Ok so i made this Beatles cover....

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by rBennich, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Having worked professionally in both the written and spoken word I can offer you another tip. You might not like it but read on. Arrogance. I myself have been accused of it and it's positive advice actually. Arrogance comes across in your music and your forum writing. Music is one of the arts. It's all about the emotions and how people support each other. People will help and open doors if you help them or return the favour even if they don't rate you that much. You want people to remember you as that nice guy, that's just how the entertainment biz works somethimes. You cannot be business-like or boss-like in your communications with people - unless you're a record label owner talking to a new artist or an established artist talking to a producer and so on. This is the level you're coming across as but without any right as far as anyone can see. I get the impression that you sweeten the way you speak in person with smiles and changing the tone of your voice. Doesn't work when you're writing on the internet. You have to either use smilies or make a special effort to come across as a 'nice' person. Anyway, I just took the opportunity to offer some advice to anyone reading actually so this isn't just all about you but about all of us. On the advice given specifically, we're a pretty diverse group here, not all for example any specific 'type' so you can use the advice. And when the same observations are made by different people you can be fairly sure it's spot-on. As for the compressioin being 'all wrong' it's just my way of saying really I dislike it, basically it's too much 'crunch' to the point that some of the track comes-goes-comes-goes-comes.. you get the idea, it sounds all wrong, sounds like some FM radio station which have their compression set to 'horrible'. Live long and prosper :wink:
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  2. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    I was wrong in my first review.. I thought it was bad..
    I listened to it again and now i think it's just aweful..
    Even if you can't play guitar you could atleast use similar chords and notes with string emulation plugins..

    Even if it's not a cover and an interpretation of some kind, this is just bad big time..

    Sorry for the bad review, but you asked for it..:dunno:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I fell in love with all those subtle choir-like reverbs. Very good work. And With a nice bass, perc and kick, that track could be on the top 20 , as a great house track.

    based on you, if Adele was your favorite singer, and she came out with a song with 2 seconds of artistic auto tune , you WOULD hate that song, and would never listen to her again. Talk about being open-minded.

    Of course, Now, There are at least 100 people from audiosex who didn't sleep for the last 3 days, waiting for you to post one of your covers or songs.
  4. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    I'd also like to add to this, that people generally tend to read the worst perceived version of whatever is written... Any hint of arrogance will be percieved as super arrogant. So i think i know exactly what you are talking about. A life lession for me has been to "never have arguments over mail or messages". It just escalates into hell... especially if the person you are talking to is a bit sensitive.

    And if you want brute honesty, you yourself is kind of coming off as the person who can't help but sitting on the highest horse. But i know you mean well, so this just strengthens my previous point. In other words, it's almost hard not to come off as a douche on the internet at some point, at least from someone's perspective. Too many mouths to feed.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  5. Phil_27

    Phil_27 Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Anyone who thinks that this is good has no musical ear.Some people have it, most don't.The fact that you need pitch correction screams that you don't have it.And please stop with that hater crap, no one is a hater if they don't like something.
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  6. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    George Harrison will be spinning in his grave... And the sound it makes will still be superior to this.

    Don't like the vocals - Straight, without the effect, would have been a vast improvement. At the very least it would have made it understandable.
    Don't like the 90s BT tarnce sound-a-like atmospherics and sonics.

    Nothing wrong in personally interpreting the classics. We all rearrange the same old songs.
  7. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I want to add one more thing to what I wrote earlier.

    There is no doubt that Bennick is talented. I listened to a couple of his other things on soundcloud..
    You have great arrangement and sound manipulation skills.
    You have a nice voice.. In this song you sound like a robot.
    Lose the autotune . You seriously don't need it, maybe pitch correct with melodyne to fix mistakes or comp comp comp.
    I agree there's too much compression..

    You don't need a gimmick to cover someone else's tune. Use your skills man, You have them. Make it your own. If you are going to cover you need to bring something new to the table. IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABOUT THE MUSIC.

    I should have added encouraging words even tho I did not like the interpretation.
    Also keep in mind this is just an opinion. If you like what you do then stay the course man.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
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  8. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Those are some kind words, for shure! :bow:

    This is fascinating to me, the whole debate about auto-tune. I actually like the effect for the effect itself. There is certainly a strong polarity in this debate. The only thing i dislike about it is when one forget to press the "formant" button. But otherwise, a retune speed of around 20, and and i think just about any vocal is improved, even if the singer is mostly dead on. This is probably blasphemy in some people's ears, but i also know some producers who will strongly agree. Very interesting. :guru:
  9. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    If you like it use it.

    I think people associate the effect to people that cannot sing and depend on it.
    To me it screams being fake.. its a association thing.
  10. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    It has some bagage, for shure.
  11. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I was waiting for the guitar.. never comes
    Think the kick could use more beef, the vox less sidechain.
    Do like the vibe. maybe try less reverb and those hihats need groove.
  12. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    I think the definition of being a hater lies less in the fact that you like something or not, and more in how that opinion is expressed, like for instance: "Anyone who thinks that this is good has no musical ear." :)
  13. genemesis

    genemesis Newbie

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I can hear and understand every grief about the absent guitar and the integration but nonetheless, it's very well done - for this kind of production, and the vocal part is good. At least you don't try to make the 1000th version imitating the original, so it's fresh! What you made with the vocal loop is really good. I would say you tend to have a "too empty" end of musical phrase: you should check - if not already - Living Fields of Portico. They have a very organic groove and production who could inspire you.

    Thanks for the share mate!
  14. I guess that I just don't have a musical ear, some people have it... I guess that I just don't. Pity, that, but get on the end of the line, brother, there's a bus load of folks ahead of you that think the same thing.

    Lately, since about a month and a half now, after a recording session playing my ear, people have been commenting to me that it just doesn't seem as musical to them as it used to be. This has been worrying because these past six weeks, since the first person (Edwina Merken from EuroPOP Records, you know, that A and R chick from over there) made mention that there was something flat in the recordings, that the engineers were having a problem finding a place in the mixes for my patented and classic ear sounds. Shit, my ear sounds have been my bread and butter, my ticket to ride in this crazy world of body music. The dough that I've earned from this gig paid for four years at Oklahoma State for my daughter and with which I bought our vacation home on the Florida Keys with. So, as you can guess, it has been very hard on me and my family not knowing if the gravy train has finally come to the end of the line, that with what I have dedicated most of my adult creative life will now be over, my D.C al fine. It feels like I've been slapped in the face. I am certainly stunned. I have been feeling very depressed lately not knowing if I will still be able to feed my family by the end of July, what with money leaking out like a hole in the superliquidsunshine dike and there's no little Dutch Boy to plug up the torrent with his thumb. I have seen four different doctors with four different stories on four different days trying to find out what my problem is, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING has helped me one iota with my situation at hand. It's pretty fucked up, but I am eternally grateful for this beautiful community that I know is here for me, like a big old beautiful extended family. I really love you guys. I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks for everything.

    PS I've got some recording equipment to sell; a bunch of nice mics (matched pair of 414 EB P12, a 1968 Telefunken U47 that Zappa used to own, some cool racked V76 preamps and of course the old Datamix desk from Electric Ladyland from before they got the Focusrite (don't tell Eddie Kramer, he'll have a hissy fit), what Jimi recorded his axe through with the U67s. PM me if anybody is interested. I'll give you a good price, after all, your like family and I definitely need the cash.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2016
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  15. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    When specific examples of others issues are pointed out to you, are you able to distinguish what they are telling you, can you hear what they mean? Four different doctors have found nothing physically wrong with you ears, correct? Maybe you're just in a creative slump of some kind and it's more in your head than ears, IDK. :dunno: Depression is a fucked up thing and can have many unexpected consequences on the psych that can mask it's self as physical issues. I'm very sorry to hear of your situation SLS, I hope only the best for you, and that whatever is occurring turns out to be only a temporary anomaly and you can overcome it. Best wishes your way!
  16. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    I might be out on a limb here, but it seemed to me that SLS:s post was an extremely well-efforted dose of sarcasm. Such a grand effort that it was hard to detect, just as the funniest kind of sarcasm is. I might be completely wrong, though... and i apologise if that's the case.
    While I'm adjusting my tin foil hat, i also ponder whether or not your post just might be calling SLS on it...
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  17. Thank you Slider, I feel you.
  18. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    when people say things like this (anyone who thinks ...) it is painfully obvious that thy have a closed mind. they are capable of thinking in only one way. they do not open their mind to alternative possibilities. and they are clearly not an artist. because artists are constantly looking at things in new ways and open to all sorts of alternative ideas. good artists push boundaries. and sometimes that pisses off the narrow-minded people who can only think in black and white.
  19. Phil_27

    Phil_27 Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Music is about talent and not being open minded.You are either born with it or you have to ride the "I wanna be different" wave.Great artist don't need to push boundaries and never did.Untalented "artists" need to push boundaries because they can't compete with the real talents.
    Fact is, the song is trash.Period.
  20. dasandyman

    dasandyman Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Excellent job! nice reverbs maybe a little too much pitch fx on the voice (too bad cos i think u sing pretty well on that cover) but overall an excellent work. keep on producing :D
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