Making this Guitar Sound?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by abhizz, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. abhizz

    abhizz Newbie

    Sep 12, 2015
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    First of all thank you very much audiosex for making this section, as a beginner I got a lot of doubts.

    I was Stumbled upon this "Hellberg - Better" song months ago " . Always curious what kind of guitar he used with effects. I tried few orangetreesamples guitar in kontakt, but I couldnt get the flow and nice sound he made in his song. Please help
    Song Url:

  3. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Didn't listen for too long to the YT-vid, but as a guitar player I'd go with a somewhat "Pat Metheny"-ish guitar setup - which means: an axe with Humbuckers (something like a Gibson Les Paul etc.) and both - bridge and neck - pickups activated and the tone control somewhat down to eliminate an all too sharp "bite". Add a spiffy stereo-delay, a mild shot of chorus and reverb to your liking (EQ/compress it as it fits your taste). I only tried one Nashville-Steel-thing from Orangetree ages ago, but if you've got the libraries: their Strawberry-Bundle would be my pick of choice for the above sound.

    As a guitar player, I was never happy with Kontakt-guitar-sample-libs (Efimov, Scarbee ... nothing wrong with those, just not my cup of tea) which is why I went for the Ample Sound-Packages. For the Hellberg-stuff I'd use the Ample Guitar G2, a Les Paul-bundle. Still not the sound of a "real" guitar ... but quite capable.
  4. abhizz

    abhizz Newbie

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I'm not a guitar player at all. Do things in midi keyboard
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