Online marketing for musicians to boost your creativity

Discussion in 'Education' started by essentialmusic, Jan 28, 2016.


What would you like me to write about next?

  1. more insights how to finance your studio

  2. how to manage studio work and create a new income stream at the same time

  3. how it feels to be able to sculpt music with your soul again

  4. production techniques or insights of my studio work

  5. my plugin recommendations

  6. time management

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  1. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Hi everyone,
    my name is Frank and I am a passionate music producer and digital entrepreneur. I've written a blog post on my blog I'd like to share with you. I've been talking with SAiNT and we both think it's of great value for every creative producer and song writer here.

    You can find the whole post here or scroll down to read it within the thread:

    If you have any questions, please get in touch with me. I'm really grateful to receive your feedback.
    Spread the love, Frank

    here's the post copied:
    Attractive online marketing for musicians to boost your creativity – a new approach to music artist jobs

    Our world is constantly changing and alternative online marketing for musicians is needed more than ever. That means there are limitless opportunities showing up each and every day. I would like to introduce you to a brand new approach I’ve chosen for myself that changed my life for the better and you can find out if that would work for you as well.
    Tough times for musicians in the industry

    Frank Sieben – Artist and Digital Entrepreneur

    As a full-time musician you sometimes have to face really tough times. I’ve been through these myself. I put all my love and soul into my music every time again and again. But then – in most cases – the tracks ended up in a folder named „unreleased tracks“.
    Another situation was that I’ve carefully crafted a remix for another artist and after finishing this particular remix, they guy told me he could not pay me at all – but of course – you probably guessed it – he still asked for the mix.

    Why we need new online marketing for musicians like us and create brand new online income streams

    Thousand times I’ve finished brand new ideas and sent it out to labels. Only two or three close friends replied to me telling me that they’re going to pass. Then, one month later I get to know that another label is working on the exact same idea. Guess what! That’s one of the labels which didn’t reply to me first place.
    Can you relate to situations like these where you just want to smash your head against the wall? Read on!

    Bang Your Head Against The Wall – New Online Marketing For Musicians
    My next thoughts after putting so much time and effort into my music:

    • How can I pay my next rent?
    • How can I finance my studio (easier without struggling)?
    • Who might be giving me a paid remix?
    • When will I make money next time?
    • How could I possibly still make it to my needed holiday before I crash?
    • How do I pay my debts?
    • How can I afford this awesome brand new plugin?
    As you can clearly see, all these bits and pieces of thoughts are not really going to lift up your spirit when producing or help you being more productive while making great creative music you sculpt with your true soul.
    Furthermore, I started to develop real panic attacks and even built more anxieties instead of searching new concepts of online marketing for musicians like me.

    When you start working with these kinds of thoughts as a musician, songwriter or producer you won’t be able to „Wow!“ anyone away at all,yourself included – trust me on that! You even start questioning yourself. Then your business gets even more quite than louder!
    In my case the worst result was a banging loud tinnitus accompanied with a severe loss of hearing on my left ear and a broken relationship – to myself included. That knocked me out for almost three months and every doctor I went to told me the same story: „I’m sorry sir, you lost your hearing, you have to live with it!“. I was completely frustrated, lost and lifeless!


    Cutting a long story short, I refused to believe in that and I started to focus on me again. I activated my own healing energy through meditation and connected back with nature. Thanks to my meditation I was quickly able to rescue my hearing to a great extend and reduced my tinnitus a lot. I concentrated on my healing energies every day and it was a massive amount of work involved to recover. Instead of digging my head in the sand I started searching for solutions on the internet.
    At that time I found something on the internet that caught my attention:

    Online marketing for musicians: Live a laptop lifestyle. But what the heck does this have to do with creativity? Interested? Read on and find out:

    Frank Sieben – Laptop Lifestyle

    To put you in the loop, that this means to have financial and time freedom in your life. You don’t have to rely on any business partner who lets you down, you don’t have to do what others tell you and you write your own paycheck. Music artist jobs taken to the next level in disguise.
    Furthermore you can even chose where you want to be. For example, if you want to enjoy some time at the beach during the day, you can make up for that right after you’re back from the sun. You want to try out new strategies to your business? No need to ask for permission to do that. Thanks to all these amazing opportunities by the virtue of the internet it has never been easier to design your own online marketing for musicians – The laptop life – and connect with your customers 24/7. You simply need a laptop and an internet connection to create an online income stream for yourself – you can do that even from home! Wow, music artist jobs too good to be true?

    For everyone of us this time freedom would mean different things. What would it mean to you? Please let me tell you what that meant for me:

    For me it means to be able to have a free creative mind without any anxieties, to be independent from other people or business partners in the music business. This online income stream would enable me to buy more studio equipment, being able to pay my rent and go on holiday whenever I wish. Last but most importantly it means that I have my life back! This concept of new online marketing for musicians saved my life.
    Marketing Ideas For Musicians

    My creativity boost! Online marketing for musicians – picture this:

    Imagine sitting in the studio empowered by your online business and working on your next idea: Trust me on this one, you will be able to let your soul speak again through your music, it will be a transformational difference you will LOVE!
    And thanks to your new online income stream: Next time someone asks you to do a remix for a track you don’t feel you can say something like “I only do what I love to do, I’m sorry but I’ll pass on this one.” I’m truly smiling while writing this for you guys, but you have to experience that for yourself. That’s the best feeling to grow your confidence ever – not only to make music! Say goodbye to music artist jobs you hate to do to pay your bills.

    Online marketing for musicians – Please let me introduce you my mentors from the Six Figure Mentors

    Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek! These guys have helped thousands of people to kickstart their own online business with proven steps tested by themselves. Everyone – even us crazy musicians – can follow these and create an alternative and stunning solution to music artists jobs you don’t even feel.
    Within their platform, training and business academy I am not only learning everything about internet marketing, I have also been able to develop as a person and sharpen my mindset tremendously as a leader – all by the help of our wonderful community of students and all my successful mentors.

    You’re an action taker if you feel inspired by this blog post! I love that! We resonate! Next step:

    Simply click this button, I get you a 7 Day Video Series for FREE! You can start learning all you need to know about online marketing for musicians and skyrocket your creativity today! These videos will blow you away as I really want to deliver the goods for you!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
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  3. Desantïs

    Desantïs Banned

    Jan 17, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Literally 0 useful information in this post..
  4. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
    Likes Received:
    This is not information, it is advertizing.
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Let me understand: what do you sell?
  6. GuestStar

    GuestStar Ultrasonic

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    He just started his brand on online marketing and want to get famous. But he forgot that all starts by giving first. So Frank you should first start to learn how online marketing works and give give give and after wards ask.
  7. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hi there, I don't want to sell you anything here. I share what has helped me along my journey to finance my studio and I think it's crucial to make informed decisions. And if someone who reads this can relate to this, I'm 100 % sure there is value in this post.
    I've been struggling a lot and creativity and my whole life was literally buried. I don't know if you personally can relate to this, but for me it's a transformation taking place enabling me to sculpt music with my soul again. It's meant to provide information and value as I really do highly respect this forum and the people here.
  8. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I love this! I'm not here to get famous at all. I do want to give give give indeed and provide value, you're right. And you're also right that I'm learning, but I really do think that my blog post provides value as it really did help me insanely and get my life back - and my creativity inm the studio. That's the only reason why I've shared this here and I have contacted the administrator first before I posted this as I highly respect this community here.
    Thanks for your comment!
  9. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The text formatting of your pitch is a tad OTT, Frank. I couldn't bear to read everything you wrote because on my large screen it looks like you're yelling at me.
  10. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry that you don't consider that useful. I have already received 3 emails where individuals thanked me for posting this as they can relate to the situation I've been in. Obviously I understand that this is key to "get something out of this". I'm happy for you that you've not been in a situation like I have described in my blog post. I was literally on my way to bury my music and my spirit and I simply wanted to share what has helped me. If you would see this through my eyes, you would probably understand easier, I get that :)
  11. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    LOL, I'm not yelling at all and I'm sorry to hear that it made this impression. I copied the formatting from my original blog post and I haven't thought about that - never even had in mind yelling at someone, not my style at all. But I understand your concern. I will adjust it now. Never meant to be offensive. Thanks for your comment and criticism.
  12. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    adjusted, really appreciate what you said.
  13. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Marvellous job! :wink:
    Thank you so much for the instant makeover. :)
  14. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    You're welcome! I'll also keep that in mind for future posts. Thanks mate!
  15. MorteKai

    MorteKai Ultrasonic

    Jun 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Anhedonia, 64 Light years away
    "My mentors, Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek – founders of the Six Figure Mentor"

    just a google search on SFM, doesn't give stellar results,... not that I care.

    I would personally prefer, the help to perhaps be in the form .... listed, 20 steps.... information that could perhaps help as a hook,... to get me interested.

    as for a 7 day free video series,....... Uhm,.. thanks, but NO thanks,.... that's how cult's get you,.. and brainwash you,
    not that you're from a cult. :dunno:
  16. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
    Likes Received:
    are there any naked women pics too?

    otherwise I dun't buy.
  17. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    All good :) Yes, please feel free to head over to my blog, I'll shortly post more valuable stuff there for sure.
    Thank you for your reply again. Yes, inner work is absolutely incredibly important. I'm working on my chakras every day being aligned with nature. Please hit me up if you have any questions, I'll be pleased to help. God bless brah!
  18. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    LOL, no I'm afraid, there are no naked pictures - naked pictures won't help you in a situation where I've been stuck for way too long, I tell you that!
  19. essentialmusic

    essentialmusic Newbie

    Nov 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hi mate,
    I don't know what you mean by "doesn't give stellar results" to be honest.
    Also, I don't understand what you're asking for. You're asking for a list of information of 20 steps? Please explain (if you want to).
    LOL, I'm not involved with any cult or something and I definitely don't want to brainwash anybody! In fact, if you turn on your TV program (guess why they call it program - cause you get programmed) or you read the normal news, you get brain washed every day and they feed you self limiting beliefs - not healthy. So maybe you want to ask yourself who is doing the brain washing :) I would actually consider myself rather the opposite: more a wakeup call, than brainwashing.
    But what I'm talking about is certainly not for everybody, I agree. It's always a matter of perspective. :)
    Cheers, Frank
  20. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I thought this video was good --->
  21. recycle

    recycle Guest

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