Avid Lays Off Workers

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by superliquidsunshine, Jan 28, 2016.

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  2. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    didn t they do something similar to the sibelius team?
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Typical greedy "we don't grow enough [profit]" scheme. :bleh:
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  4. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    And do they (the company) explain why this is happening?
  5. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    It's almost always the average Joe that pay the price of poor management decision in big corporations.

    To be honest I never bothered trying PT even after being 'released'.
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  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This is almost always the same BS every time. Even if they do, what's the point anyway?
  7. They turned off many old customers with lots of hoops to jump through and many are finding the subscription scheme...a scheme. Can you say ... O U T S O U R C I N G...too bad for their employees that loved the product and took pride in bringing it to the forefront of the industry. Another great example and long legged stride towards the race to the bottom of the barrel. Many customers are sticking around though many are now Cubase, Reason and Logic users. PT is still the"industry standard", and probably will be. Maybe a buyout is inevitable. Though the future is destined to be, there are infinite possibilities waves vying for position. Jockeys...at your mounts....Future Surfers...to your boards...GOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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  8. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Excatly Right ! Corperate Greed, is what that is.....
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  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Wanted: A New Industry Standard.
  10. Cordelay

    Cordelay Ultrasonic

    Nov 15, 2013
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    A standard open file format (more standardized than omf) I would even say, so no developer could get greedy
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    gosh.. it's all my fault... :(

    oh.. wait.. I don't use their ugly ..expensive.. bloated.. customer un-friendly stuff anyway.... :winker:
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  12. Who Me

    Who Me Producer

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I see the Pro Tools haters arrived early on this post...lol

  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I personally don't know anybody who really likes PT, and all of them use either Cubase or Reaper "on the side" [for 90% of the work :winker:], but their excuse for using it is "it's an industry standard" or "all great studios use it". It's herd mentality at work, all the way since the 90s . :sad:

    The worst cases are those who claim that "PT sounds better". Gosh that makes me LOL so much. :rofl:
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  14. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I bought their products in the past... overpriced, really bad midi, plugin format always change and the worst: pyramid scheme for marketing. Also had the relation with m-audio with sell-buy thing, no consistent line of products with update only for the most recent... But the world need dumb things for d... users right?
  15. cyberfunk

    cyberfunk Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I love Pro Tools. I've produced every single track in my career save one (Logic 9) and it really is the most fluid, easy to use, quick and logical DAW (no pun intended). I've tried most of the leading DAW's and I always end up back on Pro tools. I never understood what everybody is talking about regarding midi being terrible in Pro Tools. It's so fast and easy to edit Midi and Audio in the main arrange window where other DAW's make you open a separate window. Plus the smart tool is so perfect. I can' find another DAW that has it. Can someone explain why Midi is so bad in Pro Tools? The only thing that frustrated me about Pro Tools 12 for Mac is the sky high price and AAX. Some of the plug-ins that I've relied on are not available in that format. I actually paid for Pro Tools and an MBox back when I made the transition from a free intro version of Cubase. I felt a little sad to hear that Avid is laying people off. I'm trying out Logic X but will move back to Pro Tools 12 if I can ever afford it.
  16. SonicBoomer

    SonicBoomer Producer

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Avid shot their greedy selves in the foot a very long, long, time ago.
    Nonetheless, my heart is really with the hard working folk that have lost their jobs.
    I've been out of work before and it's scary when you have responsibilities that extend
    beyond your unemployment benefits or layoff package. Good luck.

    My user reasons for AVID's inherent decline include:
    Years of overpriced hardware
    Protracted decades of DAW/Hardware sandboxing
    Antiquated DAW with horrendous MIDI implementation and editing
    Proprietary Plugin Formats with developer licensing issues
    and a few more.

    I've owned this "Indu$try $tandard" pretty much from it's inception, for compatibility and collaboration purposes.
    Never because I actually liked using it anytime whatsoever.
    All while using Steingberg's Cubase as my core production DAW of choice for decades.
    It's ridiculous that I had to spend money on upgrades for two DAW's and upgrade hardware for decades but it is what it is. Or was.

    The greed kicked up to new heights when AVID introduced Pro Tools 12. A premium DAW rental.
    Game Over.
    AAX is in Pro Tools 10/11. I'll keep using these until the wheels come flying off.
    AVID is too big and resourceful to completely bottom out anytime soon,
    but there's nothing like a little reality check to review your awful strategies and DAW.

    Companies like Steingberg, PreSonus, Abelton etc, should stay mindful of AVID's caveats.
    Continue to offer customers well done, affordable software and hardware, where applicable.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
  17. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Protools will have to compete with Reaper $59.99 for Pro tools 12.4 HD., while Reaper is $ 60 :rofl:
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  18. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    The first will be the last , and the last will be the FISRT. i see a big future for Tracktion 7, Mixcraft pro 7 , bitwig, Reaper...:disco:
  19. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Time stamped automation, 64bit summing engine, phase accurate offline bounce, own plugins format to ensure control over bounce quality and features like time stamped automation... null'ing a loop is not a proof of anything, nulling multiple tracks with plugins and automation, would be...
    One of those guys hailing pro tools as the best sounding daw is Eric Persing, besides other true pros...

    All those little details add up and give reason to believe that it is indeed best sounding DAW, that's why you almost always have people saying that to them Pro Tools sounds better than the other DAW and not wise versa.

    Not that this video means anything, but just for example's sake.

    599$ perpetual license.
    Plus HD only features are starting to trickle down to native version.

    Commit and freeze features are way better than in any other daw, yes it's late to the party. but apparently it's the prom queen :rofl:Pros used to use outboard gear where offline bounce is irrelevant, that would justify pro tools being late to the party.

    What is collapsing, is expected quality of music production, hence anyone can open fl studio, put presets together, slap Ozone on top, choose a preset they like and call it a done job, get imbecile preteens, teens or people minded like them liking you and you will make millions.
    When quality is not needed, professionals become redundant. So anyone can use whatever DAW they like, sound quality absolutely doesn't matter to a degree where one would care about time stamped automation, offline phase accuracy... so naturally Avid is facing troubles targeting has been professionals and trying to survive, hence HD features are trickling down to software version and price going down too, price going down with number of people buying a product means the obvious, that is lay-offs.

    Avid is not to blame, it tried to play a professional game, but the game became amateurs convention, where bald bellied dads or kids play ball instead of professional athletes :rofl:and as paradoxical as it is people prefer those amateurs, it's like a person with a Harvard's degree would try to crack jokes with peasants, simplistic peasants mind won't get it, you have to give them pussy, alcohol, drugs then you can try to crack jokes with them, otherwise your career as a stand up comedian is over, lay-off... :rofl:
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  20. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I'm kind of amazed by your last paragraph and couldn't disagree more. It's a bit like saying "I'm too good for them... If nobody likes me then they are the 'problem'"...

    To get back to the main topic of this post, this is sad. Obviously, Avid would deserve to sink with their griddy rental scheme.

    My thoughts are with the employees that will hopefully recover fastly.

    [QUOTE="Adrianus Antonius, post: 167352, member: 24495"]Time stamped automation, 64bit summing engine, phase accurate offline bounce, own plugins format to ensure control over bounce quality and features like time stamped automation... null'ing a loop is not a proof of anything, nulling multiple tracks with plugins and automation, would be...
    One of those guys hailing pro tools as the best sounding daw is Eric Persing, besides other true pros...

    All those little details add up and give reason to believe that it is indeed best sounding DAW, that's why you almost always have people saying that to them Pro Tools sounds better than the other DAW and not wise versa.

    Not that this video means anything, but just for example's sake.

    599$ perpetual license.
    Plus HD only features are starting to trickle down to native version.

    Commit and freeze features are way better than in any other daw, yes it's late to the party. but apparently it's the prom queen :rofl:Pros used to use outboard gear where offline bounce is irrelevant, that would justify pro tools being late to the party.

    What is collapsing, is expected quality of music production, hence anyone can open fl studio, put presets together, slap Ozone on top, choose a preset they like and call it a done job, get imbecile preteens, teens or people minded like them liking you and you will make millions.
    When quality is not needed, professionals become redundant. So anyone can use whatever DAW they like, sound quality absolutely doesn't matter to a degree where one would care about time stamped automation, offline phase accuracy... so naturally Avid is facing troubles targeting has been professionals and trying to survive, hence HD features are trickling down to software version and price going down too, price going down with number of people buying a product means the obvious, that is lay-offs.

    Avid is not to blame, it tried to play a professional game, but the game became amateurs convention, where bald bellied dads or kids play ball instead of professional athletes :rofl:and as paradoxical as it is people prefer those amateurs, it's like a person with a Harvard's degree would try to crack jokes with peasants, simplistic peasants mind won't get it, you have to give them pussy, alcohol, drugs then you can try to crack jokes with them, otherwise your career as a stand up comedian is over, lay-off... :rofl:[/QUOTE]
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