Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    it is useful, thank you
  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Enjoy with your new 5.12!
    Or try this!

    v5.15pre1 - January 22 2016
    + API: add CountSelectedTracks2, GetSelectedTrack2 (to include the master track)
    + API: add CreateTrackSend, RemoveTrackSend, GetTrackSendInfo_Value, SetTrackSendInfo_Value
    + API: add ExecProcess()
    + API: add GetSetProjectNotes
    + API: add TrackFX_GetUserPresetFilename
    + Automation: automatically use absolute mouse editing for stepped pitch, fx param enum and toggle envelopes
    + Automation: support enum/toggle FX parameter envelopes
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 MCP/TCP views via fader button
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 flip mode via pan button
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 pan knob press to reset pan
    + FX: reduced memory use for plug-ins with large state data
    + JS: make @serialize faster and use less memory
    + MIDI: reset expression MSB/LSB to 127 rather than 0
    + Marker/region: fix potential duplicate marker/region numbers
    + ReaPlugs: reduce undo state memory use
    + Render: store render tail length/configuration per-project, support render queue
    + VST3: improve automation behavior with plug-ins that do not properly support sample accurate automation
    + VST: fix excess automation notifications from some plug-ins [t=165093]
    + VST: improve enum/toggle parameter detection
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15pre2 - January 23 2016
    + Automation: improve sample accurate automation
    + Automation: improved automation recording behavior for toggle/enum parameters
    + Automation: improved automation recording for bypass envelopes in latch/write modes
    + Automation: improved automation recording for mute envelopes in latch/write modes
    + JSFX: remove zipper noises when adjusting volume_pan_sample_accurate_auto manually
    + MIDI: configurable CC reset values for all CCs, default expression to 127
    + Parameter modulation: fix issues with parameter-accurate plug-ins/JSFX
    # ExecProcess: tweaks/improvements
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.15pre3 - January 24 2016
    + JSFX/midi_note_filter: add parameter "Other events (CC, etc) pass through" [t=171739]
    + VST: improve plug-in scanning compatibility broken in 5.0pre8
    # Freeze tails option: fix preference setting
    # Parameter modulation: fix discontinuities in sample-accurate plug-ins for ACS/MIDI/param link
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15pre4 - January 26 2016
    + Hardware outputs: do not enable hardware outputs when an unsoloed track sends to a solo-in-placed track [t=171900]
    + Solo: send noteoffs for track media when unsoloed-in-place [issueid=4515]
    # Parameter modulation: fix a corner case for LFO+sample accurate automation
    # VST3: treat more stepped parameters as enum
    # VST: fixed automation issues created as a result of fixing t=165093
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.15pre5 - January 27 2016
    + MIDI editor: fix switch from Grid to custom quantize settings in quantize window
    + Solo: do not input monitor MIDI on tracks that are unsoloed-in-place
    + Solo: fix various possible glitches when using solo and routing
    + Tooltips: show relative move amounts for item, envelope, and stretch marker edits
    + VST3: fix factory preset compatibility with Waves
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.15pre6 - January 28 2016
    + API: enable GetSetMediaTrackInfo and related function support for P_ICON [p=1628164]
    + Media explorer: fix reset of last path in certain instances
    + Render: do not tweak time selection when saving project along with normal renders
    + Tooltips: arrange-view tooltips can cross track boundaries
    + Video: fix docked fullscreen on OSX 10.11

    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15pre7 - January 29 2016
    # API: tweak CreateTrackSend (more useful return value)
    + MIDI: improve timing when extending left edge of unlooped MIDI items [t=143255]
    # Track tooltips: always update on mouse movement, even if text doesnt change
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    February, guys...

    v5.15pre8 - February 1 2016
    + Pan: optimized pan calculation
    + Ripple edit: add right click menu to ripple toolbar button, add option to allow ripple-all to affect tempo map
    # Actions: preserve take-lock when duplicating items via action
    # MIDI: try to keep non-negative start offsets when editing left edge of unlooped MIDI items
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.15pre9 - February 2 2016
    + FX browser: preference option to allow filtering all browser views, filter Waves AU on OS X by default
    + Pan: fix support for pan laws with newer pan modes on master track
    + Pan: properly show non-customized pan law for master track
    + Prefs: add option for default path for save/load new project
    + Project file reading: do not treat lone CR as line endings
    + Project file writing: prevent writing newlines into project files
    + Project load: improve filename resolving when dealing with cross-platform projects
    + Search: support ( and ) for more power, e.g. '( Spectrum OR Scope ) NOT ( VST: OR AU: )'
  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15pre10 - February 3 2016
    + Elastique: updated to v3.1.4 (performance and memory use improvements)
    + OSX: removed some old drawing optimizations which could cause some plug-ins to refresh poorly
    + VST: fix some preset combo box display issues on Windows
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    OSX guys, you're forking happy a bit!

    v5.15pre11 - February 4 2016
    + OSX: allow override of optimized drawing setting in Preferences/General/Advanced
    + OSX: fixed 64-bit listview exceptions
    + OSX: improved OSX drawing performance/behavior on 10.5-10.9
  13. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Do these Reaper Devs in New York EVER sleep at all or what ??!

    The pace of Reaper (pre) releases is really beyond everything.

    I have used all DAW programs for mac for the last 20 years, fell in love with Reaper a few years ago and
    i know for sure i am not looking back.
    I ALWAYS stumbled on DAW shortcomings / glitches / performance issues.
    NOT with Reaper.

    The Reaper community and it's devs are extremely kind and helpful.
    That alone makes it my number one DAW nowadays.
    Reaper is so extremely powerful, it's beyond imagination.
    Reaper creates so much joy in my life, thank you so much Justin & Crew !!

    Peace out.
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  14. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hehe i cant keep up with the pace

    No other dev is doing the same try to report a bug to Apple Steinberg Avid or whatever Daw you use it will take months most likeley years before they even fix that bug

    Now to be fair there is some Reaper "problem" that havent been fixed for a long time if you look at reaper forum
    But atleast they listen to customers unlike the other dev:s.
    other Dev dont give a shit if you have a problem especially if it cant be fixed without an update of the program then the support stop answering your requests..
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  15. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15pre12 - February 5 2016
    + MIDI editor: fix label for unnamed 14-bit CCs in list editor [t=172381]
    + Support setting stretch marker rate mouse modifier to "no action"
    # OSX: optimized drawing tweaks
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I'm late with updating this thread, guys.

    v5.15pre14 - February 7 2016
    + Control surfaces: use a global bank offset for all HUI interfaces
    + MIDI editor: fix toolbar feedback for set grid preserving type actions
    + MIDI import: support importing simple tempo maps
    + MIDI: optimized handling of very long looping MIDI items
    + Peaks: fix realtime peaks display error with short sources

    v5.15pre13b - February 6 2016
    + VCA: improve accuracy of envelope combination

    v5.15pre13 - February 6 2016
    + Peaks: support new extended-range peaks format for FP WAV/WavPack files
    + WavPack: add 32-bit FP mode with -144, -120, or -96dB floor for better compression ratios
  17. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15rc1 - February 8 2016
    Changes since pre14:
    + MIDI export: fix timing of time selection exports
    + Media explorer: sanity check timestamps to avoid localtime() errors
    - MIDI import: improve time signature import behavior with existing tempo map

    The following updates were removed for 5.15, and will return in 5.16pre1:

    --- FX plug-in state memory use/CPU optimizations
    --- MIDI: optimized handling of very long looping MIDI items
    --- Video: video frame hook support
    --- Project saving: prevent newlines from being written into project

    Total changes since 5.12 [5.15pre1 - 5.15pre14]:

    # API: tweak CreateTrackSend (more useful return value)
    + API: add CountSelectedTracks2, GetSelectedTrack2 (to include the master track)
    + API: add CreateTrackSend, RemoveTrackSend, GetTrackSendInfo_Value, SetTrackSendInfo_Value
    + API: add ExecProcess()
    + API: add GetSetProjectNotes
    + API: add TrackFX_GetUserPresetFilename
    + API: enable GetSetMediaTrackInfo and related function support for P_ICON [p=1628164]
    + Automation: automatically use absolute mouse editing for stepped pitch, fx param enum and toggle envelopes
    + Automation: improve sample accurate automation
    + Automation: improved automation recording behavior for toggle/enum parameters
    + Automation: improved automation recording for bypass envelopes in latch/write modes
    + Automation: improved automation recording for mute envelopes in latch/write modes
    + Automation: support enum/toggle FX parameter envelopes
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 MCP/TCP views via fader button
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 flip mode via pan button
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 pan knob press to reset pan
    + Control surfaces: use a global bank offset for all HUI interfaces
    + Elastique: updated to v3.1.4 (performance and memory use improvements)
    + FX browser: preference option to allow filtering all browser views, filter Waves AU on OS X by default
    + Hardware outputs: do not enable hardware outputs when an unsoloed track sends to a solo-in-placed track [t=171900]
    + JSFX/midi_note_filter: add parameter "Other events (CC, etc) pass through" [t=171739]
    + JSFX: remove zipper noises when adjusting volume_pan_sample_accurate_auto manually
    + MIDI editor: fix label for unnamed 14-bit CCs in list editor [t=172381]
    + MIDI editor: fix switch from Grid to custom quantize settings in quantize window
    + MIDI editor: fix toolbar feedback for set grid preserving type actions
    + MIDI export: fix timing of time selection exports
    + MIDI import: support importing simple tempo maps
    + MIDI: configurable CC reset values for all CCs, default expression to 127
    + MIDI: improve timing when extending left edge of unlooped MIDI items [t=143255]
    + Marker/region: fix potential duplicate marker/region numbers
    + Media explorer: fix reset of last path in certain instances
    + Media explorer: sanity check timestamps to avoid localtime() errors
    + OSX: allow override of optimized drawing setting in Preferences/General/Advanced
    + OSX: fixed 64-bit listview exceptions
    + OSX: improved OSX drawing performance/behavior on 10.5-10.9
    + Pan: fix support for pan laws with newer pan modes on master track
    + Pan: optimized pan calculation
    + Pan: properly show non-customized pan law for master track
    + Parameter modulation: fix issues with parameter-accurate plug-ins/JSFX
    + Peaks: fix realtime peaks display error with short sources
    + Peaks: support new extended-range peaks format for FP WAV/WavPack files
    + Prefs: add option for default path for save/load new project
    + Project file reading: do not treat lone CR as line endings
    + Project load: improve filename resolving when dealing with cross-platform projects
    + Render: do not tweak time selection when saving project along with normal renders
    + Render: store render tail length/configuration per-project, support render queue
    + Ripple edit: add right click menu to ripple toolbar button, add option to allow ripple-all to affect tempo map
    + Search: support ( and ) for more power, e.g. '( Spectrum OR Scope ) NOT ( VST: OR AU: )'
    + Solo: do not input monitor MIDI on tracks that are unsoloed-in-place
    + Solo: fix various possible glitches when using solo and routing
    + Solo: send noteoffs for track media when unsoloed-in-place [issueid=4515]
    + Support setting stretch marker rate mouse modifier to "no action"
    + Tooltips: arrange-view tooltips can cross track boundaries
    + Tooltips: show relative move amounts for item, envelope, and stretch marker edits
    + VCA: improve accuracy of envelope combination
    + VST3: fix factory preset compatibility with Waves
    + VST3: improve automation behavior with plug-ins that do not properly support sample accurate automation
    + VST: fix excess automation notifications from some plug-ins [t=165093]
    + VST: fix some preset combo box display issues on Windows
    + VST: improve enum/toggle parameter detection
    + VST: improve plug-in scanning compatibility broken in 5.0pre8
    + Video: fix docked fullscreen on OSX 10.11
    + WavPack: add 32-bit FP mode with -144, -120, or -96dB floor for better compression ratios
    # Actions: preserve take-lock when duplicating items via action
    # ExecProcess: tweaks/improvements
    # Freeze tails option: fix preference setting
    # MIDI import: improve time signature import behavior with existing tempo map
    # MIDI: try to keep non-negative start offsets when editing left edge of unlooped MIDI items
    # OSX: optimized drawing tweaks
    # Parameter modulation: fix a corner case for LFO+sample accurate automation
    # Parameter modulation: fix discontinuities in sample-accurate plug-ins for ACS/MIDI/param link
    # Track tooltips: always update on mouse movement, even if text doesnt change
    # VST3: treat more stepped parameters as enum
    # VST: fixed automation issues created as a result of fixing t=165093
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  18. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    There's no rush. You're heads ups are allways wellcome and wanted.
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  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.15rc2 - February 9 2016
    # MIDI export: do not export time map past end of export
    # MIDI import: restored previous behavior for importing simple tempo maps (must hold ctrl to allow import of simple tempo info)
    • Interesting Interesting x 2
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  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:

    v5.15 - February 9 2016
    + API: add CountSelectedTracks2, GetSelectedTrack2 (to include the master track)
    + API: add CreateTrackSend, RemoveTrackSend, GetTrackSendInfo_Value, SetTrackSendInfo_Value
    + API: add ExecProcess
    + API: add GetSetProjectNotes
    + API: add TrackFX_GetUserPresetFilename
    + API: enable GetSetMediaTrackInfo and related function support for P_ICON [p=1628164]
    + Automation: automatically use absolute mouse editing for stepped pitch, fx param enum and toggle envelopes
    + Automation: improve sample accurate automation, fix parameter modulation issues with sample accurate plug-ins
    + Automation: improved automation recording behavior for toggle/enum parameters
    + Automation: improved automation recording for bypass envelopes in latch/write modes
    + Automation: improved automation recording for mute envelopes in latch/write modes
    + Automation: support enum/toggle FX parameter envelopes
    + Automation: improve accuracy of VCA envelope combination
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 MCP/TCP views via fader button
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 flip mode via pan button
    + Control surfaces: support HUI/DM2000 pan knob press to reset pan
    + Control surfaces: use a global bank offset for all HUI interfaces
    + Elastique: updated to v3.1.4 (performance and memory use improvements)
    + FX: preference option to allow filtering all browser views, filter Waves AU on OS X by default
    + JSFX: add parameter "Other events (CC, etc) pass through" to midi_note_filter [t=171739]
    + JSFX: remove zipper noises when adjusting volume_pan_sample_accurate_auto manually
    + MIDI: fix label for unnamed 14-bit CCs in list editor [t=172381]
    + MIDI: fix switch from Grid to custom quantize settings in MIDI editor quantize window
    + MIDI: fix MIDI editor toolbar feedback for set grid preserving type actions
    + MIDI: fix timing of time selection consolidate project MIDI exports
    + MIDI: configurable CC reset values for all CCs, default expression to 127
    + MIDI: improve timing when extending left edge of unlooped MIDI items [t=143255]
    + Marker/region: fix auto-insertion of duplicate marker/region numbers
    + Media explorer: fix reset of last path in certain instances
    + Media explorer: sanity check timestamps to avoid localtime() errors
    + OSX: allow override of optimized drawing setting in Preferences/General/Advanced
    + OSX: improved OSX drawing performance/behavior on 10.5-10.9
    + OSX: fixed 64-bit listview exceptions
    + Pan: fix support for pan laws with newer pan modes on master track
    + Pan: optimized pan law calculations
    + Pan: properly show non-customized pan law for master track
    + Peaks: fix realtime peaks display error with short sources
    + Peaks: fixed instances where peaks building could be interrupted by editing
    + Peaks: support new extended-range peaks format for FP WAV/WavPack files
    + Projects: add option for default path for save/load new project
    + Projects: do not treat lone CR as line endings in project files [t=172252]
    + Projects: improve filename resolving when loading projects saved on a different platform
    + Render: do not adjust time selection when saving project along with normal renders
    + Render: store render tail length/configuration per-project, support render queue
    + Ripple editing: add right click menu to ripple toolbar button
    + Ripple editing: add option to allow ripple-all to affect tempo map
    + Search: support ( and ) for more power, e.g. '( Spectrum OR Scope ) NOT ( VST: OR AU: )'
    + Solo: do not enable hardware outputs when an unsoloed track sends to a solo-in-placed track [t=171900]
    + Solo: do not input monitor MIDI on tracks that are unsoloed-in-place
    + Solo: fix various possible glitches when using solo and routing
    + Solo: send noteoffs for track media when unsoloed-in-place [issueid=4515]
    + Stretch markers: allow setting rate mouse modifier to "no action"
    + Tooltips: arrange-view tooltips can now cross track boundaries
    + Tooltips: show relative move amounts for item, envelope, and stretch marker edits
    + VST: fix VST3 factory preset compatibility with Waves
    + VST: improve automation behavior with VST3 plug-ins that do not properly support sample accurate automation
    + VST: fix excess automation notifications from some plug-ins [t=165093]
    + VST: fix preset combo box display issues on Windows
    + VST: improve enum/toggle parameter detection
    + VST: improve plug-in scanning compatibility broken in 5.0pre8
    + Video: fix docked fullscreen issue on OSX 10.11
    + WavPack: add 32-bit FP mode with -144, -120, or -96dB floor for better compression ratios

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