Apple-haters and their frequent conundrums :crazy:. Apple talks about privacy = "boo".

    Microsoft is pretty quiet about it, but it's for a good reason. It's a good Microsoft reason, anyway.

    Here's what is now known about the data that Windows 10 collects from its users and sends to Microsoft without their knowledge:
    • A search query to Bing,
    • A voice command to Cortana
    • A document uploaded to OneDrive
    • A support request to Microsoft
    • Cookies, error reports or usage data from software running on your device
    • Your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data
    • Passwords, password hints, and "similar security information"
    • The contacts you have and communicate with if you use a Microsoft service to manage your contacts or communicate
    • Your age, gender, country and preferred language
    • The teams you follow in a sports app, the stocks you track in a finance app, or the favorite cities you add to a weather app
    • A credit card number and the security code associated with it
    • The items you purchase, the web pages you visit, and the search terms you enter
    • The subject line and body of an email (provided you're using a Microsoft product or service to send that email)
    • The text or other content of an instant message (provided you're using a Microsoft product or service to send that message)
    • The audio and video recording of a video message (provided you're using a Microsoft product or service to send that message)
    • Audio recording and transcript of a voice message you receive or a text message you dictate
    • Data about any social network accounts that are linked to your Microsoft account
    ...and that's just Windows 10. Have fun, Apple-haters!:hillbilly:
  15. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I was here on 911 and man I really do not want to ever see anything like that again. 3k innocent ppl lost there lives. Check out the PBS special
    you will see ppl jumping out of the building it was that or burn to death. 110 stories up. Still send chills down my spine.

    So to you my friend if you are innocent you have nothing to fear as you can see from your experience and the NYC bridge incident you had.

    Peace to all.
  16. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Come on guys... so afraid to die ??? That day will come sooner or later; what a difference does it make ?
    ... a few more plugins to try ? , a few more bills to pay... we already hang in a limbo in front of our monitors, almost completely disconnected from reality... ones and zeros painting our world...

    Everyone caring about privacy on the network, but no one gives a F. about a freedom to live our lives as we see fit ?!?
    I can`t go fishing if I am hungry, without a license... I can`t go collecting mushrooms without a license... I can`t grow my own shit without a license... ????
    Who gives a F. about Apple! (or M.Soft)
    ...what a mess :no:

    "Better to live a day as a Lion, than 100 days as a sheep" :bow:
    ("Leone - Cagone" ... it sounds better in Italian tho :rofl: )

    btw. not sure what I wanted to say, but anyway... :chilling:

    Peace, and Fishes, and Mushrooms, and Shit to everyone; without a license! :mates:
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  17. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Not afraid of dying just want to die at GOD hand or when he calls my number. Not by a loonie that said it's GOD will for me to die now. :)
  18. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Bush was an angel in comparison to Obama. Haven't you noticed how it gets worse with each succeeding puppet/president?
  19. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Do people really believe in that crap
    Of course they help them why w
    +1 of course anyone can see that if they have a brain
    Why even making it a global news almost headline all over the world?
  20. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Bush an ange? You are joking.Bush was a liar plan and simple. He is the reason the middle east is in such a mess.
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