Has anyone tried Sonar Platinum? Thoughts?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Voo, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Can you guys shed some more light on additional content please? @Adrianus Antonius I thought additional content is sample libraries and virtual instruments?

    Edit: Just checked additional content. Got it now.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  2. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I want to thank everyone for the responses. Its just awesome to see other peoples experience's its a learning thing.
    Now curiosity has got me and will install it when I have time.

  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest


    Addicttive Drums 2 Producer Bundle a $250 value
    Dimension Pro
    SONAR's 16 new drag-and-drop amps

    All in all 21 virtual instruments
    Melodyne essential
    A detailed list is below;

    Addictive Drums 2

    Cakewalk Sound Center
    Session Drummer 3
    Square I
    Roland Groove Synth
    Cakewalk TTS-1
    SFZ Player
    Studio Instruments Drums
    Studio Instruments Bass
    Studio Instruments Strings
    Studio Instruments Electric Piano
    Dimension LE

    Rapture LE
    Z3TA+ Classic
    Lounge Lizard SONAR
    Strum Session 2
    TruePianos Amber
    Rapture Session
    Anderton Collection

    Acoustic Piezo CA-X Amp Sim
    CA Acoustic Guitar Presets
    CA Amps
    CA VoxTools
    FX Chains
    Kickmaster FX Chain
    Pedalboard FX Chains
    Phasor Constructor
    Quick FX
    Essential Suite

    Sonitus Compressor
    Sonitus Delay
    Sonitus Equalizer
    Sonitus Gate
    Sonitus Modulator
    Sonitus Multiband
    Sonitus Phase
    Sonitus Reverb
    Sonitus Surround
    Sonitus Surround Compressor
    Sonitus Wahwah
    Classic Creative Suite

    Classic Phaser
    HF Exciter
    Tempo Delay
    Studio Mixing Suite

    Analog Chorus CH2S
    Analog Phaser APH2S
    BlueVerb DRV-2080
    Brickwall BW-2S
    Compressor CP-2S
    Compressor FA770
    DeEsser DS-25
    Equalizer BQ2S
    Equalizer BX2S
    Equalizer GEQ12
    Equalizer PEQ2B
    Equalizer PEQ5B
    Equalizer PEQ322
    Gate Expander GX622
    Limiter LM2S
    Oilcan Echo TLE2S
    Stereo Imager ST2S
    Tempo Delay 3D
    Valve Driver ADR2S
    Engineering Suite

    Boost 11
    Channel Tools
    LP-64 EQ
    LP-64 Multiband Compressor
    Boutique Suite

    TH2 Producer
    Analog TrackBox
    PX-64 Percussion Strip
    TL-64 Tube Leveler
    TS-64 Transient Shaper
    VX-64 Vocal Strip
    Tone2 Bifilter2

    Bark of the Dog
    Console Emulator
    PC4K S-Type Bus Compressor
    PC76 U-Type Compressor
    QuadCurve EQ

    Includes zoom spectrum analysis
    REmatrix Solo
    Softube Saturation Knob

    Tape Emulator
    Tube Saturation
    Total Modules

    Loop Content
    Cakewalk X-Mix Content Collection
    Cakewalk Sample Magic Content Collection
    Cakewalk Loopmasters Content Collection
    EDM Percussion Loops
    Impulse Responses for REmatrix Solo
    Synthetic IRs for REmatrix Solo
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  4. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    woah, that's quite a list - gonna test that baby soon
  5. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Is Cakewalk Drum Replacer any better than Drumagog 5?
  6. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Awesome of you @Von_Steyr . Thank you.
    Can you pick what you want to install?
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sent you a pm regarding that question.
  8. Nawhak

    Nawhak Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Yes, you can.
    You can even set the path of most of the elements when you run the setup.
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  9. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Thank you.
  10. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Awesome thing about a QuadCurve EQ is not only that it's available on every channel, but also it has a fly-out GUI with a frequency analyzer, so you can use it as a frequency analyzer instantly on any channel, because essentially it's like a freq analyzer built into every single channel, drum&bass guys should love it, lol.

    Now I'll have to download additional content, because I got curious too about what other prochannel modules I might find in the bag, because that list above mentions some of the modules which come without additional content, but it doesn't mention Softube bundle or limiter. :cheers:

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  11. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    not that different to equality on every channel in every other daw though....
  12. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    every other? Only Logic has a quality builtin EQ , Steinberg's channel EQ is questionable in terms of quality, I wouldn't use it even for low cuts, unless it's unimportant stuff, lol.
    Live, fl, Studio one, Pro tools, DP don't have it, so saying every other is bit stretching it, to say the least.
    Plus a QuadCurve EQ has built in 4 different EQ types, hence the name Quad.
    Besides that there are a bunch of Softube EQ's built right into all channels, so not a single DAW has a chance to compete here.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    @Adrianus Antonius
    You dont have to worry about the Cubase channel EQ it is definetly not coloring anything,its as transparent as it can be.
    Test it and it will show you its pro grade reliable.
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  14. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I've heard that they updated algorithms, but I've never cared about it, old habits die last.
  15. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    That's why i said Equality, make a template and put it on every track in every other DAW.
    But i like Sonar, tried it some years ago and will definitely give this new version a try!
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I actually use the channel EQ on 80% of tracks,i do a lot of times use a secondary EQ a top of it,but its definetly a fast way to work with.
    Especially if you use a CMC-QC,less mousing around,just twist one knob and i got a high pass/low pass filter.
    Saves time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2016
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  17. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I see, I've read into it wrong, because I've read it as a word "equality", not thinking that you've meant the Equality EQ, so I assumed it was bad wording, tuns out my reading comprehension was broken, lol.
    Though templates are a hassle, it can increase loading time and what not, but I guess Equality is fast, nevertheless sounds like a long shot compared to built-in things.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    A bit more info.
    What's new in SONAR 2015

    Here is a taste of what's new in SONAR

    Drum Replacer

    Create that huge, luscious studio drum sound inside SONAR Platinum with Drum Replacer—the brand new, ARA-integrated plug-in for enhancing drum productions. Extract drum hits from loops, drag in your own samples, reinforce your drums, and a lot more—all with zero latency, thanks to flawless ARA/SONAR integration.
    Learn More

    VocalSync tightens vocals by aligning one part to another—and it’s essential for matching dialogue to picture, synchronizing background vocals, and tightening doubled vocal parts. Use VocalSync to perfect your parts’ timing without splitting and moving clips. VocalSync is part of SONAR’s Region FX workflow—so you can process and edit multiple dub parts to a single guide track, all within the fluid workflow of SONAR’s award-winning Skylight interface.
    REmatrix Solo

    REmatrix Solo is a zero-latency, streamlined, single-layer ProChannel version of the acclaimed REmatrix convolution reverb from Overloud/MoReVox. It features 100 Impulse Response (IR) presets, including plates, halls, rooms, early reflections, and specialty spaces - you can even import your own IRs.
    The New Control Bar

    Stack, scroll, minimize, and maximize any and all Control Bar modules for one-click access to your favorite tools. When collapsed, hover the mouse over a module to display its parameters for an even more efficient Skylight environment.​
    Mix Recall

    Never second-guess yourself on a mix again. Mix Recall lets you save and switch to various mix scenes for easy, one-click comparisons. Swap out effects, fader positions, or every parameter so that you can restore an original mix, create remixes, or just entertain a client’s suggestion. Mix tracks specifically for radio, podcast, video, or mp3, and then bounce every version in a single export.
    Onscreen Virtual Controller

    No MIDI controller? No problem. The Onscreen Virtual Controller lets you compose with all of your favorite virtual instruments with absolutely no MIDI hardware connected to your computer. It also supports mouse input and QWERTY keyboards so you can type MIDI compositions right into SONAR, jump octaves, and even adjust velocity without a touch screen. What’s more, a special piano for touch-enabled devices snaps automatically to the screen resolution size.
    Stunning New FX Chains

    From single-knob utilities, to boutique digital stompboxes, to sound-generating environments and additional effects, these new FX chains will kick-start your creativity and streamline the production process.

    New detection algorithms re-boot AudioSnap into a next-generation toolkit. Stretch a song from one tempo to another, sync your recordings to audio loops, tighten your drums and convert them to MIDI…and the new level of performance comes wrapped in a new look and new layout.​
    Addictive Drums 2

    SONAR includes the world's finest drum kits and percussion instruments. SONAR Professional includes the Addictive Drums 2 Solo bundle, which lets you pick any ADpak, any MIDIpak, and any Kitpiece Pak of your choice. You’ll have tons of inspiring new sounds and rhythms for your next masterpiece.
    SONAR Platinum includes the Addictive Drums 2 Producer bundle, which lets you choose any three ADpaks, any three MIDIpaks, and any three Kitpiece Paks. This is perfect for producers and music creators who work in a few different genres, because you can pick the content that covers your exact needs—you'll have great drum sounds no matter where your inspiration takes you.
    16 Virtual Custom Amps

    From country to metal, bass to funk, classic rock to futuristic, SONAR’s 16 new drag-and-drop amps aren’t about emulating existing amps—but creating idealized amps that can exist only in the virtual world. Get ready to change how you look at amp simulations.
    Pattern Tool

    The only variable separating you from your creativity is time, and the Pattern Tool—which sits in the Smart Tool palette for instant access—is all about saving time. Forget cut and paste: Simply select and paint MIDI loops and patterns across the Piano Roll View and Track View.
    Improved ARA Support

    While working on Drum Replacer, we realized that we could make improvements and fixes to our ARA support for Melodyne. As a result, this release now improves on Melodyne’s seamless integration inside of SONAR.
    Learn More
    New MIDI Engine

    SONAR now incorporates a new architecture for MIDI note management in software synths, because certain soft synths require an exact match of Note-On and Note-Off messages— insufficient Note-Off messages can lead to stuck notes and reduced voices on samplers. SONAR now explicitly counts all Note-On messages and issues an exact number of Note-Off messages to each synth when using transport functions.
    Audio Import/Export Improvements

    Everyone loves more options - which is why Platinum, Professional, and Artist users can now import/export Ogg Vorbis, RF64, and over 20 other audio formats for compatibility with the very latest (as well as legacy) audio formats. In addition, MP3 Export has also been improved in this release.
    Les Paul Gold Top Expansion Pack

    This Dimension Pro Expansion Pack includes 50 individual note samples from a Les Paul Gold Top's neck pickup - then packs them into 30 programs that range from standard guitars, to virtual 12-strings, to whacked-out synth effects.​
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  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Not a Sunburst one, but a Gold Top!!! :guru:


    thanks @Von_Steyr for the effort writing down all the info :wink:
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    So yesterday was great with Sonar Platinum,but today when i started the computer and ran Sonar it just froze.
    Killing the process in task manager didnt help either.
    I actually had to restart the computer in 5 years that has never happened to me with Cubase.Not good.
    I then got the Faderport working and started working on a template,suddenly in the middle,it crashed.
    Went back,all worked except the audio engine,everything was set right,only a windows reset helped,wtf.

    After that it worked nice for about 2 hours and after that i saved everything and quit Sonar.
    After one hour i came back and started it again,it froze AGAIN,only a windows restart helped.
    I went to their support page and they recomend a whole lot of tweaking and deleting steinberg plugins etc,seriously????
    I got it working now but this is a huge let down for me.
    I havent experienced such problems in any DAW i demoed in at least five years.
    Stability is not good,everything else is very good.
    I hope Sonar fixes the general stability.
    Will report back how the program responds in the next few days.
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