The day the music died ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fraggle83, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Hi fellow musicians,

    I'm very sorry to post that here where we are suposed to talk about music et all, but i seriously believe that this is related with
    music too ... After all any musician here i think (either professional or aficionado) are trying to do music for them (the young
    ones in the videos below i mean).

    This happen just yesterday (20.02.2012), when 50 to 100 boys and girls (ages from 13 to 17 ) of a secondary school in Valencia
    (spain) were demonstrating SIMPLY because they wanted central heating for their school ... "Why they have not central heat in their
    school?" you may ask ... Because economical situation is so bad that regional government has no money for it.

    This world is going uglier each day it passes ...

    I feel really sad now, almost crying with a mix of rage and helplessness inside me.
    Thanks for watching on behalf of all the young boys and girls who were threatened yesterday just because they wanted what is fair.
    Kind Regards! :mates:
  3. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    so it seems the Police are bastards in every country...
  4. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Perhaps you would like to know that the Police Chief described all those young ones as "enemies" !

    And here is another video in case you want to watch it ...
    If you watch it (as it is in spanish and perhaps you'll not understand) among other speaks in the minute 00:37 the woman says "I'm a doctor, please" ... "get out of here", says the police ... "I don't want", says the woman, and ...

    Do someone here wont to put music to all that (i mean not to this particular case but to what's happening all around the world) ?!
    Kind Regards! :mates:
  5. musicfreak

    musicfreak Newbie

    Feb 21, 2012
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    The only way for private people to make politics is demonstrating in public.
    If i get my hate-helmet off i would say this is a case for the European Court of Justice
    which is going to establish a committee to look under this local governments' helmet
    to see what dirty shit is in there - to kick out their whole justice system for violating human
    rights probably in a bunch of cases to fire the maniacs which have fun to brutally attack unarmed
    victims for money and replace them with highly couraged and intelligent People which are talking to
    the people to show them the problem. Then the Union have to do this type of "government-cleaning"
    with all european states - to engage the trust in her power or fucking whatever. :rofl:

    I never trusted in ANY governments indeed, and when nothing happens like apocalypse or EU freaks out
    then i will freak out instead but then I make music. :boombox:
  6. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    Complaining about lack of heating? that's a bit of a retarded selfish weak reason. Are you joking me?

    My secondary school in Sydney, that I just graduated from is top 5 in the state, and we had no heating whatsoever. And this is in Australia, land of fortune.

    i think i speak for my entire school when i say, man the fuck up you spanish jokes. There are more important things in life to demonstrate about than whether or not there's heating in your fucking school. It is not a vital human right to have a heating system in your school, it is not even vital to anything :dunno:

    Also a big 'man the fuck up to the pigs' over there too, don't mistreat children - they're mostly idiots who don't know what they're doing anyway.
  7. overlappingcircles

    overlappingcircles Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    @ obscure:

    Have you ever been in a classroom for an entire day with negative temperatures? It would seriously surprise me if you even knew what that is like, coming from Sidney. Stop being an idiot, and think a little will you?
  8. The Bassweasel

    The Bassweasel Newbie

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Kansas City, MO, USA
    Sydney enjoys a temperate climate with a mild winter, and has more than 340 sunny days a year. The average minimum temperatures in the winter months of June through to August is around 9 degrees Celsius (47-48 degrees Farenheit). Of course your school didn't need heat!

    Thank your lucky stars, mate. In a sizable portion of the US, people could get hypothermia and actually die in an unheated classroom. And we're not even talking about Alaska. 14 below 0 F is not unheard of in the upper Mid-West.

    Don't be so hard on others whose circumstances you may not understand, or always conclude the entire world is just like your little tiny corner.

    Those cops are behaving like swine. It appears Franco is still alive through them.
  9. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Well then, unfortunately Australia must be similar to the U.S. then, in that at least 50% of the population is made up of vitriolic and moronic fucking redneck retards. Thank you for verifying what I already suspected. Yeah, you're an asshole, g'day mate.
  10. The Bassweasel

    The Bassweasel Newbie

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Kansas City, MO, USA
    It's just the Republicans, honest! :dunno:
  11. Oscar

    Oscar Newbie

    Jun 20, 2011
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    At least they live in Spain, im from ireland and they never turned the heating on in our schools, we nearly froze half the time :(
  12. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    FIRST of all it's not a "fucking school", but only a school, and SECOND they are not "idiots who don't know what they're doing".
    Or perhaps it's that you were talking about yourself when children and of your own school then and i misunderstood what you've said ?!

    Anyway, SURE "there are more important things in life to demonstrate about than whether or not there's heating". For instance,
    to demonstrate against the cutting down of money spanish government and all spanish regional governments are doing on Public
    Health and EDUCATION. And of course they were demonstrating against not having heating in their school, but this was also their
    own way of demonstrating against the cutting down of money in EDUCATION (which is the real cause why they have not heating)
    and overall to demonstrate against the FUTURE they are expected to live thanks those "cutting downs".

    No offense, but personally i think that one should think in oneself before calling others "idiots", "ignorants", "selfish" or "retarded" ...
    And please, next time you think on going to talk about any other country than yours get some information on the REAL situation of this
    country (whatever it can be) before doing it ... mmmm ?!

    The ball's on your roof, looking forward now for your comments!
    Kind Regards! :mates:
  13. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Do you mean because we have the sun ?! .... In Russia they have also sunny days but in winter they are most of the times under zero degrees.
    No offense but i think we're full of cliches we should break if we really want to communicate with other "citizens of the world", don't you think ?!

    Sure Ireland is a cold place, but also spain in winter it's a cold place. I live near the sea not so far from they were demonstrating and
    last week we were osiclating between -2 and -4 degrees (celsius). BTW, have you protested somehow against you being "nearly froze" ?!

    Kind Regards! :mates:
  14. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Do you know ? ... There are some people that think the same you're saying here, but there are also some others that think they had what they
    deserved. Now to me this means confrontation, and if you add really serious economical problems to this confrontation you can guess yourself what comes next ...

    Next week we'll have the "MWC 2012 Barcelona Mobile World Congress" with a public transport strike and demonstrations organized by the union.
    Personally i think that if they don't find a solution before that and strike is not call off the things will go worse with the police than with the students.

    Hope the things calm down a little and we don't have to undergo eventually another 1936.

    Kind Regards! :mates:
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