Windows for DAW: Win 7, Win 8 or Win10?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Ambar, Oct 16, 2015.


Windows for DAW

  1. Win10

  2. Win8

  3. Win7

  4. WinXP FTW

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I don't dwell in the past, I dwell in reality, and reality doesn't want to deal with compatibility problems of any kind and wasting time on useless upgrades. Besides, I don't like installing a new system every 2 years. I'd rather spend that time playing music, or watching something on TV, or doing just about anything else, other than installing a bloody OS, only to discover that some plugin doesn't work properly any more, or even worse - that some of the drivers I use don't work properly any more. :wink:
  2. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    What capability problems? I reinstalled my win 10 few days ago, because previous win 10 was killed by "destroy windows spying". Without spying, literary destroy windows. And what you think most of my stuff works perfectly without reinstalling it. I mean it's literary miracle. Spire, serum, Omnisphere and many other stuff just ask for license and after that i have fully recovered working pc. I spend about a hour (reinstall OS + some mess with serials).

    I'd rather install os for 100 times than watching TV. I do not watch TV for about 10 years and feel myself so good without it. TV is evil.

    Drivers for what? For Xerox mouse prototype? Didn't notice any drivers problems since win 8 release (i was happy with it too and I'm still using fullscreen start in win 10).
    You're just reading my mind.
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Besides all that I mentioned I also ask myself what does this new OS give me that I didn't have before that I will find useful for audio. In other words - if it's worth the hassle. And since long time ago the answer has been *nothing*. Especially since I use Linux for everything else. I really don't want to deal with installing all the bloody software again, too. It's easy to install the OS, but software takes weeks to install. You must have lots of spare time, eh? I don't.

    I don't watch TV either. I rather spend time watching synths, and when I watch something I just watch a good film or a doco. I just compared installing OS to being boring and annoying as watching TV, and I actually make part of my living assembling and installing audio/video PCs for almost 20 years now. :wink:All I've learned from Microsoft during that time is to use their oldest OS possible, with most Service Packs, always, and Windows 7 is that OS now. Maybe even Windows 8.1 lite, no problem, but certainly not W10. In about 3-5 years maybe.

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  4. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    no need to ask, the answer i only one: windows 7 sp1
  5. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    This should not be a matter of voting, "us vs them" or "I feel it in my balls" thing. You're free to do your own research. Look at the changes under the hood and you'll know what are the actual facts.
  6. merko

    merko Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Windows 10 is fine. Best OS release since pre 95..

    Everything works fine. Makes me laugh to think of people still using w7, it's one step up from XP.
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  7. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Not step 2? One before was Vista
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I don't mean to insult or provoke. I hear this "get with the times" and its like do u guys really know what u r talking about? Has any of you Win10 users read what you signed for when you installed this monstrous OS? Until now there is no proven way to really get rid of all the telemetry and the horrible Big brother hidden services that run constantly. For every tweak that's been verified to rid of telemetry services MS releases new updates that bring back telemetry. Faster ? U gotta be kidding. Look at the resources it consumes to make you think it is faster. Cortana my ass and other fairy tales for kids and users who don't care. And of course its your right to not care. But those who care for their privacy, Win7 is the only way until Win10 is purely stripped from every annoying aspect that MS started introducing with Win8 and onward. I own Win7, 8 (8.1) and Win10 all pro versions . Win10 will be the gravehole of MS. Not because it doesn't have potential or cool features. But only because Ms chose to race with Google in who's controlling the digital world by collecting every goddamn info there is on Win10 comps (and also Win7 and 8-8.1 if u don't tweak them and install all updates). Install Win10 and its no longer YOUR pc man. Read what you sign for ! Ahhh ... whatever, ignorance is bliss man.
    I never thought there would be a time i 'd say this but , bring back Bill Gates dammit lol .
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    This is the argument that always make me laugh: "if people wanna dwell and live in the past, thats up to them.. this is just my input on it."

    Sorry but I don't dwell in the past, I just want to run the most optimal, stable, efficient OS for my DAW, for audio. No Internet or anything else. Windows 10 is nothing like that.

    If we're discussing past, many of the MS fanboys dwell in the past. You should try running some of the Linux distros for Internet and forget about antivirus and antimalware programs... just a smooth ride without ANY worries. And telemetry. :crazy:

    A true anecdote: just a week or so ago I opened the IE on Windows 7 lite I installed on one of my customer's computers just to download some program [it felt convenient and I thought nothing would happen from "just a little browsing"] and just by visiting a few websites I got some malware that installed itself automatically. I was completely baffled. I'm simply not used to something like this happening. So I had to install Malwarebytes to get rid of that malware. Linux, mates... Linux makes your life on the Internet much easier. :wink:
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  10. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Windows 10 is not for everyone. There are many people which do not even want to try new stuff because they are used to older stuff. Without trying they declare what they are using is the best.
    Windows 10 has became rock solid now. RAM management is far more better than windows 7.
    Yes, some software will show problem with windows 10 but this is not windows 10's fault. It is developer's fault.
    I have too many vsts installed. Only some AudioUtopia's plugins are giving me problem.
    I love all the little additions in windows 10.

    If your drivers support 10, I recommend going for it.

    For those having problem with data collection, I recommend them using Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.

    What is windows 10 Enterprise LTSB ?

    - It is Long Term Support Branch of windows 10.
    - It does not collects your data.
    - It only gets security and stability updates. No frequent feature update.
    - It does not consists annoying cortana, edge and all the windows store related apps. Not even windows store.
  11. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    You mean to surf the net, reboot into linux and then browse. After that, reboot into windows and make music. Then again reboot into linux...:wow:
  12. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    If you start on Win7 and get your software running , you then got the option of upgrading to Win10, seeing how it runs and have a month to run the revert back to Win7 If not happy with it. I didn't have any problems doing this a few times until they sorted out the incompatibilities 10 originally had with my motherboard.
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yes, either that or some computer on the side, so you can browse while you play, but with a different computer. There's a third solution: install a Virtual OS within Windows 7. I use all three solutions, but my clients prefer to have a separate computer for DAW, and for Internet and other things. With current prices for laptops and mini-computers it is the best, most convenient, and safest thing to do if you care about your data, and your audio OS stability, compatibility, and efficiency. If you don't care about that [e.g. a hobby musician] then have Win10 on your main PC, run your DAW and Internet together, and deal with it the best you can, but please don't preach to others that this is OK.
  14. HamerFirst

    HamerFirst Noisemaker

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Of the three computers I use:
    DAW (i7 based desktop): Windows 7 x64 SP1.
    Home Theatre (mini PC): Dual boot Linux Mint 17.3 and Window 10.
    Ebook & MP3 player (Laptop): Dual boot Linux Mint 17.3 and Window XP SP3.

    The laptop came with Windows Vista which lasted about a month before downgrading to Windows XP.
    The mini PC came with Windows 8.1 which lasted about 1/2 hour before upgrading to Windows 10.
    The desktop was a purpose built DAW with Windows 7 x64 installed at the outset.

    The two dual boot computers are the only ones that go on the internet and only when they are booted to Linux.
  15. Marty

    Marty Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Win 10 for me :wink:
  16. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There @HamerFirst. By running multiple computers with different OSes you get all the benefits from your DAW, Internet, multimedia PC... That was my point. I'm not against Windows 10, although I don't use it personally, and I don't like it at all, but the main point is that I don't find it of any use as a DAW OS. Certainly not better or faster than W7 or W8. Both nicely *lite*, too. :wink:
  17. GokhanH33

    GokhanH33 Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Win10 works just fine. Fast and no bugs for me. Every plugin and DAW works correctly. I don't understand why people insist on Win7... Win 8.1 is crap. Slower than Win10.
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    That's why you run Windows 10 and you're a happy camper. Good for you. :wink: But other people are not you. They have different tastes and needs, as I stated some posts ago.

    Shame I still couldn't find time to test W10 DAW performance so I could post some numbers. :sad: I tested XPx64, W7, and W8 and the DAW performance got progressively worse in that order. XP is still the performance king. But there are other reasons why one would use W7 instead - better compatibility with the new hardware.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
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  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    @Ankit I'm not that worried about W10's telemetry. I'm only worried about performance and stability of a DAW with hundreds of plugins. Nothing else. I don't know why Windows fanboys always assume that I'm worried only about telemetry. It's just an additional thing to get pissed off about, nothing more, nothing less, and yes - you can get rid of the most of it. So telemetry is not a problem for me, at all.
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  20. HamerFirst

    HamerFirst Noisemaker

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I put up with Windows 10 for Home Theatre because I always play movies full screen which means I don't have to look at its ugly UI.