New Mac, but which one?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by musicislife, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Fair enough! :)

    (note to self: post in a way so others get my meaning more easily)
  2. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Yeah, it was a bit of a joke comment because we are on this channel trying to do the best that we can with what we have, and it is usually a less than optimal solution with many 'workarounds' :bleh:

    Regarding Apple, I wasn't bashing them, I have a MacBook Pro. I am also considering a Hackintosh to continue with Logic. I was just pointing out that all products are made with a built-to-fail ethos (not just electronics). Out of warranty faults are very common (and annoying), and Apple don't help themselves by charging so much for repairs that you are pushed towards buying a new one. Plus they also hinder independent repair technicians preventing them from doing their jobs properly. Given some of their dubious business practices, is it any surprise that Apple are no strangers to class action lawsuits? These are facts, not my own personal opinion.

    Regarding Hackintosh, my main point is that the user has full control over updating and repairing his machine, as it is a modular system, and that is without taking into account the cost differential. To me it makes sense to have this control and I would never consider another closed system. Apple used to be more open, but now they solder everything onto the mainboard to prevent user upgrade. Coincidence?

    It's not only hardware either, it is software too that is constantly being 'improved' incrementally by holding back features for the next update. We live in a world of drip-drip capitalism where we are viewed as a constant revenue stream.

    In summary, I am neither Pro-PC or Pro-Mac. I like to use anything and everything :wink: And all the points I have made are relevant to the OP regarding his predicament, i.e. repair his current machine (costly), get a new closed system computer (more of the same), go second-hand 12-core, or move to an open system.

    I even chucked in some high-level business theory, to put into context why things happen like they do :winker:
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  3. Federico Bulangat

    Federico Bulangat Newbie

    Oct 29, 2015
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    Here's the place to go for Hackintosh.

    If you can plug a controller into a game console then building a Hackintosh is just a small step further.
    There are tonnes of video tutorials on youtube too. No more slave to the logic board.
    You don't need Windows to build it but you'll need another mac/macbook to prepare the operating system installer and of course to follow instructions online.

    I built one several years ago and it has worked flawless ever since, apart form having to replace the power supply.
    The beauty of a Hackintosh is that you can spec them up even better than the fastest Mac Pro's.
    Once you've built one you'll also have the confidence to repair it, should the need arise.
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Replacing the power supply is a cheap and trivial task :wink:
  5. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    though i've seen someone else already mention it i'd like to add that my macbook pro is from 2009 and it still works and is on almost 24/7 and doesnt have any problems, this thing is lasting longer than any pc or laptop i've ever had in the years before i went mac.

    the 12-core seems like a nice one but the imac would have my choice caus i like that big ass screen it has, also have one myself.

    the unreplaceable parts problem is basically only for the gpu and several other onboard components as is the same with pc's, the mainboard is replaceable however and can be ordered on ebay. just make sure you dont get a retina or air as those do have soldered on components like memory and use a certain type of ssd-drive that's really not cheap to buy and replace
  6. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Then your lucky nothing else it has nothing to with "Mac vs PC" (go to any Mac forum and see for yourself you will find questions like "why did my brand new mac book pro broke etc etc) i have a crappy Mac Pro and two very good selfbuilt PC that cost a fraction of what a Mac cost and they have the same spec:s as the Mac that was "top of the line when i built them"
    One is very old and i gave to my girlfriends mother i built it myself 12 years ago runs as good today as it did the first time i hit the power button after i built it..
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
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  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    It's a hypothetical argument how long it will last without developing a problem, the crux of the matter is what happens once a problem does occur. And you can't discuss it entirely in the engineering domain, as there are also political elements involved. That is why I think it is useful to have an understanding of the underlying business processes as well as the engineering processes, in order to understand why you have suddenly become stuck in a not so easily solvable predicament.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    The only really downside of Hackintosh is that reporting bugs to software developers might get less comfortable.
    I posted but for my legit software to some of them and some even refused to help me after knowing I was using a Hackintosh. They will always blame you hack to be faulty. So NEVER give them the full Bug report which includes the full System Specs unless they are valid. eg an iMac with a GTX780Ti Or an MacPro with a i74770k :)
    might look strange :)
  9. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    having worked on an RMA-department for a mainboard manufacturer i have seen the amount of mobo's coming in for repairs, the thing said for macs can be said for pc's too, the big difference is that the complaints for broken parts are spread out across the different manufacturers instead of all being directed at one manufacturer/assembler
  10. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Please take take that again but in a language that NON english guys can understand even if i have read english a long time that was just jibberdi jabberdi dah to me
  11. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Most likely but still Mac is NOT better than PC i have a very old Lenovo Thinkpad laptop also i think it is over 10 years old still work like a charm but the battery needs to be changed and i have lost one of the F-keys "plastic knob" on the keyboard but thats about it..
  12. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i never said mac is better than pc, i just wanted to respond to the message that mac supposedly manufactured their systems to break down. seems alot of pc people feel the need to express that mac is not better than pc
  13. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    It means it's not so important when it breaks, but what happens after it breaks. You also need to know about the company philosophy like pushing you to buy a new computer instead of fixing the broken one.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  14. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Mac is good, PC is good. The difference is Apple have got you by the balls if anything goes wrong with your product out of warranty. This is a business decision not an engineering limitation. With a PC if you got a problem you just order a new part from the internet and install it yourself. Just choose what is best for you :mates:

    And it's not only the Mac that is not built to last, it is all products. If things last too long we don't need to buy new ones :bleh: Watch the documentary about the light bulb, it explains everything about planned obsolescence and why we need to keep on buying new things.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  15. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Ya know...I remember when I brought my final PC Product...It was a sony Laptop, running Windums XP. When,I believe it was (Windows 7)came out I upgraded...Only one problem, because all the parts in my Laptop weren't from Sony I couldn't get the driver for the built in Sound card to work! I spent countless hours and days going between Sony support and the other Manufacturers as Sony eventually pinned it on them as being the possible problem.

    Anger and Frustration set in. Imagine a pieced together set of components (That look great but really are not supported) to make a unit that in the end Sony had no solution for?! The just left me stuck hanging in the wind. Apple has never done that to me. The fact that I can go to them and they "Can" solve my problem because they know everything that goes in and on with their Unit makes one feel secure.
    Now I have many more "Horror" Stories that lead up to that final Straw breaking the Camel's back. But I am trying keeping it short.

    In the end both platforms have their upsides and downsides. I just prefer Apple and the One stop shop and go. Solve my issue quick because I have music to make and life on this Earth is oh so short. Conspiricies and such, at the end of the day it is about making music to me no matter the platform, I just tire of the majority here pushing "PC' or Hackintosh" as if that is the only Solution for me. Kinda like taking a warrant out on Apple. Like, ask a question relating to Apple/Mac and watch all the PC lovers run and input their 4 cents. Which would be cool if everything wasn't so negative and or just switch your platform because "PC" is what you need. I just haven't seen Mac folks do that here on Audiosex.

    So if you love "PC", More power to ya...But can there be peace and not total domination responses about switching to their "Darkside".

    Like BBE stated,lol. I wanted 120 words but it just didn't work out for me.

  16. musicislife

    musicislife Member

    Feb 18, 2016
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    UPDATE: for anyone who's interested and a NEW MAJOR PROBLEM in this nightmare adventure......

    I pruchased the Mac Pro from that ebay-link i posted earlier in this threat.

    The beast, 12-Core, 96GB RAM, 2TB SSD.

    Just without GPU, so i got it cheaper. I ordered a GPU seperately (ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB).

    When i finally received everything, i built in the GPU, started it up and immediately restored it from my time machine. It took 8 hours, but it worked.

    The Mac Pro worked perfectly. Some plug-ins had to be reactivated but that's all fine.

    I worked with it for good 3 hours when i shut it down and went to sleep.

    Today i took it to my studio, connected everything, turned it on, white screen, apple logo, loading bar, shuts down 3/4 through.

    Tried to CMD ALT P + R, CMD S, SHIFT, D whatever that thing, always shuts down.

    Except after booting it with pressed ALT key, then a white screen comes up and the mouse (sounds familiar.......).

    It doesn't work anymore! What the hell happened, can anyone help? If not, i might as well try opening a new thread. Thanks!!!
  17. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    @musicislife ... does Command+R (and just that!) still work? not going to throw in any suggestions publicly anymore, but feel free to open a convo in private.
  18. musicislife

    musicislife Member

    Feb 18, 2016
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    sorry i don't know how to do that... don't see a message button or such....

    i found out what most likely is bust. the sonnet ssd mount card... i put my imac hd in the mac pro, it's working on that now... luckily there's still warranty left on the sonnet, so i'll send it in next week.
  19. mejob

    mejob Newbie

    Apr 1, 2016
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    The comedy of Mac v PC - all the boards are made in the same factory as ASUS - it's a brick... and more importantly - the talent comes in (if you're lucky) and you should polish the turd and shove it out the other end - Chime by Orbital was made on a 4 track tape machine while they worked at Pizza Hut - aspire to that then wonder what we need to "make" music! Had nights with The Orb and their "bong boy" where the ADATS (yes bleurgh) recorded all night and essentially became their classics - Gear, plugins, etc won't make the music for you - you will and can.
  20. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    i've had over 25 macs in my life, and I can say I really haven't encountered any problems that were not user error.