Windows for DAW: Win 7, Win 8 or Win10?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Ambar, Oct 16, 2015.


Windows for DAW

  1. Win10

  2. Win8

  3. Win7

  4. WinXP FTW

  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I was sharing my own opinion. I do not have any problem with windows 10.
    Everything works better. One machine is 10-12yrs old and another is 5yrs old. No problem at all.

    At this time, 10 is very stable. And with Redmond update, it will be better.
    But still if you dont like it. Use that registry tweaked windows 7 ice which is your preference.:like:
  2. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Then how can you say about 10?

    When 7 first came out, xp was better for everyone.

    I have seen it myself, huge difference in RAM management and services management.
    And I respect your opinion.:mates:
    Use whatever works for you the best.
    Main thing is, Windows 10 has mixed reviews. For some people it is much better than 7, and for some, it is much worse.
  3. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Always the same sterile debate: Win 10 is better than Win 7, PC is better than Mac or vice-versa, mine is "bigger/longer"... The best system is the system you're using, same about DAW, plugins, hardware...
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @Ankit "Without trying they declare what they are using is the best"
    I have beta tested Win10 since the first build, just so you know and i do have a comp running win10 again for testing software and drivers. I also have tried the well circulated "hacked & stripped" version you mention. Guess what. Half of the hidden telemetry updates are disguised as security updates. The descriptions are as cryptic as it gets, you don't know what it does unless you install it and check the outgoing traffic of your router afterwards. Good luck in getting rid of it if its "viral". Hearing you say Win10 is not for everyone and praise some of its better feats, is like admitting you don't mind MS data mining your every move. Of course it is your right. I really don't want to sound dramatic but millions have lost their life for their fight for freedom over the centuries. And this freedom implies that my personal info is MINE !! Are you guys mental, is this the New Dark Medieval Ages all over again ? Or is it the 4th Reich reigning upon us digitally? Win10 is a huge Trojan disguised as an OS. The data mining, telemetry updates and hidden tasks were forced upon the unaware Win7 and Win8-8.1 users as well. All the simple users who only scratch the surface of their systems or use it for specific jobs are unaware that their data, hell even their emails, is being recorded, read and filed. Too many lawsuits have already been filed against MS for this and other similar reasons all over the globe. Don't take my word for it. Google it or if you like Bing it (pun intented). Tread lightly.
    Thankfully as i posted in another thread, for Win7 and Win8-8.1 users there is a way to get rid of the nasty updates and installed hidden services and tasks. (Win 8-8.1 users are still slightly open to data mining even with the tweaks i will link later on). And because the Win7 's 5 years main support is officially over, there is no practical reason to update anymore either, unless you definitely know what you install. Bye bye Windows update.
    To sum it all, i refuse to be a slave and i know my rights have been violated by MS without my permission both in my Win7 comps (i have 5 of them) and my Win 8.1 comps ( i have 2) !! My Win 10 comp is a guinea pig anyway, built to test stuff and i knew what i was signing for when i installed it. I do not care one bit if its 5-8% faster with Win10 (out of the box it is), this stands only for people who don't know how to tweak their systems for best performance. As long as the software and plugs' updates i work with are compatible, i will keep using Win7 x64. What the hell, i may even skip a plug update or two if it means i have to switch to Win10 and lose my sanity lol.
    Thank you for baring with me ranting against MS, i mean no harm to anyone, just to inform and awaken if possible. I will leave you with this very informative and useful link.

    Cheers all
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
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  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    What is the logic in expecting W10 to be faster or equal in DAW performance to XP or W7 when my tests showed that W7 is slower than XP, and W8 is slower than W7? :winker: My bet is that it's slower than W8. That's why I didn't bother testing it, aside from all the telemetry things. I know what MS is doing [I've been using Windows for 20 years] - it is trying to make people feel like the newer OS is faster with tricky programming of things you can see, by stuffing lots of things in RAM, cleverly caching things to HDD or SSD, but in its core it is only a more bloated and slower OS, and your DAW needs to have the cleanest way to communicate with your CPU and hardware as possible. It doesn't profit much from all the tricky programming. That's useful for word processors, your browser, graphic editors and similar everyday stuff.
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  6. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    xp is faster than 7. yes i know it is. and so our pc are as compared to that time. same thing is now.
    Whatever they are doing to 10, they are improving.
    you can remove all bloatware by using ccleaner - all windows store apps, including windows store.
    concerning about privacy... maybe you are not using any of google related services.:unsure: Maybe you use duckduckgo instead of google search.

    I am sure of 1 thing. Use whatever you like the best. It does not mean that 10 is not better.
    People are using windows 10 without any problem.

    :guru:For stability, DAW is main thing. I use reaper and Live. I find Reaper most stable after trying each and every DAW supplied on sister site.
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I like to remove all the bloatware *before* even installing Windows, by making or downloading a "lite" installation. :winker: The installation is also much faster. The last fully installed version of all the MS OSes I used was Windows 2000. :wink: I have seen "factory" installations of all of them. Appalling is the word. :mad:

    As for privacy, I'm guilty of using all the "usual suspects". Mostly from sheer necessity - "Others are using it..." Not happy about it. No OS can save you from people spying on you, tracking you, and sharing your personal data. :sad: It's as bad as it gets. It's true that in the light of all that W10 spying on you is just another drop in the pond. :sad:

    But at least choosing a proper OS for Internet can save you from losing your data. :wink: Windows is just way too susceptible, and a primary target, for infections with *wares and hackers, so good luck with browsing on Windows! :cheers:
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
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  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Interesting that our poll reflects the poll at pretty accurately. 27% of the people checked "I'm not touching W10 with a ten foot pole" or something similar. :hahaha: Huge majority runs W7, too. However, these are not people who use Windows for audio and I would absolutely recommend them to either go with W10 or even better - Linux. As I said, and I repeat, It is very dangerous to use Windows for Internet, especially older Windows. It is borderline crazy to use XP or W7 for Internet! :crazy:

    edit: Maybe if you visit 10.5 websites and use a proper firewall, and a proper antivirus. :winker: No antivirus is touching my computer, though. I'll start using BSD if Linux becomes plagued with malware like Windows.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  9. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I always wish that windows vst will work on linux. I know it wont happen. But if it will, I will never see windows again in my life.
    I dont have multiple pc to keep one for production only and one for internet. And yes Im not a pro like you.
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  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    And to my friend @MozartEstLa , i agree about the sterile "mine is bigger than yours" type of discussion heheh. BUT ! This is a whole new ballgame from MS that we haven't met before. We 're talking civil rights here, and i really do not think it is a matter of preference anymore. And to make things more clear, Vanilla Win10 users should know that Microsoft:
    1) Is reading their emails
    2) Is Cataloging their moves, clicks, pages read, downloads ,uploads ,the whole web lot.
    3) Is Cataloging everything you install,uninstall,read,play,even draw and write LOCALLY in your computer.
    4) Is Using YOUR bandwidth to upload updates and MS store apps to other people's computers !!! (now this is so lame that its hilarious lol)
    5) Is Telling its Win 7 and Win 8 user base that telemetry IS good for them! MS patch note : “By applying this service, you can add benefits from the latest version of Windows to systems that have not yet upgraded” (this note stands for Win7 and Win8-8.1 users who automatically updated after June/July 2015)
    6) Is Updating your Win10 whether you like it or not. What is even "funkier" about the new Win Update system is it will not release any updates' patch notes anymore so you have no idea what the hell is being installed with every update. Skynet Judgement Day is near lol
    7) Promised to bring back the start menu and destroyed it completely. The new start menu will break after 500 shortcuts.
    8) Has managed to turn its Internet Explorer from simply semi-usable bloatware to unusable spyware (Edge). Even the fanboys use other browsers with only about 15% user base on Edge from Win 10 users.
    8) Has made universal apps to remind you to download other apps. "Get Skype" and "Get Office" apps in particular not only do what i mention but they are also used to project users with all kinds of ads.
    9) Will install new drivers whether you like it or not. (I just hope you are not recording when it restarts lol).
    10) Has managed to turn an already messy %USER directory to a total disaster.
    11) Is BLATANTLY lying through their teeth about Windows 7: "We do worry when people are running an operating system that’s 10 years old that the next printer they buy isn’t going to work well, or they buy a new game, they buy Fallout 4, a very popular game, and it doesn’t work on a bunch of older machines. And so, as we are pushing our software vendors and hardware partners to build great new stuff that takes advantage of Windows 10 that obviously makes the old stuff really bad and not to mention viruses and security problems." MEEEEH !!!
    12) Wants you upgrade to Win10 so much that they have included a bunch of broken drivers so old machines can upgrade to Win10. And after installation you practically have no pc. Go figure
    13) Is downright positive that service packs are a thing of the past and they will no longer release any SP whatsoever. Which only means of course you are their guinea pig beta tester for as long as they like.
    14) Has managed to make the impossible possible,rendering a crucial feature/function like Safe Mode totally unusable. With Win10 now Safe Mode is NOT available at boot !!! , but only from within Windows10. Now this is the future bro, embrace it. Have your Win10 disk ready if your sys goes bad haha. Now really, didn't anyone in the tens of thousands who work there think about this more than 5 secs ?
    15) Has managed to turn the Gui, especially the icons into looking like Win 3.1 lol. Great step ahead! Even Win Xp had better designed icons and don't tell me these almost 8bit lame icons are good, I'm too old for this shit !
    16) Has managed to make your new empty user profile to occupy 300mbs of space ! Now that's what i call progress ! I wonder what happens when that fills with info lol.
    17) Is again BLATANTLY lying to you when it says "Windows 10 is more secure than any previous version of Windows" . They have implemented NO NEW protection schemes or mechanisms since Win7 that the desktop users will find of use.
    18) Is lying when they say Windows10 is faster than Win 7 and 8, 8.1. Sorry but it is UTTER nonsense. And this to stop once and for all, all ppl who are saying its faster and blah. They have implemented ZERO new technologies or mechanisms apart from an improved memory handling for (some ) multithreaded apps like WinRAR etc. , and guess what boys and girls, this new ram implementation thingie..., DOES NOT apply to DAWS. Practically it's the same as Win7/8/8.1 or worse because of the extra bloatware and Metro app unnecessary extravaganzas.
    19) Has made Superfetch/Prefetch to now watch on everything !! I wonder what the toll will be on these cheap SSDs after their 2 yrs warranty is over. Luckily some premium products have 5 and 10 yrs warranties.
    20) Has managed instead of simplifying the Control Panel to confuse even experienced users because now you have 2 Control Panels. Now hold on one sec. I don't understand, is it like children or something ? One will be alone and needs a sibling of sorts ? My congrats, i wish you many more to come lol.

    Looking back, i thought to myself "man, it cannot get more ridiculous than this" when i went to do my weekly update on Windows 7 sometime in the past and received an error message saying : " You need to install an update for Windows Update to receive new updates " . I actually printscreened it and laughed at it with my wife and mates for a week or more. I consider it now a "classic" blooper. But this simple thingie, although idiotic it's harmless. Sadly this is not the case with the new Windows 10. For your own good, stay away as long as you can, until there is a proven way to get rid of all the new harmful add-ons. Unless of course you want these 2 games that are specifically written for DX12 (lol). But then again i thought this is an Audio Forum heheh. If you read up to here, thank you for baring with me, i hope you found something interesting
    Much love to all of you :)

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that now the Desktop in Win10 is a service. This holds a promise for the future that for anyone who wants desktop in their windows 2020 it will be an addon for x amount of money ? The rest who don;t pay will get a new version of DOS lol
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
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  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I think VST on Linux will happen, and it's happening as we speak. I see more and more useful plugins for Linux each day, just as it used to be with OS-X. :wink: However, Linux is not yet ready for that IMO because audio is still a bit of a mess in Linux, although it is usable without a doubt. I play with audio on my Debian with Jack often. I'm just referring to what you have to do to make it work. It is more demanding than installing an ASIO driver and adjusting the settings in your DAW on Windows. So many things can go wrong. But I've been witnessing some progress last few years, and it will happen some day. I've been working with audio and computers since Commodore 64 days and I've seen platforms come and go. Windows is going. Linux is coming, and OS-X is staying. That's my perception of the situation right now. Maybe a bit biased? Wishful thinking? Not sure. :winker:

    You should somehow save some money and buy a second hand laptop, or a computer just for Internet, mate. :wink: Good PCs come really cheap these days. Connect them with a crossover cable and [since you use Reaper] you can use "Reamote" to offload some plugins to the other computer. That's how I do it. I have two computers, networked, both have Windows and Linux Debian installed. When my main computer can't cope with a project, which doesn't happen often, I can offload some plugins to the second computer. Reaper is fabulous for this! :mates:
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
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  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    @SineWave I hear you mate. I would love Linux to prevail in the DAW world, but this isn't happening brother. As long as major companies have the upper hand all the expensive soft you love and bought will never see the light of day in Linux. Remember BeOS ? In a past show, CES i think, a BeOS presenter was running 20 ch of video and (if i am not mistaken) 60 ch of audio on an experimental Nuendo version on a Intel Pentium4 pc. Microsoft and especially Bill killed it in a jiffy. Bye Bye BeOS. They were "dead" before they could even say a word. And no word from Steinberg either. Just dust in the eyes man, they looked the other way. So judging from the past, i wouldn't hold my breath.
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  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Oh yes I remember what and how happened to BeOS. :sad: "Everybody has a price". MS bought them off , or bribed them to go away. Such a shame. BeOS would be perfect for audio and video editing. Built for multimedia from ground up. A real time operating OS like that is something that we could definitely use. Latencies of 1ms or so? No problemo, matey! :winker: Linux can be configured for RT operation and that's fabulous. One day... until then we make do with what we've got. Could be worse. Or could it? :mad:
  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    It definitely could be worse. I just wanted to add that when i said they killed them , the company went bankrupt in practically "one day". I am sure though, that what u say about them being bought off is true to large extent. Some pockets must have went home full :) I would like to point you here , as you seem quite informed ( i am sorry i am new here), if you haven't checked this out yet, its very interesting. Cheers m8:)

    PS: I am 50 now. I just hope "that day" will come before i retire from my studio work.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  16. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    "Faster", "more stable", "OS this-n-that is crap and slow", "no it isn't" ... some things will never change, and ppl obviously and gladly fight battles they shouldn't be involved in.
    Stability ...
    99.999999999999% of stability probs stem from improper drivers. There never was, there ain't and there will never be an operating system that will be able to balance out a flawed driver. Drivers are the hands on the private bits of every OS and whatever you prefer, OSX, Win or Linux, they will fall whenever a driver does something stupid. I've seen my fair share of beachballs of death, bluescreens and kernel panics ... whoever tells you "this is superior to that" plays the "my dick is bigger than yours game", simple as that.

    Security ...
    Same as stability ... they (= them haX0rz) want your machine? they'll get it! Due to the deep integration of shitty Internet Explorer Windows has developped a really bad raputation during the XP-age, but as of today it really doesn't matter anymore. Especially the OSX- and the Linux-faction will praise the superiority of "their" OS in terms of security ... well, OSX is usually the first to be hacked in any hacking tournament (thank you Safari!), and as for Linux: today I will not be able to do any fun stuff with music or DAWs coz this is just a hobby that I shove quite some time and money into ... but today, I am fixing a shitload of Linux boxes (servers, to make things more fun) due to a HORRENDOUS flaw in the glibc-core library.

    Performance ...
    Who actually knows where performance really comes from? It comes from low-level tweaks that maybe 1% of users actually apply. Some state that one version of - let's say Windows - is faster and they do that while they run their SSDs in IDE-mode or have NCQ or Trim deactivated/unsupported, or the RAM-timing screwed up beyond belief.
    What's performance when a gain in milliseconds in some system-library just vanishes coz it takes the user 30 seconds to move the mouse pointer from the left to the right edge of the screen? Blissfully unaware that you can adjust that they rather lift and place the mouse on the pad again ... hello, OSX-users :)

    The statement I like best in this thread is from user <nikon>: "I hate both of them" - and I'd like to extend: "I hate ALL of them". I started on a PDP11, made my master on some jurassic IBM mainframe and nikon's attitude is actually the one I'd suggest everyone to adopt: operating systems like any other software are tools - no more no less. Don't bite each other's legs over operating systems, peeps, software should be a tool. Save your affection for the ones you love :)

    Peace out and at that: into server-update-hell with me ... have a nice one peeps!
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  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    @taskforce I think I've heard of "Haiku" before. These are the guys who "forked" BeOS, I think? :wink: It seems like MS didn't manage to kill it completely. That's good news. :winker:

    PS: I hope the same. But I'm still a youngster at 45. :hahaha:

    edit: @BBSiteUser nice to see there are others with some common sense here. :winker: I have tested XP, W7, and W8 on the same PC with the same settings, slightly different drivers. Only the OS changed. Security? Security is as good as the interest of hackers to hack it. No OS is secure.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  18. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    And that, my good Sir, is the ultimate truth.

    @Linux users: I just finished evaluating/reading up on the glibc-vulnerability. It's related to the DNS-resolver and a simple malformed domain-name can actually cause a buffer overflow (and your machine being taken over). Major distros have updates out ... check this link as entry point to this whole calamity:
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  19. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @BBSiteUser I think a minority knows about PDP11. So I guess we are the senior citizens here :guru::winker:
  20. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    haha ... Looks like it! There'll always be a place for you at my front porch where we can sit and chew tobacco, mutter about the young'uns while we tell them 100 times per hour that in the past even the future was better :D