Zevera premium account Problem

Discussion in 'UL.to Coupons' started by ElecTrick, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi everybody ,

    Today I have bought a premium account in Zevera , after seen they are recomended in a post in AudioZ, but I´m still waiting for a simple email confirmation of my subscription. Neither they anwers to my emails ... Is this normal ?

    Best Regards,
  3. jeanfookey

    jeanfookey Newbie

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I once sent them an email for a free trial account. It took them some time to reply....

    Btw I wasn't satisfied at all by their services so I never bought a premium account
  4. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    i think that is not normal that they dont send you your email confirmation,i read some bad reviews about Zevera service that is why i never buy an account from Zevera.
  5. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I go back and forth between Zevera and Real Debrid. They both have issues from time to time.
    Usually the access is pretty fast on both. Give it a day and then I would be hammering them.

    Uploaded and RapidGator has issues with Zevera again.
    So this last time around Im back with Real-Debrid which happens to be alot cheaper. 12 bucks for 90 days
  6. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    I have tried a few debrid sites. RealDebrid does it for me, so I have used that for 2 years now I think. Works fine at my place at least :)
  7. C-Note

    C-Note Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Don't even waste time with these idiots!! Total waste of time. There were a headache when I registered and couldn't even use the damn fake service. Stay well away!
  8. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Those are very bad news ...

    I´m login right now in "www.Zevera.com" and my account says this :

    "Account Details :

    Login: n******[email protected]
    Expiration date: Expired
    Extra Traffic left: None Yet
    Last Download: Never
    Your Referal Voucher: No Transaction yet!"

    Actually, I can´t believe it :(... never happen nothing like this to me in all my life: they already have charged the payment in my bank account for the premium account , but I can´t use the service for what I have paid for ...
    If i´m registered and they have their money ... Where is the problem ?? :snuffy:
    I hope they can answer some of my emails ... someday :guru:

    I will comment here what happen with that business.
    Thanx anyway for your answers , gentlemans :wink:

    Best regards,
  9. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    World 1, Scene 1
    Give it some time. I vouch for their services. I like them. They can take some time and they can be a bit slow to respond to requests, but they will get it straightened out. Just make sure you entered ALL your info correctly. Mine just expired a month ago, and i was sad. It has been great. I had a buy two years get two free. So i had 4 years with them. It was worth the 70 bucks.
  10. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    after one year of multihosters and zevera, I purchased directly uploaded and rapidgator. Now I can download at full speed, 90-110 MB/s all the time. With those multihost solutions, I was lucky to get the rapidgator starting and 4 days/week, uploaded didn't worked or worked with 1 MB/s
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I have never got zevera to work for me.. absolute waste of money... check the reviews online about them..
    don't take my word.. take the accumulated disappointment posts out there and consider well...

    most of the positives sound like shills for the (non) service to me... :thumbsdown:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2016
  12. recycle

    recycle Guest

    AllDebrid is my choice now, and it is not so bad: 90 days = $10. They have a real time “live status “ page https://www.alldebrid.com/compare/ here, the user can check what hosts are actually working. They have also a forum http://forum.alldebrid.com/ here, the user can write problems or suggestion (admin responds in about 24 hs). I usually download from uploaded and rapidgator, their speed is my full bandwitdh (5 Mbit)

    Positive feedback for AllDebrid
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2016
  13. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Good Mornig everybody , I have some news ... but they are bad.

    Still waiting for any answer from the administrators of zevera, which make me think I have loose my money. :snuffy:
    So I entered at "real-debrid.com" to try their services, and this is what is happened : when I tryed to pay for a 15 days subscription
    they ask for the pin number of my credit card !!!!!!!!!:woot: This sounds very bad to me :dont::dont:
    Same thing happend on "alldebrid.com" :dont::dont::dont::dont:

    As you can imagine, I refuse to give them that information, so I´m not buying anything from them.

    Best regards,
  14. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    More news this morning :

    Finally, I have my "premium" account activated ... well ... "premium" ??
    To download any file you have to :

    1- copy the link from the source web
    2- paste the links in zevera´s web page
    3- generate the "zevera links"
    4- copy the new generated links one by one
    5- paste them again in your download manager
    6- Start the download
    7- wait for some minutes ...
    8- enter the capcha :woot:
    9- repeat the entire proccess every time you have to download any file :guru:

    Come on ... captcha ??? :dont: Then, I have paid for what ??
    So ... what means "premium" for these guys ?:snuffy:

    That system is, for me, a PITA.

    Gentlemens ... that´s my personal experience, so my recomendation is to stay away from this kind of "premium s**t" .

    Best regards,
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Use another means of payment.. and try Real-Debrid... have used it in past and was very reliable..

    if you have access to paysafecard or some other means.. just don't use your credit card...
  16. Myvoice58

    Myvoice58 Newbie

    Aug 27, 2015
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    I live in Italy, I have a premium account with Zevera, suggested by Audioz and not feel good to me, I can not download from some sites like Rockfile or Tusfile and sometimes even from Rapidgator and Uploaded. They do not offer a good service.
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