How to View all your <SNPID> Codes from .Nicnt's

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    It's simple really lol

    Option 1
    This method is used to view your <SNPID> Codes

    Use any text editor that can search many text files, for me i used Notepad++ for windows

    open Notepad++
    go to your service center folder
    Select all your xml's and drag them into notepad++ (wait for it to load them all)
    Click the Search Tab
    Click Find
    Now in the "Find What" Box Type: <SNPID>
    Click the "Find All IN All Opened Documents" Tab
    A window will pop up with all your goodies, grab the top part & move it up to fullscreen, to close there's a little x button on the right top corner

    Extra Info:
    Now what you can do now is:
    right-click, then click select all
    right-click, then click copy
    click the file tab (that's on top)
    Click new
    Paste the result
    Save it

    Your welcome
    Thank me later

    Option 2
    This method is used when you want to add a .nicnt but don't want it to clash with other ones

    open Notepad++
    go to your service center folder
    Select all your xml's and drag them into notepad++ (wait for it to load them all)
    Click the Search Tab
    Click Find
    Now in the "Find What" Box Type: New letters & numbers you will use Example like "c12"
    Click the "Find All IN All Opened Documents" Tab
    Two things will either happen:
    one, A window will pop up below and say "Search "c12" (0 hits in 0 files)"(this means no other .nicnts is using it, and you can use it on your new .nicnt)

    Two, the search window will close, A window will pop up below and say Search "c12" (1 hit in 1 files)"( this means that combination is in use by another .nicnt use another combination like "d12")

    Your welcome
    Thank me later

    Option 3
    This method is for registry k2lib codes when creating custom libraries codes
    open Notepad++
    go to your registry, head to these locations
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content

    right-click the content folder, and press export
    Name it & save it to your desktop (i named it Kontakt k2lib codes)
    Close the registry
    Head to your desktop
    right-click the .reg file and click Edit With Notepad++
    Click the Search Tab
    Click Find
    Now in the "Find What" Box Type: New K2lib code you will use Example like "K2lib0909"
    Click the "Count" Tab
    It will either say:
    Count: 1 Matches (this means it's in use)
    Count: 0 Matches (this means free to use)

    Your welcome
    Thank me later
    MAC users can use Wine and load Notepad++
    or you can use an MAC app like TextWrangler
    for the same results(i never used it but based on the info it works just as notepad++)
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
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  3. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Awesome information! Thanks alot!

    I know how to use find function. And I know how to find nicnt numbers. But I never connected the dots like that to use it as an info tool like that! Good stuff mang!

    Thanks again!
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  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Notepad ++ is free and can be found here
  5. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Thank you, I only deal with snpid when I tried to use the nicnt of Vienna Chanber Strings Viola on the others Instruments. Simply opened the archive with notepad++ and erased Viola and typed Cello. Then replaced the numbers of the snpid. It worked. But this way it could clash with other numbers and I would be forced to use the "try and error" method or whatever "prueba y error" could be spoken in English.
    Thank you again. Clear as allways.
  6. iramaj

    iramaj Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    do you know how to do this on a mac?
  7. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    What are <SNPID> Codes and what can you do with it. I dont understand. me = noob
  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    NiCNT files are files that are associated with the libraries that show up in Kontakt's browser

    Into these files there is a alphanumeric data that identify them uniquely, this data is called SNPID.
    So in short, SNPID is the data that identify each library for Kontakt.

    What you can do with it is create your own nicnt file to add a library to Kontakt library tab with its own wallpaper and so.

    The problem with the methods, described before is that not only Kontakt libraries have a SNPID. For example Solid Bus Comp have a SNPID too, and an XML file into the Service Center folder, witch will appear when you'll do the search, but is not taken in account by Kontakt.
    Even though, it's a good approximation.
    Long explanation for SNPID:

    Valid range of alphabetic characters: a to f.

    Valid range of numeric characters : 0 to 9 Individual registration number of the library should contain only alphabetic or alphanumeric-digit combination. Do not use the Cyrillic alphabet

    Individual registration number of the library should not consist of only numeric combination.

    If the registration code you choose for a library already exist, kontakt will tell that the library already exist.

    All this info is stored automatically when you add a a library in the .xml file located at

    PC: C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Native Instruments \ Service Center

    MAC: Macintosh HD \ Library \ Application Support \ Native Instruments \ Service Center
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  9. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Perfect, I was just wondering about this. Thanks.
  10. tracer

    tracer Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Cologne Germany
    I saw this posting... i've allready coded something who made the "methods" maybe a bit faster-> for those users who many times check\edit (what ever) snpid's etc. - short: i pack your good explained, but anyway timerubbing methods inside a button2click. (if you ask me: honestly, notepad is the badest and longest way you can deal with, for this job... there are a lot alternates available who handle it faster. but how ever, thats also exact the reason why i spend ONLY 1 TIME, some more time (by coding every of such steps as a app, who process finally all the same results, but in seconds)

    finally \ similar to this i also made very fast a mini-registry tool, who just shows the ni related entrys... both tools dont made any illegal\forbidden things, so feel free to check them, if needed. hope they are usefull for someones. best regards,tracer

    DOWNLOAD (53.00 KB):


    + List any stored SNPID entry at your System \ inside any *.xml-file!
    + Looks if a SNPID (that you type in a textbox before, allready exists, so you can get sure before adding new custom-snpid's

    Optional you be able to make CUSTOM "phrase" searches on various Locations and with custom "wildcard" filetypes (eg. *.txt) and finally you also can: search+replace phrases... (all preadded filetypes at the location you have set, getting searched for the phrase you have add and replaced by the phrase you have add)

    All related above: The succsessfully located matches are geting temp-generated inside a html-file (at the SnpidLocator root\startup path-dir.), and then listed automatic inside your Browser, then you can click a target-xml entry to see the hit you made inside...
    (HINT: instead of click such shortcut, you can use alternate the usual browsers "save webpage" (by right click) feature... that just save the original *.xml to a place of your choice, so it is a smart way to make a backup of it, if you eg. plan using the "replace" feature)


    Simply shows any NI-Reg related, and if wanted: you also can change values, exactly: point this tool (with a right-mouse click at the "ENTRY" Tab) into your real Systems-Reg. (I use for Reg-entrys TotalCommander Addons and made shortlinks to my Fav's for such Job, but i think there are some out there who still again and again open the Reg by the commandline in windows for NI related... if "YOU" agree: save lifetime -> this is yours!

    Notice: BOTH appz needs to be started with ADMIN rights to work proper,
    they coded with, so you need at least Framework v2.0 on your


    thanks introninja
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  11. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    great little tool! thanks :mates:
  12. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I used Introninja's suggestion: Text Wrangler. Worked like a charm. I used it to compile the numbers and add new ones for my own list.
  13. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I'll thank you, now. Your info is crazy helpful. You are much appreciated! :wink:
  14. sheelajones

    sheelajones Newbie

    May 31, 2014
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    The Pacific Ocean
    Fanatstic... ive been looking for how to this for awhile!
  15. Introninja, Olymoon,, a proud day here around here at AusioSex when so much time and effort is spent mentoring sisters and brothers, imparting your wisdom and sharing your joy. COMMUNITY...somebody, can I have a witness!!!
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  16. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Muchas Gracias me amigo's
  17. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    u know if there's a Mac version Kontakt fixed 5.5.1 working in protools? (also AAX or RTAS?)
  18. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Do you have a similar application for mac?
  19. DeeeZZZ

    DeeeZZZ Guest

    Dead link ... please reupload
  20. George Ware

    George Ware Newbie

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Hello everyone!
    Wow thanks for so much info!
    I'm just starting to create my own Kontakt libraries so this is ALL so new
    From Kontakt version 1, I've always drag and drop samples to a blank instrument.
    But after finding you guys I'm going to give this a try!
    So if I understand this post correctly I only need to be concerned with the SNPID of my Kontakt Libraries?
    and not the SNPID of exp VC-160, Guitar Rig etc?
    Any help or tips is greatly appreciated!
  21. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I registered over 800 Kontakt libraries since I learnt how to create my own NICNT files. And with the last utility found by the friend NYCGRIFF all of my libraries will be registered with the NICNT file. Thanks forever to him. From 1600 libraries there were 21 that didnĀ“t want to register and with this last utility found by NYCGRIFF I can register ALL of them.
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