Quits smoking cigarettes, Insomnia x1000

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nimbuss, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    So I quit smoking last Saturday, right now I feel terrible. I'm having trouble sleeping, I can't concentrate enough to make music and this E-cig I got doesn't really help.

    I really enjoyed going through Catalyst's post on trying to quit and would like to know if anybody has found some updated methods to help ease the pain.

    I've only been smoking for 2 years but I could go through about 3 packs a week (not the biggest number, but I don't weigh a lot).

    Reasons I'm quitting:

    - I never liked supporting the tobacco industry ( My grandmother is in her 90s and still smokes, but her husband passed away from cancer 2 years ago (I guess Second hand smoke is worse?).

    - My mother smokes, and I'd be a hypocrite to continue.

    - I feel like a sloth after a heavy day of smoking.

    My Experience with E-Cig so far:

    - Having smoke to blow out does ease some of the cravings, the juice I have is very low in nicotine (1.8%) to be exact and still makes my throat hurt.

    - Smoking a nicotine free juice actually feels better.

    Only side effects iv noticed is slight nausea and a sense of vertigo but i'm sure that's just the body trying to adjust :knock:

    Just some random thoughts I've jotted down but hopefully they mean something to somebody. :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
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  2. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    I stoped smoking 11 years ago after many failed attempts.

    be ruthless - stop TRYING, and DO IT!

    i havent personal tried e-ciggs, so i cant say much about that. but i view it as, replacing one addiction with another.

    Be strong! :)
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  3. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Hi, I smoked 20 a day from 12 years of age up to 55 years old, One day I stopped dead, I kept a packet of Marlborough, s in the house as well as a few nicotine patches, just in case. I then entered the mindset of thinking that every cigarette that I bought, the money went straight into the pockets of the government, so in my head I was giving up Nicotine patches... sounds silly, but focused my thoughts towards patches rather than ciggies. I never actually used the patches, just determination. The thing I learnt is that you never actually loose the craving, but you learn to live with it, even today after 7 years without a cigarette, I still fancy one, and if I smell someone smoking I could follow them for miles, inhaling used smoke, but I don't as I recon its all down to a strong will power and a hatred for corrupt governments
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  4. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    I stopped a little bit more than two years ago after something like twenty years of intensive smoking.
    You'll see the first two weeks are horrible but then it goes better and your sleep will even be better, it was the case for me. ;)
    For my part I was followed by a doctor specialized in addiction and he helped me a lot.
    I wish you the best, you've almost passed the hardest part, don't give up! :wink:

    EDIT: I don't think that E-cigs is the way to go, imho you keep the gesture of smoking when using those, but I've never tried it.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
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  5. ozen

    ozen Newbie

    Feb 11, 2016
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    18mg (1.8%) kinda high nic level, drop it to 12mg (1.2%) to ease up that throat hit a bit. What's your mod setup?
  6. I am really glad that you have decided to give up nicotine. The tobacco or the juice are just delivery systems for this poison, a delivery system not unlike how milk is to powdered chocolate. Hey friend, whatever it takes to rid yourself of this most horrid of addictions, legal, at times, glamified and glorified, greed and villainy hallmarks of those pushing this shit at the highest levels of corporate "I'm not" responsibility. And I bet that just now, even reading about smoking makes you want to have one right now. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them, they want your slavery to feed them Porsches and Lamborghinis, organic dinners at only the best restaurants and tit jobs and and cosmetic dentistry for theit blowjob machine girlfriends while you suffer through your daily addiction. Don't support them, instead support your health and well being, your wallet and your sanctity as a human being and not as a thing, what to this crew of horrible monsters in human costume want you to follow and obey blindly as a CONSUMER, a consumer of shit products that do absolutely do no good and everything bad, bad, bad in order to line their pockets as your health diminishes puff by puff, day by day, year by year. They do not care one iota about you or your health or your well being, but rather would see you in pain, fully aware of the consequences of the behavior that they expect and foster, that you will remain a brand loyal slave to their corporate greed. So next time you want to light up like I did for close to 40 years, just like my father and his father before him did too, stop, think of the scum that want you in their pocket, the future of your life to them only as much as the money that goes into theirs. Be angry, be calm or some place in the middle, but stop right now. I promise you, the hard days will pass and soon you will be over the worst part. Shit, after 5 years I still want to light up from time to time but just don't. It is a decision I still have to make after all this time. I hope that you can get through this hard beginning, it really gets easier really quickly after the first week, but you have to be on top of it. You can do it.
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  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I quit smoking 15 years ago after my throat started to hurt. My health is more important, I thought. And man, did I love smoking. Not so much the nicotine flash, yeah, that was ok, but more the enjoyment. You know, taking a break, a moment for yourself with a cup of coffee, or riding in my car, with my favourite music and a smoke... Felt like the king of the world :) and it tasted so good!
    But then the day came and said throat started to hurt. That was the point where I made the decision: it's not worth it. So I quit, on the spot. Threw out the only half empty box I started.
    For me, the hardest moments were not the ones where I felt the need to smoke. The hardest moments were those rituals I created. Coffee without a cig? No way! Or in the club: what to do with your hands when you don't hold a cigarette? Those moments were the hardest and it's important you replace those rituals and don't leave an empty spot.
    I think the most important part is making a decision. And there is no short cut, no sugar coating. Don't kidd yourself. Smoking e-cigs is still smoking, and it's bad for your health.

    Make a decision. It's either: you want to smoke, or you don't want to smoke, or you want to smoke but realize you really shouldn't.

    Unless it's the second option, you will never quit smoking.

    Amen to that. I can relate to you 100%.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2016
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  8. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Thanks @reliefsan , @NicoDPS and @jefft :shalom:,means alot coming from fellow musicians/technicians alike (smoking and working with sound seem to go hand in hand at times) , main reason I didn't take it to a more 'public' forum if you know what I mean.

    @ozen I didn't want to spend too much on this hobby as I don't see myself doing it forever, it's a stock Justfog 1453 with a terrible battery life (Or i'm just sucking the life out of it constantly) I watched some Youtube videos on the whole vaping scene and realized how much there is to learn. Thanks for clarifying that 1.8% = 18mg I thought it was equal to 1.8mg :dunno: Iv got some pretty good vegetable glycerine I might dilute to make it smoother.
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    For those with stress,depression,paranoia,insomnia etc i would recomend 5-htp from the Lin Instititute.
    These are serotone precursor pills.
    Tried them all,these are the best on the market.
    Its natural from griffonia seeds,has no side effects and will get you back to healthy 8 hour sleep in no time.
    I tried every single drug on the market,trust me,this thing works.
    It also helps with any kind of addiction,as all addicts lack serotone(happy hormone).
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  10. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @superliquidsunshine that's really deep, thanks for taking your time to share your thoughts, brings a smile to my face knowing that simply quitting the habit can contribute to bettering our society.
    VIVA LA REVOLUCION !! :metal:
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  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I'd recommend 5-htp from the common banana.
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  12. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Well said!! It's not so much the need to smoke, it's almost like summoning a small friend to enjoy a moment with you, I tend to accelerate my smoking when at social events so i'll have to avoid those for a while.
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Not nearly enough of tryptophan in a banana to convert into a desired dosage of 5-htp to heal your brains :)
  14. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    Suffer a while!
    You can suffer with me, im having a cold and rage about the new starwars movie
  15. It is all those little impulsive, reflex moments that nicotine looks for to do its bidding. For me it was lots of them (and still can be) like talking on the phone, after a meal, writing a song with a guitar in my lap, after sex, taking a dump, a break at work, really any little pause as it likes to slip in like a ninja, all stealthy and shit to slit the throat of your resolve, to offer that devilish, Faustian trade of relieving your craving in trade for your soul. Cut off the hand as it offers, then off the whole damn arm, then its ugly, slimy fucking head else it rears and rolls to come back to haunt you again with those lying empty promises it is so good at creating to try to blind you to its self fulfilling nightmare, the circle of misery, that empty black hole in your periphery it has waiting for you with your name on it. Let the sunshine shine down on you. Make peace with yourself and your strong resolve to end this vicious cycle of addiction, and war bloody against your enemy, nicotine and all that it falsely offers to your mental, physical and spiritual life. We all have your back here at the forum and we are hear you, are listening to you, and wish you success in your struggle.

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  16. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    In moments like this you can certainly use some support, which is in my mind absolutely crucial. Reading these comments from people who had been through it will help you. :wink:

    Try to change the "rituals", create a distraction, do something else instead. Like eating an apple, and drinking green tea instead of coffee - it is healthy. :wink:

    There must be something to help you with serotonin levels, too, as Von_Steyr mentioned. I use marijuana, though. Just occasionally, of course.
  17. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Thank you @SineWave . This website is something special and I am glad to have stumbled across it, this week hasn't been easy but reading through these replies makes me want to push for a better life.

    You guys are the real MVP's, Peace :bow:
  18. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Looing back i can say that i learned alot about myself and buildmy selfconfidence up on that one decision.
    you will thank yourself later down the road.

    If we meet face to face I could give you a motivationelspeech im pretty bad at writing :)

    i remember one small line i keept repeating formyself everytime the "urge" came up.
    "im free from ciggerets" or something along the lines of "these ciggerets do not have the power over me, I have the power over them"

    anyway. The first 3 weeks are the hardest. no doubt. ones you get pass that, it will get easier.

    IF You slip up and have a cigg at some bar or whatever. dont beat yourself up (too much) just enough to get back on track on your decision ( i HAVE stoped smoking). Dont let your ego crush your owne will to make that decision you took come to life. if that makes sence :)

    most importantly of all and my ending : be strong !
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    do you eat it or smoke it ?

    I have seen enough people of my parents' generation going around with an oxygen tank after a lifetime of smoking.. just imagine having to deal with that in your advanced years.. and how uncomfortable it would be... a very pitiful thing to see, especially one of your family members needing this... oh and don't forget the bypass surgery for your heart..

    nicotine stimulates a pleasure center, and an alertness center in your brain.. double whammy
    addiction... and one of the hardest to kick... but it can be done...
    @Nimbuss ... more power..
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  20. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I quit 6 years ago, I smoke for more than 15 years, cigs and more, and a lot of more, sadly. After 1 soft failed attempt, I did it the hard way, roughly, I don't like compromise like E-cigs, I think it's as pointless and expensive as cigs in the end.
    It was like, me against my addicted brain, a will work on myself to be the master over bad habits (my inner Miyamoto Musashi awakening.:)), I hate to be weak and enrich all those death dealers.
    It was hard the first month. Sleeping trouble, excessive sweating, nervousness. Each time the envy came, I used to do hike and jumping rope, good thing to counter the weight taking due to food compensation (I have lost more than 25kg). Now I'm fine and really proud to made it by my own will.

    My parents stopped after 40 years with 1 to 2 pack a day. They did acupuncture, it calms nerves, helps for sleeping and cuts the envy for a moment, and each time envy came back, they went back to the acupunctor. They did it the first 4 months, each month end.

    If you can't stop with your own will, I strongly suggest you acupuncture to help, I think it really worth it.
    If you want more details or have questions don't hesitate. With each people experiences here, there's necessarily the solution that suits you.

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