Super Bowl Champion Denver Broncos

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Slider, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Just had to give a shout out to my hometown boys the Denver Broncos in their 24-10 win over the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50 today. Those of you from the states probably understand the significance of this world championship game in American football, and me & Mr. Beam are definitely celebrating the sweetness of this victory!
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  3. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Long live Peyton Manning. Go out on top baby! Couldn't be happier.
  4. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    ...and thanks for posting a public spoiler for those of us who haven't had a chance to see the game yet...

    Really appreciated!
  5. Jim Greulich

    Jim Greulich Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2016
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    100% Agree! Manning has always been a class act and with this great victory, will confirm his place in the top 3 QB's of all time (along with Montana & Brady). It was especially great to see that amazing Denver D embarrass the over-rated "MVP", forcing him to have one of the worst SB performances ever, along with one of his own personal worst games ever. Maybe this will serve as notice to Cam that he shouldn't be running around the field like a jackas$, being a horrible poor sport, etc, etc. I will never forget in the Panthers game vs Tennessee earlier this year... they had already clinched the game and Cam scored a late TD to make it a blowout. Not only did he perform a classless celebration in the end zone for way too long, when a TN player came over to put a stop to it, the pompous as$ continued to over-celebrate. That is only 1 example of many. The guy had an OK year on a very, very good team. He didn't even finish with a 100 QB rating, and there were at least 3-4 players that deserved the MVP over him, but it was all about the hype this year, and Denver put him in his place for sure lol! We'll see if he actually learns anything from this or comes out with the same, tired act next year.
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  6. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    @mag666 WTF, not sure what you meant...not my fault you're late to the game! :dunno:

    And yes, Manning deserved this as well as another class act, owner Pat Bowlen especially since he's losing his battle with Alzheimer's. Kudos definitely belong to the #1 rated defense lead by the games MPV Von Miller! Cam did a fair amount of grazing do to those guys, that's for sure! :rofl:
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
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  7. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    i like how non americans on the internet also fell for the hype just to feel special...

    ppl from other countries like, 'I've always supported Denver Broncos' and I'm like 'bitch wtf u like al da way in swaziland...'
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  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    The Denver Broncos! Who would have guessed... :disco:

    Besides - world championship game? It's a national championship, don't flatter yourself :rofl:
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  9. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Apparently there was a lot who guessed wrong, shit load of money lost in Las Vegas today. BTW, the trophy says the "World Champions", guess they are only referring to "real football". :rofl:
  10. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    My hometown team's the New England Patriots (Boston native passing through, here). I was quite impressed with how the Broncos played this season especially. After all, they'd managed to wipe us out twice this season.
    On a side note, the SB commercials were rather bizarre. Halftime show was also a bit disappointing, IMHO. But two each their own. It's part of what makes the Super Bowl even better. :mates:
  11. Growing up in the figurative shadow of Shea Stadium and playing pee wee football in the Pop Warner organization from the ages of 6 to 13 years old, my pure love of the NY Jets was unbound and unbending. Joe Namath was like a god to me and I tried to emulate Matt Snell and Emerson Boozer whenever I ran with the ball tucked protectively, unpryable against my body like my Dad and my coach taught me just how to do, bruising like Boozer and as swift as Snell. When the ball was thrown to me I imagined that I was the Jets Pro Bowl wide receiver Don Maynard whose motto was, "If you can touch it you can catch it", and catch it I did, my hands like flypaper to and for the ball, I made damn sure it never got away from me. When the Jets won the AFL-NFL Championship game against the Baltimore Colts my young life ripened into perfection making me perhaps the happiest human on the planet. Though these last 12 years or so living in Europe have been great on so many levels, the Sunday game day insanity (as well as Monday Night Football) is now just a fond memory. I will watch, albeit infrequently a game or two a year of which the outcome is of absolutely no significance to me, unlike the do or die scenarios of the past. But on that note, Peyton Manning may be a great QB but I always thought him to be a dickhead, jock type. His dad Archie was way cooler even though he was never on a team with a winning record and his lifetime winning percentage was, I think, in the mid 20% zone. He won the player of the year when the Saints went 7-9 and was sacked I think more than any other QB, EVER. Peyton may make more money in one season than his father did in his whole career, but statistics and bankroll mean far less to me than how a man walks through the world, and his antics in the end zone speak loudly of his class as a person.
  12. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    ..and there is the self centered, selfish and inconsiderate attitude that permeates here.. and elsewhere on the net....


    Some people had to work yesterday and so couldn't watch the game live.... and to post the result up in the header of a thread which then got included on the main page of this website.... is just really inconsiderate.
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  13. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    @mag666 Self centered, selfish and inconsiderate attitude that permeates here....are you serious? Sounds like you're suggesting the entire internet should STFU and take a break until you've had time to catch up on the news. There was no malice in my post, and if I ruined any big "surprise" for you, I do apologize, it was certainly NOT my intention. So instead of acting all self-righteous and butt hurt, might I suggest you kick back in your easy chair, pop open a couple cold one's, and watch the game....or not! :cheers:
  14. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    You got that right, saw a short interview with him yesterday and he always was and still is a class act. Too bad he was never able to achieve the big one for himself. Can't help but think he doesn't live a little vicariously through his sons. :wink:
  15. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    That's the thing.. People who act inconsiderately towards others, never realize that they are doing so.. otherwise they would never have acted in such a manner in the first place..

    Instead in this case, you just continue trying to justify your behavior.... and make excuses for it.. by trying to put the blame on me for being unable to watch the game live because I was working!

    What i was trying to point out is.. you could have 'had your say' and 'celebrated' in a way that wouldn't have affected anyone else's later enjoyment of the game.. simply by not putting a major spoiler in the title of your post. That would have been the considerate thing to have done....

    You didn't do this and therefore you impacted on my enjoyment of a sporting event i was looking forward to, once i had finished work... by posting up the result, in the header of your post, on an Audio related site!

    Anyhow, you have your opinions and I have mine.. so I'll leave it at that and hopefully you will think about others, before you post anything similar in the future...

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  16. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Manning - Class :yes:

    Newton - No Class. :no:

    Congrats Broncos.... go JAGS!!! in 2016 :phunk:
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  17. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    lol at "class" and "no class" This is football, not the opera. Also Cam Newton gives children game footballs every game and even signs them for them after the game. Funny how they judge the kid for being exuberant as some kind of character flaw, yet conveniently overlook his dedication and charity to young fans. Hilarious stuff. To all the people overseas who might be unknowledgeable about the politics of American football. Go check out twitter and the thousands of racist tweets directed at Cam Newton (Panthers qb) and you'll have a pretty good perspective about why Cam gets so much vitriol.
  18. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Oh yeah, congrats Broncos. Glad they won since the Panthers knocked out my Seahawks. :bleh:
  19. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    I'm just a neutral observer but I gotta be honest and say that was a very dull and badly played game on both sides. The refs were so bad it almost seemed they were gonna make sure Peyton went out with a ring. I don't get how that first replay wasn't a catch!!?? Next thing you know sack, fumble, and touchdown. From there its... Game! Set! Match! Peyton was pathetic to be honest only going 1-13 on third downs. He had the worst performance of a winning QB in super bowl history. Cam not going after that fumble was so soft and the act of a quitter. That play will haunt him forever. He then goes on to blame his teammates and takes no responsibility for his part in that debacle. Definitely hats off to the Denver D as they were incredible this post season but the effort by the other units on both teams was very sub par to put it mildly.
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  20. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    It's funny how people talk about how "great" Peyton is but his brother has just as many Super Bowl wins as him.
    And Peyton didn't have anything to do with this win at all.It was the defense.
    But yeah,Cam has no class because a positive black man having fun playing a game for a living is definitely tacky.
    But Peyton can leave the field early when the Saints beat them in the Super Bowl but noone mentions that.
    I wonder why that is?
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  21. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    You might want to watch the post game interview again because not once did he blame his teammates.
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