Studio One 3.2 Teaser

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by MNDSTRM, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Logics browser is in my opinion even better, better readable fonts, smooth scrolling...
  2. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Ok mate I did disagree with you asking me to, no problem.

    to the rest, I wasn't being a fanboy I simply don't agree that limitations in S1 are a problem, there are other DAWS if you need more, while S1 was *purposely* designed to be what it is, very intuitive and fast workflow. Pros who need a reliable and relatively simple DAW that just gets on with the job appreciate that, others may not and that's fine, that's why there's other DAWS out there for them.

    As for V2 vs V3 I was quite vocal when V3 came out about the looks, I'd got used to the feel and look of V2 but it actually a non issue after a week, and now I'd never go back to the harsh V2 GUI. I love how S1 V3 looks, with my own pallette settings which makes it as good looking as any good looking DAW out there.

    I guess I just appreciate the gains it has brought to my production speed and results over nitpicking small things it lacks or differs from vs other DAWS.

    YMMV but I *WILL* disagree if I see people writing stuff like "it needs a cool list of more features before it can be PRO" I mean wtf?
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  3. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    What a weird way to interpret it. I'm sorry but I'm not here to play fanboy or anything, I simply disagreed with the posts that were full of hyperbole and wrong info, they were subjective not objective and I can't agree so I clicked 'disagree'. I wasn't aware at all that this is viewed as 'throwing stones' on this forum? how strange.

    I also don't recall stating I'm "identifying" myself with this DAW or any software, I just said it's a great tool it does the job and of all the DAWS i've used is the one that gets out of the way of creativity and productivity the most and allows me the clearest vision of the end goal. Also I have a very lean list of plug-ins so I'm not one of those thinkers either, I'm more into hardware anyway (esp for synths).

    But.. ok, if you believe I can only be disagreeing with some seriously short sighted statements so that I can feel secure about 'DAW OF CHOICE' to make up for my 'LACK OF TALENT' then go ahead, it's of no consequence to me other than it being entirely incorrect. What I was doing was attempting to balance up a lot of the negativity in this thread over mostly small issues from people who seem set against something because it's new and not what they already use.

    IF S1 didn't exist I'd happily go back to Cubase and use it without (much) complaint, but I have seen and felt real gains in every area that counts for me in music production after going to S1 and for that I'll make no apologies. If my "truth" offends anyone then I'd say it's they who are being defensive and using the 'our team' thinking. I go where the goods are, I have no brand loyalty.

    and insinuating someone who likes a product has limited creativity and confidence is by far a much worse kind of post than anything I wrote or disagreed with. I can't believe I joined here just to put a good word in for a DAW I happen to like and all this pop-psychology bollocks has been brought into it? seriously? it can't just be because I think studio one is an awesome tool for making music with? I can't be that I know it so well that I know most people's complaints about it in this thread are hyperbole and over-exaggerated? therefore I disagree as I'm sure many will with my posts.

    I do not lack creativity or confidence, my music is regularly on US TV on highly rated show (8 million viewers per ep for ex) and that didn't come about by lacking either creativity or confidence, much of it was aided though by using a slick daw that helps me reach goals faster when I have so many ideas and things to do it would otherwise hinder me with more complex (and un-needed) bloat.

    am out of the thread guys, thanks for the character assassination welcome :)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    All DAW companies have claimed at one point to have raised the bar,but if there is only one bar in the world who owns the bar,where is it placed,is it hidden,is it shared among companies?If there are many bars,are they different?Who has the right to tell my bar is better than yours?

    George Carlin
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  5. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    @Slapdash Hope we will learn from each other. Enjoy your stay!
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    S1 v2 browser it's better, can play audio host and tempo synced, can export/bounce files,can play musicloops,can play midi using vsti in arrengement. it's just better...
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  7. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    S1 meters aren't precise as Logic One's. I like Logic more. And i was talking about performance when it comes to multithread not cpu meter...
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  8. FerdinandIIIDeMedicis

    FerdinandIIIDeMedicis Kapellmeister

    Feb 6, 2016
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    S1 needs way better midi, surround sound support, a score editor and actual film scoring features if it ever hopes to compete against most other linear DAWs. Most people are blinded by it's awesome workflow and it's good looks but this DAW is seriously lacking in almost every department (except audio editing which is awesome, as good as PT audio editing).
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    In all seriousness,my problem with S1 3 Pro was the engine which is underdeveloped and cant compete with cubase,pro tools or reaper yet.
    Other than that,yes it does one thing better than the most and that is its workflow which is very important as everyone knows.
    I composed fast and managed to finish the song fast as well and im very proud of the result.But what then bothered me was when i started mixing it.
    It just lacks resources.Forget about doing some tape emulation plugins like satin with addition of some reverbs + other fx and i wasnt even half way down the road to a finished mix.They just should just limit the number of tracks to 48 and call it elements.
    It has glitz,it has the workflow but under the hood its a 1969 volkswagen beetle,its a peoples DAW indeed.
    I cant even imagine doing an orchestra work with 200+ tracks,tons of subgroups and fx,it would drive me insane.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2016
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  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Slapdash my thing was more directed at the guy who popped in to call everyone ignorant who doesn't think S1 is the best DAW for every purpose ever. You sort of got lumped in because often when you see a guy with a one-day membership hurling negative votes every which way it's likely to be a troll or someone who caught feelings over something ridiculous. Looks like I may have misjudged you.

    I agree Studio One is a fantastic program. I've said as much throughout most of this thread. Truce.
  11. miaik

    miaik Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    the bar must have sunk pretty low :rofl:
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  12. wayne3

    wayne3 Member

    May 31, 2013
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    the main problem of Studio One is simple: more than a few functions does not work and a GUI (gruesome colors) that kills your eyes. especially the mixing console is ugly as hell.

    for instance:

    - stem mixing
    write the tempo in the track when STEM-mixing is not working. selecting the checkbox before the mix is ignored.

    - mixing console
    (left) newly inserted tracks are shifted to the right, but busses in the mixing console have a fixed position. the order of the tracks and buses will be always rearranged. constantly chaos. (even if you have always correct the required position, some buses 'jumps' back to the old position, again and again.) terrible!

    - browser
    the creation, renaming and deleting folders does not always work correctly. some folders can not be deleted. when renaming a folder at times, a new folder is created (without any reason).

    (small selection)
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  13. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    For your information and sanity, When you select a mono source Reaper makes a mono track. If you select a L/R pair it makes a stereo track.
  14. Free-K

    Free-K Noisemaker

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Planet Earth
    ok tastes differ but calling it ugly as hell is a bit much. Did you try and set your custom colours or did they come out also ugly as hell.
    ok tastes differ but calling it ugly as hell is a bit much. Did you try and set your custom colours or did they come out also ugly as hell?
    as for your first instance i am not shure what you mean by Stemmixing is not working, it's a bit of a vague decription you give.
    but i can tell you as much that it's no problem to maintain the exact order of your tracks and busses as you wish them to be. You can even save different mixerscenes, gtr only, bass only, drums only or busses only etc etc.
    Studio One Expert on the tube has some vids on this topic and i am shure you will find the solutions to your troubles when you read the manual.
    with the browser i only had troubles when i was searching a large folder, it kept hanging itself at times, but that has been solved with the last update. But creating, deleting and such never gave me any headaches.
    In your case i would report the bug if its consistent, they are quite fast at responding.
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    That's true, but the routing transforms it into stereo immediately, instead of doing it pre-panning. So you have to use the "pinning trick" to force the routing to mono. Try doing that for every plugin in a chain and every send and you go :crazy:. The whole audio engine in Reaper is based on stereo channels instead of mono, which is the best way - just as mixing consoles work. That was a mistake they made at the beginning and now it's hard to repair it. :sad: Every other DAW under the sun has audio engine based on mono channels ffs! :mad: Otherwise, I LOVE REAPER and I'm very familiar with it. Very! :wink:

    Sorry, my previous answer was wrong so I deleted it and had to rewrite it completely. :winker:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
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  16. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    Best Answer
    The thing about this thread that just amazes me is the OP posted an announcement about an upcoming update for Studio One V3. Very Nice. Then There is a barrage of S1 Detractors that jump in and bash all the reasons they dislike S1 because DAW ----- Fill in the blank does this much better. What purpose does that serve?

    No asked if the features of S1's newest update was going to outdo all the other DAWS available. This was simply an informational Post. Why is it that when it comes to posts like this we all jump into this Fight Mode stance and go at each other over why our choice of DAW is better than yours and you are just wrong because you disagree with me, and then everything starts getting rude, and loud and feelings get hurt?

    No one even knows what the new features are yet, and what they will change in S1.

    If you do not like S1 why do you feel the need to comment in here and tell everyone it sucks and your DAW is better? Just curious, because if your trying to sway someone who does like S1, it probably isn't going to change their mind.

    I just find myself reading through these threads and wondering what the point is. I know Conversation and discussion is good, but does it always have to be so counter-productive in the way it takes place.

    Not trying to rain on any ones parade, just trying to understand what brings our discussions to this point time and time again. There is no single DAW that is the single Be all end all of software for all or there wouldn't be so many available on the market. So individual Workflow and user taste must play a substantial roll in choosing which software we choose to work with.

    Thanks, Just had to interject for a minute. :)
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  17. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Wholeheartedly agree with you.
    Apologies to everyone who find my posts derailing the thread. Just went astray with the winds.
  18. JohnJ

    JohnJ Newbie

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Since he never paid for it anyway I doubt if Presonus cares. :no:

    What a world we live in where a leech complains about being "disappointed" in the thing he leeched for 5 years, like a company has any obligation to please a crack user. :yes:

    I also curiously wonder how somebody who's never had a legitimate licence got "tech support". :)
  19. daniel88v8

    daniel88v8 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2014
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  20. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Have to say I have loved S1 right from the start due to it's sheer simplicity. I just hope that a new update won't get in the way of that and it gets bogged down with a a ton of features that turn it into every other DAW. It will also be interesting to see if this will be a paid update or a free maintenance release.

    As for the GUI I don't have a problem. You can change the colours to make it more visually appealing if you prefer a different colour scheme but for me it is workflow that matters, not staring at a work of art. Mind you, compared to Ableton and Fruity Loops it is a work of art :rofl:
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