Windows for DAW: Win 7, Win 8 or Win10?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Ambar, Oct 16, 2015.


Windows for DAW

  1. Win10

  2. Win8

  3. Win7

  4. WinXP FTW

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @BBSiteUser and @twoheart sheeeshhh , PDP11, and i thought i was old lol. My mother in law was actually trained on a machine like that at around 72-73 i guess. I agree wholeheartedly on "ALL OSes SUCK" , each and everyone one way or another. My two cents goes to "while you are on one of them, make the best of it", that's why i tried to inform the -imho- somehow misinformed Win10 users about what they are truly dealing with.
    Y'all have a nice one :)
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  2. HamerFirst

    HamerFirst Noisemaker

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I got my initial training in computers on an IBM System/370 running WATCOM FORTRAN. In comparison, even Windows 3.1 seemed like a giant leap forward!
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  3. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    u know google saves you search information?
    u dont have any android phone?
    If you have internet, you are not secure. It's simple. And I bet no one can harm my pc or me via internet cause I know how to deal with everything. And everything is smooth.
    Microsoft is not taking your melody or account information and reveal it to the world.
    If that's what you think, then google already have ruined your privacy. I bet it. It's logical what I am talking.
  4. HamerFirst

    HamerFirst Noisemaker

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I can see you don't suffer from insecurity!
  5. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    well, I am old, true ... but not that old. So in the end I got lucky that I'm from a small country in Europe that was about 10 years behind in all things VAX/PDP/IBM/DEC ... you name it. Old enough to still remember them old Bernoulli-discs. Huge like tires and mindblowing capacity of 10 or even 20 MB ... LOL
    @Win10: your remarks about Win10 _are_ necessary. W10 is a nice OS, stable and solid, but it is also the most snoopy, intrusive, "curious" MS-operating system which loves to "phone home" a lot! We are preparing a small W10-rollout here and are busily taming the OS to a normal level of nosiness via policies, the latter one being quite powerful. My personal roadmap for W10 is therefore to wait on a bit (end of 2016) and then give it a go in small test environment.
  6. merko

    merko Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Yeah of course, but W10 is quite a way ahead of 7, that's what I meant. Vista was was, pffff, terrible, not worth talking about :)
  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I bet windows 10 is more secure than google search, android, youtube... etc..
    You guys dont complain when your smart phone sends your location to their servers.:unsure:

    I know windows 10 has huge drawbacks like you cant stop automatic updates and your info is being send to microsoft's servers. But this is what google is doing for more than 5 yrs.:guru:
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @BBSiteUser "My personal roadmap for W10 is therefore to wait on a bit (end of 2016) and then give it a go in small test environment"
    Same for me, i 'm already testing various soft on Win10, strictly music and video though, but the way MS has implemented their updates is totally unheard. You make the tweaks and then this update comes, you check your router's outgoing traffic and realize that shit is back in your comp. You can block all MS URLs from your router 's outgoing traffic but it's so damn tedious ! Thnx for answering :)

    @Ankit I'm sorry my friend, i don't use an android smartphone etc. I use an old clamshell Samsung with no internet. Oh and Google recording your searches, youtube etc, man, even my longtime dead grandma knows this. Tell us something we don't know, thnx.
    Btw, Microsoft WILL publish your account information if they think it suits them, and because u seem to not get it, you already have agreed on this by installing Win10. The question is not whether they will publish it or not. You can NOT represent MS so what u say is false. You can represent yourself and you have already given up your privacy rights to them. And security is another thing than privacy and civil rights. And Google is NOT installed in your computer. Sorry again, but you seem to just cannot tell the difference of a search engine from an OS lol .

    @merko " W10 is quite a way ahead of 7" Yeah sure, i know another one, "a guy walks into a bar "...
    Please, spare us the useless biased opinion, get real and bring some proof on the table to justify what u say. Thanks

    And to all who defend Win10, i am really bored with all this. I tried to inform you from a power user's point of view. What is true and what is false. I am not a computer scientist but i know enough to build my own comps and have paid clients specifically for it as well. My science is music technology. But anyway, most of you seem to just talk without bringing any proof but your own word, which you should realize, only makes my case stronger. I would love for anyone to correct me on one or many of the cases i made statements for about Win10. I will be glad to stand corrected.
    Peace :)
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I wonder what kind of crap Microsoft has to shove at you so you would say something bad about Windows. :hahaha:

    I'm sure in a couple of years some good soul will make a W10 lite without all the crap so we can use it for audio, :wink: but W10 as it is now is not ready yet for full blown audio production.
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  10. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    so google search, android, youtube... etc.. become deskop, email, personal files, private network... etc.. ???

    Progress is good but you must watch where to you are progressing


    if progression lead to cliff... :dont: stop. :wink:
  11. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Every picture tells a story :rofl:

  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    This is what you can encounter on the wild interwebs these days... I was testing Ubuntu Mate. "Download the PC Repair Utility to scan and identify *Windows Errors on Ubuntu*.":hahaha: "Reimage PC Repair is compatible with your operating system." :hahaha: What a bunch of losers. And those who fall for this, too.
    Sorry, couldn't help it as this is so funny! I was just playing with the latest Ubuntu Mate and saw the bate-advert for ignorant and gullible Windows users. Installing this will probably just install a bunch of malware and try to steal your credit card number. :sad: It looks kinda convincing with the Microsoft logo etc. eh? :wink:
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  13. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Cant say anything. Too many biased win7 users here.
    Win10 lite... :P There is win10 enterprise LTSB out there.
  14. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Only a fool will install softwares from these kind of advertisements. Go and check softpedia for this. Create a download basket and put all your usable softs there.
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    So only Windows 7 users are biased, but not Windows 10 users... :winker:

    I'm running Linux most of the time and now I perceive Windows in a completely different "lite" :) when I'm using it only for audio. I'm completely biased towards a crap free OS that runs my DAW stably, without any fuss, and fast. That I'm guilty of. :wink: There's absolutely nothing else in Windows that interest me.

    Supplemental: I'd be running XP or XPx64, but RAM restrictions and some programs demanding at least W7 forced me to upgrade. I'm not choosing the OS to run the apps, but let the apps choose the OS that I need to run in other to use them. :wink:
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Thats why I always talk about the LTSB (Long Term Support Branch) version of windows 10. No bloatware. Closest to windows 7.

    Yes privacy is a issue on windows 10. But you can minimize the data collection by deselecting all options during install and going through all the settings after install. You can stop telemetry services.
    If you are good with 7, you should not upgrade.:wink:

    Nothing could be better if linux supports windows vst plugins.
  17. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Hi Ankit! Windows 10? Great OS version - having said that ...

    I was never part of the "Vista"-bashing bandwagon coz I can install a Vista that you will not be able to distuinguish from a W7. I was not part of any Win8/8.1-hunting party as I can set up a W8(.1) that it just flies.

    Me and user taskforce have ONE concern: MS update-policy. You know the only times I really got in trouble with Windows machines? When MS - yet again - shoved out some half baked updates and everything goes up the chimney.

    THAT and THAT ALONE is my point for delaying W10 before I plug it into my production-gear park coz I don't want to see a workstation going down because Windows-Update stalls or svchost doesn't come back from checking updates and gobbles up 3 GB of RAM doing that blocking the puter by utilizing 90% CPU. To me that is no prob, I can fix it, set process core-affinity, kill the process tree ... whatever I can fix it - not everybody knows how to do that and these peeps are left with a messed up machine.

    Yeah, I realize ... old farts like me must come across very peculiar. No problem with that! You younger, early adopting farts, evoke much bewilderment too, I guarantee you that :)
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Again sir, LTSB is the answer. No frequent feature updates.No frequent search for updates. Only security and stability updates.
    Only problem that you can get with 10 is privacy. But you can minimize it a lot with some clicks.
    Major privacy stealing is done via windows store apps. But LTSB does not contain any. Not even Windows store apps installer.
    And you can alway remove all the bloatware via ccleaner.
    eg: I dont even use windows 10 photo viewer and have removed that crap via ccleaner. I use IrfanView. Much better. By doing this microsoft cant collect my picture data.
  19. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    That is a possible answer if you are not developing software and as a ton of software these days is run in the browser and LTSB won't give me Edge, I'd fall behind in terms of preparing for new technologies.
    Or ... MS all of a sudden decides to change policies or nature of updates. I collaborate a lot with one of Austria's biggest IT-service providers and the biggest MS-client in the country, and you know what these guys do? They are still preparing W7-rollouts as of 2016, starting to only _evaluate_ W10 for enterprise use, and they do that coz you don't fiddle around on that scale ... you play it ultra-conservative, or go under if you don't.
    Well, thank God, there ain't EXIF or other metadata you hapily set in alternative applications like Irfan ... that get parsed scanned, processed, sent out and data-mined and -warehoused by Windows-search.

    All your points a re valid ... if you are a privateer. If you provide services that you make money with you don't embrace every new technology the second it's being released ... you evaluate, and that's what I'm gonna do.
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  20. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I'm very satisfied with win10. But it needs some knowledge about windows and some work to tame it. I'don't see a problem in forced updates. If I don't like what is installed I can rollback with one of my weekly backups. If I want to avoid updates at all (I don't), I can block the Windows Update Servers with my Firewall Appliance or in the router.
    Besides the phoning home issues, win 10 is stable an capable for audio and it's not slower than win7.
    But if I had a stable Windows 7 computer I don't see an need for a change either.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016