Super Bowl Champion Denver Broncos

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Slider, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    It's because racism in America is even embedded in our sports. This superbowl in the eyes of white supremacist was the white guy beating the out of line, not knowing his place black dude. Social media confirms my point ad nauseam..smh
  2. the_good_and_true

    the_good_and_true Newbie

    Mar 29, 2015
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    American football zzzzzzzzzzzzz who cares
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  3. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    That's so fuckin' lame I don't even know how to reply to your race bating comment. 90% + of all the players in the NFL are black dude. No, the reason Cam is catching so much shit is because he never learned the number one basic fundamental about playing ANY sports....which is learn how to lose graciously before you learn how to win!! Hell, I learned that almost 50 years ago in high school football.

    He came strutting out onto the field all full of himself wearing a gold laced Superman emblem on his shirt....fine, no problem, I don't begrudge him having fun with being there considering their record earned them the trip.

    What he failed to realize was that if he was Superman, Von Miller, Ware, Wolfe, and the rest of the #1 defense in the entire league was Kryptonite!! The entire season he never came up against any dominant D like he faced Sunday, and it showed from beginning to end. He acted like a no class little punk with his hoodie and rudeness during the after game interview....PERIOD!! That's why he's catching so much class!

    Sorry to say, the only racists I see here in this thread is you for even bringing up such a bullshit comment and there's no place here for that IMHO. Shows you have a lot of growing up to do yourself if that's the narrative you want to play, cause this old man ain't buyin' it!!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
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  4. Jim Greulich

    Jim Greulich Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Really good post Slider... you are right on point! Cam lovers/apologists are quick to play the race card because there is simply no way to legitimately defend his horrendous lack of sportsmanship. Are their racists in the US and every other country in the world? Sure there are. But the VAST majority of Cam-haters (myself included) do so because he is a pompous as$ who is a sore loser and even worse winner. If people are slurring him racially, then I am sorry for that and it's a despicable act. But, to be honest, the loser deserved probably at least 90% of the criticism he is getting. My favorite FB player of all time is Jerry Rice, who just happens to be not only the greatest WR to ever play the game, but the all time TD leader by a HUGE margin (33 over 2nd place Emmitt Smith). Yet, being the top all time TD scorer, Rice never engaged in the ridiculous antics that Cam does every single game (well except for yesterday when he got owned, embarrassed, and lost the game for his team with his horrendous play). The most you ever saw from Rice was him raise both arms after he made an amazing catch at the end of a half to set the all-time scoring mark. He acted like he'd been there before when he scored... and he had... more than any other in history. Never taunted or showed the poor sportsmanship that Cam does frequently. Bottom line is, Cam had a good year after 4 sub-par, under-achieving years for a guy with that much god-given talents, but he honestly didn't even deserve the MVP award. He was a distant 8th in QB rating, and both Wilson & Brady had significantly better years than he did, and Brady did it with 4th string WR & RB half of the year! But, it was all about the Cam and Panther hype this year, so the guy was gifted something that he didn't deserve... a bit reminiscent of the national championship over Oregon,where his team needed a miracle fluke 1 in 100,000 play (Auburn RB getting tackled on top of his own player then getting up and running for a huge play) to win that championship. It was truly great to see karma come back to bite this cry baby yesterday, on top of Manning and the deserved Bronco Defense getting the trophy. Suck it Cam! You earned the hate you are getting now, so go cry in a corner somewhere and STFU lol!
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  5. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    *jimgreulich, pure racism, that's it
  6. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Well, I wonder why you don't mention after the Seahawks kicked Denver's ass in the Super Bowl 2 years ago, Peyton had the class to sit through 30+ minutes of media interviews answering the same questions about what happened over & over. You think that was fun for him, no....but that's what a pro guy with class does....and not once did he blame his team members. Like you, I didn't hear Cam blame his teammates, I didn't hear him say much of anything before he stormed out of the interview to go sulk.

    Thing is, the Broncos are a TEAM, when offense is stumbling, then the defense is proud to step it up and do what's necessary for a team win. That's why they are the Champs! And as far as Peyton's performance goes, I agree it was not pretty. But at the end of the day they got the W, and what makes Manning a great NFL QB is the sum of a career spanning years where he set records that may or may not ever be broken....only time will tell! Have a nice day!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  7. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    @mag666 Whatever man, what's done is done....get over it! Have a nice day!
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    @mag666 first of all: my sympathies for not being able to watch your sports/entertainment climax of the year (?).
    But come on - don't you stop for gas on your way home? Don't you pass a tv? Don't you see people on the way? The result has to be everywhere, on the news, on every tv station, on every radio station, on every newspapers headline. I don't live in the US so I can only guess but at my place, where soccer is the big game, people would drive around honking, hollering, setting of firecrackers, if the local team wins. There is not a snowball's chance in hell you can avoid hearing about the result.
    You'd really have to bury your head in the sand and I guess it's the same in the US. It's the event of the year and if you expect everybody to tiptoe around you with what presumably is their most exciting experience in weeks, it's really not them who are self-centered.
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  9. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Another thing you foriegn folk should realize is that when you discuss racial issues in America you get labeled a race baiter, ironically a term coined by white supremacist. My point was that Cam has fun with football. He's young and exuberant, nothing at all wrong with that. Also the young fans love him, because he takes time out of his day to give them footballs in game, and even signs them afterwords, that on top of the charity he does off the field. Cam is a great dude, and the reason so many white people show him racist vitriol on social media is because 1. he threatens their perception of how a succesful quarterback should be and look like, 2. because he's outspoken and expresses himself however he sees fit and is having fun with the sport. Some white people in America are threatened by out going and outspoken black people. Especially the ones in the public. Too bad for them, because Cam is obviously not going to change who he is to appease their hate and racial bias. :bleh:
  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    To say nothing of your childhood... I always thought that hang-off-the-edge-of-your-seat, day-made/ruined football fanaticism was a mixture of hysterical groupthink and bizarre brand loyalty. When I see adults acting like that it makes me think 'isn't there anything bigger in your life?'
  11. @Cav Emp...Absolutely, positively and without a doubt, everything that you just mentioned and then some. I have fond memories of those times, and for sure, seeing with new eyes the historical predicament of millenia imposing this specific paradigm, constantly reinforcing the group dynamic of us vs. them in order to foster obedience and order, to raise armies to do the bidding of wealthy interests and succumb to the onslaught of the day to day brainwashing in the form of the corporate commercial machine and to get you to buy more garbage that is no good for you and that pollutes our air and water supply, not to mention the toxic chemicals and genetically altered organisms that are offered up as healthy for us and our children. All this reinforces the horrid bullshit, and I did not know anything outside of the blinding bubble of my childhood until I read George Orwell's enlightening novel Animal Farm in the 5th grade. I again read it in 6th grade and again in the 7th. Still I couldn't see past the next game on Sunday. It was in 10th grade that I was thrown into a special forward thinking and experimental class of only eight students, all of us gross under achievers (I barely made it out of high school with a cumulative average of 68/100, a low D grade). We read novels and periodicals and had a free and open forum to discuss our ideas. It was here we read the anti-war commentary, All Quiet on the Western by Remarque, and then and only then it all started coming together for me. The blinders were off and the rest is history. I do not buy "brands", actively shunning all the shit they shovel to the majority still in denial to the greater truth. Branding is what humans do to animals to prove ownership, scarring and eliciting pain in this pursuit. I think you get my point.
  12. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    superliquid if that's u in the pic then u look like one cooooooooooooooool old motherfucker!
  13. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    it has NOTHING to do with race and everything to do with Cam. All you gotta do is compare him to Russell Wilson and the argument is lost. I don't seem to remember any of this blow back for Russell who carries himself like a gentleman. Cam brings it all on himself. So what he didn't dive after that fumble cause he is black? So stupid!
  14. Yes luscious ( . ) ( . ), it IS my old motherfucker self in the photo. Now you know who and what you are dealing with. Ha!
  15. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Go tell that to the thousands of people on twitter and facebook who have called Cam every racial epithet under the sun. Also who comes up with these standards and defines how a gentleman should act? Cam Newton does more for young fans on and off the field then just about anyone in the league, funny how what he does of substance is overshadowed because he likes to have fun and dance.. GTFOH

    Are these photos not of him being a gentleman? Isn't this what every man should be doing with his time?

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  16. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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  17. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    The pics are staged PR activity to improve his absolutely awful image. All organized by sleezy agents and managers to maximize earning potential down the line.

    If you need ANY proof of this dudes character just look at his game behavior and after the game, add it to his past behavior, his race baiting comments and this piss poor attempt to improve his well deserved image as a punk makes me truly sick to see people defending it.

    There are reasons LOTS of people dont like this dude.. these are just a couple.

    He aint no Superman. If you can't see that, so be it. I guess the overtime PR is working on some people... but not me mate.

    Done here.:wink:
  18. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    When he does charity it's a pr move..When he helps young fans and donates his time feeding the less fortunate it's a piss poor job at improving his image? So in other words no matter what he does that's actually good it wont matter because you're biased and your mind is made up regarding who he is as a person? ctfu

    Also, people by the thousands making racist comments about him on social media isn't relevant, yet him addressing that issue is a problem and makes him a race baiter? Wow
  19. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Like what? Dancing, having fun? Yeah that totally justifies the racist backlash he recieves. Funny how obvious racism and racist rhetoric is acceptable, yet condemning it or talking about it is a problem.
  20. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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