Help Izotope RX 5 Audio Editor Advanced : Disconnected!!!!

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by analog61, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. analog61

    analog61 Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hey Everyone,
    I hope you may be able to solve this issue. Pro tools 10 HD and Izotope RX 5.
    The Monitor RX plug in in Pro tools reads Disconnected and when I send audio to RX 5 standalone from pro tools via audiosuite RX 5 Connect the audio is sent and arrives in RX 5 but is not able to be monitored thru the RX monitor driver, which shows up but when select and play is pressed responds with a select driver message, repeat ect...
    Which means I can collect the audio clip into RX 5 via audiosuite from pro tools , shut down pro tools , save the audio as a rx doc then close rx , re open rx assign coreaudio driver and begin to edit reverse the process to send back to pro tools.... yes it's not fun or cool.

    If someone has this working correctly and may be able to help, please let me know.
  3. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Try this:

  4. analog61

    analog61 Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Thanks for your reply Andrew. Yes I am very aware of that link and that page and every other page and video on line related to this issue, that's why I broke down and reached out to the forum.
    So thanks for your response as I said. it's a strange issue with my set up ( openssh pro tools 10) I tried the demo as well with no success.
    Believe me I am well aware of the prefs and RX Connect as well as setting up an aux input, or as some suggest using an instrument track, then selecting the RX Monitor as a plug in.

    The problem seems to be the talk back is not activated in RX 5 , I am guessing since that is a ilok gate, it's been blocked. I hope I'm wrong and I am simply missing something, though I can't image what it might be... I even tried re loading pro tools which led to me having to re load mavericks to and then re crack all the openssh plug ins hahahah, that's easy pizzzy so why the heck is this not working?
    I did manage to use the program sending from pro tools audiosuite but then I can't monitor (obviously) or render back, so send to RX 5 then quit, pro tools, quit RX 5 , re open RX 5 and select coreaudio avid coreaudio in driver, edit , export, then drag into pro tools.
    When RX connect is selected as a driver ( after following all the directions closely) still disconnected.

    If you have Pro tools HD and are also using RX 5 within pro tools 10 HD and have RX Connect working correctly sending audio back and forth thru RX Monitor, let me know.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016