Hey folks, just thought I'd share a tool that I wrote to help folks teach themselves the names of the chords they play if they don't know. i'm still working on the update for windows that includes the fretboard display shown here, but the mac version is available.
yeah, I put a timed version up on audionews, actually. v1.01, so no Guitar mode. here are some vids of other folks on youtube using it:
That's a good idea. I'm currently teaching myself piano, and I use logic X specifically for that. It tells you the notes of the keys or chords you hit/play at the top of the screen. Very helpful in terms of visualization and helping your memory remember what those chords were. Essentially the same thing as this plug...but for free . Just in case someone reading was thinking of getting this for that purpose.
The only songwriting tutorials I have seen that a real keyboard is needed are (they just use it not give any clue): http://www.lynda.com/Songwriting-tutorials/Gigging-Musician-Songwriting-Road/191951-2.html http://www.askvideo.com/course/songcraftpresents-songwriting-with-bend-sinister Other than that, no. I don't remember anything. Do you know other materials? I don't have any problem recognizing chords or progression. I even do not need to analyze anything. I just need to use them at real time like above tutorials. Relying mostly on softs makes me lazy and do not let me think out of my DAW. This problem is not solved even by practicing. Songwriting process in such a way that you'd be able to turn your thoughts into real songs in fraction of minute is something that no body tutors it.