Cigarette Smokers - Tobacco Difference

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Introninja, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Just a question, because I'm work right now I'll have to look into it more thorough later but wanted some opinions from smokers & nonsmokers(Secondhand) alike, about the quality and taste of tobacco and the brands that serves them. I'll update with info as soon as I can. Thanks
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
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  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    all the same for me (non smoker) but after few years of sitting with smokers i became addicted, if i don't smell some cigarette smoke, id get angry... LOL

    in the other hand, you never get enough from that lovely smell you get at gas station... that smell make me happy dunno why...
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  4. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Nearly 2 packs a day here until I switched to E-Cigs about 6 years ago. My favourite brands were the British Rothmans and Dunhill. I thought the American tobacco stank! So did the French cigs stink. But that was down to the Americans and co toasting the tobacco leaves in contrast to the roasted tobacco of the British cigs. I'll take this opportunity to recommend vaping to any cigarette smokers out there who think that they are slaves to the aweful smell on your clothes, in your hair and your breath! You CAN enjoy smoking, and enjoy it much more, save a ton of money and cut out the tobacco for good when you switch to vaping E-Cigs - it's a no-brainer :winker:
  5. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    3 and a half years on E-Cigs, save money, no smell, smoke anywhere.
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    just got into total vaping, using vaporshark stuff, dna200 etc.... you have to make yourself , or beat it into yourself, but you end up preferring it ultimately, and more productive in studio without bad smoke breaks etc.... i smoked around a pack a day, now just vape, got lower nicotine then used to, because just vape constantly..... (studio smells like a damn hookah bar! :))..... plug it right into my usb hub, good to go!
  7. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    yeah E-Cigs do the deference and also good things comes on your way stoping the fag-ing, i use to smoke factory cigs but i turned to tobacco
    feel's me better and i think are healthier than factory cigs, i tried E-Cigs for a month but no luck,one thing that i noticed between E-Cigs and smoking a fag is ... fag will finish in 7 mins or less, vaping never stops till you will stop. For example i say: i will have a fag and then i'll do my work,with E-Cig i can't say that.
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  8. dorian

    dorian Ultrasonic

    Apr 23, 2012
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    I use to smoke for 30 years and for at least 20 of them I smoked tobacco. Better flavor plus the roll thing which I use to love.
    As far as I know, every country has its own blends. So, if you smoke the same joint but from different place-country, you 'll get different taste.
  9. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I have smoked for 15 years, normal cigs (marlboro, camel, dunhil, jps, etc...), to rolling tobacco 100% tobacco additive free American Spirits or La Fleur Du Pays. And rolled my cigs to avoid the crap in the filter at least. plus, the thickness of the paper change a lot the taste.

    I have stopped 6 years ago now, but If I haven't, I would have grown up my own organic tobaccos and used a vaporizer to have the pure flavor of tobacco and to avoid combustion, filter and paper.
  10. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    I've been smoking since I was 12. Still smoke more than a pack a day.
    Even worked for a tobacco co. Trust me these guys are 'Evil bastards". But i guess most big corps. are evil anyways. :rofl:
    Switched to marlboro lights. Like the mellow taste better nowadays. But my fav is charcoal filtered cigs..
    edit: I also like cigars.. Purely for the aroma..
    Having a cig right now.. Yes it's the most addictive thing in the planet once you're hooked.. And it's fucking expensive.. :dunno:
  11. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    To the Vapers:

    Do e-cigs have the same hit on your throat like the normal cigs do? If you know what i mean?
    If they do then soon i'm switching to e-cigs.
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  12. on3simpleclick

    on3simpleclick Noisemaker

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Live in Australia. I smoked for 7 years on and off, a pack a day at my worst. I smoked Peter Jackson, Winfield & JPS. None of the other brands did it for me, they were too harsh. Peter Jackson is expensive, but they taste the best. Now that I''ve quit, (going on 4 months), I don't notice the difference in smell between any of the cigarettes smoked. The initial smell of second-hand smoke repulses me, but if I stay around it to long, it brings back the feeling of smoking again, so I try not to be around it.
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Since I started smoking rolled cigarettes 15y ago I never looked back. They taste better and smell better, not just to me but also to my wife who is also rolling her own. We like American Spirit tobacco, but prefer some lighter Virginia blends and home grown tobacco if we can get it. Interesting thing about "rollies", depending on the tobacco of course, is that I feel better and breathe more easily than when I smoked normal cigarettes. When somebody offers me a normal cigarette now, I usually decline because I don't like their taste any more, and I can smell and taste the chemicals in them.

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  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    If You can, trash the cigarettes and smoke a natural uncontaminated tobacco. (if you live in a place where You can buy it)
    Other good options are Pipe tobacco (non aromatic) and Cigars.

    ...the best would be to quit smoking, but that is Your choice... if You like tobacco, the above options are the only ones that will let You taste what tobacco is all about.
  15. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    To Dr. Evil... The short answer is yes, but you have to try a few different types, the higher the nicotine the better the "hit"
    I am in U.S. and there are many different brands and styles to choose from, almost all will probably do it for you, but try a few and you will eventually find the one that best satisfies you. I use Logic Pro, it is a metal thing with an activator button, but the regular cigarette types are pretty good too. Good Luck..
  16. murry

    murry Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    I quit smoking cigarettes about 5 yrs ago, cigarettes stink, they are no good, they are loaded with a major amount of chemicals, I switched to black & mild jazz cigars, and I have noticed I don't get cravings when I wake up, nor do I go to bed coughing, or wake up coughing. The drive to smoke isn't there at all, I smoke about maybe 2 cigars a day, sometimes only one, I will be quitting them soon too, or maybe just have one in a once in a while thing, but for sure cigarettes are no good at all, they are designed to keep you smoking and buying them, and they mess with your health much more than a cigar, cigars are very limited in how they are cured and treated with chemicals, however it all depends on you if you are quitting, be strong say 'fuck cigarettes they are worthless and throw them away' headstrong
  17. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Good Lord, people still smoke? Those damn things took George Harrison, David Bowie, etc from us. Don't let it take you, too. What a horrible, useless habit . . . they offer nothing good.
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  18. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Ex-smoker, here. I smoked on/off for quite some time (going for years at a time without a cigarette, then gettin gack into it habitually). I got to where I couldn't stand any manufactured cigarettes but American Spirit (no additives); the blue pack especially (the "yellows" being strangely harsh for being supposedly "lite-"er). Then prices went through the roof by overzealous taxation, so I switched to rolling Bali Shag tobacco, which I found much yummier, and I ended up smoking less because of the labor involved.

    Eventually, I just lost interest in smoking, though I'd bum a smoke now and then – while finding that it made me feel kinda ill, nauseated at the least. What stopped me cold from smoking was the death, from cancer, of my next-door neighbor, who, even after having most of his colon removed, smoke Camel "nonnies" (unfiltered) up until his dying moment – on the toilet, trying to take a dump. For months thereafter, the stench of his death and his Camels malingered, through the crack between his bathroom and mine, naueating me as though to my very soul. Not only that, but my dead neighbor became my roommate, haunting my apartment, letting me know he was thinking of me by knocking over items pertinent to our past discussions and mutual interests. Since then, I've had no desire whatsoever to smoke; I can't stand the smell of secondhand smoke, though the smoke of some "natural" tobacco I stll find pleasantly fragrant.

    Vaping is stupid. It's breathing water. Ever get lungs in your water and almost choke to death? Like, drowning? Huh. Another stupid thing to throw money away on and invite a premature death, with health problems along the way.
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  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'd like to remind the "good samaritans" that this is a thread about smoking and tobacco difference. Please don't let it become a "cigarettes are awful" and "I quit smoking, how can you smoke?" thread. Simply put - this is not a thread for you so please refrain from posting things we all know. :crazy:

    If I stumbled upon a thread called "barbecue lovers - sausage difference" I wouldn't post "I quit eating meat in high school, it's bad for you, how can you still eat meat? etc." there because it is not a thread for me, and they don't want to hear anyone saying that in that thread, eh? :winker:

    I can use a Bali Shag, too, no pun intended! :hahaha: I like that tobacco, too.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
  20. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Took the words right out of my mouth, Thank you for the reminder:bow:

    p.s im home now so taking a deep look into it, be back soon
  21. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    I have always preferred/choose Cutter's Choice rolling tobacco, I roll my own and use the filter tips which you can buy.
    I did smoke normal cigs for a good many years but after converting do quality tobacco I just can't smoke a normal cig anymore (way to dry and odd tasting). Cutter's Choice to me and most people I know who either do or do not smoke always say it is the least offensive smelling and leaves the least amount of trace than say Golden Virginia for example.
    I do have one of those vaping e-cig devices which I use especially when I am somewhere that makes nipping out for a quick cig difficult or just not practical, I've not really tried out anything specific with it so for now only use it as a substitute for real tobacco but my two Children are always on my case to give up, So I do hope to manage to do it sometime in the next 2 or 3 years by using the vaping e-cig and trying out all the various brands and flavours offered.

    I'm 31 and I've smoked since I was about 14, So that is my two pence on it FWIW, All the best to everyone as always :wink:

    Nekro Dean