(u-he.com) RePro-1 Mono Synth Announced

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    What is CP? lol
    It's not a truck it's The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train, aka CP Holiday Train.
  2. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    who's the owner? Polanski or R. Kelly?
  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Uhe DO REALLY think he is the biggest genius ever, the smartest, the most clever, the best,
    And all the other people, specially the talentless and scumbags we all are, here, on this audio forum, and all the 6.999999 billion nolife scumbags who haven't seen the light and weren't clever enough to purchase one of their plug-ins, are REALLY REALLY STUPID

    To the point they aren't even able to see that this plug-in, and the other 'reverb',

    Are just 2 big Trojans,

    As a response to the releases of ALL of their products, last October, and the more recent R2R releases, that proved EVERYTHING can be cracked, and, sometimes, we should rather be a little more modest, instead of always claiming how powerful and magnificent we are.

    there were already several attempts to try to bring people to some online place: presswork beta we page was just a way to have all the people, including those with cracked plug-ins, to visit that particular website , and have one's IP logged. Job successfully done.

    And when other people talked about that, the same dickheads as usual talked about controversy.

    U-HE , through these 'must send some random data to some random server, to help choosing the best filter' plug-ins,

    Are managing to do exactly what they wanted : force people to go online, and send all their data, which cracked plug-ins they have installed, etc.

    of course, these plug-ins won't do any damage, unlike TONE2 crap. No. All UHe want is collect all the data, IP addresses, etc, of EVERYBODY.

    still today, there are thousands and thousands of guys who innocently use cracked plug-ins, with a fully working Internet connection, without any kind of firewall, etc.

    for those who will read this and mark me as dumb, conspiracy, etc,

    do you realize, by accepting to use these new 'connected' plug-ins, you are saying 'OK' to UHE to:

    - scan and log all your files and create a file on their servers
    - scan all the cracked apps, dlls, etc, specially those like diva, zebra, etc, and have all that stuff logged and stored on their servers
    - have your computer data, browser, windows, credentials, pretty much everything ( a dll is like a fully .exe file, if ran with administration rights, it can do ANYTHING on the computer, like retrieving personal documents, stored passwords, etc) STORE on their website
    - have your IP ADDRESS logged, with a created image file, with the current ip address, country and city, login name, screenshots of the cracked plug-ins, etc, as a prove you possess X Uhe cracked plugin from X computer, at X time and day
    - once the Trojan, I mean, the plug-in, is installed, it will silently install and run some other shit, even a few months later (remember those additional time bomb checks...)

    -the dll can simply download other stuff, execute it, and in 2 seconds, it could do a *.mp3 or *.mkv search, and delete everything. Not now, but within many months

    Uhe already HATED all the musicians in the world who weren't smart enough to buy one of their plug-ins, and he hates the audio scene more than Hitler hated jews.

    But with the recent ilok2 cracks, and the r2r uhe plugin packs from these last months, remember, guys,
    there is no pity left. The war is NOW. He hate people so much, he would destroy every computer in the world that has a cracked uhe plug-in running/installed, would kill the computer owner, and would send an aids virus via the Internet wire, to the owner's little sister.

    frankly, do you REALLY think UHE need your advise regarding the filters, or reverb algorithm? AS IF HE would listen to someone's opinion ... LOL

    Do you really think your going to click on the send button, and you will discover a random fantastic algorithm that even UAD will try to copy? Come on... you can't be serious...

    But please, feel free to click on dumb, idiot, asshole, etc: it will be a great pleasure to be marked as dumb.
    please, call me idiot, and say all this is pure shit, is 1000% controversy, and is a pure nonsense.

    And for those who will call me idiot , and will tell me I must see a doctor ASAP,
    please, I mean,

    Just download these 2 new plug-ins, install them, connect to Internet, open your firewalls wide open, restore your default hosts file,
    and run those plug-ins inside your favorite daw that you start with admin rights, and please, keep on clicking those nice buttons 'SEND TO UHE', over and over.

    better than finding a cure for cancer, though folding@home,
    you will find a never-invented-before filter and reverb.

    I am sure all the R2R team has stopped all the cracking work, and now, they are spending 15 hours per day on the new UHE 'send' button.

    *hey, shinobi-san, let's go eat that delicious mcWrap bean-brocoli version*
    *are you kidding? I will rather eat my famous bento while I try to beat my record: clicking on 'send to UHE' button more than 3700 times in one day*
    *fantastic! All the musicians in the world , even after 2040, will thank you, for those filters and reverb algorithms you helped inventing*
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  4. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Jimmy Page and Bowie. :like:
  5. Fragment

    Fragment Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2015
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    Any proof?

    And then?

    For what?

    Can you prove it?


    Why not?

    Did you tried it?

    Conclusion: Not joking here I'm really interested.
  6. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    why would one feel any urge to prove anything when gaseous brain mishaps emanating from the higher orifice on the lower half of the average human male body might seem to suffice? :sad:

    instant gratification, approximately eleventh time, business as usual. :sad:

    all the best for all of us... :bow:
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
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  7. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    That's called an oxymoron :wink:

    I use cracks sometimes, so no judgement call on warez users from me, but to deny the illegality in doing so is a bit foolish.
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  8. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    On topic and away from hate rants, I can't wait for this U-he Pro 1 emulation.
    One of the first synths I owned, it had great sounds and spirit, and you just know Urs and co will knock it out of the park.
    I won't dl the alphas or betas until rc stage, but it will be on my gear radar.
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @wouala woualouf I think I saw you ranting on Urs recently in another u-he thread.. man.. what is your prob?

    was he your ex-penpal or something? after the love is gone... what used to be right is wrong.. :crazy:

    you just can't let up on this guy !
  10. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    i'm like , "eight filters?.. where are people getting this?"

    just glancing over the bottom, thinking its a sequencer... but nope... :D
  11. an07her

    an07her Producer

    Jul 28, 2013
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    No, It was me ranting!

    Finally a person who thinks the same as me. Big ups to @wouala woualouf
    And before you all start calling me names, think about what is written.

    Final words: Urs products might be good, but that behaviour and the shitty attitude (in style "I'm the best, take that!") is too much. What goes around comes around! (Cracked now, eh?)
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  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @wouala woualouf if the trojan story would be case, it has shown me a message or something, but it has not.

    why do you rant about uhe?
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @an07her here's your buddy..
    but the thread is closed due to all the negativity ...

    ..... bllaaa bla blabbity bla bla...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2016
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